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Zhang  Dengfei  Wang  Jiading  Chen  Cunli  Wang  Songhe 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(2):529-548
Acta Geotechnica - Loess is susceptible to large and sudden volume reduction induced by loading or wetting. The work in this paper focused on compression and collapse behaviour of the intact loess...  相似文献   
以宁波城区内河为研究对象,调研沉水植物在154条河中的分布情况,实测63个代表样点的水环境指标,分析秋、冬季沉水植物群落变化及生理变化.研究发现:宁波城区内仅有8条河流单一地生长有沉水植物轮叶黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)、苦草(Vallisneria natans)和金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)中的1种;3种沉水植物分布与溶解氧、氧化还原电位和pH均呈显著正相关,与水深、氨氮(NH3-N)和总磷(TP)浓度均呈显著负相关;有沉水植物分布的河道水深较浅(约0.9 m)、水质更优(普遍优于V类);与秋季相比,冬季3种植物的群落盖度均下降,轮叶黑藻和苦草体内丙二醛、过氧化氢含量升高,暗示植物细胞受损;而3种沉水植物均具有一定耐低温胁迫能力,主要表现为体内抗氧化酶活性、可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量升高.结果表明,水深、NH3-N、TP、溶解氧以及低温可能会影响城区内河沉水植物的生长与分布.  相似文献   
The blockage induced by particle migration and deposition is one of the main reasons for the decrease of reinjection capacity in the porous geothermal reservoir with a low and medium temperature.In this paper,a new drilled geothermal well in Xining basin China is taken as an example to investigate the formation blockage risk due to the movable clay and sand particles in pores.The physical properties of the reservoir rocks were analyzed,a series of pumping and reinjection tests were conducted,and the longterm reinjection performance of the well was predicted by numerical simulation based on the test fitting.The results show that the geothermal reservoir rocks are argillaceous and weakly cemented sandstones with a content of movable clay and sand particles up to 0.18–23.42 wt.%.The well presented a high productivity of 935–2186 m3?d-1 at a pressure difference of 0.7–1.62 MPa in the pumping tests associated with a large amount of clay and sand particles produced out,while in the reinjection test,only a low injectivity of 240–480 m3?d-1 was observed at an injection pressure of 0.2–0.6 MPa with the clay and sand particles near the wellbore move into deep.According to the prediction,under conditions of a blockage risk,the injectivity of the well will start to decline after 100 days of injection,and in the third year,it will decrease by 59.00%–77.09%.The influence of invasion of pretreated suspended particles and scale particles can be neglected.Under conditions of a high blockage risk,the injectivity of the well will decrease significantly in the first 20–30 days,with a decline of 75.39%–78.96%.Generally,the higher the injection pressure or rate,the greater the decrease in injectivity of the well caused by particle blockage.Pump lifting is an effective measure to remove the well blockage which can be used regularly.  相似文献   
青海西宁盆地中低温地热资源丰富,但热储地层以含黏土矿物的弱胶结砂岩为主,地热水溶解性总固体较高,回灌过程中存在显著的结垢风险。基于对西宁盆地地热成因及资源分布特征分析,采用矿物溶解度法、饱和指数法等方法对典型地热水回灌结垢趋势及风险进行了综合判断。结果表明:西宁盆地“凹中凸”构造有利于地热水在深部热储富集和增温,同时将深部溶解的大量矿物质带到西宁地区中央凸起地带;西宁地区地热储层埋深主要在700~1600 m,水温30~70 ℃,主要为SO4·Cl—Na水化学类型,溶解性总固体1.85×103~4.80×104 mg/L;回灌过程中结垢以碳酸钙结垢为主,当回灌水与地下热水性质相近时,结垢风险主要发生在回灌井筒中,地层结垢风险较小,而当回灌水与地下热水性质差异较大时,不配伍性将导致地层结垢风险大大提高,其中药王泉与DR2005原1∶ 1混合时结垢量最大可达177.57 mg/L,而其他地热水结垢量较小。根据以上特征,提出以下综合解决方案:物理防垢+管材防腐、系统增压防垢+管材防腐和地面预处理+管材防腐,并辅之以阴极保护防腐、优化排量、酸洗井筒等措施,可为今后保障地热水回灌能力措施的制定提供理论依据与技术支持。  相似文献   
Low frequency (LF) current (period>25 hour) variation at 5 stations in Jiaozhou Bay. Shijiousuo, and the central part of the Yellow Sea were studied by analyzing the observed long-period current data series in the study area.1) There are obvious periods of 3 and 5 days in the LF current spectra. The energy spectral value of LF current of a 5 day period is remarkably larger than that of a 3 day period. These periods reflect the correlations between the LF current variation and the LF water level variation.2) The feet that the 15-day period in the LF current spectra corresponds to the semi-monthly celestial tide period indicates that the tide-induced residual current is an important and most evident LF current component in the bay.3) The LF current spectral energy density in the northward direction is much larger than that in the eastward direction. This shows the frequency and strength of the wind field in the northward direction are evidently larger than that in the eastward direction.  相似文献   
南京花神湖3种沉水植物表面附着微生物群落特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
沉水植物表面附着微生物系统是水生态的重要组成部分,然而当前对其了解仍不清楚.南京市花神湖是一个城市湖泊,沉水植物生长区域面积占湖面面积的40%左右.尽管花神湖的氮、磷营养盐水平很高,但最近未发生过藻类水华现象.本文以南京市花神湖中自然生长的优势种菹草(Potamogeton crispus)、伊乐藻(Elodea nuttallii)和金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)为研究对象,利用扫描电镜和荧光显微镜观测了叶表面附着微生物群落的分布特征,测定了植物表面附着微生物的密度及附生藻类的种类、密度和优势种群,并比较分析了不同水生植物之间附生藻类的差异性.结果表明,沉水植物表面微生物群落的分布与物种和叶龄有关.3种沉水植物中,菹草表面微生物群落结构最为复杂,微生境最为丰富.底部老叶片上面附着较多的微生物且表现出较高的生物多样性.植物表面附着微生物密度大小顺序为:菹草金鱼藻伊乐藻;植物表面附生藻类密度大小顺序为:菹草金鱼藻伊乐藻.总体来讲,沉水植物表面微生物总量大概比藻类数量高1~2个数量级.这为深入研究沉水植物及其表面微生物的生态功能奠定了基础.  相似文献   
基于杨凌地区黄土的单向固结试验资料,分别研究了加载条件下原状黄土和扰动黄土的固结蠕变特性,由试验数据整理分析出不同含水率、不同固结压力下的固结蠕变曲线簇,根据蠕变曲线形态特征,推导出单向固结条件下黄土的应变-时间关系并拟合得到该关系中的参数,在分析参数与固结压力之间关系的基础上推导出黄土的一维固结蠕变本构关系,经试验证明,该关系能较好的描述杨凌地区黄土的固结蠕变特性。另外,基于试验资料以及Buisman次固结系数的概念,分析出次固结系数与固结压力之间的定量关系,为确定固结压力对黄土次固结特性的影响提供了一种新途径。  相似文献   
信阳群龟山组横贯北秦岭南缘及桐柏山—大别山,西延入陕西,为地质结构上的关键层位,部分地段为重要赋矿层位,因其为一套罕见化石的碎屑岩,故对其地质时代看法颇异。近年我队在西峡八庙矿区工作时,在岩石薄片中见有多门类化石碎屑,并作了报道。作者在报道的基础上,吸收前人和近年某些有关信阳群和刘岭组(群)的工作成果,就龟山组的层位、层序及时代进行探讨,并与邻区、邻省的相关层位进行对比:认为含动物化石碎屑的龟山组(周进沟组)与陕西省的牛耳川组及桐柏山—大别山北坡的大部分龟山组及二郎坪群和部分苏家河群的时代大体相当,其时代归属暂置早奥陶世—早泥盆世  相似文献   
河南省社会发展综合实验区建设的实践与成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实施调查研究,深入地总结了河南省竹林,孟庄,林州等社会发展综合实验区建设以来的主要成就,经验与存在问题,并进行了具体的科学分析。  相似文献   
普里兹湾水文特征与变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据澳大利亚学者分别在1982年12月和1987年2月普里兹湾的调查资料,并结合中国"极地"号南极考察船1990~1991年间的调查资料印证,提出在中国"中山站"所在地普里兹湾在初夏与晚夏期间的水文特征。  相似文献   
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