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The observations and the plate reduction technique for the determination of positions and absolute proper motions which is used in Potsdam are described. Recent results have shown that an accuracy of about 0 . 1 for positions and 0 . 7 cent . –1 for proper motions can be achieved both for bright (8m–12m) and faint (16m–18m) stars. Three astrometric programmes using the Tautenburg plates are presented.  相似文献   
Glassy pillow basalts with unusual geochemical characteristics for mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) have been dredge sampled from the Southwest Indian Ridge between 12 and 15°E during Leg ANT IV/4 of the F.S. POLARSTERN. Lavas from 4 of 6 dredges are moderately nepheline normative, highly K-enriched (0.5–1.77 wt% K2O) alkali basalts and hawaiites. Mg-numbers indicate that many of the lavas are fairly primitive (Mg No.=63–67), yet show extreme enrichment in incompatible elements; e.g. Nb (24–60 ppm), Ba (170–470 ppm) and Sr (258–460 ppm). Incompatible-element ratios such as Zr/Nb (3–5) and Y/Nb (0.46–1.1) are extremely low even for E-type (enriched) MORB, whereas (La/Yb)n ratios are particularly high (3.4–7.8). 87Sr/86Sr (0.70290–0.70368), 143Nd/144Nd (0.51302–0.51284) and 206Pb/204Pb (18.708–19.564) isotopic ratios further indicate the geochemically enriched nature of these lavas, which range from the compositional field for depleted N-type (normal) MORB towards the composition of Bouvet Island lavas. Mutually correlated incompatible-element and Sr-, Nd- and Pb-isotopic ratios allow a fairly well constrained model to be developed for the petrogenesis of these unusually alkalic mid-ocean ridge lavas. The alkalic nature and degree of enrichment in incompatible elements is ascribed to particularly low degrees of partial melting (3–5 wt%), at greater than usual depth, of a source region that has experienced prior geochemical enrichment (by veining) related to the upwelling Bouvet mantle plume. To account for the observed compositional variations, a model is proposed whereby mixing between partial melts derived from these geochemically enriched silicate veins, and an incipient to low percentage (±2%) melt from the surrounding geochemically depleted suboceanic asthenosphere occurs as a consequence of increasing degree of melting with adiabatic upwelling. Eruption of these alkalic lavas in this spreading ridge environment is attributed to a temporary hiatus in tholeiitic volcanism and associated spreading along this section of the Southwest Indian Ridge, related to readjustment of spreading direction to a more stable plate geometry.  相似文献   
The composition of chromian spinel in alpine-type peridotites has a large reciprocal range of Cr and Al, with increasing Cr# (Cr/(Cr+Al)) reflecting increasing degrees of partial melting in the mantle. Using spinel compositions, alpine-type peridotites can be divided into three groups. Type I peridotites and associated volcanic rocks contain spinels with Cr#<0.60; Type III peridotites and associated volcanics contain spinels with Cr#>0.60, and Type II peridotites and volcanics are a transitional group and contain spinels spanning the full range of spinel compositions in Type I and Type II peridotites. Spinels in abyssal peridotites lie entirely within the Type I spinel field, making ophiolites with Type I alpine-type peridotites the most likely candidates for sections of ocean lithosphere formed at a midocean ridge. The only modern analogs for Type III peridotites and associated volcanic rocks are found in arc-related volcanic and intrusive rocks, continental intrusive assemblages, and oceanic plateau basalts. We infer a sub-volcanic arc petrogenesis for most Type III alpine-type peridotites. Type II alpine-type peridotites apparently reflect composite origins, such as the formation of an island-arc on ocean crust, resulting in large variations in the degree and provenance of melting over relatively short distances. The essential difference between Type I and Type III peridotites appears to be the presence or absence of diopside in the residue at the end of melting.Based on an examination of co-existing rock and spinel compositions in lavas, it appears that spinel is a sensitive indicator of melt composition and pressure of crystallization. The close similarity of spinel composition fields in genetically related basalts, dunites and peridotites at localities in the oceans and in ophiolite complexes indicates that its composition reflects the degree of melting in the mantle source region. Accordingly, we infer from the restricted range of spinel compositions in abyssal basalts that the degree of mantle melting beneath mid-ocean ridges is generally limited to that found in Type I alpine-type peridotites. It is apparent, therefore, that the phase boundary OL-EN-DI-SP +meltOL-EN-SP+melt has limited the degree of melting of the mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges. This was clearly not the case for many alpine-type peridotites, implying very different melting conditions in the mantle, probably involving the presence of water.  相似文献   
Two harbor porpoises in a floating pen were subjected to five pure tone underwater signals of 70 or 120kHz with different signal durations, amplitudes and duty cycles (% of time sound is produced). Some signals were continuous, others were intermittent (duty cycles varied between 8% and 100%). The effect of each signal was judged by comparing the animals' surfacing locations and number of surfacings (i.e. number of respirations) during test periods with those during baseline periods. In all cases, both porpoises moved away from the sound source, but the effect of the signals on respiration rates was negligible. Pulsed 70kHz signals with a source level (SL) of 137dB had a similar effect as a continuous 70kHz signal with an SL of 148dB (re 1muPa, rms). Also, a pulsed 70kHz signal with an SL of 147dB had a much stronger deterring effect than a continuous 70kHz signal with a similar SL. For pulsed 70kHz signals (2s pulse duration, 4s pulse interval, SL 147dB re 1muPa, rms), the avoidance threshold sound pressure level (SPL), in the context of the present study, was estimated to be around 130dB (re 1muPa, rms) for porpoise 064 and around 124dB (re 1muPa, rms) for porpoise 047. This study shows that ultrasonic pingers (70kHz) can deter harbor porpoises. Such ultrasonic pingers have the advantage that they do not have a "dinner bell" effect on pinnipeds, and probably have no, or less, effect on other marine fauna, which are often sensitive to low frequency sounds.  相似文献   
This study applies three classification methods exploiting the angular dependence of acoustic seafloor backscatter along with high resolution sub-bottom profiling for seafloor sediment characterization in the Eckernförde Bay, Baltic Sea Germany. This area is well suited for acoustic backscatter studies due to its shallowness, its smooth bathymetry and the presence of a wide range of sediment types. Backscatter data were acquired using a Seabeam1180 (180 kHz) multibeam echosounder and sub-bottom profiler data were recorded using a SES-2000 parametric sonar transmitting 6 and 12 kHz. The high density of seafloor soundings allowed extracting backscatter layers for five beam angles over a large part of the surveyed area. A Bayesian probability method was employed for sediment classification based on the backscatter variability at a single incidence angle, whereas Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC) and Principal Components Analysis (PCA) were applied to the multi-angle layers. The Bayesian approach was used for identifying the optimum number of acoustic classes because cluster validation is carried out prior to class assignment and class outputs are ordinal categorical values. The method is based on the principle that backscatter values from a single incidence angle express a normal distribution for a particular sediment type. The resulting Bayesian classes were well correlated to median grain sizes and the percentage of coarse material. The MLC method uses angular response information from five layers of training areas extracted from the Bayesian classification map. The subsequent PCA analysis is based on the transformation of these five layers into two principal components that comprise most of the data variability. These principal components were clustered in five classes after running an external cluster validation test. In general both methods MLC and PCA, separated the various sediment types effectively, showing good agreement (kappa >0.7) with the Bayesian approach which also correlates well with ground truth data (r2?>?0.7). In addition, sub-bottom data were used in conjunction with the Bayesian classification results to characterize acoustic classes with respect to their geological and stratigraphic interpretation. The joined interpretation of seafloor and sub-seafloor data sets proved to be an efficient approach for a better understanding of seafloor backscatter patchiness and to discriminate acoustically similar classes in different geological/bathymetric settings.  相似文献   
We have determined the positions of 65 compact extragalactic objects with magnitudes between 16m and 21m.7. The mean error of one position is about 0″.3 in α cos δ and in δ. Some hitherto unpublished redshifts are also listed.  相似文献   
A diverse volcanic and plutonic rock suite was recovered from the center of the 80 km long ridge segment of the Southwest Indian Ridge (54°S, 7°16 E) between the Islas Orcadas and Shaka Fracture Zones. The cumulus nature of the gabbroic rocks in the suite is indicated by phase, modal and cryptic layering, igneous lamination, and low incompatible element abundances. We present a mass-balance model for calculating the proportions and compositions of cumulus phases and crystallized intercumulus liquid from bulk-rock major element compositions. The model is based on the ability to define a compositional array of basaltic liquids and on the assumption that cumulus minerals are initially in equilibrium with trapped liquid. Calculated proportions of trapped liquid range from 3%–15%; values that are characteristic of adcumulates to mesocumulates. Models of postcumulus crystallization indicate significant enrichments of incompatible elements and buffering of compatible elements in residual trapped liquids, thus explaining the high TiO2 contents observed in magnesian clinopyroxenes. Cumulus phase assemblages and compositions suggest solidification in shallow level magma chambers, but disequilibrium plagioclase compositions suggest some crystallization at greater depth. Furthermore, basalt compositions projected onto the olivine-clinopyroxenequartz pseudoternary suggest magma generation over a range of pressures (from less than 10 to greater than 20 kb) as well as polybaric fractional crystallization. We suggest that the Southwest Indian Ridge is characterized by low magma supply with small batches of melt that either ascend directly to the surface having undergone limited polybaric crystallization or are trapped in shallow crustal magma chambers where they evolve and solidify to form cumulate gabbros. The adcumulus nature of the gabbros investigated here suggests slow cooling rates typical of large intrusions implying relatively large, but ephemeral magma chambers below segments of the Southwest Indian Ridge.  相似文献   
Dick, R.C., 1976. The depth vs. depth plot: an aid to selecting piezometer installation depths in boreholes. Eng. geol., 10: 37–42.The location of the piezometric surface within a soil or rock mass is often the critical factor in stability analysis and in evaluations of reservoir watertightness. Sealed piezometers are now almost universally used to measure water pressure within the mass. The location of these piezometers must be decided immediately upon completion of each borehole. A common aid to making this decision is a plot of borehole depth and borehole water level as functions of time. This paper introduces the reader to another way to evaluate the same data, with the borehole water depth plotted as a function of borehole depth. Anomalies can be detected more easily, and piezometers installed within these zones. Examples are given.  相似文献   
Seasonal variations of water chemistry occurred in acid mine drainage receiving mine and leachate water. Sulfate and metal concentrations were low in winter but high in spring and summer. Mine waters were highly acidic (up to pH 3.4) in nature with high concentrations of manganese, copper and zinc but high electrical conductivity and sulfate in leachate. The blue and brownish yellow precipitates were formed under different chemical environments of acid mine drainage. Brownish yellow (Munsell color 7.5YR 8/12), blue (Munsell color 2.5B 9/7) and light blue (Munsell color 2.5B 9/3) precipitates deposited on the stream bottom receiving acid mine water. The brownish yellow precipitates formed in the acid mine water, whereas the blue and light blue precipitates formed in the leachate water. The brownish yellow precipitates consisted mainly of ferrihydrite, whereas the blue and light blue precipitates consisted of glaucocerinite and/or woodwardite.  相似文献   
The main objective of this study is to assess regional landslide hazards in the Hoa Binh province of Vietnam. A landslide inventory map was constructed from various sources with data mainly for a period of 21 years from 1990 to 2010. The historic inventory of these failures shows that rainfall is the main triggering factor in this region. The probability of the occurrence of episodes of rainfall and the rainfall threshold were deduced from records of rainfall for the aforementioned period. The rainfall threshold model was generated based on daily and cumulative values of antecedent rainfall of the landslide events. The result shows that 15-day antecedent rainfall gives the best fit for the existing landslides in the inventory. The rainfall threshold model was validated using the rainfall and landslide events that occurred in 2010 that were not considered in building the threshold model. The result was used for estimating temporal probability of a landslide to occur using a Poisson probability model. Prior to this work, five landslide susceptibility maps were constructed for the study area using support vector machines, logistic regression, evidential belief functions, Bayesian-regularized neural networks, and neuro-fuzzy models. These susceptibility maps provide information on the spatial prediction probability of landslide occurrence in the area. Finally, landslide hazard maps were generated by integrating the spatial and the temporal probability of landslide. A total of 15 specific landslide hazard maps were generated considering three time periods of 1, 3, and 5 years.  相似文献   
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