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The Geological Survey of India (GSI) established a twelve-station temporary microearthquake (MEQ) network to monitor the aftershocks in the epicenter area of the Bhuj earthquake (M w7.5) of 26th January 2001. The main shock occurred in the Kutch rift basin with the epicenter to the north of Bhachao village, at an estimated depth of 25 km (IMD). About 3000 aftershocks (M d ≥ 1.0), were recorded by the GSI network over a monitoring period of about two and half months from 29th January 2001 to 15th April 2001. About 800 aftershocks (M d ≥ 2.0) are located in this study. The epicenters are clustered in an area 60 km × 30 km, between 23.3‡N and 23.6‡N and 70‡E and 70.6‡E. The main shock epicenter is also located within this zone. Two major aftershock trends are observed; one in the NE direction and other in the NW direction. Out of these two trends, the NE trend was more pronounced with depth. The major NE-SW trend is parallel to the Anjar-Rapar lineament. The other trend along NW-SE is parallel to the Bhachao lineament. The aftershocks at a shallower depth (<10km) are aligned only along the NW-SE direction. The depth slice at 10 km to 20 km shows both the NE-SW trend and the NW-SE trend. At greater depth (20 km–38 km) the NE-SW trend becomes more predominant. This observation suggests that the major rupture of the main shock took place at a depth level more than 20 km; it propagated along the NE-SW direction, and a conjugate rupture followed the NW-SE direction. A N-S depth section of the aftershocks shows that some aftershocks are clustered at shallower depth ≤ 10 km, but intense activity is observed at 15–38 km depth. There is almost an aseismic layer at 10–15 km depth. The activity is sparse below 38 km. The estimated depth of the main shock at 25 km is consistent with the cluster of maximum number of the aftershocks at 20–38 km. A NW-SE depth section of the aftershocks, perpendicular to the major NE-SW trend, indicates a SE dipping plane and a NE-SW depth section across the NW-SE trend shows a SW dipping plane. The epicentral map of the stronger aftershocksM ≥ 4.0 shows a prominent NE trend. Stronger aftershocks have followed the major rupture trend of the main shock. The depth section of these stronger aftershocks reveals that it occurred in the depth range of 20 to 38 km, and corroborates with a south dipping seismogenic plane.  相似文献   
Water consumption is likely to increase substantially in the future on account of rising population, economic growth, and social development. Rapid urbanization and population growth of Allahabad city, has necessitated thinking about the declination in ground water level as well as supply of sufficient quantity of water for future either for drinking purpose or industrial use. In the present study, rainfall recharge of Allahabad city has been computed on GIS platform (ArcInfo). Groundwater recharge potential zones of Allahabad city have also been found out using GIS. Case study of recharge of ground water through roof top rainwater harvesting at Vikas Bhawan (a multistoryed building), Allahabad is discussed. An implementation of this analysis and decision making software is expected to work for sustainable water management.  相似文献   
Although for decades, public participation in disaster risk management has been strongly advocated for, in reality, it remains elusive. Planners and practitioners are still struggling to find ways to meaningfully involve the local community in disaster management programs; so far, apparently successful projects and initiatives have seldom been scaled up or replicated. The reason for this is that no comprehensive framework for participatory disaster risk management exists, and no systematic evaluation has been made to assess the necessary elements and appropriate paths for meaningful public participation in disaster management. This study attempts to examine the process and identify outcome-based factors that account for successful participatory disaster risk management. To accomplish this, we have evaluated reconstruction projects in earthquake-affected rural Gujarat, India, where the government envisioned a people-centric reconstruction project, but provided no public participation framework or guidelines. As a result, several reconstruction models pursuing different levels and types of public participation ultimately emerged. We selected three dominant reconstruction approaches and examined the extent to which various processes and outcome-based factors were successful in promoting ideal levels of public participation during these reconstruction projects. This study is considered an example of pioneering research in defining factors that account for successful participatory disaster risk management.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Recent decades have seen an increasing recognition&nbsp;and consensus among researchers and planners in disaster management in the need to foster&nbsp;social learning...  相似文献   
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