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以柴油为唯一碳源和能源,从南极海水海冰微生物资源库中筛选到一株石油烃低温降解菌希瓦氏菌NJ49,并对影响其生长和降解率的环境因素(pH、温度、盐度、营养盐和表面活性剂)进行了初步研究。结果表明:希瓦氏菌NJ49可作为低温海域石油烃污染生物修复的菌源,其生长和降解的最适条件为:初始pH7.5,温度15℃,盐度6%,摇瓶装量80ml,最佳氮源硝酸铵,最佳磷源为磷酸二氢钾和磷酸氢二钾的混合物,添加表面活性剂可促进希瓦氏菌NJ49的生长和生物降解率。  相似文献   
羟化酶是细菌降解烷烃的关键酶,本文以南极低温降解菌Shewanella sp.NJ49为研究对象,通过硫酸铵沉淀、超滤浓缩及葡聚糖凝胶Sephadex G-75柱层析方法,分离纯化NJ49的羟化酶,获得了单一羟化酶组分,研究了温度、p H、表面活性剂和盐度等环境因素对NJ49羟化酶酶活活性影响。结果表明,羟化酶组分由α、β、γ三个亚基组成,分子质量分别为56,45和36 k D。NJ49最适产酶条件为:温度15℃、p H7.2、盐度55;不同类型表面活性剂对酶的活性影响效应不一,两性离子表面活性剂、阳离子表面活性剂、非离子表面活性剂对酶活没有作用,阴离子表面活性剂+非离子表面活性剂混和剂和阳离子表面活性剂+非离子表面活性剂混和剂能提高羟化酶的活性。  相似文献   
The ability of cell to modulate the fluidity of plasma membrane was crucial to the survival of microorganism at low temperature.Plasma membrane proteins,fatty acids and carotenoids profiles of Antarctic psychrophilc yeast Rhodotorula sp.NJ298 were investigated at-3 ℃,0 ℃ and 8 ℃.The results showed that plasma membrane protein content was greater at-3 ℃ than that at 8 ℃,and a unique membrane polypeptide composition with an apparent molecular mass of 94.7 kDa was newly synthesized with SDS-PAGE analysis;GC analysis showed that the main changes of fatty acids were the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids(C18:1 and C18:2) and shorter chain saturated fatty acid(C10:0) increased along with the decrease of the culture temperature from 8 ℃ to-3 ℃;HPLC analysis indicated that astaxanthin was the major functional carotenoids of the plasma membrane,percentage of which increased from 54.6±1.5% at 8 ℃ to 81.9±2.1% at-3 ℃.However the fluidity of plasma membrane which was determined by measuring fluorescence anisotropy was similar at-3 ℃,0 ℃ and 8 ℃.Hence these changes in plasma membrane's characteristics were involved in the cellular cold-adaptation by which NJ298 could maintain normal plasma membrane fluidity at near-freezing temperature.  相似文献   
The changes of plasmalemma permeability and some primary inorganic ions of Antarctic ice microalgae ( Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L) in the low-temperature stress were examined. The plasmalemma of 1CE-L could maintain the stability at the freezing condition of -6 ℃. That signifies that it could maintain the proper function of plasmalemma and stability of the intracellular environment during sea ice formation. The function of inorganic ions on low-temperature adaptation of ICE-L was investigated by using the X-ray microanalysis method. Low temperature (0 - -6 ℃ ) induces Ca^2 + concentration increment of cytoplasm, but after 24 h the content decrease quickly to normal value. As a matter of fact, Ca^2 + plays an important role as the second messenger in the low temperature adaptation of ICE-L. In addition, low temperature also influences on the other primary inorganic ions transfer and the cell maintains activity by keeping ratio balance among different ions. Above all, it is necessary for Antarctic ice microalgae to survive and breed by maintaining the stability of K^ + content and the balance of Na^ +/Cl^ -.  相似文献   
环境因子对2种南极绿藻脂肪含量和脂肪酸组成的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过气相色谱方法对南极冰藻的脂肪酸进行了分析,发现环境因素对2种绿藻总脂含量有一定的影响:(1)温度对Pymmixtomonas sp,总脂含量影响不大,一般为8.3%~8.9%,Chlorophyceae L-4在2℃时的总脂含量最高为10.33%;(2)光强显著地影响这2种绿藻脂肪在细胞内的积累。随着光强由限制生长的39 lx增加到3900 lx,2种绿藻的脂肪酸含量降低:(3)盐度的提高有利于2种绿藻脂肪的积累;(4)营养盐的限制也利于2种绿藻脂肪的积累。在氮源缺乏条件下,Pyramidomonas sp,和Chlorophyceae L-4细胞内脂肪大量积累,含量分别是以NH4Cl为氮源的2.2和3.2倍。环境因素对2种绿藻脂肪酸组成和含量的影响不同,其脂肪含量的改变反映了南极冰藻生长的改变。环境因子能够影响这2种绿藻的脂肪含量,同样也影响到它们的生长。在适合南极冰藻生长的条件下,脂肪酸积累降低;反之,在南极冰藻生长受到限制的条件下,脂肪合成增加。这表明2种绿藻的脂肪含量随生存环境的变化而变化。环境因子同样影响到2种绿藻的脂肪酸组成,尤其是不饱和脂肪酸的组成和含量,但组成和其生长不存在相关性。环境因子(温度、光强、盐度和营养盐)对2种绿藻脂肪酸的测定结果表明,在2种绿藻中,多不饱和脂肪酸的含量高于单不饱和脂肪酸和饱和脂肪酸。因此。这2种绿藻可望为多不饱和脂肪酸的开发利用提供藻种资源。  相似文献   
107 strains producing protease were screened from 260 strains of Antarctic psychrophilic bacteria, among which proteolytic activity of five strains was more than 45 U ml^-1. The 16S rRNA gcne sequences homology and phylogcnetic analysis of five Antarctic psychrophillc bacteria showed that NJ276, NJS-9, NJ16-70,NJ345 belonged tO the described genus Pseudoalteromonas and NJ341 belonged to the genus Colwellia. The growth and the protease characteristic of four Antarctic psychrophilic bacteria had been studied, and the result showed that the 6ptimal temperature for growth and protease-produeing of four strains was about 10℃. Their growth and protease-produeing were still high during incubatlng 2-5 days. The maximum proteolytic activity occurred at pH 9 for four Antarctic psychrophilic bacteria. The optimal temperature of protease action of both strains NJ276 and NJ5-9 was about 50℃, however, the optimal temperature of protease aetlon of both strains NJ341 and NJ345 was about 40 ℃, and their proteolytic activity under 0℃ exhibited nearly 30% of the maximum activity, but their thermal stabilities were weaker. These results indicated that proteases from NJ341 and NJ345 were low-temperature proteases.  相似文献   
极地微生物活性物质研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
极地具有独特的地理及气候特征,除短暂的夏季部分地区有冰雪融化外,其余均被常年的冰雪所覆盖。变化极大的光照辐射、季节性的光照时间、极低的温度造就了极地微生物特殊的生物学特征。自1908年Ekelof首次报导在南极分离出微生物后,各国的微生物学家相继在极地进行了大量的研究工作,证明了极  相似文献   
南极冰藻是南大洋碳流和能量流的重要组成部分,在该区域的生态系统中发挥着极其重要的作用.低温、低光照和高盐度对类囊体膜光系统的伤害必将影响冰藻对光能的吸收、传递和转换,从而影响冰藻的正常生长繁殖.事实上,冰藻为了能够在这寒冷骤变的环境中生存、繁衍,类囊体膜光系统在生理、代谢和遗传上进行了复杂的适应性改变,冰藻在低光照条件下保持很高的光合效率.因此研究南极冰藻类囊体膜光系统具有重要的理论意义.综述了南极冰藻类囊体膜光系统的研究进展,以期为进一步了解南极冰藻光系统作用机理提供依据.  相似文献   
<正> 107 strains producing protease were screened from 260 strains of Ant-arctic psychrophilic bacteria,among which proteolytic activity of five strains wasmore than 45 U ml~(-1).The 16S rRNA gene sequences homology and phylogenet-ic analysis of five Antarctic psychrophilic bacteria showed that NJ276、NJ5-9、NJ16-70、NJ345 belonged to the described genus Pseudoalteromonas and NJ341belonged to the genus Colwellia.The growth and the protease characteristic offour Antarctic psychrophilic bacteria had been studied,and the result showedthat the optimal temperature for growth and protease-producing of four strainswas about 10℃.Their growth and protease-producing were still high during in-cubating 2-5 days.The maximum proteolytic activity occurred at pH 9 for fourAntarctic psychrophilic bacteria.The optimal temperature of protease action ofboth strains NJ276 and NJ5-9 was about 50℃,however,the optimal temperatureof protease action of both strains NJ341 and NJ345 was about 40℃,and theirproteolytic activity under 0℃ exhibited nearly 30% of the maximum activity,but their thermal stabilities were weaker.These results indicated that proteasesfrom NJ341 and NJ345 were low-temperature proteases.  相似文献   
冰活性物质与南极冰藻低温适应性关系的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冰活性物质是由南极冰藻产生的具有抑制冰晶生长的一类胞外糖蛋白.对5种南极冰藻分泌的冰活性物质的测定表明,冰活性物质活性存在种间特异性,大小依次为绿藻L4>盒形藻>菱形藻>圆筛藻>绿藻B7.以高活性的绿藻L4为研究对象,抑制冰晶活性测定表明,含有冰活性物质的溶液所形成的冰晶颗粒较小,颗粒之间缝隙较大,能够减轻结冰给生物体带来的伤害.  相似文献   
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