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浙江盛夏一次强对流天气的特征及其成因分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
沈杭锋  张红蕾  高天赤  勾亚彬  陈勇明 《气象》2016,42(9):1105-1113
利用常规气象观测资料、区域自动站加密观测资料、GFS 0.5°×0.5°逐6 h分析场数据,以及多普勒雷达、风廓线、微波辐射计探测资料,对2014年7月26日浙江盛夏一次强对流天气过程的特征及其成因进行了诊断分析,结果表明:此次过程发生在副热带高压边缘,由于高空槽东移过程中带来了弱冷空气的渗透,并有大量不稳定能量积聚,形成了午后"上干冷、下暖湿"这样有利于强对流发生的不稳定层结条件和环境背景场。当低层925 hPa的中尺度辐合线和对流层中层700 hPa的垂直上升运动区相重合时,中尺度辐合线附近在未来6 h内产生了强对流,这对强对流的发生发展具有一定的预报指示意义。宁波中尺度辐合线是由偏南风和东北风辐合而成,同时受沿海和喇叭口地形影响,该辐合线早已存在,之后触发了宁波地区的强对流天气。杭州中尺度辐合线是由于宁波雷暴的地面出流增强了偏东风气流,从而加强了偏东风与环境东北风的辐合,导致了杭州中尺度辐合线的形成,随后在辐合线附近出现了剧烈的对流天气。  相似文献   
云南北北西地震条带西起中甸、保山,跨越洱源-鹤庆断裂、程海断裂、红河断裂、曲江断裂、澜沧江断裂以及小江断裂等主要活动断裂,止于云南东部的寻甸、弥勒,其上共有17个GPS观测点。通过对这17个测点进行复测,并以2001年观测资料作为背景,获取了观测区域内地壳水平形变速率、地应变、面膨胀等信息。结果显示,滇西的永胜、洱源、下关、南涧一带地壳差异运动最强烈,其次是滇南的通海、建水地区。  相似文献   
本文针对1323号强台风“菲特”螺旋云带中出现“列车效应”的特征及形成开展了分析研究。研究发现,浙江钱塘江湾南岸持续性降水中具有“列车效应”特征,按照雨带的稳定位置,将其分为两次“列车效应”过程,时间跨度都在3~4小时左右,空间跨度在1~2个经度距离;暴雨区呈现出带状特征,降水效率高,每小时降水超过25 mm并向前线性传播;台风螺旋云带中强度在35 dBZ以上的雷达回波平均反射率也呈现线性带状结构;降水带走向和雷达回波运动方向与台风中心运动方向产生了大致在25°以上的向右偏离。从“列车效应”的形成来看,高空引导气流的方向和地面中尺度扰动辐合带走向与“列车效应”中对流单体运动方向基本一致,为其呈近线性排列提供依据。沿海形成的中尺度扰动辐合或扰动涡旋,为螺旋云带中对流在沿海地区发生或发展提供重要条件,形成了对流云的快速增长和后续发展的启动和维持机制,对于“列车效应”的形成、发展和维持起了重要作用。  相似文献   
A mesoscale torrential rainfall event that occurred over eastern China in June 2013 is analyzed by using observational data. The results show that a mesoscale convergence line and a weak convective cloud line formed over the northern part of the Hangzhou Bay during the onset of the torrential rainfall event. A meso-vortex appeared over the confluence point of northeasterly flow associated with the Yellow-Sea high, easterly flow from rainfall area, and southeasterly flow from the Hangzhou Bay. The meso-vortex with a horizontal scale of 10–20 km lasted for about 1 h for stable surface circulations. The analysis of radar retrieval reveals that the meso-vortex in the boundary layer occurred at the south of strong radar echo. The formation of the meso-vortex turned to enhance convergence and cyclonic vorticity in the lower troposphere, which strengthened updrafts that are tilted into convective clouds and caused torrential rainfall. Thus, the occurrence of the meso-vortex in boundary layer is one of the mechanisms that are responsible for the enhancement of convective development.  相似文献   
In this study, coastal gales and rainfall attributed to the landfall of Typhoon Soudelor (2015) are analyzed based on observational dense automatic weather stations data, advanced scatterometer-retrieved 10-m ocean surface wind data and simulations using the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model. This study focuses on gale bands in the right-front quadrant of the typhoon and associated coastal winds over Zhejiang and Fujian Provinces in China before the landfall of the typhoon. The results are summarized as follows. (1) 10-m surface wind data from automatic weather stations over land and islands, advanced scatterometer-retrieved 10-m ocean surface wind data, and the WRF simulation indicate similar mesoscale offshore gales. (2) The model simulation with a 333-m grid mesh indicates a gale zone over the right-front quadrant of the typhoon; the gale is “broken” over the coastal areas, and formed an inhomogeneous gale band. (3) The model-simulated winds agree well with the island observations. (4) Non-uniform gales over boundary layers result in horizontal wind-speed gradients and strong convergence that favors the development of convection and the maintenance of ocean surface gales.  相似文献   
呼伦贝尔沙地紫外辐射和太阳总辐射特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用呼伦贝尔沙地鄂温克自治旗2019年观测的辐射资料,对该地区的紫外辐射和总辐射进行了初步分析.结果表明:紫外辐射、总辐射年变化位相基本相同,年曝辐量分别为240.33、5 142.41 MJ·m-2,年均日曝辐量分别为0.66、14.09MJ.m-2,紫外辐射年均日曝辐量小于西藏拉萨地区;紫外辐射辐照度和总辐射辐照度...  相似文献   
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