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In this paper, aeromagnetic and gravity anomalies obtained from the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration were subjected to upward continuation to 3?km from the ground surface to suppress shallow effects and to expose only regional, deep sources. Then, a reduction to pole (RTP) map of aeromagnetic anomalies was produced from the 3?km upward continued data. A sinuous boundary to the south of Turkey is observed in the RTP map that may indicate the suture zone between the Anatolides and African/Arabian Plates in the closure time of the Tethys Ocean. The sinuous boundary can be correlated with the recent palaeo-tectonic maps. The southern part of the sinuous boundary is quite different and less magnetic in comparison with the northern block. In addition, maxspots maps of the aeromagnetic and gravity anomalies were produced to find out and enhance the boundaries of tectonic units. Crustal thickness, recently calculated and mapped for the western Turkey, is also extended to the whole of Turkey, and the crustal thicknesses are correlated with the previous seismological findings and deep seismic sections. The average crustal thickness calculations using the gravity data are about 28?km along the coastal regions and increase up to 42?km through the Iranian border in the east of Turkey. Density and susceptibility values used as parameters for construction of two-dimensional (2D) gravity and magnetic models were compiled in a table from different localities of Turkey. 2D models indicate that all of the anomalous masses are located in the upper crust, and this could be well correlated with the earthquakes which occurred at shallow depths.  相似文献   
The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) is not observed on the surface beyond 40 km southeast of Karliova town toward the western shoreline of Lake Van. Various amplitudes of gravity and aeromagnetic anomalies are observed around the lake and surrounding region. In the gravity anomaly map, contour intensity is observed from the north of Mus city center toward Lake Van. There is a possibility that the NAF extends from here to the lake. Because there is no gravity data within the lake, the extension of the NAF is unknown and uncertain in the lake and to the east. Meanwhile, it is observed from the aeromagnetic anomalies that there are several positive and negative amplitude anomalies aligned around a slightly curved line in the east–west direction. The same curvature becomes much clearer in the analytic signal transformation map. The volcanic mountains of Nemrut and Suphan, and magnetic anomalies to the east of the Lake Van are all lined up and extended with this slightly curved line, provoking thoughts that a fault zone that was not previously mapped may exist. The epicenter of the major earthquake event that occurred on October 23, 2011 is located on this fault zone. The fault plane solution of this earthquake indicates a thrust fault in the east–west direction, consistent with the results of this study. Volcanic mountains in this zone are accepted as still being active because of gas seepages from their calderas, and magnetic anomalies are caused by buried causative bodies, probably magmatic intrusions. Because of its magmatic nature, this zone could be a good prospect for geothermal energy exploration. In this study, the basement of the Van Basin was also modelled three-dimensionally (3D) in order to investigate its hydrocarbon potential, because the first oil production in Anatolia was recorded around the Kurzot village in this basin. According to the 3D modelling results, the basin is composed of three different depressions aligned in the N–S direction and many prospective structures were observed between and around these depressions where the depocenter depths may reach down to 10 km.  相似文献   

The study, explains stratigraphy of the Oligo-Miocene molasse around the Denizli province (SW Anatolia), based on the palynology which is also supported by the detailed mapping and correlation of the measured sections from the coal-bearing sequences of the molasse deposits. For this purpose, two huge depressions named as the Kale-Tavas molasse and Denizli molasse basins were examined. The Kale-Tavas molasse deposits has a basal unconformity with the underlying pre-Oligocene basement and begins with the Chattian Karadere and Mortuma formations which are covered unconformably by the Aquitanian Yenidere formation. An angular unconformity between the Chattian and the Burdigalian is only observed in the middle part of the basin, around Kale, In the Tavas section, the Aquitanian and the Burdigalian are absent. The Denizli molasse is characterized by Chattian-Aquitanian sequence consisting of distinctive sedimentary facies, alluvial fan and deltaic-shallow marine deposits with carbonate patch reefs. Palynostratigraphic studies, which have given the Chattian age, have been carried out from the coal lenses of alluvial fan and delta plain deposits. In addition to the palynological determinations, coral and foraminiferal content of the carbonate patch reefs which rest conformably on the coal-bearing sequences have yielded the Chattian- Aquitanian age. Two different palynomorph associations have been determined from the molasse deposits. The first palynomorph association which is established in the samples from the Sa?dere and Mortuma formations, corresponds to the Chattian age, whilst the second is of the Aquitanian age. The Late Oligocene-Early Miocene which is claimed as the time of N-S-extensional tectonics in western Turkey, is related to the depositional time of the molasse sequences in the study area. Thus, the molasse is older than the basal deposits of the Gediz and Büyük Menderes grabens. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
This study describes the stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental significance of the Lower-“middle” Oligocene sediments based on the fauna from the Delikarkas? Formation and the microflora from the ?ncesu Formation of the ?ncesu area (northern part of the western Taurides, Isparta province, Turkey). In the area, the Oligocene sediments show a regressive succession, which begins with the limestones of the Delikarkas? Formation indicating marine conditions followed by conglomerates, sandstones and coaly mudstones of alluvial and fluvial (shallow marine-continental) origin. A well preserved foraminiferal assemblage including Nummulites intermedius, Nummulites vascus and Halkyardia maxima proves an Early Oligocene age for the Delikarkas? Formation. Due to palynological markers such as Boehlensipollis hohli, Slowakipollis hippophaëoides, Dicolpopollis kockelii, Magnolipollis neogenicus ssp. minor, Plicapollis pseudoexcelsus, Caryapollenites simplex and Intratriporopollenites instructus the ?ncesu Formation, which concordantly rests on the Delikarkas? Formation, may be assigned to the Early-“middle” Oligocene. From the palynomorph assemblage, three zones have been recognised according to abundance of species. Zone 1 is characterized by predominance of C. simplex and Momipites punctatus and rarely presence of tricolpate and tricolporate pollen. Zone 2 consists mainly of Inaperturopollenites dubius, Leiotriletes maxoides ssp. maximus, Verrucatosporites favus, Verrucatosporites alienus and infrequently marine dinoflagellate cysts. Zone 3 is characterized by a high percentage of ferns such as Echinatisporis?chattensis and Polypodiaceoisporites saxonicus. The presence of marine dinoflagellate cysts like Apectodinium sp. and Cleistosphaeridium sp., back-mangrove elements such as Acrostichum aureum and lepidocaryoid palms (e.g. Longapertites discordis, Longapertites punctatus and Longapertites psilatus) in the sediments of the ?ncesu Formation imply coastal or near-coastal conditions. Terrestrial palynomorphs in more inland settings were transported by running water towards the sea. Conifers are represented by poorly preserved and rare pollen grains of Pityosporites, Cathayapollis and Piceapollis which may have been transported by wind. In this study, the terrestrial climate of the ?ncesu Formation is also discussed on the basis of the Coexistence Approach method. The climate was warm at the coast (over 20 °C), as evidenced by A. aureum and lepidocaryoid palms, whereas there was a mean annual temperature of 17.2–17.4 °C must be assumed for the upland environment(s).  相似文献   
East Anatolia is a region of high topography made up of a 2-km high plateau and Neogene and Quaternary volcanics overlying the subduction-accretion complex formed by the process of collision. The aeromagnetic and gravity data surveyed by the Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) of Turkey have been used to interpret qualitatively the characteristics of the near-surface geology of the region. The residual aeromagnetic data were low-pass filtered and analyzed to produce the estimates of magnetic bottom using the centroid method and by forward modelling of spectra to evaluate the uncertainties in such estimates. The magnetic bottom estimates can be indicative of temperatures in the crust because magnetic minerals lose their spontaneous magnetization at the Curie temperature of the dominant magnetic minerals in the rocks and, thus, also are called Curie point depths (CPDs). The Curie point depths over the region of Eastern Anatolia vary from 12.9 to 22.6 km. Depths computed from forward modelling of spectra with 200–600 km window sizes suggest that the bottom depths from East Anatolia from the magnetic data may have errors exceeding 5 km; however, most of the obtained depths appear to lie in the above range and indicate that the lower crust is either demagnetized or non-magnetic. In the interpretation of the magnetic map, we also used reduction-to-pole (RTP) and amplitude of total gradient of high-pass filtered anomalies, which reduced dipolar orientation effects of induced aeromagnetic anomalies. However, the features of the RTP and the total gradient of the high-pass filtered aeromagnetic anomalies are not highly correlated to the hot spring water locations. On the other hand, many high-amplitude features seen on the total gradient map can be correlated with the ophiolitic rocks observed on the surface. This interpretation is supported by Bouguer gravity data. In this paper, we recommend that the sources of the widespread thermal activity seen in East Anatolia must be investigated individually by means of detailed mapping and modelling of high resolution geophysical data to assess further the geothermal potential of the region.  相似文献   
Alia?a Bay is one of the most important maritime zones of Turkey where shipping activity, shipbreaking industry, steel works and petrochemical complexes exist together. Concentrations of heavy metals and organic carbon in sediment of the Alia?a Bay were investigated to evaluate an environmental risk assessment from metals contamination in 2009-2010. Comparison of the metal concentrations with average shale and Mediterranean background levels revealed that most of the samples from the Alia?a were polluted with Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn and Ni. It was found that Hg, Pb, Cu, Zn and Ni levels in Alia?a Bay exceeded the PEL values. Sediments, contaminated with Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn and Ni were considered as heavily polluted per the SQG.  相似文献   
The residual aeromagnetic total field intensity anomalies in central Anatolia were calculated from the regional aeromagnetic anomalies surveyed by the Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) of Turkey. The residual aeromagnetic data were analyzed to produce Curie point estimates by the method of OKUBO et al. (1985). The Curie point depth of central Anatolia varies from 7.9 km and 22.6 km. The shallowest Curie point depths were observed around the Cappadocia and Erciyes Volcanic complexes in central Anatolia. A good correlation was deduced between the Curie point depths and the heat-flow data measured previously, which is most certainly important for the geothermal resources of the region. The shallow Curie point depths also correlate well with the hot spring locations in central Anatolia.  相似文献   
Alia?a Bay is one of the most important maritime zones of Turkey where shipping activity, shipbreaking industry, steel works and petrochemical complexes exist together. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and aliphatic hydrocarbons in sediment of the Alia?a Bay were investigated to evaluate an environmental risk assessment from PAHs contamination in 2009-2010. Aliphatic and PAHs diagnostic ratios were showed to be mainly petroleum-originated and pyrolitic contaminations, respectively. The TEL/PEL analysis suggests that Alia?a sediments were likely to be contaminated by acutely toxic PAH compounds.  相似文献   
Radio-isotopic analysis of single zircons from two early Telychian K-bentonites, one of which is among the most widespread Lower Paleozoic volcanic ash falls in north- ern Europe, yields overlapping weighted mean 206pb/238U ages of 438. 7± 1.0 Ma and 437.8 ± 0.5 Ma, respectively. The former age is from zircons of the Osmundsberg K-bentonite from the type locality at Osmundsberget in the Siljan area of central Sweden where it occurs in the lower part of the Spirograptus tur- riculatus Graptolite Zone and in the lower part of the Angochitina longicollis Chitinozoan Zone. Zircons giv- ing the latter age are from a bed previously identified as the Osmundsberg K-bentonite at the Kallholn Quarry in the same area. Based on new biostratigraphic data, the latter bed is now considered to be slightly younger than the Osmundsberg K-bentonite. The dated stratigraphic level of the ash layers is slightly younger than the base of the Telychian Stage and thus represents a minimum age for the Aeronian/Telychian Stage boundary. A U-Pb age of 〉 438 Ma for the base of this stage, however, is older and in conflict with estimates in the most recent compilation of the Silurian time scale. In view of the fact that only three radio-isotopic dates from the entire Llan- dovery have been previously accepted, this new and biostratigraphically exceptionally well-controlled radio-isotopic date fills an important gap in the Lower Silurian geochronology.  相似文献   
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