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The entire pile of nappes in the eastern margin of the Bohemian massif is characterized by two stages of Variscan nappe emplacement each exhibiting a different kinematic and metamorphic evolution.The older emplacement (D1) probably occurred around 350-340 Ma ago and was synmetamorphic. The nappes show a typical systematic superposition of higher grade metamorphic units over lower grade ones. Thus, the crystalline complexes showing a HT-MP Barrovian imprint (Svratka allochthonous unit and Moldanubicum) were thrust over an intermediate unit affected by MTMP recrystallization (Bíte orthogneiss and its country rock), and at the base of the D1 nappe pile the Inner Phyllite Nappe (Biý Potok Unit) is characterized by LT/LP metamorphism.The second stage of tectonic evolution (D2) is characterized by a thin-skinned northward-oriented nappe emplacement that occurred under LT-LP conditions dated at 320-310 Ma. The whole nappe sequence formed during the first tectonometamorphic period (D1) was transported northward over the autochthonous »Deblín polymetamorphic and granitic complex« of Upper Proterozoic age and its Devonian sedimentary cover with very low metamorphism. During this second tectonic event the Brno granite massif (580 Ma) was only marginally incorporated in the Variscan nappe tectonics which resulted in kilometer-scale cover and basement duplexes. The tectonic evolution of the nappe pile ended with stage D3, represented by large- to medium-scale east-vergent folds with limited displacement.
Zusammenfassung Der Deckenbau am Ostrand der Böhmischen Masse erfolgte in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Stadien, die sich sowohl in ihrer Kinematik als auch in ihrer Metamorphoseentwicklung deutlich voneinander unterschieden.Die ältere Phase (D1 ca. 350-340 Ma) ist durch synmetamorphe Überschiebungen charakterisiert. Sie führt zu einer metamorphen Inversion der überschobenen Deckeneinheiten, so daß generell hohe metamorphe Einheiten schwach metamorphe tektonisch überlagern. Der Svratka Komplex und das Moldanubikum als hangendste Decken sind durch MP/HT Paragenesen vom Barrow-Typ gekennzeichnet. Beide Einheiten sind auf den MP/MT-metamorphen Bite-Gneis und seine Rahmengesteine überschoben. Die Bílý potok Einheit als liegende Decke zeigt nur noch eine LP/ LT Regionalmetamorphose.Das jüngere Stadium (D2 ca. 320-310 Ma) ist durch eine Thin-skinned Tektonik mit nordvergentem Deckentransport unter LP/LT Bedingungen charakterisiert. Der gesamte, invers metamorphe D1-Deckenstapel wird dabei nach N über den autochtonen Deblín Komplex bzw. seine devonische Sedimenthülle überschoben.Das Brno Granit Massiv (580 Ma) wird nur randlich in diesen variszischen Deckenbau einbezogen. Die tektonische Entwicklung endet mit einem mittel bis großräumigen E-vergenten Faltenbau (D3 phase).

Résumé L'empilement des nappes a la bordure orientale du Massif de Bohème est caractérisé par deux stades de mise en place présentant différentes évolutions cinématiques et métamorphiques.La tectonique majeure de mise en place des nappes crustales intervient lors d'un métamorphisme de type barrowien, calé autour de 350-340 Ma. L'empilement qui en résulte montre une superposition systématique d'unités à fort degré de métamorphisme sur des unités moins métamorphiques. Ainsi les complexes cristallins, montrant des reliques de métamorphisme de haute à moyenne pression-haute température (unités cristallines de Svratka et du Moldanubien), chevauchent une unité intermédiaire affectée par un métamorphisme de moyenne à basse pression-moyenne température (l'orthogneiss de Bíte et son encaissant). A la base de cette pile édifiée durant la tectonique D1, l'unité des phyllites internes (unité de Bílý potok) est caractérisée par un métamorphisme de basse témperature-basse pression.Le second stade D2 de l'évolution tectonique est caractérisé par une tectonique pelliculaire à vergence nord datée à 320-310 Ma. L'empilement résultant de D1 est ainsi transporté vers le nord, au dessus du complexe autochtone d'âge protérozoïque supérieur (groupe de Deblín) et sa couverture sédimentaire dévonienne très faiblement métamorphisée.Le massif granitique de Brno (580 Ma) n'est que marginalement incorporé à cette tectonique de nappe varisque. Ceci se traduit par des duplex socle-couverture d'échelle plurikilométrique. L'évolution tectonique s'achève lors d'une troisième phase, marquée par de grands plis à vergence est. Le déplacement associé est alors d'amplitude limitée.

, . , 350-340 . . , , - ( ), , - ( ). , D 1, (- ) - . D 2 , 320-310 ., D 1, , , ( ) . (580 . ) , »« -, . , .
Summary In [1] the author has put forward a three-direction method, a general way of adjustment of angular observations in incomplete sets by the method of extending into angular combinations, and the definition of mean weightP *. In this article the question is dealt with as a whole. In the three-direction methods>3 triangulation directions are measured in direction triplets 123, 234, 345,… …,s12, while in the method of measuring single angles at the station they are measured in angles 12, 23, 34, 45, …,s1. The advantage of transition from angles to direction triplets rests, besides in saving 31% of pointings, above all in certain possibility of elimination of the horizontal refraction, which follows from this. The treatise of the relation between the method of measurement and the refraction is not included into this article, as it would go beyond its scope. The fact that adjusted directions, with the exception of the stations having four directions, are not of equal weight, is proper not only to the three-direction method. The non-equality of weights is even more conspicuous in the method of measuring single angles at the station, and it appears already at the stations having four directions. In author's view the homogeneity of observation elements is more important than the homogeneity of weights from the point of view of adjustment at the station; therefore the direction triplets ought not to exist abreast with the angles in one programme, and especially the number of observations ought to be constant at one station with adjusted direction of homogeneous mean weight in the net. This transition from angles to direction triplets could also provoke a comment that simultaneous visibility of three adjoining directions occurs less often than of two such directions. The author adds to this that nowadays the causes of this phenomenon, following from unsuitable technique, must be eliminated. It is just air limpidity that ought to define the visibility, not unsufficient or everywhere equal intensity of light of reflectors, or too long sides of the triangulation net. Recent approach to this problem requires simultaneous visibility of all directions during most of the days of observation. In connection with the out-of=date technique, the methods of angular observation often have one unfavourable character: they are the cause of the accumulation of observations of “always visible” directions. The supposed merit of angles thus turns into their imperfection.

Адрес: Politickych vězňů 12, Praha 1-Nové Město  相似文献   
Large-scale ancient landslides of the area of more than 5 km2 and volume exceeding 200 × 106 m3 are characteristic features of the valleys incised in the northern periphery of the Crimean Mountains (Ukraine). The largely affected area is located in the outermost cuesta range of the Crimean Mountains which consists of rigid Sarmatian limestones overlying weak Middle Miocene and Upper Palaeogene deposits. A giant landslide arose in the Alma water gap as a reflection of several coincident preparatory factors such as suitable bedrock stratification, smectite-rich bedrock exposed to swelling activity, presence of faults parallel to the valley trend, and river capture event which preceded the landslide event. The occurrence of such ancient megaslides is particularly interesting in the area which is characterized by low precipitation (<500 mm/year) and weak contemporary seismicity. It probably reflects a more dynamic environment in humid phases of the Holocene; however, seismic triggering along the Mesozoic suture zone cannot be rejected. Compressional features such as gravitational folds in the central and distal parts of the landslide, which probably correlate with the whole landslide genesis or its significant reactivation, arose, according to the radiocarbon dating, during the Holocene climatic optimum in the Atlantic period. The slope deformation has been relatively quiescent since that time, except minor historic reactivization which took place in the frontal part of the landslide. We suppose that the studied landslide could be classified as a transitional type of slope deformation with some signs of spreading and translational block slides.  相似文献   
The Rozvadov Pluton is a complex of mainly Variscan granitoid rocks situated near the Bohemian-Bavarian border between Bärnau, Tachov, Rozvadov and Waidhaus, 25 km ESE of the KTB site. Five mappable units can be distinguished, which intruded as folows: (1) slightly deformed leucocratic meta-aplite/metapegmatite dykes with garnet and tourmaline; (2) a complex of cordierite-bearing granitoids, which have been divided into three facies (a) biotite granite with cordierite (at the margin of the complex), (b) biotite-cordierite granite and (c) cordierite tonalite (in the centre of the complex; (3) fine-grained biotite granite of the Rozvadov type with associated pegmatite bodies; (4) two-mica Bärnau granite; and (5) geochemically specialized albite-zinnwaldite-topaz granite (Kríový kámen/Kreuzstein granite) with indications of Sn-Nb-Ta mineralization and associated phosphorus-rich pegmatite cupolas. Rare earth element data suggest that meta-aplite/pegmatite dykes are the result of a batch partial melting process, whereas the compositional variation of the other rock types was mainly controlled by fractional crystallization. The genesis of the cordierite granitoid suite is best explained in terms of a batch melting of metapelitic source followed by crystallization of a cordierite-rich cumulate and K-feldspar enriched melt. The leucocratic pluton constituents — the meta-aplites and the Bärnau and Kíový kámen granites are rich in phosphorus (0.5–0.8%). The main carriers of phosphorus are alkali feldspars, especially K-feldspar (up to 0.8% P2O5). The presence of P-rich leucocratic granites is one of the features distinguishing the Variscan granitoids within the Moldanubian zone from the nearly contemporaneous granitoids in the Saxothuringian zone.  相似文献   
Axel Mü  ller  Karel Breiter  Reimar Seltmann  Zolt  n P  cskay 《Lithos》2005,80(1-4):201-227
Zoned quartz and feldspar phenocrysts of the Upper Carboniferous eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex were studied by cathodoluminescence and minor and trace element profiling. The results verify the suitability of quartz and feldspar phenocrysts as recorders of differentiation trends, magma mixing and recharge events, and suggest that much heterogeneity in plutonic systems may be overlooked on a whole-rock scale. Multiple resorption surfaces and zones, element concentration steps in zoned quartz (Ti) and feldspar phenocrysts (anorthite content, Ba, Sr), and plagioclase-mantled K-feldspars etc. indicate mixing of silicic magma with a more mafic magma for several magmatic phases of the eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex. Generally, feldspar appears to be sensitive to the physicochemical changes of the melt, whereas quartz phenocrysts are more stable and can survive a longer period of evolution and final effusion of silicic magmas. The regional distribution of mixing-compatible textures suggests that magma mingling and mixing was a major process in the evolution of these late-Variscan granites and associated volcanic rocks.

Quartz phenocrysts from 14 magmatic phases of the eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex provide information on the relative timing of different mixing processes, storage and recharge, allowing a model for the distribution of magma reservoirs in space and time. At least two levels of magma storage are envisioned: deep reservoirs between 24 and 17 km (the crystallisation level of quartz phenocrysts) and subvolcanic reservoirs between 13 and 6 km. Deflation of the shallow reservoirs during the extrusion of the Teplice rhyolites triggered the formation of the Altenberg-Teplice caldera above the eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex. The deep magma reservoir of the Teplice rhyolite also has a genetic relationship to the younger mineralised A-type granites, as indicated by quartz phenocryst populations. The pre-caldera biotite granites and the rhyodacitic Schönfeld volcanic rocks represent temporally and spatially separate magma sources. However, the deep magma reservoir of both is assumed to have been at a depth of 24–17 km. The drastic chemical contrast between the pre-caldera Schönfeld (Westfalian B–C) and the syn-caldera Teplice (Westfalian C–D) volcanic rocks is related to the change from late-orogenic geotectonic environment to post-orogenic faulting, and is considered an important chronostratigraphic marker.  相似文献   

Subduction and exhumation dynamics can be investigated through analysis of metamorphic and deformational evolution of associated high‐grade rocks. The Erzgebirge anticline, which forms at the boundary between the Saxothuringian and Teplá‐Barrandian domains of the Bohemian Massif, provides a useful study area for these processes owing to the occurrence of numerous meta‐basites preserving eclogite facies assemblages, and coesite and diamond bearing quartzofeldspathic lithologies indicating subduction to deep mantle depths. The prograde and retrograde evolution of meta‐basite from the Czech portion of the Erzgebirge anticline has been constrained through a combination of thermodynamic modelling and conventional thermobarometry. Garnet growth zoning indicates that the rocks underwent burial and heating to peak conditions of 2.6 GPa and at least 615 °C. Initial exhumation occurred with concurrent cooling and decompression resulting in the growth of amphibole and zoisite poikiloblasts overgrowing and including the eclogite facies assemblage. The development of clinopyroxene–plagioclase–amphibole symplectites after omphacite and Al‐rich rims on matrix amphibole indicate later heating at the base of the lower crust. Omphacite microstructures, in particular grain size analysis and lattice‐preferred orientations, indicate that the prograde evolution was characterized by a constrictional strain geometry transitioning into plane strain and oblate fabrics during exhumation. The initial constrictional strain pattern is interpreted as being controlled by competing slab pull and crustal buoyancy forces leading to necking of the subducting slab. The transition to plane strain and flattening geometries represents transfer of material from the subducting lithosphere into a subduction channel, break‐off of the dense slab and rebound of the buoyant crustal material.  相似文献   
Structural, petrological and textural studies are combined with phase equilibria modelling of metapelites from different structural levels of the Roc de Frausa Massif in the Eastern Pyrenees. The pre‐Variscan lithological succession is divided into the Upper, Intermediate and Lower series by two orthogneiss sheets and intruded by Variscan igneous rocks. Structural analysis reveals two phases of Variscan deformation. D1 is marked by tight to isoclinal small‐scale folds and an associated flat‐lying foliation (S1) that affects the whole crustal section. D2 structures are characterized by tight upright folds facing to the NW with steep NE–SW axial planes. D2 heterogeneously reworks the D1 fabrics, leading to an almost complete transposition into a sub‐vertical foliation (S2) in the high‐grade metamorphic domain. All structures are affected by late open to tight, steeply inclined south‐verging NW–SE folds (F3) compatible with steep greenschist facies dextral shear zones of probable Alpine age. In the micaschists of the Upper series, andalusite and sillimanite grew during the formation of the S1 foliation indicating heating from 580 to 640 °C associated with an increase in pressure. Subsequent static growth of cordierite points to post‐D1 decompression. In the Intermediate series, a sillimanite–biotite–muscovite‐bearing assemblage that is parallel to the S1 fabric is statically overgrown by cordierite and K‐feldspar. This sequence points to ~1 kbar of post‐D1 decompression at 630–650 °C. The Intermediate series is intruded by a gabbro–diorite stock that has an aureole marked by widespread migmatization. In the aureole, the migmatitic S1 foliation is defined by the assemblage biotite–sillimanite–K‐feldspar–garnet. The microstructural relationships and garnet zoning are compatible with the D1 pressure peak at ~7.5 kbar and ~750 °C. Late‐ to post‐S2 cordierite growth implies that F2 folds and the associated S2 axial planar leucosomes developed during nearly isothermal decompression to <5 kbar. The Lower series migmatites form a composite S1–S2 fabric; the garnet‐bearing assemblage suggests peak P–T conditions of >5 kbar at suprasolidus conditions. Almost complete consumption of garnet and late cordierite growth points to post‐D2 equilibration at <4 kbar and <750 °C. The early metamorphic history associated with the S1 fabric is interpreted as a result of horizontal middle crustal flow associated with progressive heating and possible burial. The upright F2 folding and S2 foliation are associated with a pressure decrease coeval with the intrusion of mafic magma at mid‐crustal levels. The D2 tectono‐metamorphic evolution may be explained by a crustal‐scale doming associated with emplacement of mafic magmas into the core of the dome.  相似文献   
Summary A local planar approximation of a stratified, inhomogeneous, anisotropic and dissipative ionosphere is presented as an Alfven quarter-wave plate resonator in the Pc1 micropulsation range. The frequency-amplitude structure of the resonance response of an isotropic Alfven wave on the Earth's surface and at a given altitude in the ionosphere is studied in comparison to standing waves in vacuum above an ideal conductor for a particular model of the ionosphere. An asymmetry in the response was found at both boundary of the resonator, at the Earth's surface and at the given altitude z0. The results are related to the vertical changes of frequency dispersion in the dissipative medium of the ionosphere and to the vertical profile of the inhomogeneities of the resonator being considered.  相似文献   
Summary The paper is intended as a contribution to the quantitative analysis of travel-time curves of seismic events recorded in the Ostrava-Karviná District (OKD). The input data represent a set of 2621 seismic events, recorded by the local seismological network of 26 mine stations DSLA and a regional diagnostic polygon consisting of five surface Lennartz stations. All the events were processed automatically in the Operational Seismological Centre of the Czechoslovak Army Mine in Karviná and stored in the seismological data base. The results are presented in the form of graphs of arrival times versus distance for the whole OKD, for two mines and one tectonic block.Travel-time curves of direct P and S waves, as well as of reflected and refracted waves are given. The direct P and S waves propagate well practically throughout the whole region studied, but their apparent velocities of propagation are affected by the properties of the rock medium.As a result of the complicated geological conditions, the recorded wave image is quite complicated. Methods of mathematical modelling, using kinematic and dynamic parameters of seismic waves, will have to be applied to identify the separate wave groups uniquely.  相似文献   
Summary A general analytical model for travel times of seismic waves propagating in a radially asymmetric Earth, is suggested. It is represented by a series of irreducible spherical tensor products with bipolar spherical coefficients. The main term of the series describes the travel times in a radially symmetric Earth, the others represent corrections due to the spherical assymmetry. The method of least squares is suggested for determining the bipolar spherical coefficients from observed seismic travel times. Since the proposed theory assumes that the analytical representation is related to the reference earth, the corrections to the non-zero focal depth and non-zero sea-level height of the seismographic station must be introduced.
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