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Over the course of hydrological research projects often a large number of heterogeneous data sets are acquired from sources as diverse as boreholes, gauging stations or satellite imagery. This data then need to be integrated into models for the simulation of hydrological processes. We propose a framework for exploration of geoscientific data and visually guided preparation of such models. Data sets from a large number of sources can be imported, combined and validated to avoid potential problems due to artefacts or inconsistencies between data sets in a subsequent simulation. Boundary conditions and domain discretisations for surface and subsurface models can be created and tested regarding criteria indicating possible numerical instabilities. All data sets including simulation results can be integrated into a user-controlled 3D scene and aspects of the data can be enhanced using a number of established visualisation techniques including thresholding and user-defined transfer functions. We present the application of this framework for the preparation of a model for simulation of groundwater flow in a river catchment in southwest Germany investigated in the scope of the WESS project.  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a contaminated coastal area and the characteristics of the natural organic matter in tandem. We present a detailed study of PAH concentration, distribution, and organic matter characteristics of three core samples from Pensacola Bay, Florida. Solid-state 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), pyrolysis gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) thermochemolysis GC-MS were applied to obtain structural details about the sedimentary organic matter. Elemental compositions (carbon and nitrogen) and estimates of black carbon contents are also reported. These coastal sediments were found to contain more PAHs in the upper 15 cm layers than in the bottom 15-25 cm samples. The samples that contained the most PAHs also contained the least amount of aromatic carbon and contained a significant amount of paraffinic carbon. Lignin-derived pyrolysis and TMAH thermochemolysis products were abundant and generally higher in all of the samples in comparison to those reported for modern coastal sediments, indicating a large flux of terrestrial carbon. The black carbon contents were found to range from 4.3% to 6.8%, which are significantly lower than other reports of black carbon in sediments, which represent as much as 65% of the total organic carbon content. The low black carbon content suggests that this type of refractory carbon may not be as responsible for regulating PAH distribution as indicated by other researchers.  相似文献   
Adequate irrigation inputs are essential for the application of hydrological models in irrigated catchments, but reliable data on both the amount and the frequency of irrigation applications are often missing at an appropriate spatial scale. In this paper, we demonstrate and test approaches to estimate irrigation inputs for distributed hydrological modelling. In this context, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool was applied to simulate water balances for an irrigated catchment in southeast Australia during the period 2008–2010. Two methods for estimating irrigation inputs were tested. One method was based on a fixed irrigation application rate, whereas the other one had variable irrigation rates depending on season and the irrigated crop. These two approaches were also compared with the ‘auto‐irrigation’ method within the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model. The method with variable irrigation rates resulted in the most reasonable interpretation of the readily available irrigation data, consistent estimates of irrigation runoff coefficients throughout the year and the best fit to observed data on both drain flows at the catchment outlet and spatial evapotranspiration patterns. We also found that the different irrigation inputs significantly affected simulated water balances, in particular deep percolation under relatively dry climatic conditions. All these results suggest that it is possible to infer irrigation inputs from readily available data and local knowledge, adequate for hydrological modelling in irrigated catchments. Our study also demonstrates that, in order to predict reliable water balances in irrigated catchments, an accurate knowledge of irrigation scheduling and irrigation runoff is required. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The net influx of the circumpolar water on the western (approximately along 10°E) and eastern (approximately 115°E) boundaries of the Indian Ocean, adopting the method of Montgomery and Stroup is computed on bivariate distribution of potential thermosteric anomaly and salinity to identify the characteristics of the flux. The zonal flux at both the boundaries indicates an alternate strong easterly and westerly flow between 36°S and 45°S, south of which the flow is mainly easterly but weak up to 56°S. At the western boundary the easterly flow is 146 Sv and westerly is 98.07 Sv, while at the eastern boundary (115°E) the corresponding fluxes are 123.46 Sv and 27.20 Sv respectively, indicating a net outflux of 48.33 Sv. This water should have been accounted by the melting of ice and influx of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Water.  相似文献   
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Organic matter is an undesirable constituent of the soil. Soils containing organic matter are associated with significant secondary compression and...  相似文献   
Lancelets (or amphioxus) are often found within the soft bottom of shallow tropical and temperate seas. The present study is the first to provide a fine‐scale biogeography of five species of lancelets (Asymmetron lucayanum, Branchiostoma belcheri, Branchiostoma japonicum, Epigonichthys cultellus, and Epigonichthys maldivensis) in the NW Pacific and examine the effects of multiple environmental parameters. From multivariate analyses, the distribution and abundance patterns of lancelets were explained by a combination of factors comprising depth, temperature of the collecting month, mean temperature of the coldest month in the year, medium particle size and silt/clay ratio of the sediments. In addition, ocean currents also affect their distribution range. The major occurrence of A. lucayanum and E. maldivensis was associated with the warm Kuroshio current, but E. maldivensis exhibited higher tolerance to low salinity and low temperature, and preferred substrata of slightly larger grain size, a lower ratio of suspended sediments, and deeper water. The closely related B. belcheri and B. japonicum exhibited fine‐scale habitat differentiation, and B. japonicum was abundant along the southern coast of China, where the salinity is lower in winter because of the China Coastal Current and the substratum is composed of very coarse sand with suspended sediments. Branchiostoma belcheri occurred in low abundance and was only recorded in Northern Taiwan and the Taiwan Banks. Epigonichthys cultellus was found only at the Taiwan Banks, which had deep water, coarse sand, and a negligible amount of suspended sediments.  相似文献   
In this paper we report on a series of replicated tracer experiments with deuterium conducted under controlled, steady stormflow conditions at the Gårdsjön G1 catchment in south‐western Sweden. In five different years, these experiments were carried out in a subcatchment of G1. Deuterium was applied as a narrow pulse so that distributions of water transit times could be directly inferred from the observed tracer breakthrough curves. Significantly different transit times of water were observed under similar experimental conditions. Coefficients of variation for estimated mean transit times were greater than 60%, which can be understood as a measure of the interannual variability for this type of experiments. Implications for water transit times under more natural flow conditions as wells as for future experimentation are discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Captive whitetip reef sharks, Triaenodon obesus,at Sea Life Park (SLP) Hawaii, Waimanalo, Hawaii develop goitre, whereas, T. obesus at the Waikiki Aquarium (WAQ), Honolulu,Hawaii do not develop goitre. To determine theeffects of natural concentrations of iodine on thereduction of goitre, two sharks from SLP with goitrewere placed in an enclosed coastal lagoon with naturalseawater. Using ultrasound measurements the twogoitres were initially 11.4 cm and 14.6 cm in depthand after 3 months decreased to 4.7 cm and 5.7 cm. Radioimmunoassay analysis of the thyroid hormoneT3 sera concentrations were initially 0.22 ng/mland 0.33 ng/ml and increased to 1.84 ng/ml after beingplaced in the lagoon. Sera T4 were initially0.93 ng/ml and 0.99 ng/ml and increased dramaticallyto 17 ng/ml and 56 ng/ml. Over the six month samplingperiod, two resident sharks in the lagoon with normalthyroids had sera T3 concentrations from 0.89ng/ml to 1.1 ng/ml, and sera T4 concentrationsfrom 3.1 ng/ml to 7.9 ng/ml. The hypothyroidcondition in the SLP goitred-sharks is likely linkedto the low environmental iodide (<0.005 M), andhigh nitrate (111 M) of SLP water. The WAQwell-water facility was characterized by anoxic waterwith high iodide (0.60 M), total iodine (1.90M), and typical nitrate (24.6 M)concentrations of interstitial groundwater. Thedifference of iodide concentration of SLP and WAQ tankwater (<0.005 M versus 0.60 M) wasdirectly related to the hydrogeology of the well-watersources. To avoid goitre in marine aquarium systems,we recommend maintaining iodide concentrations of atleast 0.15 M.  相似文献   
During the last decades, increasing exports of both dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and iron were observed from peat catchments in North America and Europe with potential consequences for water quality of streamwater and carbon storages of soils. As mobilisation and transport processes of DOC and iron in peat catchments are only partly understood, the purpose of this study was to elucidate these processes in an intensively monitored and studied system. Specifically, it was hypothesised that dissimilatory iron reduction in riparian peatland soils mobilises DOC initially adsorbed to iron minerals. During stormflow conditions, both DOC and iron will be transported into the stream network. Ferrous iron may be reoxidised at redox interfaces on its way to the stream, and subsequently, ferric iron could be transported together with DOC as complexes. To test these hypotheses, generalised additive models (GAMs) were applied to 14 years of weekly time series of discharge and concentrations of selected solutes measured in a German headwater stream called Lehstenbach. This stream drains a 4.19‐km2 forested mountain catchment; one third of which is covered by riparian peatland soils. We interpreted results of different types of GAM in the way that (a) iron reduction drove the mobilisation of DOC from peatland soils and that (b) both iron and DOC were transported as complexes after their joint mobilisation to and within the steam. It was speculated that low nitrate availability in the uppermost wetland soil layer, particularly during the growing season, promoted iron reduction and thus the mobilisation of DOC. However, the influence of nitrate on the DOC mobilisation remains relatively uncertain. This influence could be further investigated using methods similar to the GAM analysis conducted here for other catchments with long‐term data as well as detailed measurements of the relevant species in riparian wetland soils and the adjacent stream network.  相似文献   
Determination of soaked california bearing ratio (CBR) and compaction characteristics of soils in the laboratory require considerable time and effort. To make a preliminary assessment of the suitability of soils required for a project, prediction models for these engineering properties on the basis of laboratory tests—which are quick to perform, less time consuming and cheap—such as the tests for index properties of soils, are preferable. Nevertheless researchers hold divergent views regarding the most influential parameters to be taken into account for prediction of soaked CBR and compaction characteristics of fine-grained soils. This could be due to the complex behaviour of soils—which, by their very nature, exhibit extreme variability. However this disagreement is a matter of concern as it affects the dependability of prediction models. This study therefore analyses the ability of artificial neural networks and multiple regression to handle different influential parameters simultaneously so as to make accurate predictions on soaked CBR and compaction characteristics of fine-grained soils. The results of simple regression analyses included in this study indicate that optimum moisture content (OMC) and maximum dry density (MDD) of fine-grained soils bear better correlation with soaked CBR of fine-grained soils than plastic limit and liquid limit. Simple regression analyses also indicate that plastic limit has stronger correlation with compaction characteristics of fine-grained soils than liquid limit. On the basis of these correlations obtained using simple regression analyses, neural network prediction models and multiple regression prediction models—with varying number of input parameters are developed. The results reveal that neural network models have more ability to utilize relatively less influential parameters than multiple regression models. The study establishes that in the case of neural network models, the relatively less powerful parameters—liquid limit and plastic limit can also be used effectively along with MDD and OMC for better prediction of soaked CBR of fine-grained soils. Also with the inclusion of less significant parameter—liquid limit along with plastic limit the predictions on compaction characteristics of fine-grained soils using neural network analysis improves considerably. Thus in the case of neural network analysis, the use of relatively less influential input parameters along with stronger parameters is definitely beneficial, unlike conventional statistical methods—for which, the consequence of this approach is unpredictable—giving sometimes not so favourable results. Very weak input parameters alone need to be avoided for neural network analysis. Consequently, when there is ambiguity regarding the most influential input parameters, neural network analysis is quite useful as all such influential parameters can be taken to consideration simultaneously, which will only improve the performance of neural network models. As soils by their very nature, exhibit extreme complexity, it is necessary to include maximum number of influential parameters—as can be determined easily using simple laboratory tests—in the prediction models for soil properties, so as to improve the reliability of these models—for which, use of neural networks is more desirable.  相似文献   
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