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A complete set of one-month Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP) current data at a station in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) is analyzed using the rotary spectrum method. The results revealed different rotary properties between barotropic and baroclinic tidal currents. The barotropic and baroclinic tidal currents rotate elliptically counter-clockwise and clockwise, respectively. Meanwhile, baroclinic bottom tidal currents are almost along-isobath. The baroclinic cross-isobath velocities attenuate quickly at the bottom, implying important effects of bottom topography on the cross-isobath motions.  相似文献   
给出了提取潮汐调和常数的一种新方法--正交方法,并应用1992~1997年的TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计遥感资料,提取中国海M2分潮调和常数.同时,利用最小二乘法来提取中国海M2分潮调和常数,两种方法结果比较渤海、黄海、东海海域M2分潮振幅、迟角的均方差分别是3.3 cm,3.6°;南中国海海域M2分潮振幅、迟角均方差分别是1.1 cm,1.7°,结果表明正交方法是一种可信的具有实用性的方法.  相似文献   
台湾东北部黑潮次表层水入侵的季节变化规律   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
台湾东北部,黑潮次表层水常年入侵东海陆架。但是黑潮次表层水入侵的季节变化规律,尚存在很多不明之处。本文基于2009至2011年间东海4个航次的CTD实测数据,研究了黑潮次表层水入侵东海过程的季节变化规律,发现:黑潮次表层水入侵在春末夏初开始加强,夏季最强,秋季开始减弱,冬季最弱。入侵的黑潮次表层水起源深度也随季节变化有所不同。另外,结果还表明黑潮次表层水入侵存在明显的短期变动。  相似文献   
黑潮延伸体上游区域的中尺度涡场的涡动能和涡特征尺度存在显著地年代际振荡,和黑潮延伸体路径的年代际变化有很好的相关性。当黑潮延伸体路径比较稳定时,其上游区域涡动能比较高,涡特征尺度比较大,反之相反。通过对黑潮延伸体上游区域的中尺度涡场进行集合分析发现:当黑潮延伸体处于稳定状态时,上游涡场几乎是各向均匀地,有轻微的径向伸长;而当黑潮延伸体处于不稳定状态时,上游的中尺度涡场有显著地纬向伸长。对与中尺度涡场的产生相关的线性斜压不稳定和正压不稳定进行了计算分析,结果显示,线性斜压不稳定不是控制中尺度涡场年代际变化的机制,而正压不稳定对中尺度涡场的年代际变化有积极的贡献。不稳定产生的中尺度涡之间存在非线性涡-涡相互作用。  相似文献   
青岛冷水团的消亡机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于多年月平均水温资料,分析了青岛冷水团的长消过程,并利用气候态月平均大气数据和数值模拟结果,探讨了青岛冷水团的消亡机理。结果表明,青岛冷水团3月出现,4月成型,5月最盛,6月减弱,7月消失;南黄海6-7月间偏南风的增强和温跃层以下反气旋涡的减弱是青岛冷水团消亡的动力机制,而海面净热通量的下传和水平热量的输入则是青岛冷水团消亡的热力机制。  相似文献   
Direct current observations in the Yellow Sea interior are very scarce due to intense fishing and trawling activities. Most previous studies on tides in the area were based on coastal measurements or satellite altimeter sea levels and have not been rigorously compared with direct measurements. In this paper, tidal currents are studied with current profiles from three bottom-moored Sontek Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea in summer of 2001 and 2003. The measured current series were dominated by tidal currents. Maximum velocities are between 40-80 cm/s at the mooring stations. M2 current is the most dominant primary tidal constituent, while MS4 and M4 are the most significant shallow water tides with much smaller amplitudes than the primary tides.  相似文献   
北黄海QuikSCAT 卫星风速与浮标风速的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对北黄海QuikSCAT散射计矢量风资料与黄海实测浮标站风速资料进行对比分析,结果表明:北黄海QuikSCAT卫星风速和浮标观测风速的大小基本吻合,二者平均偏差是0.26 m/s,相关系数是0.74;风向偏差较大,平均偏差是117.52°。根据卫星风速和浮标风速的对比分析结果,提出了修正方案。修正后的QuikSCAT风向与实测浮标站风向的平均偏差显著提高到20.44°。该修正方案实施简单,修正效果显著,为更准确地使用卫星资料提供了保证。  相似文献   
东海西部陆架海域水团的季节特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
On the basis of the CTD data and the modeling results in the winter and summer of 2009, the seasonal characteristics of the water masses in the western East China Sea shelf area were analyzed using a cluster analysis method. The results show that the distributions and temperature-salinity characteristics of the water masses in the study area are of distinct seasonal difference. In the western East China Sea shelf area, there are three water masses during winter, i.e., continental coastal water(CCW), Taiwan Warm Current surface water(TWCSW) and Yellow Sea mixing water(YSMW), but four ones during summer, i.e., the CCW, the TWCSW, Taiwan Warm Current deep water(TWCDW) and the YSMW. Of all, the CCW, the TWCSW and the TWCDW are all dominant water masses. The CCW, primarily characterized by a low salinity, has lower temperature, higher salinity and smaller spatial extent in winter than in summer. The TWCSW is warmer, fresher and smaller in summer than in winter, and it originates mostly from the Kuroshio surface water(KSW) northeast of Taiwan, China and less from the Taiwan Strait water during winter, but it consists of the strait water and the KSW during summer. The TWCDW is characterized by a low temperature and a high salinity, and originates completely in the Kuroshio subsurface water northeast of Taiwan.  相似文献   
用数值方法研宄穿透性太阳短波辐射对混合层深度的影响时,有些学者人为地设定了风速和热通量。这种做法可能会出现风速和热通量数值不匹配的问题。为了弥补这一缺陷,本文采用国内外常用的块体公式计算热通量的方法来代替人为设置,并以北太平洋为例,研究了穿透性太阳短波辐射对海洋混合层深度的影响。结果表明:低风速(U10<10m/s),且海表短波净辐射处于40~200 W/m2时,穿透性太阳短波辐射对混合层深度影响很显著;高风速(U10>10m/s)和短波净辐射高值区(S*(0)>200 W/m2),穿透性太阳短波辐射对混合层深度的影响较小。  相似文献   
保障长期连续的数据完整性和质量可靠性是进行浮标数据应用的首要问题。本文基于中国科学院近海观测研究网络黄海站位于北黄海长海县附近海域的五套浮标于2010~2019年连续10 a采集到的海洋表层温盐数据,进行数据分析与处理方法的研究。为了辨识原始温盐数据中的异常值,综合运用极值法、拉依达准则和箱型图法给出适合温盐的异常数据分析与处理方法,并基于2σ原则和箱型图法修正了温盐界限。为了解决温盐数据的缺失问题,提出SoftImpute与IterativeImpute相结合的插补方法,有效降低了温盐数据的标准差。研究结果表明,采用本文的方法可有效消除异常和插补缺失,修正数据中的异常点,得到连续、平滑、具有显著年际变化特征与趋势的温盐数据分析曲线,也可增加对该海域海洋温盐特征、变化规律和发展趋势等的深入理解,为海上现场观测数据处理提供借鉴,并为后续应用研究提供更高质量的数据。  相似文献   
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