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Mass movements such as landslides in mountainous terrains are natural degradation processes and one of the most important landscape-building factors. Varunawat Parbat overlooking Uttarkashi town witnessed a series of landslides on 23 September 2003 and the debris slides and rock falls continued for 2 weeks. This landslide complex was triggered due to the incessant rainfall prior to the event, and its occurrence led to the blockage of the pilgrim route to Gangotri (source of the Ganges river) and evacuation of thousands of people to safer places. Though there was no loss of lives due to timely evacuation, heavy losses to the property were reported. High-resolution stereoscopic earth observation data were acquired after the incidence to study the landslide in detail with emphasis on the cause of the landslide and mode of failure. Areas along the road and below the Varunawat foothill region are mapped for landslide risk. It was found that the foothill region of the Varunawat Parbat was highly disturbed by man-made activities and houses are dangerously located below steep slopes. The potential zones for landslides along with the existing active and old landslides are mapped. These areas are critical and their treatment with priority is required in order to minimise further landslide occurrences.  相似文献   
Soil moisture is one of the important input variables in hydrological and water erosion models. The extraction of information on near surface soil moisture from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is well established mostly for flat terrain and using low incidence angle single polarisation data. The ENVISAT advanced SAR (ASAR) data available in multiple incidence angles and alternate polarisation modes were investigated in this study for soil moisture estimation in sloping terrain. The test site was Sitla Rao watershed in the Lesser Himalayas of northern India. Empirical models were developed to estimate near surface soil moisture in bare agricultural fields using alternate polarisation ASAR data. Both soil moisture and surface roughness field measurements were performed during the satellite passes. Backscatter from medium incidence angle (IS‐4) and vertical‐vertical (VV) polarisation signal is correlated better with volumetric soil moisture content compared to other incidence angles. The model parameters were further improved, and soil moisture estimation was refined by combining medium incidence angle (IS4) vertical‐horizontal polarisation response as another variable along with VV polarisation response. The effect of slope on the radar backscatter was minimized by incorporating local incidence angles derived from an ASTER DEM. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A coupled 1D-2D hydrodynamic model, MIKE FLOOD was used to simulate the flood inundation extent and flooding depth in the delta region of Mahanadi River basin in India. Initially, the 1D model MIKE 11 was calibrated using river water level and discharge data of various gauging sites for the monsoon period (June to October) of the year 2002. Subsequently, the calibrated set up was validated using both discharge and water level data for the same period of the year 2001. The performance of calibration and validation results of MIKE 11 were evaluated using different performance indices. A bathymetry of the study area with a spatial resolution of 90m was prepared from SRTM DEM and provided as an input to the 2D model, MIKE 21. MIKE 11 and MIKE 21 models were then coupled using lateral links to form the MIKE FLOOD model set up for simulating the two dimensional flood inundations in the study area. Flood inundation is simulated for the year 2001 and the maximum flood inundation extent simulated by the model was compared with the corresponding actual inundated area obtained from IRS-1D WiFS image.  相似文献   
In this paper we study the variation of Vp/Vs and Poisson's ratio (δ) in the Yellowstone National Park region, using earthquakes which were well recorded by a local seismic network. We find that the average Vp/Vs value within the geothermally active Yellowstone caldera is about 7% lower than in the area outside the caldera. Within the caldera itself there may be a further 2–7% reduction of Vp/Vs in the hydrothermally active Norris Geyser Basin, the Upper and Lower Geyser Basins, and the Yellowstone Lake and Mud Volcano regions. After considering various possible causes for Vp/Vs changes, such as geologic and structural differences, thermal effects, partial melting, and hydrothermal activity, we conclude that the most plausible explanation for the observed Vp/Vs reduction is the presence of hot-water at temperatures and pore-pressures near the water steam transition in the caldera geothermal reservoirs.  相似文献   
Three Al-Cr exchange isotherms at 1,250°, 1,050°, and 796° between Mg(Al, Cr)2O4 spinel and (Al, Cr)2O3 corundum crystalline solutions have been studied experimentally at 25 kbar pressure. Starting from gels of suitable bulk compositions, close approach to equilibrium has been demonstrated in each case by time studies. Using the equation of state for (Al, Cr)2O3 crystalline solution (Chatterjee et al. 1982a) and assuming that the Mg(Al, Cr)2O4 can be treated in terms of the asymmetric Margules relation, the exchange isotherms were solved for Δ G *, and . The best constrained data set from the 1,250° C isotherm clearly shows that the latter two quantities do not overlap within three standard deviations, justifying the choice of asymmetric Margules relation for describing the excess mixing properties of Mg(Al, Cr)2O4 spinels. Based on these experiments, the following polybaric-polythermal equation of state can be formulated: , P expressed in bars, T in K, G m ex and W G,i Sp in joules/mol. Temperature-dependence of G m ex is best constrained in the range 796–1,250° C; extrapolation beyond that range would have to be done with caution. Such extrapolation to lower temperature shows tentatively that at 1 bar pressure the critical temperature, T c, of the spinel solvus is 427° C, with dTc/dP≈1.3 K/kbar. The critical composition, X c, is 0.42 , and changes barely with pressure. Substantial error in calculated phase diagrams will result if the significant positive deviation from ideality is ignored for Al-Cr mixing in such spinels.  相似文献   
Uranium and tin occurrences in the South Mountain Batholith are preferentially found in or near a para-intrusive rock suite which is characterized by strong granophile element enrichments. Furthermore, bodies which show a Th-enrichment trend with increasing differentiation appear to be more favorable exploration targets than spatially associated bodies in which Th is depleted.  相似文献   
A wavelet‐based random vibration theory has been developed for the non‐stationary seismic response of liquid storage tanks including soil interaction. The ground motion process has been characterized via estimates of statistical functionals of wavelet coefficients obtained from a single time history of ground accelerations. The tank–liquid–soil system has been modelled as a two‐degree‐of‐freedom (2‐DOF) system. The wavelet domain equations have been formulated and the wavelet coefficients of the required response state are obtained by solving two linear simultaneous algebraic equations. The explicit expression for the instantaneous power spectral density function (PSDF) in terms of the functionals of the input wavelet coefficients has been obtained. The moments of this PSDF are used to estimate the expected pseudo‐spectral acceleration (PSA) response of the tank. Parametric variations are carried out to study the effects of tank height, foundation natural frequency, shear wave velocity of soil and ratio of the mass of tank (including liquid) to the mass of foundation on the PSA responses of tanks. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Internally consistent thermodynamic datasets available at present call for a further improvement of the data for nepheline (Holland and Powell 1988; Berman 1991). Because nepheline is a common rock-forming mineral, an attempt has been made to improve on the present state of knowledge of its thermodynamic properties. To achieve that goal, two heterogeneous reactions involving nepheline, albite, jadeite and a-quartz in the system NaAlSiO4-SiO2 have been reversed bylong duration runs in the range 460 ≤ T(°C) ≤ 960 and 10 ≤ P(kbar) ≤ 22. Given sufficiently long run times, thealbite run products approach internal equilibrium with respect to their Al,Si order-disorder states. Using appropriate thermochemical, thermophysical, and volumetric data, Landau expansion for albite, and the relevant reaction reversals, a refined thermodynamic dataset (ΔfHi0 and Si0) has been derived for nepheline, jadeite, a-quartz, albite, and monalbite. Our refined data agree very well with theircalorimetric counterparts, but have smaller uncertainties. The refined dataset for ΔfHi0 and Si0, including their uncertainties and correlation, help generate the NaAlSiO4-SiO2 phase diagram including 2a confidence interval for eachP-T curve (Fig. 5). Editorial responsibility: W. Schreyer  相似文献   
Summary Of twelve flows at Pavagadh Hill, the two three-phenocryst-basalt flows with Mg#0.70 and Ni/MgO33 are the most primitive and perhaps as primitive as any basalts in the Deccan province. Scatter on variation diagrams and the occurrence of primitive flows at two different levels in the volcanic sequence implies that most rocks are probably not, strictly speaking, comagmatic. Nevertheless, mass balance calculations indicate a generalized differentiation scheme from primitive basalt to hawaiite that involved removal of olivine, augite, plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxides in the proportions 40:33:22:5 with 50% of the magma remaining. Crustal assimilation had a minimal effect on evolution of the basalts but rhyolites at the top of the volcanic sequence may have been produced by crustal melting following prolonged heat release from alkali basalt pooled along fault zones in the continental crust. Major element based calculations indicate that the most primitive basalts were generated by 7 to 10% melting of mantle peridotite. These low percentages of melting, typical of alkali basalts, are consistent with the steep slopes on chondrite-normalized REE diagrams. Low heavy REE concentrations point to residual garnet in the source region. Incompatible element concentrations (e.g. Rb, Ba, Zr, La) in Pavagadh basalts exceed those in Deccan tholeiitic basalts but are substantially lower than those reported for some other Deccan alkali basalts. Obviously Pavagadh basalts do not reflect the lowest percentages of melting and greatest amount of source region metasomatic enrichment attained in the Deccan province. Deccan tholeiitic and alkali basalts are largely characterized by low La/Nb ratios and high La/Ba ratios similar to those in oceanic island basalts. This indicates minimal involvement of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle in their petrogenesis. Comparison with continental mafic magma provinces where a subcontinental lithospheric mantle imprint is common indicates long periods of extension and/or melting of mantle lithosphere still hot from pre-extension subduction are more likely to produce magmas bearing the lithospheric imprint.
Alkalische Basalte von Pavagadh Hill, Indien: Deccan-Flutbasalte von Astenosphärischer Herkunft
Zusammenfassung Im Gebiet von Pavagadh Hill, Indien, treten 12 Spät-Deccan und rhyolithische alkalibasaltische Ergüsse und Intrusiva auf. Variationsdiagramme zeigen, daß die Abfolge nicht komagmatisch ist. Zusammen mit Berechnungen der Massenbilanz unterstützen sie vielmehr ein Zwei-Stadienmodell für die Entstehung von Hawaiiten aus sehr primitiven (i.e. Mg#=Mg/(Mg+.(0.9*Fetotat)) at.%0.70) Basalten. Olivin und Augit dominierten die frühe Fraktionierung während Augit vorherrschte als der Magmaanteil von 65% auf 50% sank. Die Entfernung von Plagioklas spielte bei der Differentiation nur eine geringe Rolle. Niedrige Th/Nb (0,2), Rb/Sr(<0,12) und K/NbVerhältnisse geben keine Hinweise auf signifikante Assimilation von Krustenmaterial. Die Seltene-Erd-Verteilungsmuster (SEE), niedrige Gehalte an schweren SEE sowie die Hauptelementspektren der Alkalibasalte weisen auf eine granatführende Ursprungsregion und auf einen Aufschmelzungsgrad von nur 7% bis 10% hin. Es gibt jedoch auch stärker alkalische (höhere Rb, Zr etc.) Deccanbasalte (i.e. Rajpipla). Die Assoziation von Deccanalkalibasalten, Rhyolithen und Störungszonen zeigt, daß letztere die Extraktion von Magma aus dem Mantel erleichterten und dazu führten, daß Magma aus Magmenkammern Krustenschmelzen (Rhyolithe) produzierte. Deccanbasalte tendieren zu hohen La/Ba und niedrigen La/Nb-Verhältnissen; dies weist auf eine asthenosphärische Herkunft hin, selbst wenn die Gesteine verhältnismäßig spät gebildet wurden (i.e. Pavagadh). Längere Perioden von Krustenextension oder von Subduktion, die der Extension vorhergeht, führt offensichtlich zur Entstehung von Magmen mit einer lithosphärischen Komponente.
An internally consistent thermodynamic dataset has been derived for 148 endmember phases (145 solids and 3 fluids) comprising the elements Li, Na, K, Be, Mg, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn, Al, Si, C, H, and O. This has been achieved by simultaneous treatment of phase property (like standard enthalpy of formation, standard entropy, molar heat capacity, molar volume, thermal expansivity, bulk modulus etc.) and reaction reversal data by the Bayesian method. The theory underlying the approach, and the computational methods involved, are briefly outlined. (For the benefit of readers unfamiliar with inference statistics, the basic concepts of the Bayes method are also presented in such a way that they can be grasped intuitively.) Although not yet addressed, this method can be extended to refine the thermodynamic mixing properties of crystalline solutions. The sources of the input data, culled from the literature, are summarized in the Appendix. The resulting database is succinctly documented in this paper. It includes the enthalpies of formation and entropies, their uncertainties, and the correlation among them. The database allows calculation of P-T, T-X CO2, P-X CO2, and T-f O2 sections, with error propagation into the computed phase diagrams on a routine basis. A user-friendly computer program has been written to generate such phase diagrams. It is public domain software. The software and the thermodynamic database (which includes a complete documentation of the thermodynamic data above and beyond those listed (Table 2, here) may be downloaded from the web site http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/niranjan.chatterjee/Index.htm. Examples of computed phase diagrams are given to illustrate the quality of the data and the capabilities of the software. Received: 11 March 1998 / Accepted: 11 June 1998  相似文献   
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