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随着养殖水域环境问题日益凸显,贝类食品安全问题越来越受到重视,贝类在进入流通环节前进行净化将成为不可缺少的处理环节。本文从贝类净化工艺类型、净化用水处理技术,以及贝类净化对风味的影响等方面对当前国内外研究进展进行了总结梳理,并提出下一步贝类净化应重点解决的问题,为深入开展贝类净化相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Patinopecten yessoensis is a commercial valuable species. This study deals with the effect of nutrient effects of the broodstock(mainly ovaries) on the larvae. Concentrations of total carbohydrate, total protein and total lipid in the gonads of P. yessoensis from three Hatcheries(Hatchery 1, Hatchery 2, and Hatchery 3) were determined before and after spawning. The relationship between the nutrient concentration in ovaries before spawning(BC) and that of larvae(LC) was assessed as well as the change in nutrient levels in ovaries after spawning(DC). Results indicate that the BC of total carbohydrate(7.66%) and total lipid(14.48%) in ovaries were significantly higher than in testes(5.20%, 5.20% respectively), whereas the BC of total protein in the ovaries was lower(61.76%) than in the testes(81.67%). The different gonadal composition suggests the different nutrient demands between male and female broodstocks in breeding season. P atinopecten yessoensis gonads contained a higher proportion of lipids, in comparison to other bivalves, which might be a response to the low ambient water temperatures. Further analysis of fatty acids showed that the concentrations of n-3PUFA, EPA and DHA in larvae(LC) were positively correlated with BC and DC, indicating the significant nutrient influence of broodstocks on the larvae. As these fatty acids are important in metabolism, and have been demonstrated to be influential to the viability of the larvae, larval growth and the settlement, spat growth, and juvenile survival in many bivalves, they could possibly be used as indexes to evaluate, and predict condition of broodstocks and larvae.  相似文献   
比较了自然沙、棕色陶粒、白色陶粒、70%棕色陶粒+30%贝壳砂、贝壳砂等5种底质材料及空白对照组(无底质),对体质量为0.193 g±0.03 g的方斑东风螺生长、存活、摄食以及培育过程中水质的影响。结果表明,白色陶粒组的存活率为80%,显著低于其他各组(P0.05);棕色陶粒组的体质量特定生长率最高(4.31%/d),且显著优于白色陶粒组和对照组(P0.05);棕色陶粒处理组方斑东风螺的饵料转化效率显著高于白色陶粒组和空白对照组;水质中总氨氮、亚硝酸氮和COD均呈上升趋势,各组之间差异不显著。  相似文献   
本实验基于一种新型的具有自洁功能的固定床生物滤器, 研究了不同的清洗频率: 0.5次/d (S1)、1次/d(S2)和2次/d(S3)对生物滤器的硝化性能、截污能力和硝酸盐氮积累的影响。研究表明: 清洗频率对生物滤器去除氨氮(NH4+-N)没有显著影响(P > 0.05); 在第6~9 d对生物滤器内亚硝酸盐氮(NO2-N)的浓度有显著影响(P < 0.05), 第11 d后均无显著影响(P > 0.05); 在整个实验过程中, S3处理组与S1、S2处理组相比总固体悬浮物(TSS)去除分别提高53.52%和19.01%, 化学需氧量(CODMn)去除分别提高57.94%和27.01%, 差异性显著(P < 0.05); 在硝酸盐氮(NO3-N)积累方面, S3处理组积累最少, 在整个实验过程期间与S1、S2处理组相比分别降低16.04%和23.01%, 差异性显著(P < 0.05)。总体来说, 高清洗频率对生物滤器的硝化性能无显著影响, 但能使生物滤器截留的TSS快速排出系统, 从而减少系统内的水处理负荷和硝酸盐氮积累, 有利于系统的长期稳定运行。  相似文献   
为筛选出仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)体外标记方法,研究了体腔植入标记物法、体壁半包埋法、棘部及体壁穿刺法、体壁胶粘法和石灰环嵌套法。研究结果表明,前4种方法标记保留时间均未超过2 d,且有严重排异反应,影响活动和摄食,难以满足标记要求,体壁胶粘法保留时间可达2 d,且活动摄食正常,可用于短期标记。使用石灰环嵌套法标记小规格仿刺参10 d后标签保留率达到75.8%,标记大规格仿刺参3个月后标签保留率可达93%,初步确定石灰环嵌套法可作为仿刺参体外长效标记的方法。  相似文献   
本研究在实验室条件下,以定量化口感测试和解剖法为评价方法,探讨不同温度和流速对中国蛤蜊吐沙净化的影响,并比较分析了两种评价方法可行性。实验设定14℃、18℃、22℃和26℃ 4个温度梯度,20 L/h、40 L/h、80 L/h、160 L/h和320 L/h 5个流速梯度。结果发现不同温度和流速对吐沙净化的影响不同,14℃和18℃时,流速对吐沙净化无显著性影响(P>0.05),22℃和26℃时,流速对吐沙净化有显著性影响(P<0.05);14℃时,各流速的净化效果均不理想;18℃、22℃和26℃时,流速 40L/h下经4h~8h可达到较好净化效果。对两种评价方法进行比较表明,定量化口感测试评价方法能够较为准确的反映贝类泥沙净化效果,可以做为贝类泥沙净化效果的评价方法;通过解剖法获得贝类体内残余泥沙进行粒径分析,易受到非泥沙颗粒物的干扰,不能准确地反映贝类体内泥沙粒径与含量,在未对该方法进行进一步优化的条件下,不适宜做为吐沙净化的评价方法。  相似文献   
There is substantial individual variation in the growth rates of sea cucumber Apostiehopus japonicus individuals. This necessitates additional work to grade the seed stock and lengthens the production period. We evaluated the influence of three culture methods (free-mixed, isolated-mixed, isolated-alone) on individual variation in growth and assessed the relationship between feeding, energy conversion efficiency, and individual growth variation in individually cultured sea cucumbers. Of the different culture methods, animals grew best when reared in the isolated-mixed treatment (i.e., size classes were held separately), though there was no difference in individual variation in growth between rearing treatment groups. The individual variation in growth was primarily attributed to genetic factors. The difference in food conversion efficiency caused by genetic differences among individuals was thought to be the origin of the variance. The level of individual growth variation may be altered by interactions among individuals and environmental heterogeneity. Our results suggest that, in addition to traditional seed grading, design of a new kind of substrate that changes the spatial distribution of sea cucumbers would effectively enhance growth and reduce individual variation in growth of sea cucumbers in culture.  相似文献   
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