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京、津、冀区域群发性强沙尘暴分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用1954—2002年82个站的气象观测资料,探讨京、津、冀区域群发性强沙尘暴的认定标准,构建较完整的群发性强沙尘暴序列,并分析该地区群发性强沙尘暴的时空分布特征和气候变化趋势。近50a京、津、冀区域共出现了39例群发性强沙尘暴,河北省的冀西北高原区和石家庄、保定、衡水、沧州四市交接处饶阳一带是京、津、冀区域强沙尘暴天气的多发区。多发季节为3—5月,占全年总数的76.9%,其中4月份最多,占全年总数的51.3%。群发性强沙尘暴年代际变化呈现总体减少趋势,其发生次数、覆盖面积均是以20世纪90年代为最低值.  相似文献   
为建立一个高精度、高空间分辨率的逐日气温格点数据集,满足公共气象服务对于精确信息及实时信息的需要,利用2018年6—8月京津冀区域以及临近省区共3 974个国家级及区域气象观测站质控后的逐日气温资料,采用ANUSPLIN软件对逐日气温数据进行空间内插,得到了京津冀区域逐日气温格点数据集(0.01°×0.01°),并分别利用反距离权重插值法、普通克里金插值法、样条函数法对逐日气温数据进行空间插值,采用相关系数(Corr)、平均绝对误差(MAE)、平均相对误差(MRE)等作为评估指标来检验插值精度。结果表明:1) ANUSPLIN软件满足了空间插值对精度及曲面平滑度的要求,能直观体现京津冀区域气温由北向南递增的空间分布特征; 2) 4种插值方法中,基于ANUSPLIN软件的插值结果最优,相关系数平均达0.97,其样本误差在1℃之内占比为90.59%,MAE为0.46℃,MRE为1.81%; 3)插值误差较大的区域位于冀北高原、燕山丘陵及太行山脉一带,高海拔、低站点密度等是造成插值误差的主要原因。基于ANUSPLIN插值方法建立的逐日气温格点数据集具有分辨率高、空间插值误差小的优势,ANUSPLIN对气温的空间分布具有较好的预测能力。  相似文献   
金沙江巧家段河谷黄土状堆积的时代问题   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
金沙江巧家段河谷广泛发育厚层黄土状堆积,尤以金沙江左岸宁南县华弹一带最为 。其厚度较大而层理又不明显,且多钙质结核,通过对七条黄土状堆积的地层剖面作磁笥地层研究和热释光测年,确定该黄土状堆积的时代属布容正向极性时晚期,其地质时代为晚更新世-全新世。  相似文献   
三门组的内涵及其意义   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
黄河三门峡水库北岸的山西省平陆县黄底沟剖面,较完整地保存着古三门湖湖相沉积记录。经磁性地层研究结果表明,古三门湖沉积起始于吉尔伯特负极性时中期,大约在5MaB.P.;结束于布容正极性时晚期,结合热释光年龄,大约在150kaB.P.。鉴于这套地层均属古三门湖沉积地层,按照岩石地层学的命名原则,依然称之为三门组,并根据岩性特征自上而下划分为三段:上段以砂层为主;中段以粘土层为主;下段为底砾石层。黄底沟剖面是已知的记录古三门湖发育起始时间最早、结束年代最晚的地层剖面  相似文献   
理县黄土地层与环境记录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
理县黄土堆积厚度为7.30 m,可分为S0、S1古土壤层和L1黄土层。光释光结果显示,理县黄土沉积始于末次间冰期,约130 kaBP。磁化率、粒度、碳酸盐含量等经典气候替代指标分析表明,它们可以反映青藏高原东部气候环境变迁。环境记录显示,末次冰期间冰阶(即氧同位素3阶段)期间该区呈现出极端冷湿的气候环境。理县地区气候演化更接近于印度季风强度记录的变化,而与格陵兰冰心和深海氧同位素记录相似性稍差。  相似文献   
地处板块接触地带的滇西北剑川地区是研究新构造运动的重要场所。剑川盆地保留有较为完整的新生代地层,在1:250000地质图上,新生界自下而上为古新统勐野井组、始新统宝相寺组、渐新统金丝厂组、中新统双河组和上新统剑川组;其中双河组为一套含可采煤层的砂泥岩夹泥灰岩沉积,剑川组为一套火山-沉积岩组。近期的研究揭示双河组和剑川组均属始新世,但发表的年龄相互包含,并没有清楚的把两者分开。本文采用Ar-Ar和锆石U-Pb方法测试了双河组和剑川组顶、底凝灰岩的年龄,辅以岩体、岩脉的年龄,重新厘定了两个组的顶、底年龄。剑川组顶部凝灰岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为34 Ma±;底部凝灰岩黑云母Ar-Ar坪年龄为36 Ma±,与底部侵入岩脉的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄一致;中上部侵入岩脉的黑云母Ar-Ar坪年龄在34~36 Ma之间。同时,老君山岩体、玉召块岩体和沙帽山岩体的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄在34~35 Ma之间。剑川火山-沉积岩组的年龄集中在34~36Ma之间,属始新世晚期。剑川双河煤矿矿部至三家村及五家村一带,双河组之下新发现一套凝灰岩,其黑云母Ar-Ar坪年龄和锆石SHRIMP ...  相似文献   
本文以郑州邙山赵下峪剖面为例,研究了黄土-古土壤序列的容重及其与磁化率、粒度的关系。结果表明,容重与磁化率反映的夏季风变化有显著的正相关关系,与粗颗粒含量反映的冬季风变化有显著的负相关关系;而天然压实作用对S10以上黄土与古土壤容重的贡献可以忽略不计。所以,风成沉积的容重指标综合反映了冬季风与夏季风气候组合关系的变化。   相似文献   
A series of independent faulted basins developed in the present middle reaches of the Yellow River during late Cenozoic, among which the Sanmen Lake Basin is located in the east edge of the Loess Plateau, a transitional zone between the second and third macromorphological step of China. The thick strata of the Sanmen Group deposited in the large basin. The Sanmen Group is a perfect place for the study on paleoenvironmental change, tectono-climatic cycles as well as the formation and evolution of the Yellow River. In this paper, the paleoenvironmental changes, regional tectonic movement and the evolutionary process of the Sanmen Lake Basin during the past 5 Ma were reconstructed based on the analysis of paleomagnetic stratigraphy, pollen, TOC and carbonate content from the Huangdigou outcrop near the Sanmenxia Reservoir, Pinglu County, Shanxi Province. The sedimentary records from the outcrop indicate that the basin was first formated by fault activity at about 5.4 MaBP, and after the strong tectonic movement at 3.6 MaBP the lake enlarged and the rainfall of summer monsoon increased. There was no great climatic transition near 2.6 MaBP, corresponding to the bottom age of loess in the Loess Plateau. After Olduvai event (about 1.77 MaBP) the Picea and Abies were presented in the sediments, which indicates a colder climate. The tectonic movement at 1.2 MaBP caused the light angular discordance between the upper and lower Sanmen Group. The sedimentary records show a cold and wet climate during the prosperous periods of loess accumulation such as L15, L9, L6. The tectonic intensification periods of the Sanmen Basin correspond with the tectonic movements in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau chronologically. The earliest age of the outflow from the Paleo-Sanmen Lake or the partly cutting off of the Sanmenxia Gorge was about 0.41- 0.35 MaBP. The age of cutting thoroughly the Sanmenxia Gorge by the Yellow River and the disappearance of the Paleo-Sanmen Lake was about 0.15 MaBP, which symbolized the formation of the present Yellow River and had an important influence on the environmental and morphological evolution in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River.  相似文献   
The Yuncheng salt lake has formed under the setting of stepped subsidence of fault-blocks from the north to the south in Yuncheng Basin. In the phase of red clay accumulation during 7.1-3.6 Ma, the size of palaeo-lake was larger than the present salt lake, and palaeo-monsoon had formed. At 3.6 Ma, the northern basement in the basin raised abruptly due to the radiative effect of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau uplifting, and palaeo-lake was contracting southwards. At ca. 2.6 Ma ancient river flowed into the northern part of the basin. During ca. 2.0-1.9 Ma aerolian effect strengthened and loess started to accumulate on the most part of the basin. Since ca. 1.8-1.0 Ma the subsidence of the lake fault-block has been speeding up abruptly. As under the natural hydrogradient the salt lake received enough groundwater supply, and the rate of loess accumulation in the lake area was lower than that of subsidence of the lake fault-block, the lake could be preserved and becomes the only modern lake on Chinese Loess Plateau. Four large strengthening change records of the monsoon were found in the lake sequence of 5.8-1.9 Ma B.P.  相似文献   
滇西南腾冲地块新构造运动阶段初步划分   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
滇西南腾冲地块中部的梁河盆地地层出露较好,阶梯状地貌发育,并有多期火山活动,是开展新构造研究的良好地点。综合地表调查与年代学研究结果发现,该盆地主要发育新近纪南林组与芒棒组和第四纪地层,各时代地层的沉积及变形特征都明显不同,其中最早的盆地沉积南林组地层的固结及变形程度高;芒棒组的固结及变形程度则稍差;第四纪地层没有固结或弱固结,且基本无变形。该区在地貌上共发育7级阶(台)地,各级地貌面主要形成于早更新世以来。该区的火山活动至少包括3.5~5.0Ma、2.3~2.9Ma、1.0~1.5Ma及0.5~0.7Ma四期。综合梁河盆地中地层、地貌、火山等方面的新构造运动标志,将腾冲地块的新构造运动初步划分为3个阶段:①5Ma之前,盆地开始断陷,南林组沉积及掀斜变形;②5~2Ma,盆地进一步扩张,芒棒组沉积及掀斜变形,并伴随火山活动;③2Ma以来,盆地萎缩抬升,形成多级台地及阶地,并伴随多期火山活动。  相似文献   
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