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Summary The starting material used was expanded perlite with a grain size < 40 m (74.5 wt.% SiO2; 12.5 wt.% Al2O3). This material is a waste product obtained during the production of expanded perlite. The experiments were carried out with KOH solutions, mixtures of KOH and NaOH solutions (1:1) as well as NaOH solutions in the concentration range 0.5 N to 6.0 N at temperatures of between 100° and 140°C and with reaction periods of 2 hours to 13 days in closed system. In the experiments with KOH containing solutions zeolite ZK-19 (phillipsite), W (merlinoite), G (chabazite) and F (edingtonite) formed. Without addition of aluminium high percentages of zeolite ZK-19 (80–100 wt.%) and zeolite W (90–100 wt.%) were obtained. The addition of aluminium rendered possibly the formation of 90 to 100 wt.% of zeolite G and 85 to 100 wt.% of zeolite F, respectively. In the experiments with NaOH solutions analcime, zeolite Na-Pc (gismondine), zeolite HS (sodalite hydrate) and zeolite A formed. High percentages of zeolite Na-Pc (90–100 wt.%), zeolite HS (up to 100 wt.%) and analcime (up to 100 wt.%) were synthesized without addition of aluminium. The formation of high percentages of zeolite A (95–100 wt.%), however, needs the addition of aluminium, NaCI and seed crystals. The temperature stability of the zeolites decreases in the following sequence: K-F > K-W K-ZK-19 (Na), K-W Na, K-F Gsi-rich (Na), K-ZK-19 >> Na-Pc Gsi-poor. Zeolite A has a very good temperature stability up to temperatures of } 550 °C similar to that of zeolite K-W. At higher temperatures, however, its stability is very poor. The NH4 +-exchange capacities (meq/g) of the different zeolites amount to the following values: ZK-19:2.8 - 3.2; W:3.0 - 3.2; G:2.3 - 3.6; A:3.1 - 3.2; Na-Pc:3.5 - 3.6; F : 3.9 - 4.8.
Zeolithsynthese aus Blähperlit—Art, Bildungsbedingungen und Eigenschaften
Zusammenfassung Ausgangsmaterial der experimentellen Untersuchungen war Blähperlit mit einer Korngröße < 40 ,m (74,5 Gew.-% SiO2; 12,5 Gew.-% Al2O3). Dieses Material ist ein Abfallprodukt, das bei der Produktion von Blähperlit anfällt. Die Experimente wurden mit KOH-Lösungen, Lösungsgemischen aus KOH und NaOH (1:1) sowie mit NaOH-Losungen im Konzentrationsbereich 0,5 n-6,0 n bei Temperaturen von 100° – 140°C und über Reaktionszeiten von 2 Stunden bis zu 13 Tagen im geschlossenen System durchgeführt. In den Experimenten mit KOH-hältigen Lösungen bildeten sich die Zeolithe ZK-19 (Phillipsit), W (Merlinoit), G (Chabasit) und F (Edingtonit). Hohe Prozentgehalte an Zeolith ZK-19 (80 – 100 Gew.-%) und Zeolith W (90–100 Gew.-%) entstehen nur ohne Zugabe von Aluminium. Die Bildung von 90–100 Gew.-% Zeolith G bzw. 85–100 Gew. % Zeolith F ist dagegen durch die Zugabe von Aluminium möglich. In den Experimenten mit NaOH-Lösungen bildeten sich die Zeolithe Analcim, Na-Pc (Gismondin), HS (Sodalithhydrat) und Zeolith A. Hohe Prozentanteile an Zeolith Na-Pc (90–100 Gew.-%), HS (bis zu 100 Gew. %) und Analcim (bis zu 100 Gew.-%) wurden ohne Aluminium-Zugabe synthetisiert. Die Bildung von hohen Gehalten an Zeolith A (95–100 Gew. %) ist jedoch nur unter Zugabe von Aluminium, NaCl und Kristallkeimen möglich.Die Temperaturbeständigkeit der Zeolithe nimmt in der folgenden Reihenfolge ab: K-F > K-W - K-ZK-19 (Na), K-W Na, K-F Gsi-reich (Na), K-ZK-19 >> Na-Pc Gsi-am. Zeolith A weist bis zu Temperaturen von etwa 550°C eine gute Temperaturbeständigkeit auf, die in etwa der von Zeolith K-W entspricht. Bei höheren Temperaturen ist die Beständigkeit jedoch sehr gering.Die NH4+-Austauschkapazitäten (mÄqu/g) der verschiedenen Zeolithe erreichen folgende Werte: ZK-19:2,8 - 3,2; W:3,0 - 3,2; G:2,3 - 3,6; A:3,1 - 3,2; Na-Pc:3,5 -3,6; F:3,9 - 4,8.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   
Book review     
The40Ar-39Ar degassing spectra of white micas and amphiboles from three tectonic units of the central Tauern Window (Pennine basement and cover in the Eastern Alps) have been measured. White micas are classified as (1) pre-Alpine low-Si relic micas with an age value of 292 Ma, variously disturbed by the Alpine metamorphism; (2) Alpine phengitic micas of variable composition with an age between 32 and 36 Ma; (3) Alpine low-Si micas with a maximum age of 27 Ma. We attribute the higher Alpine ages to a blueschist facies event, whereas the lower age reflects the late cooling of the nappe pile. Blueschist facies phengites from the basement (Lower Schieferhülle) and the tectonic cover (Upper Schieferhülle) crystallized at a temperature below the closure temperature (T c) for argon diffusion in white mica and record ages of 32 to 36 Ma. At the same time a thin, eclogite facies unit (Eclogite Zone) was thrust between the Lower and the Upper Schieferhülle and cooled from eclogite facies conditions at about 600°C at 20 kbar to blueschist facies conditions at 450°C or even 300°C at >10 kbar. Eclogite facies phengites closed for argon diffusion and record cooling ages, coinciding with the crystallization ages in the hanging and the footwall unit. Amphibole age spectra (actinolite, glaucophane, barroisite) are not interpretable in terms of geologically meaningful ages because of excess argon.  相似文献   
A Markov-chain model is fitted to the series of winter-strength parameters of five stations in the upper Danube Region. The validity of the model is tested by an appropriate Gaussian test-statistic. Having calculated the matrices of transition probabilities, boundaries for them are derived from the theory of Markov-chains as well as means of the first transition times with their standard deviations; further, forecasts are derived for the next but one winter. As in all cases the standard deviations for prognostic values are rather large one should be very careful in making annual forecasts, which is also demonstrated by a testforecast.  相似文献   
This paper describes the fusion of information extracted from multispectral digital aerial images for highly automatic 3D map generation. The proposed approach integrates spectral classification and 3D reconstruction techniques. The multispectral digital aerial images consist of a high resolution panchromatic channel as well as lower resolution RGB and near infrared (NIR) channels and form the basis for information extraction.Our land use classification is a 2-step approach that uses RGB and NIR images for an initial classification and the panchromatic images as well as a digital surface model (DSM) for a refined classification. The DSM is generated from the high resolution panchromatic images of a specific photo mission. Based on the aerial triangulation using area and feature-based points of interest the algorithms are able to generate a dense DSM by a dense image matching procedure. Afterwards a true ortho image for classification, panchromatic or color input images can be computed.In a last step specific layers for buildings and vegetation are generated and the classification is updated.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Diagramm für dent-Test gegeben, aus dem man bei Kenntnis vonf, d undS allein entscheiden kann, ob die Stichprobe einent-Wert ergibt, der größer alst ist, oder nicht.
Summary A graph is given for thet-test, by means of which one can decide whether the sample would give a value oft larger thant or not, only from the knowledge. off, d andS.

Résumé L'auteur présente, pour le testt, un diagramme qui permet de dire si la valeur det dépasse celle det ou non, à la seule connaissance def, d etS.

Mit 1 Textabbildung  相似文献   
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