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The effect of phenocrysts on convection in magma chambers is investigated experimentally using small heavy particles in convecting fluids. The particles are initially uniformly distributed in a fluid which is either heated from below or cooled from above. The system is allowed to evolve, and temperature and particle concentration profiles are measured as functions of time. When the concentration of particles is sufficiently small, convection is basically unaffected by their presence. When the concentration is above a critical value, however, the convective motion is considerably altered. The effect of particles on the subsequent fluid behaviour is different in the cases of heating from below and cooling from above. In the former case, there are strong convective motions confined to a sedimentary layer of decreasing thickness beneath a clear layer which displays rather weak convective motions. With time, the destabilizing increase of temperature in the lower layer overcomes the stabilizing contribution to the bulk density due to the particles and the layer overturns quite suddenly. In the situation of cooling from above, a critical condition separates a case of continual overturn from a case of no overturn at all, with the sedimentary layer falling unimpeded to the bottom. Theoretical analysis suggests that the critical value is determined primarily by the ratio of the contribution to the bulk density of the suspension due to particles to the change in fluid density due to the thermal effect. The size distribution of the particles can also modify the fluid behaviour. Applying our general results to geological situations, we suggest that the presence of relatively small concentrations of phenocrysts can critically influence the mode of convection in magmas.  相似文献   
High-velocity friction experiments were conducted on clayey fault gouge collected from Hongkou outcrop of Beichuan fault,located at the southwestern part of Longmenshan fault system that caused the disastrous 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.The ultimate purpose of this study is to reproduce this earthquake by modeling based on measured frictional properties.Dry gouge of about 1 mm in thickness was deformed dry at slip rates of 0.01 to 1.3 m/s and at normal stresses of 0.61 to 3.04 MPa,using a rotary-shear high-...  相似文献   
When a highly viscous bubbly magma is sufficiently decompressed, layer-by-layer fracturing propagates through the magma at a certain speed (fragmentation speed). On the basis of a recent shock tube theory by Koyaguchi and Mitani [Koyaguchi, T., Mitani, N. K., 2005. A theoretical model for fragmentation of viscous bubbly magmas in shock tubes. Journal of Geophysical Research 110 (B10), B10202. doi:10.1029/2004JB003513.], gas overpressures at the fragmentation surface are estimated from experimental data on fragmentation speed in shock tube experiments for natural volcanic rocks with various porosities. The results show that gas overpressure at the fragmentation surface increases as initial sample pressure increases and sample porosity decreases. We propose a new fragmentation criterion to explain the relationship between the gas overpressure at the fragmentation surface, the initial pressure and the porosity. Our criterion is based on the idea that total fragmentation of highly viscous bubbly magmas occurs when the tensile stress at the midpoint between bubbles exceeds a critical value. We obtain satisfactory agreement between our simulation and experiment when we assume that the critical value is inversely proportional to the square root of bubble wall thickness. This fragmentation criterion suggests that long micro-cracks or equivalent flaws (e.g., irregular-shaped bubbles) that reach the midpoints between bubbles are a dominant factor to determine the bulk strength of the bubbly magma.  相似文献   
Thermal and compositional evolution of magmas after emplacement of basalt into continental crust has been investigated by means of fluid dynamic experiments using a cold solid mixture with eutectic composition and a hot liquid with higher salinity in the NH4Cl–H2O binary eutectic system. The experiments were designed to simulate cases where crystallization of a basalt magma is accompanied by melting at both the roof and floor of a crustal magma chamber. The results show that thermal and compositional convection occur simultaneously in the solution; the thermal convection is driven by cooling at the roof and the compositional convection is driven by melting and crystallization at the floor. The roof was rapidly melted by the convective heat flux, which resulted in formation of a separate eutectic melt layer (the upper liquid layer) with negligible mixing of the underlying liquid (the lower liquid layer). On the other hand, a mushy layer formed at the floor. The compositional convection at the floor carried a low heat flux, so that the heat transfer at the floor was basically explained by simple heat conduction. The thermal boundary layer in the lower liquid layer at the interface with the upper liquid layer became thicker with time and subsequently temperature decreased upward throughout the lower liquid layer. Compositional gradient with NH4Cl content decreasing upward formed by compositional convection in the lower liquid layer. The formation of these gradients resulted in formation of double-diffusive convecting layers in the lower liquid layer. The upward heat transfer was suppressed when compared with the case where the liquid region is homogenized by vigorous convection.These experimental results imply that, when a basalt magma is emplaced in continental crust, floor melting does not always enhance the cooling of the magma, but it may even reduce the total heat loss from the magma to the crusts due to suppression of convection by formation of a stabilizing compositional gradient.  相似文献   
The results of high pressure experiments on diffusion and Soret separation in natural silicate melts show that the diffusive behaviour between natural silicic and mafic magmas can be approximately modelled as if the system were a binary mixture of SiO2 and other components such as MgO+FeO+CaO. Steady state compositional profiles across a diffusive interface between silicic and mafic magma layers are calculated on the basis of phenomenological relationships for the fluxes of chemical species and heat in the binary mixtures, using the experimental data of diffusion and Soret coefficients in natural silicate melts. The compositional profiles show a curvature with a minimum SiO2 value within the interface due to the Soret effect and temperature dependence of diffusion coefficient. The compositional gradient at the lower half of the diffusive interface is similar to that resulting from the Soret separation of a mafic melt regardless of the composition of the silicic magmas. These results suggest that picritic magma can be formed in the interfacial region between the mafic and silicic magma layers. The compositional gradient explains chemical variation of mafic to picritic inclusions in a mixed andesite of the Abu Volcano Group, Japan.  相似文献   
Variations in major-element chemistry and modal compositions of the mantle xenolith-bearing calc-alkalic ejecta from Ichinomegata volcano are inferred to be due to mixing of three magmatic end members: Basalt I (SiO2 51 wt% , MgO 8.5 wt%), Basalt II (SiO2 54 wt%, MgO 5 wt%), and Dacite (SiO2 65 wt%, MgO2 wt%). Ultramafic xenoliths are found in mafic mixtures of Dacite-Basalt I and Dacite-Basalt II. The thermal histories of the xenoliths in both mixtures are compared with each other. Chemical compositions of olivine and orthopyroxene in xenoliths suggest that xenoliths in Basalt I were equilibrated at about 800 °C, while those in Basalt II were also equilibrated originally at about 800 °C but were subsequently annealed at about 1000 °C for more than 102–3 years prior to the eruption.The chemical composition of Basalt I indicates that it can coexist with upper mantle peridotite and it is an appropriate candidate for a carrier of ultramafic xenoliths from the upper mantle. On the other hand, Basalt II is fractionated and it cannot be directly derived from the upper mantle. Two pulses of xenolith-bearing basalt injection into a dacite magma chamber are inferred to have occurred. The first injection did not lead to eruption and subsequently formed a dacite/basalt stratified magma chamber. In the lower layer, the basalt was slightly differentiated to become Basalt II and ultramafic xenoliths carried by the first pulse were annealed at the bottom of the layer. The duration of the annealing of the xenoliths implies a minimum life-time of the Dacite-Basalt II stratification in the magma chamber beneath Ichinomegata of 102–3 years. The second injection of the xenolith-bearing basalt (Basalt I) was immediately followed by eruption, and all the magmas were effused with mixing in a conduit. Consequently, the ultramafic xenoliths carried by the second pulse are not annealed.  相似文献   
We present a model which accounts for the common, but paradoxical arrangement of composite intrusions (i.e. silicic core and mafic margins) on the basis of analogue experiments using gelatin and aqueous solutions. The present model involves simultaneous flow-out of the upper and lower magmas from a longitudinal crack along the chamber wall. Experimental results suggest that the mafic magma from the lower layer leaks from the side-wall of the chamber and travels faster than the silicic magma because of its lower viscosity, so that the mafic magma reaches the tip of the crack first. Once the mafic magma reaches the crack tip, then the rate of dyke propagation becomes determined by the viscosity of the less viscous mafic magma, and so it can advance rapidly. The viscous silicic magma can flow efficiently into the center of the dyke, being lubricated by the mafic magma margins. This model accounts for the common arrangement of composite intrusions and gives an efficient mechanism of flow of viscous silicic magmas.  相似文献   
Quaternary basalts, andesites and dacites from the Abu monogenetic volcano group, SW Japan, (composed of more than 40 monogenetic volcanoes) show two distinct chemical trends especially on the FeO*/MgO vs SiO2 diagram. One trend is characterized by FeO*/MgO-enrichment with a slight increase in SiO2 content (Fe-type trend), whereas the other shows a marked SiO2-enrichment with relatively constant FeO*/MgO ratios (Si-type trend). The Fe-type trend is explained by fractional crystallization with subtraction of olivine and augite from a primitive alkali basalt magma. Rocks of the Si-type trend are characterized by partially melted or resorbed quartz and sodic plagioclase phenocrysts and/or fine-grained basaltic inclusions. They are most likely products of mixing of a primitive alkali basalt magma containing olivine phenocrysts with a dacite magma containing quartz, sodic plagioclase and hornblende phenocrysts. Petrographic variation as well as chemical variation from basalt to dacite of the Si-type trend is accounted for by various mixing ratios of basalt and dacite magmas. Pargasitic hornblende and clinopyroxene phenocrysts in andesite and dacite may have crystallized from basaltic magma during magma mixing. Olivine and spinel, and quartz, sodic plagioclase and common hornblende had crystallized in basaltic and dacitic magmas, respectively, before the mixing. Within a lava flow, the abundance of basaltic inclusions decreases from the area near the eruptive vent towards the perimeter of the flow, and the number of resorbed phenocrysts varies inversely, suggesting zonation in the magma chamber.The mode of mixing changes depending on the mixing ratio. In the mafic mixture, basalt and dacite magmas can mix in the liquid state (liquid-liquid mixing). In the silicic mixture, on the other hand, the basalt magma was quenched and formed inclusions (liquid-solid mixing). During mixing, the disaggregated basalt magma and the host dacite magma soon reached thermal equilibrium. Compositional homogenization of the mixed magma can occur only when the equilibrium temperature is sufficiently above the solidus of the basalt magma. The Si-type trend is chemically and petrographically similar to the calc-alkalic trend. Therefore, a calc-alkalic trend which is distinguished from a fractional crystallization trend (e.g. Fe-type trend) may be a product of magma mixing.  相似文献   
The conditions under which two magmas can become mixed within a rising magma batch are investigated by scaling analyses and fluid-dynamical experiments. The results of scaling analyses show that the fluid behaviours in a squeezed conduit are determined mainly by the dimensionless number where 1 is the viscosity of the fluid, U is the velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity, is the density difference between the two fluids, and R is the radius of the tube. The parameter I represents a balance between the viscous effects in the uppermost magma which prevent it from being moved off the conduit walls, and the buoyancy forces which tend to keep the interface horizontal. The experiments are carried out using fluid pairs of various density and viscosity contrasts in a squeezed vinyl tube. They show that overturning of the initial density stratification and mixing occur when I>order 10-1; the two fluids remain stratified when I 10-3. Transitional states are observed when 10-3<I<10-1. These results are nearly independent of Reynolds number and viscosity ratio in the range of and Re 1<300. Applying these results to magmas shows that silicic to intermediate magmas overlying mafic magma will be prone to mixing in a rising magma batch. This mechanism can explain some occurrences of small-volume mixed lava flows.  相似文献   
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