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东海黑潮及琉球群岛以东海流研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东海是西太平洋的一个边缘海,它西部有广阔的大陆架,东面以九州岛、琉球群岛(由奄美诸岛、冲绳诸岛、先岛诸岛组成)和台湾岛连线为界,具有较深的海槽。黑潮是一支高温、高盐、高流速的西边界流,它起源于菲律宾以东海域、流经台湾东岸进入东海,沿东海大陆架外缘向东北向流动,穿越吐噶喇海峡返回太平洋。通常的把自台湾东北端起至吐噶喇海峡一段称为东海黑潮。此外,在琉球群岛以东海域也常年存在一支稳定的西边界流,称为琉球海流。 对于东海黑潮和琉球海流的硏究,主要起步于20世纪80年代,通过进行中日联合调查研究、中日副热带环流调查研究等,取得了许多重要成果,苏纪兰(1994)、袁耀初(2000,Yuan,2006)、管秉贤(2002)等人都做过评述。本文基于以上研究评述,主要叙述200年以来对东海黑潮及琉球海流的硏究新进展。  相似文献   
我国海洋动力灾害研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋动力灾害(包括灾害性海浪、风暴潮、海冰、海啸等)是对我国沿海地区造成破坏和损失最大的自然灾害之一。开展海洋动力灾害研究具有重要意义和迫切的国家需求。本文回顾我国建国以来在海洋动力灾害研究方向的主要进展,重点针对近年来我国在海洋动力灾害数值模拟预报以及灾害风险评估等方面的进展进行综述,并在此基础上提出未来的发展展望,希望给海洋防灾减灾科研工作者提供参考。  相似文献   
胡世明  胡珀 《气象科技》2015,43(4):750-753
根据湖北江夏国家农业气象观测一级站在最近几年水稻观测中实际遇到的情况以及调查发现,直播水稻已形成不推而广的迅猛发展趋势,作为农业气象观测已不可回避地会遇到直播水稻的生育进程观测问题。由于种植方式的改变,大田植株分布形式也发生了根本的变化,仅以传统的移栽水稻制定的现行《农业气象观测规范》已无法处理好直播水稻的观测问题。为此,笔者依据《农业气象观测规范》,结合实际观测经验,分析直播水稻与移栽水稻的差异以及由此引出的新问题,提出了新的观测处理方法,以供同行探讨。  相似文献   
Because of the intrinsic difficulty in determining distributions for wave periods, previous studies on wave period distribution models have not taken nonlinearity into account and have not performed well in terms of describing and statistically analyzing the probability density distribution of ocean waves. In this study, a statistical model of random waves is developed using Stokes wave theory of water wave dynamics. In addition, a new nonlinear probability distribution function for the wave period is presented with the parameters of spectral density width and nonlinear wave steepness, which is more reasonable as a physical mechanism. The magnitude of wave steepness determines the intensity of the nonlinear effect, while the spectral width only changes the energy distribution. The wave steepness is found to be an important parameter in terms of not only dynamics but also statistics. The value of wave steepness reflects the degree that the wave period distribution skews from the Cauchy distribution, and it also describes the variation in the distribution function, which resembles that of the wave surface elevation distribution and wave height distribution. We found that the distribution curves skew leftward and upward as the wave steepness increases. The wave period observations for the SZFII-1 buoy, made off the coast of Weihai (37°27.6′ N, 122°15.1′ E), China, are used to verify the new distribution. The coefficient of the correlation between the new distribution and the buoy data at different spectral widths (ν=0.3−0.5) is within the range of 0.968 6 to 0.991 7. In addition, the Longuet-Higgins (1975) and Sun (1988) distributions and the new distribution presented in this work are compared. The validations and comparisons indicate that the new nonlinear probability density distribution fits the buoy measurements better than the Longuet-Higgins and Sun distributions do. We believe that adoption of the new wave period distribution would improve traditional statistical wave theory.  相似文献   
利用历史观测得到的温度剖面数据,通过严格筛选和插值,建立了南海北部的气候态垂向温度剖面。随后,利用回归统计分析的方法构建了海面温度异常(SSTA)、海面高度异常(SSHA)联合扩展温度剖面的经验回归模型,并采用卫星遥感得到的SST和SSH数据扩展了南海北部的三维海洋温度场,其时间分辨率为天,空间分辨率为0.25°×0.25°。通过与观测数据的对比研究,扩展得到的温度场可以较为准确地反映南海北部温度剖面的结构特征,并且能有效地体现出一些中尺度变化过程。结果表明,本研究反演得到的三维温度扩展场是较为可靠的,它可以作为海洋数值模型的初始场,实现现场观测数据和卫星遥感数据的互补,有助于更好地分析南海北部温度场的三维结构及变化特征。  相似文献   
本文利用卫星高度计数据和分析数据,并结合同时期现场深水潜标的流速观测数据,研究了超强台风泰利过境前后台湾东北附近海域流场、位势密度场、位势涡度场以及黑潮入侵东海陆架强度的变化。分析结果表明,泰利台风通过改变台湾东北陆坡附近海域的流场、位势密度场,显著地削弱(增强)了西段(东段)陆坡附近的位势涡度梯度,从而使得西段(东段)陆坡黑潮入侵东海陆架的强度显著增强(减弱)。此外,本文还区分了台湾东北西部陆坡附近表层的跨陆坡"上凸型"位势涡度分布与次表层的跨陆坡"下凹型"位势涡度分布,并认为次表层的跨陆坡"下凹型"位势涡度分布也应作为台湾东北西部陆坡附近"位势涡度障碍"的重要组成部分。本文的研究结果揭示了大气中的台风过程对台湾东北黑潮入侵东海陆架产生显著影响的关键过程及机制,相关结论可为台湾东北黑潮入侵东海陆架变化规律的研究提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   
东海黑潮及琉球群岛以东海流研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东海是西太平洋的一个边缘海,它西部有广阔的大陆架,东面以九州岛、琉球群岛(由奄美诸岛、冲绳诸岛、先岛诸岛组成)和台湾岛连线为界,具有较深的海槽。黑潮是一支高温、高盐、高流速的西边界流,它起源于菲律宾以东海域,流经台湾东岸进入东海,沿东海大陆架外缘向东北向流动,穿越吐噶喇海峡返回太平洋。通常的把自台湾东北端起至吐噶喇海峡一段称为东海黑潮。此外,在琉球群岛以东海域也常年存在一支稳定的西边界流,称为琉球海流。对于东海黑潮和琉球海流的研究,主要起步于20世纪80年代,通过进行中日联合调查研究、中日副热带环流调查研究等,取…  相似文献   
本文基于卫星高度计得到的全球非线性中尺度涡旋数据集,分析了北太平洋副热带逆流(Subtropical Countercurrent.STCC)区域中尺度涡旋的统计特征,包括其基本特征、空间分布、传播特征、季节和年际变化;给出了该区域涡旋振幅、半径、旋转速度和罗斯贝数的分布直方图,并利用瑞利分布和对数正态分布对其进行了拟合。结果显示,涡旋振幅、半径、旋转速度和罗斯贝数的直方图很好地服从于对数正态分布。此外,通过与北太平洋中涡旋的对比研究,我们发现在STCC区中对数正态分布的拟合效果更好。本研究提高了对STCC区域中尺度涡旋统计特征的认识,明确了其与大洋中涡旋的区别;通过对数正态分布对涡旋特征的拟合,清晰地体现出了其分布规律,这在很大程度上降低了对观测数据的依赖,从而帮助我们更加有效地判断和预测涡旋特征的变化,同时为数值模式中涡旋的参数化提供了依据。  相似文献   
The South China Sea (SCS) is one of the most active areas of internal waves. We undertook a program of physical oceanography in the northern South China Sea from June to July of 2009, and conducted a 1-day observation from 15:40 of June 24 to 16:40 of June 25 using a chain of instruments, including temperature sensors, pressure sensors and temperature-pressure meters at a site (117.5°E, 21°N) northeast of the Dongsha Islands. We measured fluctuating tidal and subtidal properties with the thermistor-chain and a ship-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, and observed a large-amplitude nonlinear internal wave passing the site followed by a number of small ones. To further investigate this phenomenon, we collected the tidal constituents from the TPXO7.1 dataset to evaluate the tidal characteristics at and around the recording site, from which we knew that the amplitude of the nonlinear internal wave was about 120 m and the period about 20 min. The horizontal and vertical velocities induced by the soliton were approximately 2 m/s and 0.5 m/s, respectively. This soliton occurred 2–3 days after a spring tide.  相似文献   
Using a 1.5 layer nonlinear shallow-water reduced-gravity model, we executed numerical simulations to investigate the possibility of a western boundary current (WBC) path transition due to mesoscale eddies based on the background of the Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea (SCS) from the Luzon Strait. Because the WBC existed different current states with respect to different wind stress control parameters, we chose three steady WBC states (loop current, eddy shedding and leaping) as the background flow field and simulated the path transition of the WBC due to mesoscale eddies. Our simulations indicated that either an anticyclonic or cyclonic eddy can lead to path transition of the WBC with different modes. The simulation results also show that the mesoscale eddies can lead to path transition of the WBC from loop and eddy shedding state to leaping state because of the hysteresis effect. The leaping state is relatively stable compared with the mesoscale eddies. Moreover, an anticyclonic eddy is more effective in producing the WBC path transition for the path transition than a cyclonic eddy. Our results may help to explain some phenomena observed regarding the path transition of the Kuroshio due to the mesoscale eddies at the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   
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