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王蔚芳  向玲  王琳  黄滨  李会涛 《海洋科学》2020,44(2):113-119
本实验旨在探究维生素E对半滑舌鳎垂体组织中生长激素基因表达的影响。作者在每千克等氮等能的基础饲料中分别添加0、400和1 600mg的DL-α-生育酚乙酸酯(维生素E)投喂半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis)成鱼(464±2.6) g,进行为期8周的养殖实验;另外,在L-15培养基中添加0、18和54μmol/L的维生素E,对半滑舌鳎成鱼(464±2.6) g的垂体细胞进行为期3 d的体外原代培养实验。分别取垂体组织和原代细胞,通过荧光实时定量PCR分析其gh mRNA的相对表达量。实验结果表明:垂体组织中gh mRNA的相对表达量随着饲料中维生素E含量的增加而呈现先升高后下降的变化趋势,在400 mg/kg组时显著高于其他各组(P0.05);随着细胞培养液中维生素E浓度的升高, gh mRNA的相对表达量显著增加(P0.05)。由此可见,适宜浓度的维生素E能够促进半滑舌鳎垂体组织中生长激素基因的表达。  相似文献   
圆形网箱框架用PE管材的弯曲疲劳试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网箱框架在风、浪、流单一载荷或其复合载荷的作用下,始终处于动态变化中,在这样的工况条件下,很容易发生疲劳破坏。本文通过对网箱框架工况条件的分析,认为网箱框架在沿直径方向的弯曲疲劳为主要因素,且在弯曲过程中周长保持不变。以圆形框架在直径方向产生20%的压缩变形为极端条件,通过几点假设,将工况条件向试验条件进行转化,提出1种圆形网箱框架用PE管材的弯曲疲劳试验方法。采用此方法对3种改性配方的聚乙烯管材样品进行了弯曲疲劳试验。结果表明,经10万次弯曲试验,3种配方的试样表面均无开裂等破坏现象,各配方的最大应力水平分别下降了14.3%,9.4%和16.9%。  相似文献   
鲆鲽网箱结构在海中受到水流的冲击作用会发生运动与变形,针对鲆鲽鱼特有的栖底习性,为确保网底结构的稳定有必要对其进行动力分析。为此利用有限元方法建立了流场中网箱受力和变形的数学计算模型,运用该数学模型对底框中加有支撑管结构并装配方形网目网衣的鲆鲽网箱整体位移进行了数值模拟。数值模拟结果表明,网箱的网衣部分在水流作用下形态变化比较大,网底的水平位移与垂直位移随流速的增加而增大,而网箱的底框架在不同流速条件下均能保持在水平位置,且未发生明显的倾斜。由此可见,此类鲆鲽网箱具有较好的耐流性能。  相似文献   
宜春市位于江西省西北部,辖10个县(市、区),总面积1.87万平方公里,总人口550万.全市以丘陵和山地为主,地质灾害点多面广,现有地质灾害隐患点1532处,威胁人口14583人,属全省地质灾害易发、多发区.近年来,宜春市牢固树立“地灾防治责任重于泰山”和“生命至上”的理念,大力构建起具有自身特色的点、线、面“三位一体”地灾防治新模式,织牢了保护百姓生命安全大网.通过盯住点、牵好线、统好面,大力推进地灾调查评价、监测预警、应急防治、综合治理“四大体系”建设,有效避免和减轻了地质灾害造成的损失,连续7年实现地灾“零伤亡”.  相似文献   
宜春市位于江西省西北部,辖10个县(市、区),总面积1.87万平方公里,总人口550万.全市地质灾害点多面广,现有地质灾害隐患点1761处,威胁着近2万人生命的安全,房屋设施等财产的潜在威胁达4.8亿元,属全省地质灾害易发、多发区.这些地灾隐患点大多分布在偏远山区,规模较小、突发性强、危害性大、治理难度也大.近年来,宜春市针对先天恶劣的地质环境,大力探索“脱险+脱贫”地灾移民搬迁新模式,将脱险与脱贫有机结合起来,使地灾移民真正实现了“移得出、住得稳、富得了”.据统计,2011年以来,全市累计投入资金3000多万元,建设地灾移民集中安置点75个,移民搬迁集中安置6267人,连续6年未发生一起因地灾造成人员伤亡事件.  相似文献   
Stocking density is widely recognized as a critical factor in aquaculture and a potential source of long-term stress.The influence of stocking density on growth and stress response of juvenile turbot(Scophthalmus maximus, ~3–75g, initial to final weight) was examined in fish held under low(LD, ~0.21–5.31 kg/m~2, initial to final density),medium(MD, ~0.42–10.81 kg/m~2) and high stocking density(HD, ~0.63–14.27 kg/m~2) for 120 days in a recirculating aquaculture system(RAS). In this trial, the growth curve for weight of juvenile turbot in RAS, all fitted by the Schnute model. No significant difference was found in growth performance among the three densities until at the final sampling(Day 120). The final weight and body weight increase(BWI) in the HD group were significantly lower than in other groups(P0.05, weight:(75.83±2.49) g,(75.39±2.08) g,(65.72±2.86) g and BWI:(2 436.12±28.10)%,(2 421.29±4.64)%,(2 097.88±20.99)% in LD, MD and HD groups, respectively). Similarly, the specific growth rate(SGR), feed conversion ratio(FCR) and coefficient of variation for weight(CV_w) were adversely affected by high stocking density(P0.05). However, there was no difference in survival and Fulton's condition factor(K) of turbot among the different groups. Physiological analyses demonstrated a clear increase in the plasma cortisol level and an obvious decrease in growth hormone(GH) concentration in the HD group on Day120(P0.05). There was no significant effect of stocking density on plasma glucose, Cl– and protein levels. All these findings would provide a reference for selecting the optimal stocking density of juvenile turbot in RAS.  相似文献   
试验对褐牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)"陆海接力"养殖模式的可行性、养殖操作技术进行了研究。在山东荣成爱莲湾海域,分别于2008年和2009年5月,当海区水温上升至12.0℃以上时,将陆基工厂化培育的适宜规格苗种转运到海上,利用自行研制的方形钢结构鲆鲽类平底网箱养成褐牙鲆商品鱼。其中,2009年养殖平均体质量为59.3,136.0和202.0 g的褐牙鲆各1箱,经过174 d的养殖,平均体质量分别达到614.0,885.3和1 030.0 g,转运成活率100%,网箱养殖成活率分别为93.3%,87.5%和93.3%。结果表明,方形钢结构鲆鲽类平底网箱适合鲆鲽鱼类养殖,"陆海接力"模式养殖的褐牙鲆生长快、养殖周期短、成本低,而且该模式操作简单、节约能源。  相似文献   
<正>宜春市位于江西省西北部,耕地面积达712万亩,基本农田保护率一直稳定在85.5%。全市10个县(市、区)中有8个是国家商品粮生产基地,生产占全省1/6左右的粮、棉、油,赢得了"赣中粮仓"的美誉。近几年来,宜春市坚持最严格的耕地保护制度和基本农田保护"总量  相似文献   
This paper presents a simulation model based on the finite element method. The method is used to analyze the motion response and mooring line tension of the flatfish cage system in waves. The cage system consists of top frames, netting, mooring lines, bottom frames, and floats. A series of scaled physical model tests in regular waves are conducted to verify the numerical model. The comparison results show that the simulated and the experimental results agree well under the wave conditions, and the maximum pitch of the bottom frame with two orientations is about 12o. The motion process of the whole cage system in the wave can be described with the computer visualized technology. Then, the mooring line tensions and the motion of the bottom frame with three kinds of weight are calculated under different wave conditions. According to the numerical results, the differences in mooring line tensions of flatfish cages with three weight modes are indistinct. The maximum pitch of the bottom frame decreases with the increase of the bottom weight.  相似文献   
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