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The origin of potassic lavas with within-plate characteristicsin island are settings is unclear. The volcanic complex of Ringgit—Beser,situated in eastern Java, has erupted lavas of both normal islandare calc-alkaline type and atypical potassic lavas, includingsome highly magnesian lavas. The occurrence of these primitivelavas gives an unusual insight into the source characteristicsof the potassic lavas. The lavas from Ringgit—Beser have a wide range of K2O(1.1–6.4 wt. %) and MgO contents (18.0–1.6 wt.%).The most magnesian lavas have high Ni and Cr contents. The calc-alkalinelavas have incompatible trace element patterns typical of islandare lavas with enrichments in large ion lithophile elements(LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE) relative to highfield strength elements (HFSE) and heavy REE (HREE). The potassiclavas may be divided into two series on the basis of Ba andNb contents, with the enriched potassic (EK) series having higherBa and Nb contents for a given MgO content than the potassic(K) series. The EK and K series lavas have some incompatibletrace element ratios similar to within-plate lavas (e.g., highCe/Pb, low LILE/HFSE ratios, and low B/Be). However, both theEK series and K series lavas have negative Ti and Zr anomalies,and the EK series lavas have high Ba/La similar to are lavas.There is little distinction in Sr and Nd isotopes between theK and EK series, but the calc-alkaline lavas have lower 87Sr/86Srand higher 143Nd/144Nd ratios than the potassic lavas. The EKseries lavas have lower 206Pb/204Pb and higher 208Pb/204Pb thanthe K series lavas, but similar 207Pb/204Pb ratios. The K serieslavas define an almost horizontal trend in 207Pb–206Pbspace. The Pb isotopic ratios indicate that the EK series lavasare derived from a single mantle source, whereas the K seriesoriginate from a mixture of two mantle components. Calc-alkalinelavas have Pb isotope ratios similar to other calc-alkalineand tholeiitic lavas from Java, and plot on a mixing line betweenIndian Ocean mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and Indian Oceansediment. Incompatible trace element and Pb isotope data for the calc-alkalinelavas indicate that these lavas have a similar source to othercalc-alkaline lavas erupted in Java, namely melts of the IndianOcean MORB mantle fluxed by fluids from the subducted slab.The potassic lavas originate from enriched mantle sources withinthe wedge which have not been affected by recent subductionprocesses. The EK series lavas are derived from a metasomatizedzone which has EMI-type characteristics. The K series lavasare derived from mixing of melts from Christmas Island-type(EMII) mantle and the metasomatized zone. The metasomatizedzone is probably situated at the base of the lithosphere andthe Indian Ocean MORB and Christmas Island-type mantle componentsare situated in the asthenosphere of the wedge. Isotopic datafor Ringgit—Beser lavas confirm that the mantle wedgeof the Sunda arc is extremely heterogeneous (Foden & Varne,1980; Varne, 1985; Wheller et al., 1987). The similarity in geochemistry between Indonesian potassic lavasand those erupted in continental settings indicates that themagma source is essentially the same, namely a metasomatizedphlogopite-rich layer generated by melts of recycled subductedlithosphere. The lack of negative Ti anomalies in the continentalpotassic lavas is ascribed to lower oxidation states in themantle in continental settings.  相似文献   
The crystal size distributions (CSDs) of plagioclase and amphibolewere determined from andesites of the Soufrière Hillsvolcano, Montserrat. Plagioclase occurs as separate crystalsand as chadocrysts in large amphibole oikocrysts. The chadocrystsrepresent an earlier stage of textural development, preservedby growth of the oikocryst. Seventeen rock and eight chadocrystplagioclase CSDs are considered together as a series of samplesof textural development. All are curved, concave up, and coincident,differing only in their maximum crystal size. Three amphiboleCSDs have a similar shape and behaviour, but at a differentposition from the plagioclase CSDs. A dynamic model is proposedfor the origin of textures in these rocks. Crystallization ofplagioclase started following emplacement of andesite magmaat a depth of at least 5 km. A steep, straight CSD developedby nucleation and growth. This process was interrupted by theinjection of mafic magma into the chamber, or convective overturnof hotter magma. The magma temperature rose until it was buffered,initially by plagioclase solution and later by crystallization.During this period textural coarsening (Ostwald ripening) ofplagioclase and amphibole occurred: small crystals dissolvedsimultaneously with the growth of large crystals. The CSD becameless steep and extended to larger crystal sizes. Early stagesof this process are preserved in coarsened amphibole oikocrysts.Repetitions of this cycle generated the observed family of CSDs.Textural coarsening followed the ‘Communicating Neighbours’model. Hence, each crystal has its own, unique growth–solutionhistory, without appealing to mixing of magmas that crystallizedin different environments. KEY WORDS: Ostwald ripening; textural coarsening; oikocryst; CSD; texture  相似文献   
A high-resolution (1.67 km) ensemble transform (ET)-based meso-scale modelling system utilizing urbanization and sea surface temperature (SST) perturbations is used to examine characteristics of sea breeze/heat island interactions and atmospheric transport and dispersion for Tokyo. The ensemble displays a positive spread–skill relationship, with the addition of urban perturbations enabling the ensemble variance to distinguish a larger range of forecast error variances. Two synoptic regimes are simulated. For a pre-frontal period (stronger synoptic flow), there is less variability among ensemble members in the strength of the urban heat island and its interaction with the sea breeze front. During the post-frontal time period, the sea breeze frontal position is very sensitive to the details of the urban representation, with horizontal frontal variation covering the width of the urban centre (∼30 km) and displaying significant impacts on the development and strength of the heat island. Moreover, the dosage values of a tracer released at offshore and urban sites have considerable variability among ensemble members in response to small-scale features such as coastally upwelled water, enhanced anthropogenic heating and variations in building heights. Realistic variations in SST (i.e. warm Tokyo Bay or local upwelling) produce subtle sea breeze variations that dramatically impact tracer distributions.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Between 1898 and 1908 the National Geographic Magazine reported copiously on the territorial acquisition and U.S. colonial administration of the Philippines after the Spanish-American War. The pages of the magazine provide an intriguing window on connections between the emergence of geography as an organized profession and the expanding sphere of U.S. control of overseas territories. The overall picture reveals a shift from bold calls for direct economic exploitation of the natural resources and labor power of the Philippine Islands to more platitudinous justifications for U.S. control, based on moral responsibility and the ostensibly objective imperatives of “scientific” development.  相似文献   
Phosphates are present on the surface of the Mio-Pliocene unconformity in the Otway, Port Phillip and Gippsland basins of south-east Australia. The phosphates occur as lenticular lag deposits and include reworked phosphatic intraclasts, vertebrate bone and teeth. In situ phosphatized burrows are also found in sediments of Late Miocene and Early Pliocene age. The phosphatic intraclasts on the unconformity are interpreted as reworked phosphatized burrows derived from latest Miocene sediments (6 to 5 Ma). The phosphatization of these intraclasts is temporally related to the unconformity. The timing of phosphogenesis coincides with a period of transgression across the south-east Australian margin following Late Miocene uplift. This transgression is responsible for initial marine erosion of the underlying Miocene sequence, creation of a period of very slow sedimentation that was favourable to phosphate formation and subsequent deposition of the latest Miocene through to Pliocene sediments. The continental weathering of the uplifted highlands adjacent to the sedimentary basins, global phosphorus enrichment in the Late Miocene oceans and localized upwelling may all have contributed to phosphatization in south-eastern Australia.  相似文献   

Spatial rainfall patterns and seasonal variability were assessed for a mountainous river basin with monsoon climate. Factors were identified that could explain this variability, and a GIS-supported method to determine the areal distribution of precipitation was developed. To find acceptable regression equations, a division had to be made between rainfall stations dominated by the southwest-monsoons and the northeast-monsoons, respectively. Distance to the southwestern border was the main explaining factor for precipitation at southwest-monsoon dominated stations. For northeast-monsoon dominated stations, altitude and slope were the most important factors. The basin was divided into pixels with characteristics typical for northeast- or southwest-monsoon dominated rainfall stations to allow calculation of spatial rainfall. The difference when comparing regression-based estimates with Thiessen-based estimates was small when considering the annual estimates for the whole basin. However, when analysing seasonal rainfall or sub-catchments, the differences between Thiessen-based and regression-based estimates were significant.  相似文献   
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