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Orthogneisses occurring in the core of the Orlica-Kodzko dome, NE part of the Bohemian massif, exibit a penetrative, N-S stretching lineation defined by mostly ductile elongation of quartz and dilation of K-feldspar crystals of the former granite, now turned into quartz rods and variously elongated K-feldspar porphyroclasts. N-S stretching of the granite seems to be inconsistent with W-E tectonic transport shown by major folds and thrusts developing concurrently in its schistose envelope. The two major lithologies of the dome, differing in their fabrics and rheological properties, offered a drastically different response to an overall shortening. It is interpreted that folds due to buckling evolved in the mantle rocks and after a certain definite range of incremental shortening suffered extension parallel to their hinges. At that time the statistically isotropic granite body was subjected to the same N-S extension and was deformed in common with its schistose mantle under conditions of irrotational strain which represents an early but significant part of the protracted deformation history related to the granite-gneiss transformation.
Zusammenfassung Die Orthogneise, die im NE-Teil der Böhmischen Masse den Kern der Adlergebirge-Kodzko-Kuppel bilden, zeigen eine N-S-ausgerichtete Streckungslineation. Die Streckungsfaser ist an plastisch gedehnten Quarz-Aggregaten zu erkennen sowie an Klastenzügen von Kalifeldspat. Große Falten und Überschiebungen in der Schieferhülle des Granits hingegen geben eine W-E Richtung des tektonischen Transports an. Diese entspricht nicht der Längung des Granits.Zur Deutung werden die unterschiedlichen rheologischen Eigenschaften des Granits und seiner Hüllgesteine herangezogen, die auf Unterschieden der Zusammensetzung und des Gefüges beruhen. Diese Unterschiede bewirken, daß die Hüllgesteine zunächst Biegefaltung erleben bis weitere Einengung durch Faltung unmöglich wird. Daraufhin werden die Hüllgesteine parallel zur Faltenachse in N-S-Richtung gedehnt. Diese Dehnungsrichtung ist allein und von Anfang an den isotropen Graniten überprägt.Die Deformation erfolgte irrotational und nahezu als achsialsymmetrische Streckung. Sie stellt ein frühes, aber wichtiges Stadium der Umwandlung dieses Granits zu Gneisen dar.

Résumé Les orthogneiss qui constituent le coeur du dôme d'Orlica-kodzko (région nord-est du massif de Bohème) présentent une linéation d'étirement pénétrative orientée nordsud. Cette linéation est exprimée principalement par l'allongement ductile en bâtonnets d'agrégats de quartz et par l'alignement de porphyroclastes de feldspath potassique. D'autre part, dans l'encaissant schisteux du granite, les grands plis et les charriages indiquent une direction ouest-est du transport tectonique, ce qui ne semble donc pas correspondre à la structure de l'orthogneiss central.Ce contraste est interprété par la différence entre les propriétés rhéologiques des deux ensembles lithologiques, qui ont répondu de manières différentes au processus de raccourcissement régional. Dans les roches de l'enveloppe, se sont formés d'abord des plis de courbure, jusqu'à un certain degré de raccourcissement, après quoi, ce processus n'étant plus possible, elles ont subi un étirement parallèle aux axes de ces plis. Le corps granitique isotrope, au contraire, a réagi dès le début par une extension nord-sud. Ces conditions de déformation irrotationnelle, à symétrie quasi-axiale, représentent un stade précoce, mais significatif de la transformation du granite en orthogneiss.

, AdlergebirgeKlodzko - , , ; , , , - . - , . , . , . . . - . . - , , , .
A Variscan foreland in western Poland comprises two NW-trending basement highs, which are concealed under Carboniferous through Triassic strata of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline (FSM). Both highs consist of multiply deformed quartz-sericite - albite - chlorite phyllites of unknown protolith age. 40Ar/39Ar laser probe dating of white micas in up to 0.5-mm-thick mica layers, which form the S2 axial-plane foliation in phyllites of the Wolsztyn-Leszno High, yielded an age of 340.1DŽ.6 Ma for the lower greenschists facies metamorphism and probably also for the F2 folding. This deformation was associated and followed by thrusting, which brought about the basement highs. The latter delivered clasts to overlying late Viséan-early Namurian flysch basin that was mainly sourced from the Saxothuringian Sudetes in which most of the deformation occurred between 345-335 Ma. The FSM basement may represent an independent terrane, referred to as the Wielkopolska terrane, belonging to the Armorican Terrane Assemblage.  相似文献   
The paper presents monitoring results and environmental pollution assessment for the Gdask-Sopot-Gdynia Tricity (Poland), based onanalysis of precipitation. Precipitation samples were collected over a period of 12 months (January–December 1998) at ten locations in the Tricity. The following selected ions were determined in the samples:SO4 2–, F, Cl, NO3 ,PO4 3–, NH4 +, Na+,Mg2+, Ca2+, K+. The results were subjected to full statistical evaluation. Values of the parameters determined were correlated with each other. An attempt was made to explain co-occurrences of certain ions and the significance of their mutual effects. Pollutant concentrations and loads in precipitation were also correlated with data on wind direction and temperature in the region.Deposition of pollutants was very high in spring due to the prevailing air circulation patterns and low temperatures. Analysis of the correlations between co-occurring ions confirmed the significant impact of the location (sea coast) on the composition of rain water. Ionic ratios in rainwater were similar to those observed for sea salt samples. In addition, heavy traffic was most probably responsible for high concentrations of various forms of nitrogen and sulphates in the vicinity of major highways.  相似文献   
Experiment “Pi of the Sky” is designed to search for prompt optical emission from GRB sources. 32 CCD cameras covering 2 steradians will monitor the sky continuously. The data will be analysed on-line in search for optical flashes. The prototype with 2 cameras operated at Las Campanas (Chile) since 2004 has recognised several outbursts of flaring stars and has given limits for a few GRB.  相似文献   
We report U–Pb single zircon ages from three pre-Variscan granitoids in the NE part of the Bohemian Massif. The Platerówka granodiorite from the Lausitz-Izera Unit, the Polish Sudetes, has been dated at 533±9 Ma. The Bitouchov granite form the SW part of the South Krkonoe Unit, the Czech Sudetes, gave an age of 540+11/–10 Ma, and the Wdroe granodiorite in the Fore-Sudetic Block yielded 548±9 Ma. All these latest Vendian/Early Cambrian granitoids represent the post-tectonic expression of a late Proterozoic Cadomian orogenic cycle and demonstrate the eastward extent of the Cadomian basement into the Variscan orogen. Granodiorites of similar age have so far been reported from Brittany and especially from the Saxo-Thuringian Terrane to the NE and SW of the Elbe Fault Zone. We conclude that the Saxo-Thuringian Terrane extends across the Elbe and Sudetic Marginal Fault Zones into the Fore-Sudetic Block.  相似文献   
The development of soft‐sediment deformation structures in clastic sediments is now reasonably well‐understood but their development in various deltaic subenvironments is not. A sedimentological analysis of a Pleistocene (ca 13·1 to 15 10Be ka) Gilbert‐type glaciolacustine delta with gravity‐induced slides and slumps in the Mosty‐Danowo tunnel valley (north‐western Poland) provides more insight, because the various soft‐sediment deformation structures in these deposits were considered in the context of their specific deltaic subenvironment. The sediments show three main groups of soft‐sediment deformation structures in layers between undeformed sediments. The first group consists of deformed cross‐bedding (inclined, overturned, recumbent, complex and sheath folds), large‐scale folds (recumbent and sheath folds) and pillows forming plastic deformations. The second group comprises pillar structures (isolated and stress), clastic dykes with sand volcanoes and clastic megadykes as examples of water‐escape structures. The third group consists of faults (normal and reverse) and extensional fissures (small fissures and neptunian dykes). Some of the deformations developed shortly after deposition of the deformed sediment, other structures developed later. This development must be ascribed to hydroplastic movement in a quasi‐solid state, and due to fluidization and liquefaction of the rapidly deposited, water‐saturated deltaic sediments. The various types of deformations were triggered by: (i) a high sedimentation rate; (ii) erosion (by wave action or meltwater currents); and (iii) ice‐sheet loading and seasonal changes in the ablation rate. Analysis of these triggers, in combination with the deformational mechanisms, have resulted – on the basis of the spatial distribution of the various types of soft‐sediment deformation structures in the delta under study – in a model for the development of soft‐sediment deformation structures in the topsets, foresets and bottomsets of deltas. This analysis not only increases the understanding of the deformation processes in both modern and ancient deltaic settings but also helps to distinguish between the various subenvironments in ancient deltaic deposits.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the application of the hierarchical cluster analysis and non‐parametric tests in order to interpret the Gdańsk Beltway impact range. The data set represents concentration values for major inorganic ions (Na+, NH, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, F, Cl, NO, and SO) as well as electrolytic conductivity and pH measured in various water samples [precipitation, throughfall water, road runoff, and surface water (drainage ditches, surface water reservoirs, and spring water)] collected in the vicinity of the beltway. Several similarity groups were discovered both in the objects and in the variables modes according to the water sample. In the majority of cases clear anthropogenic (fertilizers usage and transport, road salting in winter) and semi‐natural (sea salt aerosols, erosion of construction materials) impacts were discovered. Spatial variation was discovered for road runoff samples and samples collected from surface water reservoirs and springs. Surprisingly no clear seasonal variability was discovered for precipitation chemistry, while some evidences for existing of summer and winter specific chemical profile was discovered for road runoff samples. In general, limited range of the Gdańsk Beltway impact was proven.  相似文献   
Deltamethrin is one of the most commonly used pyrethroid in agricultural practice in different geographic regions of the world. It is detected in many environments, especially in soil and water, and can exhibit toxic effect to human and other organisms. In this study, we describe two bacterial strains DeI-1 and DeI-2, isolated from soil, and both identified as Serratia marcescens based on profile of the fatty acid methyl esters, biochemical test, and 16S RNA gene analysis, which were shown to efficiently degrade deltamethrin. Degradation of deltamethrin in mineral salt medium (50 mg l?1) proceeded by strains DeI-1 or DeI-2 reached the values of 88.3 or 82.8 % after 10 days, and DT50 was 2.8 or 4.0 days, respectively. Bioaugmentation of deltamethrin-contaminated non-sterile soils (100 mg kg?1) with strains DeI-1 or DeI-2 (3 × 106 cells g?1 of soil) enhanced the disappearance rate of pyrethroid, and its DT50 was reduced by 44.9, 33.1, 44.4, and 58.2 days or 39.1, 25.8, 35.6, and 46.0 days in sandy, sandy loam, silty loam, and silty soils, respectively, in comparison with non-sterile soils with only indigenous microflora. The three-way ANOVA indicated that DT50 of deltamethrin was significantly (P < 0.01) affected by soil type, microflora presence, and inoculum, and the interaction between these factors. Generally, the lower content of clay and organic carbon in soil, the higher degradation rate of deltamethrin was observed. Obtained results show that both strains of S. marcescens may possess potential to be used in bioremediation of deltamethrin-contaminated soils.  相似文献   
Summary Pre-Variscan basement in southern Poland is poorly exposed and thus known mostly from subsurface data. The availability of the latter is reviewed for terrains located between the Sudetes and the East European Platform. In these terrains the following relationships have been documented: Cadomian granitoids capped by Variscan flysch, Palaeozoic platform strata, Palaeozic folded and partly thermally altered successions, and low-grade metamorphic rocks overlain by Middle Cambrian strata. In view of their interrelationships the location of the Avalonia-Baltica suture in southeastern Poland is uncertain.  相似文献   
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