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1 INTRODUCTION Because of the large quantity of sand and gravel in their beds, rivers have always been considered as a major source of sand and gravel for civil works. Acceptable quality, ease of extraction and economy are some of the reasons could be mentioned. Unfortunately, specific laws and regulations regarding the safe in-stream mining have not been provided for users and officials. What should be taken into account are the effects of over-mining of sand and gravel, which can cause …  相似文献   
本文研究的目的是确定软体动物对于铀在海洋生态系统中的分布所起的地球化学作用。对取自里海、日本海、马尔马拉海、爱琴海、黑海、地中海、波罗的海和印度洋的近代软体动物贝壳进行了生物地球化学研究,这些贝壳的物理、化学、地理和地球化学特征各不相同。本次研究中,分析了9个腹足类和54个双壳类不同种的贝壳以记录铀在不同季节层中的变化。季节层是由软体动物在整个生命过程中季节性的碳酸盐—有机相生成的。研究中使用的贝壳主要分3层:上(外)棱柱层,中棱柱层,内(珠母)层。此外,条件许可时,将贝壳性的头部、中部和下部分别进行分析,并且还计算出相对  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to predict peak particle velocity level at a limestone quarry located in Istanbul, Turkey. The ground vibration components were measured for 73 blast events during the bench blast optimization studies during a long period. In blasting operations; ANFO (blasting agent), gelatine dynamite (priming) and NONEL detonators (firing) were used as explosives at this site. Parameters of scaled distance (charge quantity per delay and the distance between the source and the station) were recorded carefully and the ground vibration components were measured by means of vibration monitors for every event. Then, the data pairs of scaled distance and particle velocity were analyzed. The equation of scaled distance extensively used in the literature was taken into consideration for the prediction of peak particle velocity. At the end of statistical evaluations, an empirical relationship with good correlation was established between peak particle velocity and scale distance for this site. The established relationship and the results of the study are presented.  相似文献   
In the Aspe Valley (western Pyrenees), the Europe/Iberia boundary corresponds to a complex fracturing zone, called the ‘Bielle–Accous Wrench-Faulting Corridor’, which represents the classical ‘North-Pyrenean Fault’. Located between the High Primary Range and the North-Pyrenean Zone, the BAWC shows different south-verging sheets mainly composed of Triassic materials. The Bedous ophite, associated with Muschelkalk and Keuper sediments, is also Triassic in age and involved in the same Pyrenean thrusting structures. So, contrary to a recent interpretation, this magmatic rock cannot be related to a supposed Danian plutonism inducing metamorphic processes in the surrounding Mesozoic formations. To cite this article: J. Canérot et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
Landslides are common natural hazards in the seismically active North Anatolian Fault Zone of Turkey. Although seismic activity, heavy rainfall, channel incisions, and anthropogenic effects are commonly the main triggers of landslides, on March 17, 2005, a catastrophic large landslide in Sivas, northeastern of Turkey, the Kuzulu landslide, was triggered by snowmelt without any other precursor. The initial failure of the Kuzulu landslide was rotational. Following the rotational failure, the earth material in the zone of accumulation exhibited an extremely rapid flow caused by steep gradient and high water content. The Agnus Creek valley, where Kuzulu village is located, was filled by the earth-flow material and a landslide dam was formed on the upper part of Agnus Creek. The distance from the toe of the rotational failure down to the toe of the earth flow measured more than 1800 m, with about 12.5 million m3 of displaced earth material. The velocity of the Kuzulu landslide was extremely fast, approximately 6 m/s. The main purposes of this study are to describe the mechanism and the factors conditioning the Kuzulu landslide, to present its environmental impacts, and to produce landslide-susceptibility maps of the Kuzulu landslide area and its near vicinity. For this purpose, a detailed landslide inventory map was prepared and geology, slope, aspect, elevation, topographic-wetness index and stream-power index were considered as conditioning factors. During the susceptibility analyses, the conditional probability approach was used and a landslide-susceptibility map was produced. The landslide-susceptibility map will help decision makers in site selection and the site-planning process. The map may also be accepted as a basis for landslide risk-management studies to be applied in the study area.  相似文献   
西藏尼雄矿田日阿铜矿床矽卡岩矿物学特征及地质意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
尼雄矿田位于冈底斯成矿带西段中部隆格尔南木林岩浆岩带的北侧.日阿铜矿床位于尼雄矿田的东南端,矿体产于晚白垩世侵入岩与下拉组灰岩接触带的矽卡岩或矽卡岩化大理岩中,主要矽卡岩矿物有石榴子石、透辉石、蛇纹石、金云母、绢云母、硅镁石、阳起石、透闪石、绿帘石、绿泥石等.电子探针分析表明,矿区石榴子石主要为钙铁榴石,次为钙铝榴石;辉石以透辉石为主;金云母明显富镁贫铁,且富含挥发分F;闪石类矿物属钙角闪石系列;绿泥石富镁贫铁.推断成矿流体大致经历了5个演化阶段:①干矽卡岩阶段,高温(>450℃)、低pH值、氧化-弱氧化;②湿矽卡岩阶段,温度降低,pH值和氧逸度逐渐升高;③氧化物阶段,温度进一步降低,pH值升高(碱性),氧逸度则呈降低趋势;④石英硫化物阶段,中等温度(200~300℃),高pH值(碱性),低氧逸度;⑤碳酸盐阶段,低温(160~203℃),低pH值,低氧逸度.此外,矿区还存在多金属矿化的可能.  相似文献   
The Haji Abad intrusion is a well-exposed Middle Eocene I-type granodioritc pluton in the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic assemblage (UDMA). The major constituents of the investigated rocks are K-feldspar, quartz, plagioclase, pyroxene, and minor Fe–Ti oxide and hornblende. The plagioclase compositions fall in the labradorite, andesine, and oligoclase fields. The amphiboles range in composition from magnesio-hornblende to tremolite–hornblende of the calcic-amphibole group. Most pyroxenes principally plot in the field of diopside. The calculated average pressure of emplacement is 1.9 kbar for the granodioritic rocks, crystallizing at depths of about 6.7 km. The highest pressure estimated from clinopyroxene geobarometry (5 kbar) reflects initial pyroxene crystallization pressure, indicating initial crystallization depth (17.5 km) in the Haji Abad granodiorite. The estimated temperatures using two-feldspar thermometry give an average 724 °C. The calculated average temperature for clinopyroxene crystallization is 1090 °C. The pyroxene temperatures are higher than the estimated temperature by feldspar thermometry, indicating that the pyroxene and feldspar temperatures represent the first and late stages of magmatic crystallization of Haji Abad granodiorite, respectively. Most pyroxenes plot above the line of Fe3+?=?0, indicating they crystallized under relatively high oxygen fugacity or oxidized conditions. Furthermore, the results show that the Middle Eocene granitoids crystallized from magmas with H2O content about 3.2 wt%. The relatively high water content is consistent with the generation environment of HAG rocks in an active continental margin and has allowed the magma to reach shallower crustal levels. The MMEs with ellipsoidal and spherical shapes show igneous microgranular textures and chilled margins, probably indicating the presence of magma mixing. Besides, core to rim compositional oscillations (An and FeO) for the plagioclase crystals serve as robust evidence to support magma mixing. The studied amphiboles and pyroxenes are grouped in the subalkaline fields that are consistent with crystallization from I-type calc-alkaine magma in the subduction environment related to active continental margin. Mineral chemistry data indicate that Haji Abad granodiorites were generated in an orogenic belt related to the volcanic arc setting consistent with the subduction of Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust beneath the central Iranian microcontinent.  相似文献   
Green synthesis of nanomaterials has received increasing attention as an eco-friendly technology in materials science. Here, we have used two types of extractions from green tea leaf (i.e., total extraction and tannin extraction) as reducing agents for a rapid, simple and one-step synthesis method of mesoporous silica nanoparticles/iron oxide nanocomposite based on deposition of iron oxide onto mesoporous silica nanoparticles. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles/iron oxide nanocomposite were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray, vibrating sample magnetometer, N2 adsorption and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles/iron oxide nanocomposite was used as a solid adsorbent for removal of lindane pesticide from aqueous solutions. The developed system possesses the advantages of silica as core that include large surface area and advantages of iron oxide (shell) that include the capability to interact with chlorinated compounds and ability to release by using external magnetic field. UV-Vis technique was used as a simple and easy method for monitoring the removal of lindane. Effects of pH and temperature on the removal efficiency of the developed mesoporous silica nanoparticles/iron oxide nanocomposite toward lindane pesticide were also investigated. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography techniques were used to confirm the high ability of mesoporous silica nanoparticles/iron oxide nanocomposite for sensing and the capture of lindane molecules with high sorption capacity (about 99%) that could develop a new eco-friendly strategy for detection and removal of pesticide and as a promising material for water treatment.  相似文献   
2004年春季沙尘天气对和田市空气质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用沙尘暴监测网数据、常规气象资料以及MICAPS系统环流形势资料,对和田市2004年春季沙尘天气产生的污染进行了详细的对比分析。研究结果表明:和田市春季污染相当严重,主要以沙尘污染为主。整个春季79%时间API(环境污染指数)指数均达到500,且45%时间可吸入颗粒物PM10在TSP巾的浓度比例达50%。不同天气系统对和田市空气的污染贡献不同。从东路影响和田市的天气系统、高压底部型地面系统和浮尘天气所造成空气污染相当严重。其余天气系统和天气现象所产生的污染较小。  相似文献   
对照常规天气图实况资料,检验几种常用NWP产品对2008年7月5日山东一次强降水过程的形势场预报和降水预报,并对其物理量场进行诊断分析.结果表明,暴雨落区与诸多物理量场的配置紧密相关;暴雨区出现在低层水汽辐合中心移动路径上,位于与水汽通量散度强辐合中心和强上升运动中心接近处;暴雨区移动方向与水汽通量大值中心、△θse(500-850)负值中心长轴方向一致,水汽通量散度低层辐合、高层辐散两者均满足时有利于强降水发生;200 hPa高空辐散的抽吸作用远比仅有低层辐合更有利于上升运动发展;地面强降水区出现在200 hPa强辐散中心所在处.  相似文献   
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