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Gastropods and bivalves were collected at 15 sites at Vancouver and Victoria, Canada between 24 May and 7 June, 1999, to establish tissue concentrations of butyltin and phenyltin compounds, to record imposex symptoms in gastropods, and to assess the present status of organotin contamination around Vancouver. No neogastropods (such as Nucella lima) were found around Vancouver. Neogastropod populations could have been extirpated by severe TBT contamination in Vancouver, as relatively high concentrations of TBT were detected in tissues of Mytilus trossulus from Vancouver, and the neogastropods distributed in Vancouver might be sensitive to TBT. Recovery from imposex, however, was observed in neogastropod populations from three sites at Victoria and Mission Point. TBT contamination has continued around Vancouver, arising from continuous use of TBT in antifouling paints for vessels larger than 25 m in length; however, TBT has decreased around Victoria and Mission Point. Different patterns of TBT accumulation in tissue were observed among the bivalve species from Vancouver. The highest TBT concentration detected in Tresus capax suggested some possible adverse effects. TBT was the most predominant butyltin component in almost all bivalve specimens surveyed, suggesting a low rate of TBT metabolism. Phenyltin compounds were not detected in any molluscan specimens in this study.  相似文献   
Collisionless shocks in counter-streaming plasmas, created by the high-power laser system Gekko XII HIPER, are investigated. The shock structure and density are measured by optical diagnostics such as shadowgraphy, interferometry, and streaked interferometry. The plasma density and temperature are estimated from self-emission measurements with visible light by streaked optical pyrometer and gated optical imager. Brightness temperatures are calculated considering the efficiency of the detectors, and electron temperatures are estimated.  相似文献   
We study the fundamental modes of radiation hydrodynamic linear waves that arise from one-dimensional small-amplitude initial fluctuations with wave number k in a radiating and scattering grey medium by taking into account the gravitational effects. The equation of radiative acoustics is derived from three hydrodynamic equations, Poisson’s equation, and two moment equations of radiation, by assuming a spherical symmetry for the matter and radiation and by using the Eddington approximation. We solve the dispersion relation as a quintic function of angular frequency ω, the wave number k being a real parameter. Numerical results reveal that wave patterns of five solutions are distinguished into three types: the radiation-dominated, type 1, and type 2 matter-dominated cases. In the case of no gravitaional effects (Kaneko et al., 2005), the following wave modes appear: radiation wave, conservative radiation wave, entropy wave, Newtonian-cooling wave, opacity-damped and cooling-damped waves, constant-volume and constant-pressure diffusions, adiabatic sound wave, cooling-damped and drag-force-damped isothermal sound waves, isentropic radiation-acoustic wave, and gap mode. Meanwhile, the gravitaional effects being taken into account, the growing gravo-diffusion mode newly arises from the constant-pressure diffusion at the point that k agrees with Jeans’ wave number specified by the isothermal sound speed. This mode changes to the growing radiation-acoustic gravity mode near the point that k becomes Jeans’ wave number specified by the isentropic radiation-acoustic speed. In step with a transition between them, the isentropic radiation-acoustic wave splits into the damping radiation-acoustic gravity mode and constant-volume diffusion. The constant-volume diffusion emerges twice if the gravitational effects are taken into account. Since analytic solutions are derived for all wave modes, we discuss their physical significance. The critical conditions are given which distinguish between radiation-dominated and type 1 matter-dominated cases, and between type 1 and type 2 matter-dominated cases. Waves in a self-gravitating scattering grey medium are also analyzed, which provides us some hints for the effects of energy and momentum exchange between matter and radiation.  相似文献   
Myanmar is tenth among the world’s fish-producing countries and third in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). To understand the mechanisms underlying the high production, oceanographic and phytoplankton surveys, including primary productivity measurements based on pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry, were conducted near an active fishing ground near Myeik City. Three surveys, one in each of the representative seasons and covering the characteristic coastal environments, showed well-defined seasonality in primary production and phytoplankton occurrence. End of the dry season was the most productive, with productivity of 2.59 ± 1.56 g C m?2 day?1 and high concentration of chlorophyll a (3.14 ± 2.64 µg L?1). In this season, the phytoplankton population was dominated by high densities of the diatoms Bellerochea horologicalis and Chaetoceros curvisetus, whereas primary productivity was low at the onset of the dry season, 1.36 ± 0.77 g C m?2 day?1. However, this low primary production might be compensated by activation of microbial food chains originating from high dissolved organic carbon. The rainy season exhibited the lowest production, 6.6% of the end of the dry season, due to the extensive discharge of turbid water from the rivers which lowered euphotic layer depth and resulted in an unusually high diffuse attenuation coefficient of 2.30 ± 1.03 m?1. This incident of turbid water may be related to soil erosion from deforestation and mangrove deterioration. This research reveals the seasonal trend in Myanmar’s coastal productivity and its relationship to the tropical monsoon climate as well as emphasizing the importance of tropical coastal environments to the sustainability of the fisheries.  相似文献   
A study of the microbial uptake and respiration (mineralization) of radioactive glutamic acid was made in 141 surface water samples in the Cook Inlet, Alaska during three sampling periods (October, 1976; April, 1977; and November, 1977). The rate at which the test substrate was incorporated into cell material plus that respired as CO2 was used to calculate the relative microbial activity. A northern water mass with salinities less than 31 showed high rates of relative microbial activity but low mineralization rates as indicated by respiration of14CO2. The reverse pattern was seen in the water mass (salinity higher than 31) to the south which was more typical of coastal water. These data suggest that the organic nutrients in these two water masses are quite different either qualitatively or quantitatively. This study illustrates how the observed measurement of relative microbial activity might be helpful in defining specific water masses.(The publication of this article was unintentionally delayed owing to a fault in secretarial routine.)Published as Technical Paper No. 6009, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   
Intensive observations using hydrographical cruises and moored sediment trap deployments during 2010 and 2012 at station K2 in the North Pacific Western Subarctic Gyre (WSG) revealed seasonal changes in δ 15N of both suspended and settling particles. Suspended particles (SUS) were collected from depths between the surface and 200 m; settling particles by drifting sediment traps (DST; 100–200 m) and moored sediment traps (MST; 200 and 500 m). All particles showed higher δ 15N values in winter and lower in summer, contrary to the expected by isotopic fractionation during phytoplankton nitrate consumption. We suggest that these observed isotopic patterns are due to ammonium consumption via light-controlled nitrification, which could induce variations in δ 15N(SUS) of 0.4–3.1 ‰ in the euphotic zone (EZ). The δ 15N(SUS) signature was reflected by δ 15N(DST) despite modifications during biogenic transformation from suspended particles in the EZ. δ 15N enrichment (average: 3.6 ‰) and the increase in C:N ratio (by 1.6) in settling particles suggests year-round contributions of metabolites from herbivorous zooplankton as well as TEPs produced by diatoms. Accordingly, seasonal δ 15N(DST) variations of 2.4–7.0 ‰ showed a significant correlation with primary productivity (PP) at K2. By applying the observed δ 15N(DST) vs. PP regression to δ 15N(MST) of 1.9–8.0 ‰, we constructed the first annual time-series of PP changes in the WSG. This new approach to estimate productivity can be a powerful tool for further understanding of the biological pump in the WSG, even though its validity needs to be examined carefully.  相似文献   
We deployed a profiling buoy system incorporating a fast repetition rate fluorometer in the western subarctic Pacific and carried out time-series observations of phytoplankton productivity from 9 June to 15 July 2006. The chlorophyll a (Chl a) biomass integrated over the euphotic layer was as high as 45–50 mg Chl a m−2 in the middle of June and remained in the 30–40 mg Chl a m−2 range during the rest of observation period; day-to-day variation in Chl a biomass was relatively small. The daily net primary productivity integrated over the euphotic layer ranged from 144 to 919 mg C m−2 day−1 and varied greatly, depending more on insolation rather than Chl a biomass. In addition, we found that part of primary production was exported to a 150-m depth within 2 days, indicating that the variations in primary productivity quickly influenced the organic carbon flux from the upper ocean. Our results suggest that the short-term variability in primary productivity is one of the key factors controlling the carbon cycle in the surface ocean in the western subarctic Pacific.  相似文献   
A new, automatic hydrothermal fluid sampler using a shape-memory alloy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new hydrothermal fluid sampler has been developed to provide more maneuverability in underwater operation. The sampler characteristically employs a shape-memory alloy, which senses high temperature and actuates the suction mechanism. A shape-memory alloy is also used to switch the intake valve of the sampler, the intention being to avoid missampling when the inlet is in low temperature water. Prototype samplers were designed to collect the fluids hotter than 80°C. Test sampling was performed at hydrothermal vents (1372–1374 m deep) in the submarine volcano, Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Bonin Arc, northwestern Pacific. Observed fluid temperature was between 138 and 298°C, while the ambient seawater temperature was 3.1°C. Each prototype collected about 100 ml fluid as designed. The magnesium concentration in the samples indicated a seawater content of 47.5–90.8%, which indicates the entrainment of ambient seawater. Microscopic observatinn revealed the occurrence of microorganisms in the sample fluids at a population density of 105 to 106 cells ml−1, which is 2–3 orders of magnitude higher than those in seawater at that depth. The use of the newly developed fluid sampler will greatly facilitate the collection of vent-associated microorganisms, which are of potential biological and biotechnological interest.  相似文献   
The anthropogenic radionuclides, 137Cs, 90Sr, 108mAg, 239+240Pu, were measured in two Chionoecetes species, red queen crab (Chionoecetes japonicus) and snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) collected around Japan during 1996–2007. There was no increase in the concentrations of these radionuclides and no large variation of the atom ratio of 240Pu/239Pu during this research period. These results indicated that the source of the radionuclides was not the radioactive wastes dumped by the former USSR and Russia and originated from past nuclear weapon tests. The higher atom ratio in the crab species than that from global fallout would be contributed by the Pacific Proving Grounds close-in fallout. The variability of the concentration of radionuclides in the crab species would result from the variability of the composition and quantity in the diet. However, the decrease in the concentration of radionuclides with sampling depth would depend on the concentration in the seawater and diet.  相似文献   
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