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Xenotime overgrowths on detrital zircon in siliciclastic sediments have been reported in numerous studies. However, in natural samples, solid solution of zircon and xenotime is limited to near-end-member compositions. In order to characterize the interface region between both minerals and to draw inferences on the growth mechanisms of authigenic xenotime, we studied xenotime overgrowths on detrital zircon grains from two Phanerozoic sandstone samples with contrasting post-depositional histories. In one sample, the small (≤10 μm), pyramidal xenotime overgrowths are of diagenetic origin and grew without major discontinuity on the detrital zircon grain. The second sample shows up to >50-μm-wide, porous and inclusion-rich, hydrothermal xenotime overgrowths on detrital zircon, whereas the transition zone between both minerals is accompanied by large pore volume. Chemical compositions of the xenotime precipitates from the two samples differ particularly in Y, REE, Th and Sc concentrations, whereas high MREE availability in the diagenetic sample and the presence of Sc in the hydrothermal sample, respectively, appear to have promoted xenotime growth. Transmission electron microscopy on electron-transparent foils cut from the interface region shows that both the diagenetic xenotime and the hydrothermal xenotime are crystalline and grew in optical and crystallographic continuity to their detrital zircon substrata. Only a narrow transition zone (≤90 nm—diagenetic sample, 200–300 nm—hydrothermal sample) between zircon and xenotime is in part made up of nanometre-scale crystalline domains that are slightly distorted and may have formed from dissolution–re-precipitation processes at the zircon rim along with precipitation from the respective fluid.  相似文献   
We analyse the concentration of five trace elements (As, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the topsoil of the Kozani-Ptolemais basin where four coal-fired power plants run to provide almost 47.8 % of electricity requirements in Greece. We assume that if the power plants have altered the spatial (co)variation of the analysed elements through their toxic by-products, their effect would be observable only on a small spatial scale, since deposition of airborne pollutants is more evident if it is near the emission source. We used Factorial Cokriging to estimate the small-scale correlations among soil elements and to compare them to large spatial-scale correlations. Soil samples were collected from 92 sites. Given the low concentrations in soil heavy metals and As, we observed no serious soil contamination risk. We estimated correlations among the analysed elements on two spatial scales. On the larger scale, Ni and As exhibited higher correlation and received higher weights for the first regionalized factor, contrary to Cu, Pb and Zn which weighted more for the second regionalized factor. On the small spatial scale As associated with neither Ni nor other heavy metals. We conclude that soil arsenic has been altered by enrichment caused by some power plants through fly ash deposition and/or disposal. However, enrichment of soil elements was detectable only on the smaller spatial scale because anthropogenic inputs in soil through airborne emissions and subsequent deposition are evident only in the vicinity of the emission source.  相似文献   
The paper presents the first analyses of major and trace elements in 19 lunar meteorites newly found in Oman. These and literature data were used to assay the composition of highland, mare, and transitional (highland-mare interface) regions of the lunar surface. The databank used in the research comprises data on 44 meteorites weighing 11 kg in total, which likely represent 26 individual falls. Our data demonstrate that the lunar highland crust should be richer in Ca and Al but poorer in mafic and incompatible elements than it was thought based on studying lunar samples and the first orbital data. The Ir concentration in the highland crust and the analysis of lunar crater population suggest that most lunar impactites were formed by a single major impact event, which predetermined the geochemical characteristics of these rocks. Lunar mare regions should be dominated by low-Ti basalts, which are, however, enriched in LREEs compared to those sampled by lunar missions. The typical material of mare-highland interface zones can contain KREEP and magnesian VLT basalts. The composition of the lunar highland crust deduced from the chemistry of lunar meteorites does not contradict the model of the lunar magma ocean, but the average composition of lunar mare meteorites is inconsistent with this concept and suggests assimilation of KREEP material by basaltic magmas. The newly obtained evaluations of the composition of the highland crust confirm that the Moon can be enriched in refractory elements and depleted in volatile and siderophile elements.  相似文献   
Estimation of the Strength of Stratified Rock Mass   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stratified rock formations are often encountered in engineering structures with large dimensions, such as tunnels, caverns, etc. In the present work, the question of how and when such materials fail is addressed. It is argued that average values cannot provide appropriate measures for the strength of layered rock, as local stresses and strains differ greatly in the various constituents and one may fail, while others remain intact. The present work attempts, therefore, to formulate a solution covering both elasticity and failure in three dimensions, though simple enough to be easy to use in engineering applications. To this end, the local stress and strain state in each constituent were evaluated, assuming the constituents to be orthotropically elastic up to the point of failure. Subsequently, several failure criteria are considered and an example is presented to illustrate the model’s response. A discussion on the effect of geometry and on the values of local versus global quantities follows.  相似文献   
For numerical studies of geotechnical structures under earthquake loading, aiming to examine a possible failure due to liquefaction, using a sophisticated constitutive model for the soil is indispensable. Such a model must adequately describe the material response to a cyclic loading under constant volume (undrained) conditions, amongst others the relaxation of effective stress (pore pressure accumulation) or the effective stress loops repeatedly passed through after a sufficiently large number of cycles (cyclic mobility, stress attractors). The soil behaviour under undrained cyclic loading is manifold, depending on the initial conditions (e.g. density, fabric, effective mean pressure, stress ratio) and the load characteristics (e.g. amplitude of the cycles, application of stress or strain cycles). In order to develop, calibrate and verify a constitutive model with focus to undrained cyclic loading, the data from high-quality laboratory tests comprising a variety of initial conditions and load characteristics are necessary. The purpose of these two companion papers was to provide such database collected for a fine sand. The database consists of numerous undrained cyclic triaxial tests with stress or strain cycles applied to samples consolidated isotropically or anisotropically. Monotonic triaxial tests with drained or undrained conditions have also been performed. Furthermore, drained triaxial, oedometric or isotropic compression tests with several un- and reloading cycles are presented. Part I concentrates on the triaxial tests with monotonic loading or stress cycles. All test data presented herein will be available from the homepage of the first author. As an example of the examination of an existing constitutive model, the experimental data are compared to element test simulations using hypoplasticity with intergranular strain.  相似文献   
Acta Geotechnica - The elastic stiffness of a fine sand at small to moderate strains ( $$\varepsilon \le 2 \times 10^{-4}$$ ) has been studied based on cyclic triaxial tests on cube-shaped samples...  相似文献   
Information concerning a total number of 13700 instrumentally recorded earthquakes is used to study the geographical and the vertical distribution of the Earth's seismicity. From these earthquakes, which form four complete samples of data (M 7.0, 1894–1992; M 6.5, 1930–1992; M 6.0, 1953–1992; M 5.5, 1966–1992), 11511 are shallow (h 60 km), 2085 are of intermediate focal depth (61 h 300 km) and 564 are deep focus earthquakes (301 h 720 km). The parameters a and b of the frequency-magnitude relationship were calculated in a grid of equally spaced points at 1° by using the data of earthquakes located inside circles centered at each point. The radius of the circles increased from 30 km with a step of 10 km until the information for the earthquakes located inside the circle fulfil three criteria which concern the size of the sample used to compute these parameters at each point of the grid. The results are given in a qualitative way (epicenter maps) as well as in a quantitative way (mean return periods).  相似文献   
Anhydrous spinel lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths from Tres Lagos, situated inboard of the Volcanic Arc Gap (VAG) in southernmost Patagonia, are samples of a depleted lithospheric mantle and can be divided into two major groups: metasomatized and non-metasomatized. Metasomatized samples, which are the minority, are partly mylonitized and their metasomatism is related to this tectonic process. A group of non-metasomatized samples have enriched whole rock LREE-abundances that are not consistent with the depleted LREE-abundances in their clinopyroxenes. Intergranular host basalt infiltration could be responsible for the whole rock LREE enrichments. Their Sr- and Nd-isotopic ratios have also been affected by host basalt infiltration, whereas their high Sr-isotopic ratios point to subsequent contamination by ground-water and/or Ca-rich surface solutions. Similar contamination is thought to cause the decoupling of Sr- and Nd-isotopes (high Sr- and Nd-isotopic ratios) observed in the non-metasomatized samples with depleted whole rock LREE. A two-stage partial melting process could be responsible for the origin of the Tres Lagos xenoliths. Model calculations have shown that in the first stage, 2% of batch melting took place in the garnet peridotite field and subsequently the residue experienced 2–8% batch melting in the spinel peridotite field. The Tres Lagos peridotites have not been affected by subduction-related metasomatic processes and they could represent an old lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   
Abstract— D'Orbigny is an exceptional angrite. Chemically, it resembles other angrites such as Asuka‐881371, Sahara 99555, Lewis Cliff (LEW) 87051, and LEW 86010, but its structure and texture are peculiar. It has a compact and porous lithology, abundant glasses, augite‐bearing druses, and chemical and mineralogical properties that are highly unusual for igneous rocks. Our previous studies led us to a new view on angrites: they can possibly be considered as CAIs that grew to larger sizes than the ones we know from carbonaceous chondrites. Thus, angrites may bear a record of rare and special conditions in some part of the early solar nebula. Here we report trace element contents of D'Orbigny phases. Trace element data were obtained from both the porous and the compact part of this meteorite. We have confronted our results with the popular igneous genetic model. According to this model, if all phases of D'Orbigny crystallized from the same system, as an igneous origin implies, a record of this genesis should be expressed in the distribution of trace elements among early and late phases. Our results show that the trace element distribution of the two contemporaneous phases olivine and plagioclase, which form the backbone of the rock, seem to require liquids of different composition. Abundances of highly incompatible elements in all olivines, including the megacrysts, indicate disequilibrium with the bulk rock and suggest liquids very rich in these elements (>10,000 x CI), which is much richer than any fractional crystallization could possibly produce. In addition, trace element contents of late phases are incompatible with formation from the bulk system's residual melt. These results add additional severe constraints to the many conflicts that existed previously between an igneous model for the origin of angrites and the mineralogical and chemical observations. This new trace element content data, reported here, corroborate our previous results based on the shape, structure, mineralogy, chemical, and isotopic data of the whole meteorite, as well as on a petrographic and chemical composition study of all types of glasses and give strength to a new genetic model that postulates that D'Orbigny (and possibly all angrites) could have formed in the solar nebula under changing redox conditions, more akin to chondritic constituents (e.g., CAIs) than to planetary differentiated rock.  相似文献   
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