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The attenuation of ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) energy in the subsurface decreases and shifts the amplitude spectrum of the radar pulse to lower frequencies (absorption) with increasing traveltime and causes also a distortion of wavelet phase (dispersion). The attenuation is often expressed by the quality factor Q. For GPR studies, Q can be estimated from the ratio of the real part to the imaginary part of the dielectric permittivity. We consider a complex power function of frequency for the dielectric permittivity, and show that this dielectric response corresponds to a frequency‐independent‐Q or simply a constant‐Q model. The phase velocity (dispersion relationship) and the absorption coefficient of electromagnetic waves also obey a frequency power law. This approach is easy to use in the frequency domain and the wave propagation can be described by two parameters only, for example Q and the phase velocity at an arbitrary reference frequency. This simplicity makes it practical for any inversion technique. Furthermore, by using the Hilbert transform relating the velocity and the absorption coefficient (which obeys a frequency power law), we find the same dispersion relationship for the phase velocity. Both approaches are valid for a constant value of Q over a restricted frequency‐bandwidth, and are applicable in a material that is assumed to have no instantaneous dielectric response. Many GPR profiles acquired in a dry aeolian environment have shown a strong reflectivity inside dunes. Changes in water content are believed to be the origin of this reflectivity. We model the radar reflections from the bottom of a dry aeolian dune using the 1D wavelet modelling method. We discuss the choice of the reference wavelet in this modelling approach. A trial‐and‐error match of modelled and observed data was performed to estimate the optimum set of parameters characterizing the materials composing the site. Additionally, by combining the complex refractive index method (CRIM) and/or Topp equations for the bulk permittivity (dielectric constant) of moist sandy soils with a frequency power law for the dielectric response, we introduce them into the expression for the reflection coefficient. Using this method, we can estimate the water content and explain its effect on the reflection coefficient and on wavelet modelling.  相似文献   
This paper presents a dendroclimatic analysis of Siberian larch trees sampled along a latitudinal 260-km transect located in the Polar Urals,Russia. Three standardised chronologies were built over a length of 230–293 years using 79 individual tree-ring chronologies collected in the southern,middle and northern parts of the Polar Urals.Bootstrapped correlation functions showed that the annual growth of the larches was mainly influenced by the air temperatures in June and July. The relative role of the temperatures increased from south to north. Daily air temperature data analysis revealed that the duration of the growing season in the northern part of the Polar Urals is 24 days less than that in the southern part. At the present time, air temperatures exceeded threshold of 8~℃, 5 days earlier than it did in the beginning of the 20 th century In response to the increase in the duration of the growing season and the changing winter conditions in the Polar Urals over the last 130 years, radial growth–temperature relationships in larches have weakened;this effect was strongly pronounced in the southern part of the Polar Urals.  相似文献   
Most ground-penetrating radar (GPR) measurements are performed on nearly flat areas. If strongly dipping reflections and/or diffractions are present in the GPR data, a classical migration-processing step is needed in order to determine the geometries of shallow structures. Nevertheless, a standard migration routine is not suitable for GPR data collected on areas showing a variable and large topographic relief. To take into account topographic variations, the GPR data are, in general, corrected by applying static shifts instead of using an appropriate topographic migration that would place the reflectors at their correct locations with the right dip angle. In this article, we present an overview of Kirchhoff's migration and show the importance of topographic migration in the case where the depth of the target structures is of the same order as the relief variations. Examples of synthetic and real GPR data are shown to illustrate the efficiency of the topographic migration.  相似文献   
琥珀是由古代植物代谢产生的树脂聚合物形成的化石。琥珀中的有机质保存环境稳定、封闭,能很好地记载其形成时期的古植物和古环境等信息。本次研究运用气象色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)和元素分析稳定同位素质谱仪(EA-IRMS)等测试方法,研究了沈北煤田煤中琥珀的有机地球化学组成、稳定同位素和化合物单体碳同位素特征。结果表明,琥珀中的饱和烃以二萜化合物为主(占73.45%),芳香烃以松香烷型化合物为主(56.17%);高含量的贝壳杉烷、雪松烷、扁枝烷和松香烷型化合物指示琥珀来源于松柏类植物,且以柏科植物为主。沈北琥珀的δ13C值为-22.8‰ ~ -21.2‰,与同时期其他地区琥珀的δ13C值相似;氢同位素变化范围较小(-297.2‰ ~ -276.0‰),氧同位素值为17.4‰ ~ 31.6‰。琥珀的稳定同位素组成(碳、氢和氧)进一步证明琥珀来源于裸子植物。琥珀的δ13C值主要与其形成时的全球气温变化和大气组成有关。沈北琥珀的氢和氧同位素组成主要受植物种类(松柏类)以及植物生长的局部气温和降水条件有关。琥珀稳定碳同位素有望成为研究古气候和古大气组成的良好载体,琥珀的氢和氧同位素可以反映形成时期的古环境条件,但仍需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
Copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO-NPs) are among the most widely used metal oxide nanoparticles, which increases the chance of their being released into the marine environment. As the applications of these particles have increased in recent years, their potential impact on the health of marine biota has also increased. However, the toxicological effects of these NPs in the marine environment are poorly known. In the present study, the DNA damaging potential of CuO-NPs in the marine eastern mussel Mytilus trossulus was evaluated and compared to that of dissolved copper exposures. Genotoxicity was assessed by the single cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay in mussel gill and digestive gland cells. The results showed that copper in both forms (CuO-NPs and dissolved copper) was accumulated to different extents in mussel tissues. The mussel exposed to the dissolved copper attained higher concentrations of copper in the gills than in the digestive gland. In contrast to these results, it was found that CuO-NPs could induce much higher copper accumulation in the digestive gland than in the gills. A clear and statistically significant increase in DNA damage was found in both tissues of the Cu-exposed group compared to the control mussels. Our results indicated that the CuO-NP exposure produced remarkable effects and increased DNA damage significantly in mussel gill cells only. It should be noted that the digestive gland cells were prone to accumulation following CuO-NPs when compared to the gill cells, while the gill cells were more sensitive to the genotoxic effects of CuO-NPs. These results also suggested the need for a complete risk assessment of engineered particles before its arrival in the consumer market.  相似文献   
Vegetation cover is the main factor of soil loss prevention. The C-factor of the RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) was predicted with NDVI, ground data and exponential regression equation for mountain rangelands of Kyrgyzstan. Time series of C-factor, precipitation and temperature were decomposed into seasonal and trend components with STL (seasonal decomposition by loess) to assess their interrelations. C-factor, precipitation and temperature trend components indicated significant lagged correlation, whereas seasonal components indicated more complex relations with climate factors which can be promoting as well as limiting factors for vegetation development, depending on the season. Rainy springs and hot summers may increase soil loss dramatically, whereas warm and dry springs with rainy summers can decrease it. Steep slopes indicated higher soil loss ratio, whereas flat areas were better protected by vegetation.  相似文献   
The North Taymyr ice-marginal zone (NTZ) is a complex of glacial, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits, laid down on the northwestern Taymyr Peninsula in northernmost Siberia, along the front of ice sheets primarily originating on the Kara Sea shelf. It was originally recognised from satellite radar images by Russian scientists; however, before the present study, it had not been investigated in any detail. The ice sheets have mainly inundated Taymyr from the northwest, and the NTZ can be followed for 700–750 km between 75°N and 77°N, mostly 80–100 km inland from the present Kara Sea coast.The ice-marginal zone is best developed in its central parts, ca. 100 km on each side of the Lower Taymyr River, and has there been studied by us in four areas. In two of these, the ice sheet ended on land, whereas in the two others, it mainly terminated into ice-dammed lakes. The base of the NTZ is a series of up to 100-m-high and 2-km-wide ridges, usually consisting of redeposited marine silts. These ridges are still to a large extent ice-cored; however, the present active layer rarely penetrates to the ice surface. Upon these main ridges, smaller ridges of till and glaciofluvial material are superimposed. Related to these are deltas corresponding to two generations of ice-dammed lakes, with shore levels at 120–140 m and ca. 80 m a.s.l. These glacial lakes drained southwards, opposite to the present-day pattern, via the Taymyr River valley into the Taymyr Lake basin and, from there, most probably westwards to the southern Kara Sea shelf.The basal parts of the NTZ have not been dated; however, OSL dates of glaciolacustrine deltas indicate an Early–Middle Weichselian age for at least the superimposed ridges. The youngest parts of the NTZ are derived from a thin ice sheet (less than 300 m thick near the present coast) inundating the lowlands adjacent to the lower reaches of the Taymyr River. The glacial ice from this youngest advance is buried under only ca. 0.5 m of melt-out till and is exposed by hundreds of shallow slides. This final glaciation is predated by glacially redeposited marine shells aged ca. 20,000 BP (14C) and postdated by terrestrial plant material from ca. 11,775 and 9500 BP (14C)–giving it a last global glacial maximum (LGM; Late Weichselian) age.  相似文献   
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a non-destructive method which, over the past 10 years, has been successfully used not only to estimate the water content of soil, but also to detect and monitor the infiltration of pollutants on sites contaminated by light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL). We represented a model water table aquifer (72 cm depth) by injecting water into a sandbox that also contains several buried objects. The GPR measurements were carried out with shielded antennae of 900 and 1200 MHz, respectively, for common mid point (CMP) and constant offset (CO) profiles. We extended the work reported by Loeffler and Bano by injecting 100 L of diesel fuel (LNAPL) from the top of the sandbox. We used the same acquisition procedure and the same profile configuration as before fuel injection. The GPR data acquired on the polluted sand did not show any clear reflections from the plume pollution; nevertheless, travel times are very strongly affected by the presence of the fuel and the main changes are on the velocity anomalies. We can notice that the reflection from the bottom of the sandbox, which is recorded at a constant time when no fuel is present, is deformed by the pollution. The area close to the fuel injection point is characterized by a higher velocity than the area situated further away. The area farther away from the injection point shows a low velocity anomaly which indicates an increase in travel time. It seems that pore water has been replaced by fuel as a result of a lateral flow. We also use finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) numerical GPR modelling in combination with dielectric property mixing models to estimate the volume and the physical characteristics of the contaminated sand.  相似文献   
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