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潮汐响应分析及非线性输入函数的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用对不同潮族进行带通滤波而后进行响应分析的方法对潮汐进行分析。引用第一级预报水位构成的非线性输入函数分析非线性潮。给出了预报水位4至6级的组合公式。较好地分析了8,10两族。本文还以坎门和金山咀为例研究了各种输入函数的分析效果,并以预报方差和谱结构来考察输入函数的合理性。  相似文献   
通过SF-2050G型星站GPS(无基站)与Trimble 5700 GPS(有基站)在长江三峡库区河段比测试验,结果表明SF-2050G与Trinble5700GPS具有同样高质量导航、测量定位精度。SF-2050G型星站GPS在接收卫星信号同时接收海事卫星差分信号,获得了良好的测量精度。使之在各种条件下无须基站可实施卫星导航与测量。减少了差分基站所投入的成本与时间;扩展了GPS接收使用条件,提高了导航、测量的工作效率。  相似文献   
利用牙鲆鳃细胞系分离和培养淋巴囊肿病毒   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
本文利用牙鲆鳃细胞系进行了养殖牙鲆淋巴囊肿病毒的分离及培养 ,并通过电镜对培养细胞中淋巴囊肿病毒的形态及感染循环进行了初步研究。将病鱼的淋巴囊肿组织无菌滤液接种牙鲆细胞系 ,细胞出现了明显的细胞病变 ( Cytopathic effect,CPE)。电镜观察在培养细胞的胞质中有病毒的包涵体 ,胞质中散在 6角形、5角形或圆形的病毒粒子 ,大小为 10 0~ 140 nm之间。在感染细胞的线粒体中也存在大量的病毒颗粒。  相似文献   
Amphioxus, a cephalochordate, is an important model fish for studies in evolution and comparative biology. A successful cell culture from amphioxus tissues in vitro would help understanding some basic issues. To determine the optimal culture conditions for proliferation of amphioxus cells, primary cultures were initiated from buccal cirri, tail, gill, gut and metapleural fold of amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense. The media tested were L-15, F-12, M 199, MEM, DMEM, PRMI 1640 and LDF, each was supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum. The optimal conditions include tail tissue cultured in L-15 or F-12 with supplement of 20% FBS and 1.5% NaCl at about 25°C. Supported by Doctoral Initial Fund of Ludong University (No.43304)  相似文献   
Three continuous marine fish cell lines of FG (i. e., Hounder Gill) from flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) gill, SPH (i. e. , Sea Perch Heart) from sea perch (Lateolabrax japonicus) heart and RSBF (i.e., Red Sea Bream Fin) from red sea bream (Pagrosomus major) fin, were characterized by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isozyme and morphological analysis. The LDH isozyme patterns of these three cell lines and their corresponding tissues of origin were investigated and compared. The results showed: (1) No difference was found in the LDH isozyme patterns of FG and flounder gill tissue. However, the LDH isozyme patterns of SPH and RSBF were significantly different from their corresponding tissues of origin; (2) LDH isozyme patterns of FG, SPH and RSBF were markedly different from each other and could serve as genetic markers for species identification and detection of cross contamination. Morphological change analysis of these three cell lines in comparison to their original tissues indicated that FG cells still appeared epithelioid without morphological transformation. However, morphological changes were found in SPH and RSBF compared to their original tissues. Therefore, the cellular morphology was still plastic in the relatively stable culture conditions, and it was possible that change of LDH patterns wasrelated to morphological changes of fish cells in vitro.  相似文献   
酚氧化酶 (phenoloxidase,PO)参与无脊椎动物的防御反应。在无脊椎动物中 ,PO一般以无活性的酶原形式——酚氧化酶原 (prophenoloxidase,proPO)存在[1]。无活性的 proPO在丝氨酸型蛋白酶作用下转变成具有活性的PO。丝氨酸型蛋白酶本身也以酶原的形式存在 ,可被细菌和真菌等的细胞壁成分激活。酚氧化酶及其因子构成了一个复杂的酶级联反应系统 ,即所谓的酚氧化酶原激活系统 (prophenoloxidase activatedsystem ,proPO AS)。该系统由PO、蛋白酶、模式识别蛋白和蛋白酶的抑制剂构成。proPO AS能被微生物的细胞壁成分如β 1,3 葡聚糖等…  相似文献   
热激蛋白研究概况及其在海洋生物中的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1热激蛋白的发现及主要特性自20世纪中叶第一次发现热激能诱导果蝇幼虫唾液腺染色体形成新的膨突后,进一步研究发现高温能使果蝇的蛋白质合成发生改变,正常的蛋白质合成被抑制,同时启动了一套新的蛋白质合成基因,新合成或增加合成一类应激蛋白,人们称这种反应为热激反应,由高温诱导合成的蛋白称为热激蛋白。以后研究逐渐发展到了昆虫、鸟类、哺乳动物、人类以及细菌、酵母等生物 ,发现从细菌到人类都具有合成热激蛋白的能力 ,因而认识到热激反应是一个普遍的生物现象[3]。热激蛋白最初被认为是生物体应答温度升高而表达的蛋白 ,…  相似文献   
C型凝集素是指一类依赖钙离子的糖结合蛋白,是凝集素家族中种类和数量最多的一个家族,广泛存在于脊椎动物和无脊椎动物中。当外界病原微生物侵入机体后,C型凝集素便可迅速识别和清除病原微生物,在先天性免疫中发挥重要作用,所以C型凝集素一直是免疫学研究领域的热点。本文从结构特征、表达图式和免疫功能等方面对代表性海洋生物的C型凝集素研究现状进行综述,期待可以为深入探讨海洋生物C型凝集素的功能提供参考。  相似文献   
The developmental fate of the pronuclei in recombined embryos obtained by transplanting the donor nuclei into the non-enucleated eggs remains controversial in the case of fish.In the present study,the nuclei from the loach blastulae were transplanted into non-enucleated zebrafish eggs,the resulting 9 inter-family nuclear transplant embryos developed to larval stages,Although the development timing of the nuclear transplants resembled that of zebrafish,chromosome examination revealed that most of the recombined embryos were diploids with karyotype characteristic of loach,which was also proved by RAPD analysis.Moreover,3 out of the 9 larval fish formed barb rudiments specific to loach.It was therefore concluded that the nuclear transplant larval fish were inter-family nucleo-cytoplasmic hybrids;and that only the donor nuclei were involved in the development of the nuclear transplant embryos,while the pronuclei in the non-enucleated eggs were likely automatically eliminated during the development.  相似文献   
中国的分权改革给原本僵化、封闭的社会经济体制注入了新鲜活力,有力地推动了地方经济的发展,形成了众多的城镇密集地区,但同时也滋生了大量跨区域、跨部门、跨领域的横跨性议题,导致区域差距扩大、公共服务不足、地方治理困难等问题.因此,有必要采取新的治理方式以化解冲突和矛盾.本文中以跨域治理理论为指导,以中山市为例,尝试通过在政府、企业和社会之间建立适当的合作伙伴关系来实现地方政府跨域治理.  相似文献   
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