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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are important environmental pollutants due to their persistence and bioaccumulation potential both in organisms and in sediments. In this study, bioaccumulation and depuration experiments were performed employing local Mediterranean mussel species, Mytilus galloprovincialis, with two biomarkers: filtration rate and lysosomal stability (neutral red retention) assay. Benzo(a)anthracene (BaA) was chosen as the model PAH compound due to its common presence in several matrices in the marine environment. Bioconcentration Factors (BCFs) for the mussels exposed to different BaA concentrations were calculated from both kinetic rate constants and from the experimental data and found between 27-3184 and 16-2745, respectively. Experimental QSAR values were found comparable to the previous QSAR models created for BaA. The effect of BaA exposure on the mussels showed a more clear dose-response relationship according to the results of lysosomal stability compared to the filtration rate.  相似文献   
系统总结了松辽盆地南部中部组合层序界面的岩心、测井、生物、地震等识别方法;统计了盆地短轴方向不同相带层序界面及短期基准面旋回的分布特征,并分析了层序界面和短期旋回模式在不同相带的分布规律。中部组合青山口组和姚家组共划分为4个长期旋回和10个中期旋回。在层序地层序、沉积学原理的指导下,采用岩心、测井、地震三位一体,点、线、面紧密结合,以岩心、测井层序划分为基础,以地震技术为手段进行层序地层的立体拓展,建立层序地层格架,为下一步勘探提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   
In this study, organochlorine and toxic metal (Pb, Cd and Cr) analyses have been done in the surface sediments. Sediment samples have been collected from 7 parts of the Marmara Sea and the coast of Istanbul during 2009. Total Pb, Cd and Cr contents vary between 32 μg g(-1) and 122 μg g(-1); 0.19 μg g(-1) and 1.16 μg g(-1); 62 μg g(-1) and 372 μg g(-1), respectively. EF values of Pb and Cr are higher than 1.5 in all the stations. EF value of Cd is considerably high at Station MY1 (Tuzla Port). Total organochlorine residue contents range between 4.33 ng g(-1) and 22.2 ng g(-1) in the surface sediments.  相似文献   
松辽盆地上白垩统青山口组发育含大量介形虫化石的介形虫层,介形虫层的单层厚约5~200cm。介形虫层具有低伽马、高电阻、低声波等测井响应特征。以测井资料识别介形虫层为基础,研究了介形虫层在平面上不同相带及其在纵向高频层序格架下的分布规律,探讨了介形虫群集性死亡的原因。介形虫层平面上主要分布在大庆、龙虎泡—红岗阶地、黑帝庙等环坳带,盆地东部相对不太发育,滨浅湖是介形虫生存的有利环境;纵向上主要分布在青一段上部及青二段。高频层序旋回控制了介形虫的繁殖与死亡,介形虫群集性死亡事件主要发生在基准面下降期间。介形虫的群集性死亡与湖泊面积扩大无关,更与海侵事件无关。基准面下降造成水体变浅、矿化度增高以及砂岩进入滨浅湖可能是导致介形虫群集性死亡的直接原因。  相似文献   
海滩养护是近年来国内外备受推崇的海岸防护措施。我国“十二五”规划中对于海岸防护及岸线恢复工作更加重视,加强海滩养护相关理论和技术问题的总结和评估是进一步做好此项工作的关键。文章回顾了海滩养护法在国内外的开展情况及有关海滩养护剖面设计的理论、物理和数值试验研究进展,分析了目前在海滩养护剖面研究及设计中存在的问题并指出:目前我国海滩剖面演变研究主要应用地质、地形学分析方法,应强调从水动力学角度研究泥沙与岸滩冲淤变化过程的关系;海滩养护设计中简单应用Dean的平衡剖面模式对补滩剖面进行设计存在很大不足,应从实际海滩剖面地形结构、滩面泥沙组成与输移和波浪运动特征等方面寻求改进与提高。  相似文献   
在我国市场经济确立时期,法律已被公认为推动改革的有效手段之一,在立法指导思想上应该充分认识法律自身的发展规律以利于发挥其对于改革的推动作用。最终建立社会主法律体系。  相似文献   
在对坪北地区深层延长组长8、长9油层组的油气勘探中,发现了较好的含油显示.综合测井、录井、岩心及其分析化验资料等,对坪北地区延长组长8、长9油层组岩石学、古生物学及地球物理特征进行综合研究,结果表明:长8、长9油层组沉积时期坪北地区发育湖泊-三角洲沉积体系,主要发育三角洲前缘沉积以及滨浅湖或前三角洲沉积;进一步可划分为水下分流河道微相、水下分流河道间微相、远砂坝微相、滨浅湖泥岩及前三角洲泥岩,其中水下分流河道砂体比较发育,是油气聚集的主要场所.  相似文献   
一些海洋地质研究已经证实了主要来自赫德森海峡的大量冰山形成了6个快速沉积冰携碎屑(IRD)的Heinrich层。这些独特的地层厚度为1m至几厘米,在北大西洋可追踪至3000km以下。然而,虽然对Nordic海的许多沉积岩心作了验证,但是粗砾层的厚度和Heinrich层的空间连续性还是分辨不出来。目前只在某些区域发现了相关的IRD事件和某些Heinrich事件。Fennoscandian、斯瓦巴德—巴伦支海和格陵兰冰盖注出冰川附近的冰心表明,整个Nordic海的IRD层之间几乎不存在系统的区域相关…  相似文献   
Transfer of zoonotic bacterial pathogens through intact soil columns was monitored in an outdoor lysimeter over 36 d. Manure spiked with Salmonella enterica serovar Senftenberg was applied to either the soil surface or injected 0.08 m into the soil to compare leaching associated with the two manure application methods. The highest concentrations of S. enterica (up to 60,000 S. enterica CFU/mL) were detected on Day 1 in the first drainage samples, with measurable but declining concentrations persisting for 10 to 36 d depending on replicate columns. The total recovery of leached S. enterica in drainage samples ranged from 0.08% to 13.8%. When comparing the two application methods, there was no statistically significant difference in the leaching concentration of S. enterica at each sampling time during the study period. In addition, comparison of enumerations by selective plating and real-time polymerase chain reaction yielded similar concentrations of S. enterica, indicating that mainly viable and culturable cells were leached from the columns. When the experiment was terminated, the fluorescent dye Acid Yellow was applied to four selected columns and the distribution of dye and size of active (dye-stained) pores were measured with a digital camera and visualization software. The profiles showed that the area covered by active pores ranged from 0.1% to 3.6%. The relatively small fraction of active pores in the soil profile was consistent with the evidence of rapid transport of S. enterica and chloride in the columns.  相似文献   
气象条件对玉米不同病害的影响差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农作物在生长发育过程中和有关病原生物相遇后,还需要环境条件允许活力与病原侵染和传播,病害才可能发生或迅速发展,否则病害便不会发生[1]。研究气象条件对病虫害的发生量[2]、发生期[3]、发生程度[4]的影响及损失估计[5],对不同种类的病害进行比较研究。在齐齐哈尔市玉米丝黑穗和大小斑在整个玉米病害中所占比例极大,从1990 ̄2002年13a中有7a玉米的病害只发生了丝黑穗和大小斑(见表1)。选取了玉米的这两个主要病害丝黑穗和大小斑进行研究。通过对齐齐哈尔市的气象条件和这两种病害发生量的分析研究,得出气象条件对不同病害影响的差异,为不…  相似文献   
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