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The problem of clock synchronization: A relativistic approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The problem of synchronization of the Earth-based clocks has been discussed in the framework of General Relativity Theory. The synchronization is considered as the transformation of the observers' proper time scales to the coordinate time scale of local inertial geocentric reference system, which is single for all the observers. The formulas for the relativistic corrections occurring in some methods of Earth-based clock synchronization (transported clock, duplex communication via geostationary satellite and meteor-burst link, LASSO experiments) have been derived enabling one to attain the accuracy of 0.1 ns.  相似文献   
Abstract. Lermontovskoe tungsten skarn deposit in central Sikhote-Alin is concluded to have formed at 132 Ma in the Early Cretaceous, based on K-Ar age data for muscovite concentrates from high-grade scheelite ore and greisenized granite. Late Paleozoic limestone in Jurassic - early Early Cretaceous accretionary complexes was replaced during hydrothermal activity related to the Lermontovskoe granodiorite stock of reduced type. The ores, characterized by Mo-poor scheelite and Fe3+- poor mineral assemblages, indicate that this deposit is a reduced-type tungsten skarn (Sato, 1980, 1982), in accordance with the reduced nature of the granodiorite stock.
The Lermontovskoe deposit, the oldest mineralization so far known in the Sikhote-Alin orogen, formed in the initial stage of Early Cretaceous felsic magmatism. The magmatism began shortly after the accretionary tectonics ceased, suggesting an abrupt change of subduction system. Style of the Early Cretaceous magmatism and mineralization is significantly different between central Sikhote-Alin and Northeast Japan; reduced-type and oxidized-type, respectively. The different styles may reflect different tectonic environments; compressional and extensional, respectively. These two areas, which were closer together before the opening of the Japan Sea in the Miocene, may have been juxtaposed under a transpressional tectonic regime after the magmatism.  相似文献   
In continental subduction complexes minor volumes of high-pressure mafic rocks(eclogites) often co-exist with much more abundant felsic(granitic) and metasedimentary rocks, which are vital for resolving the origin and metamorphic evolution of subducted continental crust.In SW Mongolia, the Alag Khadny eclogite-bearing accretionary complex(AKC) is assumed to represent either a remnant of oceanic slab, or a continental margin,subducted in the Early Cambrian.Here we present geochronological, geochemical and petrological evidence of subduction records for the three major types of lithologies that host mafic eclogites, including Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic granitic basement and overlying Neoproterozoic continental-margin sediments.Variably deformed, ferroan and peraluminous metagranitoids compose a major part of AKC and are interlayered with eclogites in its southern and eastern margins.They have geochemical features of post-collisional/intraplate high-K calc-alkaline granites.LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon geochronology of three distinct metagranite samples show uniform protolith crystallization ages of ca.0.96 Ga and uncertain re-crystallization in the Late Neoproterozoic or Early Paleozoic metamorphic event, whereas abundant zircon inheritance indicates older,Mesoproterozoic to Paleoproterozoic crustal substrate during granite generation.The existence of Mesoproterozoic crust is highlighted by finding of distinct metagranitoids with the U-Pb zircon crystallization age of ca.1.6 Ga.Hafnium isotope signatures(T_(DM)~C 2.88–1.85 Ga) of zircons from all lithologies preserved the evidence of reworked Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic crust, similar to that of the Baidrag block(southern Mongolia), for both Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic rocks.Regardless of the specific lithology, the rocks display indicators of high-pressure metamorphic re-equilibration, including garnet(X_(Ca)up to 0.65) + epidote +phengite(Si p.f.u.up to 3.56) ± rutile assemblage in metagranitoids, garnet + phengite(Si p.f.u.up to 3.42)in quartz-rich semi-pelites and garnet + phengite(Si p.f.u.up to 3.39) + medium-Mg chloritoid(X_(Mg)up to 0.25) + kyanite + rutile in metapelites.Corresponding P-T conditions recovered from different lithologies reveal incoherent subduction of rocks, which could be shallow for granitic basement(1.1–1.4 GPa and 600–670 ℃) and clastic metasediments(1.4–1.6 GPa, 570–620 ℃), but deeper for metapelites(2.1–2.3 GPa, 500–570 ℃).consistent with that of eclogites, The combined data show that the Alag Khadny complex represents a remnant of a rifted Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic(ca.1.6–0.96 Ga) continental margin consequently metamorphosed under HP conditions during Late Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian evolution of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt.Acquired P-T estimates imply that high-pressure metagranitoids and metasedimentary rocks equilibrated at different depths, but most likely shared a common subduction-related metamorphic evolution.  相似文献   
The Yakchi chert–volcanogenic formation is differentiated at the base of the stratigraphic succession in the Khor-Tormasu subzone of the Central Sikhote-clin structural–formational zone or the Samarka terrane of the Jurassic accretionary prism. The paper considers the results of biostratigraphic study of its deposits and petrogeochemical studies of its basalts. A tectonically disrupted sequence of the Yakchi Formation is restored on the basis of fossil conodonts and radiolarians, and its Late cermian–Middle Jurassic age is determined. The authors interpret the resulting stratigraphic succession in terms of changing depositional settings on the moving oceanic plate and recognize events of the ocean history recorded in it. Chert accumulated on the oceanic plate in pelagic canthalassa/caleopacifica from the Late cermian through to the Middle Jurassic. Deposition of siliceous claystone in the Late cermian–Early Triassic reflects the decline in productivity of radiolarians and a long anoxic event in Panthalassa. Chert accumulation resumed in the Triassic and persisted in the Jurassic, and it was interrupted by the eruption of basalts of different nature. Formation of the Middle–Late Triassic oceanic intraplate basalts likely occurred on the thick and old oceanic lithosphere and that of the Jurassic basalts on the thin and newly created lithosphere. In the Middle Jurassic, chert accumulation was replaced by accumulation of tuffaceous siltstone at a subduction zone along the csian continental margin. The middle Bathonian–early Callovian age of this siltstone closely predates accretion of the Yakchi Formation. The materials of the upper layer of the oceanic plate that formed over 100 million years in different parts of the ocean and on the lithospheric fragments of different ages were accreted to the continental margin. The bulk of the accreted material consists of oceanic intraplate basalts, i.e., fragments of volcanic edifices on the oceanic floor. accretion of this western part of the Khor-Tormasu subzone occurred concurrently with accretion of the southeastern part of the Samarka subzone in Primorye, which clarifies the paleotectonic zonation of the Central Sikhote-Alin accretionary prism. The cataclastic gabbroids and granitoids, as well as the clastic rocks with shallow-marine fossils in the Khor-Tormasu subzone, are considered as possible analogues of the Okrainka-Sergeevka allochthonous complex.  相似文献   
Rock fragments from the deepest parts of a buried hydrothermal system belonging to the Mesozoic Tethys Oceanentered as xenoliths in a Miocenic diatreme. hence b...  相似文献   
Using 172 plates taken with the 40-cm astrograph of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute(Lomonosov Moscow University) in 1976–1994 and digitized with a resolution of 2400 dpi, we discovered and studied 275 new variable stars. We present the list of our new variables with all necessary information concerning their brightness variations. As in our earlier studies, the new discoveries show a rather large number of high-amplitude Delta Scuti variables, predicting that many stars of this type remain not detected in the whole sky. We also performed automated classification of the newly discovered variable stars based on the Random Forest algorithm. The results of the automated classification were compared to traditional classification and showed that automated classification was possible even with noisy photographic data. However, further improvement of automated techniques is needed, which is especially important when considering the very large numbers of new discoveries expected from all-sky surveys.  相似文献   
The paper considers possibilities of applying laser strainmeters for the study of earthquake physics. One of laser strainmeters is described. A high efficiency of using the laser strainmeters for the study of earthquakes and their precursors is shown. In records of the spaced laser strainmeters, anomalous deformations propagating from the east to the west with the speed comparable with that of migration of earthquakes were found.  相似文献   
We present a new experimental platform for studies of turbulence and turbulent mixing in accelerating and rotating fluids. The technology is based on the ultra-high performance optical holographic digital data storage. The state-of-the-art electro-mechanical, electronic, and laser components allow for realization of turbulent flows with high Reynolds number (>107) in a relatively small form-factor, and quantification of their properties with extremely high spatio-temporal resolutions and high data acquisition rates. The technology can be applied for investigation of a large variety of hydrodynamic problems including the fundamental properties of non-Kolmogorov turbulence and turbulent mixing in accelerating, rotating and multiphase flows, magneto-hydrodynamics, and laboratory astrophysics. Unique experimental and metrological capabilities enable the studies of spatial and temporal properties of the transports of momentum, angular momentum, and energy and the identification of scalings, invariants, and statistical properties of these complex turbulent flows.  相似文献   
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