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沿海淤泥质滩涂是中国重要的耕地后备资源之一,滩涂围垦新增的大量耕地资源的生产潜力能反映滩涂土壤粮食安全保障能力大小。本文以江苏省如东县滩涂围垦区为例,在现有的光温水气候生产潜力模型的基础上,引进基础地力贡献率和盐分限制因子作为土壤有效性系数,构建沿海地区土地生产潜力模型,并通过水稻和小麦产量对模型结果进行初步验证。研究表明:该模型具有一定可行性。滩涂围垦区水稻产量土壤基础地力贡献率为55%~59%;小麦基础地力贡献率为50%~80%。未脱盐的1982年滩涂围垦区水稻和小麦产量受到盐分阻碍的系数分别为0.73和1.00。2007年垦区由于盐分太高不能种植水稻,小麦产量受到盐分阻碍系数为0.35。未脱盐的1982年滩涂垦区土壤基础地力修正后的水稻和小麦土地生产潜力分别为12235.84和6502.23 kg/hm2;土壤盐分修正后的土地生产潜力分别为15677.42和10329.39 kg/hm2;土壤基础地力和盐分共同修正后的土地水稻和小麦生产潜力分别为8934.97和6502.23 kg/hm2。与实地调查的水稻产量(9750 kg/hm2)和小麦生产潜力(6000 kg/hm2)相比,目前土地生产力远小于盐分限制下的土地生产潜力,与基础地力和盐分双重限制下的土地生产潜力接近,改善土壤施肥技术可以进一步提高土地生产力。  相似文献   
1977-2014年江苏中部滨海湿地演化与围垦空间演变趋势   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过野外实地调研与遥感影像解译相结合的方式,研究1977-2014年(1977、1984、2000、2007与2014年)江苏中部滩涂湿地演化与围垦空间演变的规律。结果表明,1977-2014年江苏中部滨海湿地射阳河口以南岸线段总体以淤长为主,但是也存在侵蚀的岸线段,总体淤长/侵蚀速度在±20 m/yr左右,最高值出现在东台和如东洋口港附近。研究区湿地围垦的速度远高于岸线淤长的速度,基本维持在50 m/yr以上。1977-2014年江苏滨海湿地的生态关键区面积出现了快速的退化趋势,特别是盐生植被空间的快速萎缩,主要出现在射阳南部和大丰市。调查发现研究区传统的湿地围垦开发演变模式是光滩→盐生植被→养殖水面→耕地→建设用地。但是现在由于新技术和新方法的应用,极大地缩短了围垦演变路径和周期,有助于围垦经济效益的提高。江苏滨海湿地围垦后土地开发利用强度呈较为明显的上升趋势。同时,江苏滨海湿地开发的热点空间在区域上主要集中于几个重要的港口及其腹地建制镇附近,但总体规模不大。  相似文献   
Species in the cyanobacterial genus Merismopedia are present in freshwaters at different trophic levels, with some species even as the components of cyanobacterial blooms. However, species diversity in this genus was not fully verified by molecular investigation and polyphasic taxonomic studies. In this study, Merismopedia-like strain tenuissima CHAB 7021 was isolated from Ganjiang River in Jiangxi Province, China, and polyphasic characterization of this strain was performed by morphological observation, ultrastructural examination, chemical detection of pigments and phylogenetic analysis based on 16 S rRNA gene sequences. Morphological identification of the strain was supported by the ultrastructural features, as the tiny species Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmermann. The phylogeny based on 16 S rRNA gene sequences revealed at least three clades formed by the strains of Merismopedia. The three M. tenuissima strains including M. tenuissima CHAB 7021 was gathered in clade III with distant relationship to the clade I formed by the six Merismopedia strains including the type species M. punctata, and such a genetic distance may propose Merismopedia tenuissima to separate from Merismopedia genus. However intermixture relationship in between strains of M. punctate and M. glauca in the phylogenetic tree still complicated the taxonomic status in the genus Merismopedia. The process for taxonomic revision in the Merismopedia genus still await for examination and further information on more strains of type species M. punctata.  相似文献   
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