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Fluid inclusions and clay mineralogy of the Permo-Triassic rocks from the Espina and Espadà Ranges (SE Iberian Chain, Spain) have been investigated to establish their relationship with hydrothermal fluid circulation during the Alpine Orogeny. Primary fluid inclusions in quartz-filled tension gashes in Permo-Triassic sandstones reveal maximum temperatures around 230 °C and very constant salinities of 8.5% wt. eq. NaCl. Secondary fluid inclusions found in quartz from the Santonian Ba–Cu–Hg deposits show similar compositional and thermodynamic characteristics, denoting an Alpine recrystallization. Clay mineral composition of Permo-Triassic mudrocks is characterized by pyrophyillite, indicating low-grade metamorphic conditions. Field observations and experimental data suggest that the crystallization of quartz in tension gashes, the formation of secondary fluid inclusions and the development of the metamorphism are contemporaneous and related to fluid circulation during the Alpine compression. Fluid flow took place along the Hercynian fault system that was reactivated during the Mesozoic rift stage and inverted during the Alpine deformation.  相似文献   
Hg mobilization from contaminated soils and mine wastes was the source of environmental contamination in the Valle del Azogue mining area. We researched solid-phase speciation and aqueous mobility of Hg through Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and electron probe microanalysis analysis, solid-phase-Hg-thermo-desorption (SPTD) and laboratory column experiments. We found that in contaminated soils and mine wastes, the predominant Hg species was cinnabar (HgS), mainly formed from the weathering of Hg-rich pyrite, and metallic Hg (0) in the matrix, whereas in calcines and tailings the dominant species was metallic Hg (0). The mobilization of Hg in the aqueous phase seems to have originated from the dissolution of elemental Hg (0) present in soils and wastes, reaching concentrations of up to 67 μg l−1, and showing a higher long-term environmental potential risk, in addition to atmospheric emissions.  相似文献   
The lead isotopic composition of galenas from low-temperature veins of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges (NE Spain) displays a small but distinct range of values: 18.318 ≤206Pb/204Pb ≤ 18.678; 15.678 ≤207Pb/204Pb ≤ 15.767 and 38.534 ≤ 208Pb/204Pb ≤ 39.189. The data define a linear trend in the 208Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb diagram that can be interpreted in terms of mixing of lead from different reservoirs. The lead appears to be derived from a solution that preferentially leached granites of Late-Hercynian age. Sulphur isotopic compositions of the galenas range from −8.5 to + 7.3‰ but variations in a single deposit are small (1–2‰), pointing to different sources of sulphur. In a δ34S versus 206Pb/204Pb plot no clear correlation trends appear. Lead isotope data from deposits of similar characteristics situated within the Hercynian orogenic belt as the Linares-La Carolina district (S Spain) and the Inglesiente-Sulcis area (Sardinia) show slight differences indicating a source area of similar lead isotopic composition. In the CCR and Linares-La Carolina districts, the main source of lead is related to the Hercynian granites of each area, although small contributions from metasediments cannot be ruled out. The contribution of lead from metasedimentary rocks is particularly seen in the Sardinian (Hercynian vein-type) ores. Received: 8 August 1996 / Accepted: 5 December 1996  相似文献   
A large number of Mississippi Valley-Type (MVT) deposits are located within dissolution zones in carbonate host rocks. Some genetic models propose the existence of cavities generated by an earlier event such as a shallow karstification, that were subsequently filled with hydrothermal minerals. Alternative models propose carbonate dissolution caused by the simultaneous precipitation of sulfides. These models fail to explain either the deep geological setting of the cavities, or the observational features which suggest that the dissolution of carbonates and the precipitation of minerals filling the cavities are not strictly coeval. We present a genetic model inspired by the textural characteristics of MVT deposits that accounts for both the dissolution of carbonate and precipitation of sulfides and later carbonates in variable volumes. The model is based on the mixing of two hydrothermal fluids with a different chemistry. Depending on the proportion of the end members, the mixture dissolves and precipitates carbonates even though the two mixing solutions are both independently saturated in carbonates. We perform reactive transport simulations of mixing of a regional groundwater and brine ascending through a fracture, both saturated in calcite, but with different overall chemistries (Ca and carbonate concentrations, pH, etc). As a result of the intrinsic effects of chemical mixing, a carbonate dissolution zone, which is enhanced by acid brines, appears above the fracture, and another zone of calcite precipitation builds up between the cavity and the surrounding rock. Sulfide forms near the fracture and occupies a volume smaller than the cavity. A decline of the fluid flux in the fracture would cause the precipitation of calcite within the previously formed cavities. Therefore, dissolution of carbonate host rock, sulfide precipitation within the forming cavity, and later filling by carbonates may be part of the same overall process of mixing of fluids in the carbonate host rock.Editorial handling: C. Everett  相似文献   
Mining wastes and calcines from two abandoned mining areas (Valle del Azogue and Bayarque in Almería) have been characterized. In the mining wastes, the dominant mercury phases are cinnabar and elemental mercury in the matrix. In the calcines, however, the dominant mercury phase is elemental mercury bounded to the matrix. Water-leaching experiments were conducted on low-grade stockpiles and calcines in order to simulate the mobilization of mercury by runoff under environmental conditions. The laboratory column-leaching experiments show a possible mobilization of mercury from Hg0 dissolution, colloid transport and a possible dissolution of calomel and other soluble phases in the mine wastes from the Valle del Azogue and Bayarque mines. Equilibrium speciation modeling of Hg, conducted using the numerical code MINTEQ, showed that the theoretical dominant mercury species in the calcine and mining wastes samples are Hg(OH)2, HgCl2, HgClOH and Hg0. In some leachates obtained from the Valle del Azogue mining wastes (sample A06), the high Hg concentrations may indicate the possible dissolution of mineral phases such as calomel and other soluble phases, which are subsaturated. The environmental results indicate a great environmental mobility of mercury, especially during wet episodes associated with intense precipitation events, when there are significative amounts of secondary soluble minerals.  相似文献   
The Rocabruna and Coll de Pal barite deposits, located in the eastern Pyrenees of Spain, fill karstic cavities within carbonate rocks of Cambrian and Devonian age, respectively. The deposits contain barite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, pyrite and minor sphalerite and galena with saddle dolomite and quartz as gangue. Fluid inclusion data from Coll de Pal quartz and dolomite indicate that the mineralizing fluid was a polysaline CaCl2-rich brine, with temperatures between 125 and 150 °C. C and O isotopic compositions of carbonates in both deposits are consistent with a progressive increase in temperature during deposition. The 34S values of barite, which range from 14.2 to 15.9‰ in Coll de Pal, and from 13.9 to 19.3‰ in Rocabruna, together with 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.7118 to 0.7168 in Rocabruna, and from 0.7115 to 0.7136 in Coll de Pal, indicate two different fluid sources. We propose that these deposits formed as a result of mixing between a Ba-rich, sulfate-poor hot fluid, and sulfate-rich solutions of surficial origin. The different Sr isotope ratios in the deposits indicate that the hot Ba-rich fluids involved in each deposit were equilibrated with different rock types (carbonates and shales), in agreement with the geology of the two areas. Received: 22 October 1997 / Accepted: 24 March 1998  相似文献   
Several varieties of skarn outcrop have been found to develop along the contact between the Andorra granite and the Devonian limestones. The skarns contain variable amounts of gold ranging up to 5 g/t, always associated with sulphides. The sulphides in the skarn include arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite with lesser amounts of chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and Bi-minerals. Geothermometric and geobarometric data indicate the skarns formed at about 2 kbar and temperatures ranging from 500 ° to 350 °C from CO2-free polysaline brines at a slightly acidic pH and oxygen fugacity which decreases with time from the pyrite-pyrrhotite-magnetite towards the QFM buffer. Available data on gold solubility suggest that sufficient quantities of gold to form an ore deposit could have been transported as AuCl 2 - at the high temperatures and salinities under which the skarns formed. Both gold deposition and sulphide precipitation could have occurred due to a decrease in temperature and/or oxygen fugacity.  相似文献   
We studied the mobility of silver, heavy metals and europium in waste from the Las Herrerías mine in Almería (SE Spain). The most abundant primary mineral phases in the mine wastes are hematite, hydrohematite, barite, quartz, muscovite, anorthite, calcite and phillipsite. The minor phase consisted of primary minerals including ankerite, cinnabar, digenite, magnesite, stannite, siderite and jamesonite, and secondary minerals such as glauberite, szomolnokite, thenardite and uklonscovite. The soils show high concentrations of Ag (mean 21.6 mg kg–1), Ba (mean 2.5%), Fe (mean 114,000 mg kg–1), Sb (mean 342.5 mg kg–1), Pb (mean 1,229.8 mg kg–1), Zn (mean 493 mg kg–1), Mn (mean 4,321.1 mg kg–1), Cd (mean 1.2 mg kg–1) and Eu (mean 4.0 mg kg–1). The column experiments showed mobilization of Ag, Al, Ba, Cu, Cd, Eu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Sb, Pb and Zn, and the inverse modelling showed that the dissolution of hematite, hausmannite, pyrolusite and anglesite can largely account for the mobilization of Fe, Mn and Pb in the leaching experiment. The mobility of silver may be caused by the presence of kongsbergite and chlorargyrite in the waste, while the mobility of Eu seems to be determined by Eu(OH)3, which controls the solubility of Eu in the pH–Eh conditions of the experiments. The mineralogy, pH, Eh and geochemical composition of the mine wastes may explain the possible mobilization of heavy metals and metalloids. However, the absence of contaminants in the groundwater may be caused by the carbonate-rich environment of “host-rocks” that limits their mobility.  相似文献   
The Spanish Central System (SCS) has been subjected to repeated deformation and fluid flow events which have produced both sulphide-bearing and barren vein systems. Although several hydrothermal episodes took place between 300 and 100 Ma, fluid circulation during the Permian was especially important, giving rise to a range of different types of deposits. This study presents a multidisciplinary approach leading to the characterisation of the chemistry and age of the hydrothermal fluids that produced the As–(Ag) mineralised stockwork of Mónica mine (Bustaviejo, Madrid). Fluid inclusion data indicate the presence of two different fluids. An initial ore stage (I) formed from a low- to moderate salinity (3–8 wt.% eq. NaCl) H2O–NaCl–CO2–CH4 fluid, at minimum trapping temperature of 350±15 °C and 0.3 kbar. A second H2O–NaCl fluid is found in three types of fluid inclusions: a high temperature and low salinity type (340±20 °C; 0.8–3.1 wt.% eq. NaCl) also associated to ore stage I, a moderate temperature and very low salinity type (160–255 °C; 0–1.5 wt.% eq. NaCl) represented in ore stage III, and a very low temperature and hypersaline type (60–70 °C; 30–35 wt.% NaCl), unrelated to the mineralising stages and clearly postdating the previous types. 40Ar–39Ar dating on muscovite from the early As–Fe stage (I) has provided an age of 286±4 Ma, synchronous with the late emplacement phases of La Cabrera plutonic massif (288±5 Ma) and with other Permian hydrothermal events like Sn–W skarns and W–(Sn) sulphide veins. δ18O of water in equilibrium with stage I quartz (5.3–7.7‰), δD of water in equilibrium with coexisting muscovite (−16.0‰ to −2.0‰), and sulphide δ34S (1.5–3.6‰) values are compatible with waters that leached metamorphic rocks. The dominant mechanism of the As–(Ag) deposition was mixing and dilution processes between aqueous–carbonic and aqueous fluids for stage I (As–Fe), and nearly isobaric cooling processes for stages II (Zn–Cu–Sn) and III (Pb–Ag). The origin and hydrothermal evolution of As–(Ag) veins is comparable to other hydrothermal Permian events in the Spanish Central System.  相似文献   
Smelting slags associated with base-metal vein deposits of the Sierra Almagrera area (SE Spain) show high concentrations of Ag (<5–180 ppm), As (12–750 ppm), Cu (45–183 ppm), Fe (3.2–29.8%), Pb (511–2150 ppm), Sb (22–620 ppm) and Zn (639–8600 ppm). The slags are mainly composed of quartz, fayalite, barite, melilite, celsian, pyrrhotite, magnetite, galena and Zn–Pb–Fe alloys. No glassy phases were detected. The following weathering-related secondary phases were found: jarosite–natrojarosite, cotunnite, cerussite, goethite, ferrihydrite, chalcanthite, copiapite, goslarite, halotrichite and szomolnokite. The weathering of slag dumps near the Mediterranean shoreline has contaminated the soils and groundwater, which has caused concentrations in groundwater to increase to 0.64 mg/L Cu, 40 mg/L Fe, 0.6 mg/L Mn, 7.6 mg/L Zn, 5.1 mg/L Pb and 19 μg/L As. The results of laboratory leach tests showed major solubilization of Al (0.89–12.6 mg/L), Cu (>2.0 mg/L), Fe (0.22–9.8 mg/L), Mn (0.85–40.2 mg/L), Ni (0.092–2.7 mg/L), Pb (>2.0 mg/L) and Zn (>2.5 mg/L), and mobilization of Ag (0.2–31 μg/L), As (5.2–31 μg/L), Cd (1.3–36.8 μg/L) and Hg (0.2–7 μg/L). The leachates were modeled using the numerical code PHREEQC. The results suggested the dissolution of fayalite, ferrihydrite, jarosite, pyrrhotite, goethite, anglesite, goslarite, chalcanthite and cotunnite. The presence of secondary phases in the slag dumps and contaminated soils may indicate the mobilization of metals and metalloids, and help to explain the sources of groundwater contamination.  相似文献   
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