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自然地理   3篇
  2005年   3篇
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Along the north bank of the Xuxi River, the sand-intercalated-muddy gravel layer from -3.7~-5.8 m in the borehole 7508 at the East Dam and the middle, coarse and fine sand layer with a thickness of 4.5 m at the lower part of the borehole 8179 between the East Dam and the West Dam indicate that a large natural river was here before the Kingdom of Wu excavated the Xuxi Canal. The existence of Neolithic sites such as Xuecheng, Chaoduntou and Xiajiadang along the Xuxi River and the silt layer with dozens of meters archived under the earth's surface within a range of 1 km along both banks are the even more important evidences for the existence of the ancient Zhongjiang River. The floodgate of the East Dam nowadays makes against the communication between the Shuiyangjiang River and the Taihu Lake. The authors suggest the canal between Wuhu and Taihu Lake should be excavated as soon as possible, namely, the navigation channel from Wuhu through Guchenghu Lake, Xuxi River, East Dam, Liyang, Yixing to Taihu Lake should be further widen and the deposits composed of slope wash on the watershed between Shuiyangjiang River and Taihu Lake should be dredged away. Then, the channel journey can be shortened, the boats in ship transportation on the Yangtze River can be shunted to ensure the security of shipping, the resources of sand and gravel in the old river channel can be exploited and the dike of the Yangtze River can be reinforced. So, the problems of irrigation, flood diversion, pollution abatement and drainage of flooded fields in the lower Yangtze River will be resolved. Then, the above methods can impel the sustainable development of the Xuxi River and Taihu Lake area.  相似文献   
对江苏胥溪河成因及其开发利用的新探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胥溪河东坝北岸7508钻孔柱状剖面中-3.7~-5.8 m深处2 m厚的砂夹泥砾土层和东坝至下坝间的8179号孔下部存在4.5 m厚的中、粗、细粒砂层表明,在春秋吴国开凿胥溪运河之前,该处就存在规模较大的天然河流;胥溪河沿岸薛城遗址、朝墩头遗址和下家宕新石器时代遗址的存在,以及胥溪河两岸1 km范围内地表数米之下厚达数十米的淤泥层更是古中江在胥溪河一带存在的重要证据。目前胥溪河东坝所建的船闸不利于水阳江和太湖水系的沟通,也不利于发挥胥溪河流域灌溉和航运的应有作用。若能及早开发芜 (湖) -太 (湖) 运河,即进一步拓宽芜湖→固城湖→胥溪河→东坝→溧阳→宜兴→太湖的水运航道,清除水阳江和太湖水系之间由坡积物构成的分水岭岗地堆积物,不仅可缩短长江入太湖的水上航线,还可分流长江航运船只、保证安全通航率、开发古河道砂砾石资源、稳固长江堤防,解决长江下游灌溉、分洪、排涝和冲污等一系列现实问题,推动胥溪河流域经济可持续发展。  相似文献   
Along the north bank of the Xuxi River, the sand-intercalated-muddy gravel layer from -3.7 - -5.8 m in the borehole 7508 at the East Dam and the middle, coarse and fine sand layer with a thickness of 4.5 m at the lower part of the borehole 8179 between the East Dam and the West Dam indicate that a large natural river was here before the Kingdom of Wu excavated the Xuxi Canal. The existence of Neolithic sites such as Xuecheng, Chaoduntou and Xiajiadang along the Xuxi River and the silt layer with dozens of meters archived under the earth's surface within a range of 1 km along both banks are the even more important evidences for the existence of the ancient Zhongjiang River. The floodgate of the East Dam nowadays makes against the communication between the Shuiyangjiang River and the Taihu Lake. The authors suggest the canal between Wuhu and Taihu Lake should be excavated as soon as possible, namely, the navigation channel from Wuhu through Guchenghu Lake, Xuxi River, East Dam, Liyang, Yixing to Taihu Lake should be further widen and the deposits composed of slope wash on the watershed between Shuiyangjiang River and Taihu Lake should be dredged away. Then, the channel journey can be shortened, the boats in ship transportation on the Yangtze River can be shunted to ensure the security of shipping, the resources of sand and gravel in the old river channel can be exploited and the dike of the Yangtze River can be reinforced. So, the problems of irrigation, flood diversion, pollution abatement and drainage of flooded fields in the lower Yangtze River will be resolved. Then, the above methods can impel the sustainable development of the Xuxi River and Taihu Lake area.  相似文献   
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