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万泉河口悬浮颗粒态磷和硅的分布特征及收支估算   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文报道2015年9月和2016年5月期间天然放射性核素224Ra和223Ra在吕宋海峡及周边海域表层和垂向水体的分布特征。为理解日本福岛核事故的影响,本文亦分析研究区域内人工放射性核素137Cs的分布特征。结果表明,224,223Ra和137Cs比活度水平均处于我国南海海洋天然放射性本底变化范围之内。224Ra在吕宋海峡以西南海北部海域比活度较高,在吕宋海峡以东菲律宾海域比活度较低。137Cs没有明显的分布趋势。基于三站位(LS3,LS5和LS8)224Ra、137Cs以及温盐的垂向分布特征,本文揭示224Ra和137Cs在热带表层水、次表层水和中-深层水中比活度水平和梯度变化的差异特征。彩虹台风事件扭转了整个吕宋海峡及周边海域的海流循环过程。大量以低水平224Ra为特征的西太平洋海水涌入南海,降低水体224Ra比活度水平。但是,西太平洋和南海北部海域水体137Cs比活度水平没有明显差异,台风导致的海流变化对水体137Cs比活度没有明显影响。  相似文献   
万泉河口冬、夏季营养盐分布与变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
于2006年12月,(冬季枯水期)和2007年8月(夏季丰水期)对万泉河口进行现场调查,探讨了此热带河口营养盐的分布特征.结果表明:万泉河口营养盐浓度( N03-N,NO2-N,NH4-N,PO4-P)低于中国温带和亚热带的较大河流(如长江和珠江).但河水冲刷及化学风化作用强,具有高硅酸盐特征.N03-N和SiO3-S...  相似文献   
各位代表、各位来宾: 在世纪交汇之际,国际建筑师协会第20届大会在北京召开,来自世界各地的6000多位建筑师代表聚集一堂,回顾过去,展望未来,就21世纪建筑学发展和人居环境建设问题广泛交换意见,这对于解决人类面临的种种矛盾,实现经济和社会的可持续发展,具有十分重要的意义。我谨代表中国政府,并以大会组织委员会名誉主席的名义,向朋友们表示热烈欢迎!  相似文献   
Chlorophyll a(Chl a),particulate organic carbon(POC)and biogenic silica(BSi)were determined in coastal waters adjacent to the Zhujiang(Pearl)River Estuary(ZRE)during summer,in order to examine the C:Chl a ratio of phytoplankton and phytoplankton carbon in the plume-impacted coastal waters during summer,as well as to assess the relative contribution of diatoms to the phytoplankton biomass,by the regression between Chl a,POC and BSi.Our results showed that the C:Chl a ratio(g/g)of phytoplankton was high(up to 142),likely due to high light intensity and nutrient limitation.The river plume input stimulated phytoplankton growth,especially diatoms,resulting in higher relative contribution of phytoplankton carbon(55%)and diatoms(34%)to POC in the plume-impacted region than those(33%and 13%)in high salinity area,respectively.Phytoplankton carbon(up to 538μg/L)in the plume-impacted region was much higher than that(<166μg/L)in high salinity area.Our findings were helpful to improve the biogeochemical model in coastal waters adjacent to the ZRE.  相似文献   
珠江口异养细菌时空分布特征及其调控机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河口是海陆相互作用的重要地带, 往往呈现出独特的生物地球化学过程, 是研究碳循环过程的重要场所。在春季(2015年5月)、夏季(2015年8月)和冬季(2016年1月)分别对珠江口海域异养附生细菌和游离细菌时空分布及其各自高核酸(HNA)、低核酸(LNA)类群的相对贡献进行了调查研究, 并对其调控因子进行了相应探讨。结果表明, 珠江口异养细菌分布具有明显的时空差异。空间分布上, 珠江口异养细菌丰度自河口上游至下游呈递减趋势, 主要与上游污水输入以及珠江径流与高盐外海水在河口内的混合有关; 在雨季, 河口中下游盐度锋面区出现异养细菌丰度和叶绿素a质量浓度的高值区, 锋面区使营养物质停留时间增加, 促进浮游生物生长。垂直方向上, 表层异养细菌丰度略高于底层。时间尺度上, 异养细菌总丰度在春季最高(表层均值为2.94±1.23×109个 •L-1, 底层为2.81±1.50×109个 •L-1), 夏季次之(表层均值为2.32±0.43×109个 •L-1, 底层为1.90±0.50×109个 •L-1), 冬季最低(表层均值为1.06±0.33×109个 •L-1, 底层为9.76± 3.44×108个 •L-1)。珠江口海域异养细菌以附生细菌为主, 占异养细菌总丰度的16.56%~96.19%, 整体分布较稳定, 冬季最高(平均78.65%)、夏季(70.32%)与春季相近(68.17%)。附生细菌以代谢活跃的HNA类群为主, 游离细菌则主要以LNA类群为主, 代谢活性整体相对较低。  相似文献   
The phosphorus cycle is studied during 2013–2014 in the Sanggou Bay(SGB), which is a typical aquaculture area in northern China. The forms of measured phosphorus include dissolved inorganic phosphorus(DIP), dissolved organic phosphorus(DOP), particulate inorganic phosphorus(PIP), and particulate organic phosphorus(POP).DIP and PIP are the major forms of total dissolved phosphorus(TDP) and total particulate phosphorus(TPP),representing 51%–75% and 53%–80%, respectively. The concentrations and distributions of phosphorus forms vary among seasons relative to aquaculture cycles, fluvial input, and hydrodynamic conditions. In autumn the concentration of DIP is significantly higher than in other seasons(P0.01), and higher concentrations are found in the west of the bay. In winter and spring the phosphorus concentrations are higher in the east of the bay than in the west. In summer, the distributions of phosphorus forms are uniform. A preliminary phosphorus budget is developed, and shows that SGB is a net sink of phosphorus. A total of 1.80×10~7 mol/a phosphorus is transported into the bay. The Yellow Sea is the major source of net input of phosphorus(61%), followed by submarine groundwater discharge(SGD)(27%), river input(11%), and atmospheric deposition(1%). The main phosphorus sink is the harvest of seaweeds(Saccharina japonica and Gracilaria lemaneiformis), bivalves(Chlamys farreri),and oysters(Crassostrea gigas), accounting for a total of 1.12×10~7 mol/a. Burial of phosphorus in sediment is another important sink, accounting for 7.00×10~6 mol/a. Biodeposition by bivalves is the major source of phosphorus in sediment, accounting for 54% of the total.  相似文献   
Bacterial production is one of the key parameters to evaluate bacterial role in ocean carbon fluxes.Estimation of bacterial production requires the leucine-to-carbon conversion factors that change widely across environments.However,empirical leucine-to-carbon conversion factors(e CFs) are seldom determined in situ because of time consuming and little is known on regulating factors for the e CFs.During May 2015 to January 2016,fourteen dilution experiments were conducted,from the Zhujiang(Pearl River) Estuary to the coast of the northern South China Sea,to determine spatiotemporal variability in the e CFs and its potential controlling factors along an environmental gradient.The e CFs showed clear spatial variations with the highest(1.27–1.69(kg C)/(mol Leu)) in low salinity waters(salinity15),intermediate(1.03–1.25(kg C)/(mol Leu)) in moderate salinity(salinity of 15–25),and the lowest(0.48–0.85(kg C)/(mol Leu)) in high salinity waters(salinity25).Substrate availability was responsible for spatial variability in the e CFs.In the pristine coastal waters,low e CFs was related to substrate limitation and leucine incorporated was respired to maximize the survival rather than bacterial production.Hence,the e CFs measurement was needed for estimating bacterial production accurately in various marine environments.  相似文献   
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