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To some extent, the sedimentary sequence with the largest groundwater reserves in northern Sahara is marked by a certain water table level, regionally known as the "Continental Intercalaire"(CI). "Continental Intercalaire"(CI) refers to "Continental Intercalary" widely distributed among three countries. Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, which have significant potential of water resources. As it is the only water resource relatively easily accessible to the inhabitants of the Sahara, it is widely developed. The physico-chemical characteristics of statistical processing in principal component analysis(PCA) and the chemical phase measurement of groundwater in the unconfined aquifer captured by "Foggaras"(traditional system irrigation composed of well system linked by a horizontal channel from their bases) and the deep drillings located in the study area were accessible. Therefore, there were some favorable conditions for comparing the chemistry of these waters with the standards of potability established by the World Health Organization. Then, the study detected the origin of excessive mineralization and the excessive content of Na, Cl, K, Mg and Ca that originated from the leaching of the clay and carbonate layers of the "Continental Intercalaire". In addition, the enrichment in NO_2~-, NO_3~- and SO_4~(2-) was due to the excessive use of fertilizer in the whole region for shallower Foggaras waters, and this study also showed the dominant chemical facies of groundwater related to the significant abundance of these mineral salts in this thick aquifer horizon.  相似文献   
This study aims to quantify the landscape spatio-temporal dynamics including Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) changes occurred in a typical Mediterranean ecosystem of high ecological and cultural significance in central Greece covering a period of 9 years (2001–2009). Herein, we examined the synergistic operation among Hyperion hyperspectral satellite imagery with Support Vector Machines, the FRAGSTATS® landscape spatial analysis programme and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for this purpose. The change analysis showed that notable changes reported in the experimental region during the studied period, particularly for certain LULC classes. The analysis of accuracy indices suggested that all the three classification techniques are performing satisfactorily with overall accuracy of 86.62, 91.67 and 89.26% in years 2001, 2004 and 2009, respectively. Results evidenced the requirement for taking measures to conserve this forest-dominated natural ecosystem from human-induced pressures and/or natural hazards occurred in the area. To our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind, demonstrating the Hyperion capability in quantifying LULC changes with landscape metrics using FRAGSTATS® programme and PCA for understanding the land surface fragmentation characteristics and their changes. The suggested approach is robust and flexible enough to be expanded further to other regions. Findings of this research can be of special importance in the context of the launch of spaceborne hyperspectral sensors that are already planned to be placed in orbit as the NASA’s HyspIRI sensor and EnMAP.  相似文献   
The GAUGE (GrAnd Unification and Gravity Explorer) mission proposes to use a drag-free spacecraft platform onto which a number of experiments are attached. They are designed to address a number of key issues at the interface between gravity and unification with the other forces of nature. The equivalence principle is to be probed with both a high-precision test using classical macroscopic test bodies, and, to lower precision, using microscopic test bodies via cold-atom interferometry. These two equivalence principle tests will explore string-dilaton theories and the effect of space–time fluctuations respectively. The macroscopic test bodies will also be used for intermediate-range inverse-square law and an axion-like spin-coupling search. The microscopic test bodies offer the prospect of extending the range of tests to also include short-range inverse-square law and spin-coupling measurements as well as looking for evidence of quantum decoherence due to space–time fluctuations at the Planck scale.  相似文献   
The present study proposes a methodology for predicting the vertical light nonaqueous-phase liquids (LNAPLs) distribution within an aquifer by considering the influence of water table fluctuations. The LNAPL distribution is predicted by combining (1) information on air/LNAPL and LNAPL/water interface elevations with (2) the initial elevation of the water table without LNAPL effect. Data used in the present study were collected during groundwater monitoring undertaken over a period of 4 months at a LNAPL-impacted observation well. In this study, the water table fluctuations raised the free LNAPL in the subsurface to an elevation of 206.63 m, while the lowest elevation was 205.70 m, forming a thickness of 0.93 m of LNAPL-impacted soil. Results show that the apparent LNAPL thickness in the observation well is found to be three times greater than the actual free LNAPL thickness in soil; a finding that agrees with previous studies reporting that apparent LNAPL thickness in observation wells typically exceeds the free LNAPL thickness within soil by a factor estimated to range between 2 and 10. The present study provides insights concerning the transient variation of LNAPL distribution within the subsurface and highlights the capability of the proposed methodology to mathematically predict the actual LNAPL thickness in the subsurface, without the need to conduct laborious field tests. Practitioners can use the proposed methodology to determine by how much the water table should be lowered, through pumping, to isolate the LNAPL-impacted soil within the unsaturated zone, which can then be subjected to in situ vadose zone remedial treatment.  相似文献   
枣子沟金矿地质特征、控矿构造及物质来源探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
矿区所处大地构造位置为西秦岭褶皱带北部断褶带与中部裂陷槽之间的过渡部位,位于合作-岷县区域断裂带上.该矿床地处同仁-夏河-岷县金成矿带~([1]).  相似文献   
Today, various types of fair trade systems propose new forms of relationships between producers and consumers. If several studies have provided accurate understandings of consumers’ motivations to buy fair trade products, the specific kinds of consumer involvement that are emphasized in those systems remain partly unknown. In France, controversies about the regulation and organization of fair trade with producers from Southern countries has led to broader debates about how consumers can best express their solidarity with producers. In these debates local food networks are often portrayed as good examples of fair trade and as having potential to redefine the role of the consumer in the marketplace (or in commercial relations). Based on examination of the type of mechanisms used to enrol consumers in local and fair trade networks, we have distinguished two main kinds of consumers’ involvement. The first one may be called “delegation” and is based on market mechanisms. The second one is called “empowerment” and is based on contractual mechanisms between consumers and producers and on the construction of collective choices. This latter kind of consumer involvement points out the capacity of alternative food networks to empower consumers in a more broadly political sense.
Claire LamineEmail:
The modeling of thick vadose zones is particularly challenging because of difficulties in collecting a variety of measured sediment properties, which are required for parameterizing the model. Some models rely on synthetic data, whereas others are simplified by running as homogeneous sediment domains and relying on a single set of sediment properties. Few studies have simulated flow processes through a thick vadose zone using real and comprehensive data sets comprising multiple measurements. Here, we develop a flow model for a 7-m-thick vadose zone. This model, combining the numerical codes CTRAN/W with SEEP/W, includes the measured sediment hydraulic properties of the investigated vadose zone and incorporates the actual climate and subsurface conditions of the study site (precipitations, water-table elevations, and stable isotope data). The model is calibrated by fitting the simulated and measured vertical profiles of water content. Our flow model calculates a transit time of 1 year for the travel of water through the 7-m vadose zone; this estimate matches stable isotope-based results obtained previously for this site. A homogeneous sediment domain flow model, which considers only a single set of sediment properties, produces a transit time that is approximately half the duration of that of the heterogeneous flow model. This difference highlights the importance of assuming heterogeneous material within models of thick vadose zones and testifies to the advantage gained when using real sediment hydraulic properties to parametrize a flow model.  相似文献   
Most countries in Africa have promoted some form of decentralized fisheries management either as discrete co-management projects or as a component of broader decentralization processes that cut across other sectors. These initiatives were shaped by an international policy narrative that emphasises participation in decision making and development. A review of fisheries decentralization experiences in Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria, and Malawi reveals marked differences in purpose, strategy, and performance. In general, co-management projects are limited by their ability to scale up new practice and to maintain viable and representative management institutions. In other cases, the decentralization process is not well supported politically or locally or does not articulate with fisheries policy. Experiences of decentralization in other sectors provide useful lessons. Acknowledging the informal institutional environment or realpolitikof fisheries and the rural economy could provide opportunities to better manage and review the process of decentralization.  相似文献   
枣子沟金矿位于同仁-夏河-岷县金成矿带,矿区赋矿地层为三叠纪中统古浪堤组下段细碎屑岩及灰岩,并发育大量闪长质脉岩。矿体既产于地层中,也出现在脉岩或其接触带中,但其产状均严格受NE、NW及近SN向3组断裂构造控制,控矿构造为高角度的张剪性及旋扭性断裂。热液成矿期可划分为黄铁矿-石英阶段,黄铁矿-毒砂-(闪锌矿-方铅矿-黄铜矿-辉银矿-绢云母-绿泥石-)石英阶段,辉锑矿-石英-方解石阶段及石英-方解石阶段。围岩蚀变类型主要为硅化、方解石化及绢云母化。环境扫面电镜及电子探针测试数据表明,金呈显微可见金存在于矿物裂隙和粒间隙中或以纳米不可见金捕获在载金矿物中。成矿期不同硫化物金的质量分数均高出检测限,其范围为0.003%~0.658%,平均值为0.257%。枣子沟金矿床具有卡林型金矿床的典型特征。氢氧同位素数据显示成矿流体主要来自大气水,硫同位素数据则表明硫主要来自沉积地层。其成矿过程可能为深切割断裂导通地下水,在深部被加热循环萃取围岩中成矿物质,并在浅表张性断裂中充填交代围岩,致使成矿物质沉淀富集成矿。金的迁移形式可能存在AuH3SiO04、Au(HS)2-、H2Au(Sb,As)S02和HAu(Sb,As)S3-等多种迁移方式。成矿早阶段可能以金硅络合物的解体为主,成矿晚阶段则可能是硫氢(锑)络合物发生解体,致使金与硫化物同时沉淀,以显微纳米金的形式包含在硫化物中。  相似文献   
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