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ASCA observations of the two Type Ⅱ AGNs,NGC7314 and NGC 7582,show clear variations in the broad X-ray band(0.4-10keV)on short timescales-10^4s.Spectral analysis indicates that they bot have an absorbed hard X-ray component and an unabsorbed soft“excess” component.To clarify the origin of the latter,we made a cross-correlation analysis of the two components.The results show that,for NGC7314,the soft X-ray variability is proportional to that of the hard X-ray component.This indicates that the active nucleus of NGC 7314 must be partially covered and so the soft emission is a “leaking” of the variable hard component.For NGC 7582,there is no detectable variability in the soft component, although there is a definite one in the hard component.This indicates that the variable nucleus of NGC 7582 must be fully blocked by absorbing matter,and the soft emission is most likely the scattered component predicted by the AGN unified model.  相似文献   
对汕头南澳岛潮间带海藻浒苔(Enteromorpha  相似文献   
The new polyenzyme method for making gravy fromHarengula zunasi offal involves protein enzymolysis with flavorase after proper alkaline and neutral protease levels were established by orthogonal trials to select the best hydrolytic conditions for processing offal with alkaline and neutral protease. The conditions for the polyenzyme method were pH of 7.0, temperature of 50°C, alkaline and neutral protease concentration of 1.5% respectively, hydrolysis time of 120 min, and flavorase concentration of 2.0%, for 60 min. The new gravy-making technology yields a nutritious and delicious gravy containing 40.3% of total essential amino acids, with delicious amino acids Glu, Asp, Gly, Ala, Pro and Ser comprising 49.5%, total and amino nitrogen being respectively 1.9 and 1.1 g/100 g (amino acid nitrogen being 61.0% of total nitrogen), The polyenzyme method was used to make 14.8% protein gravy fromHarengula zunasi offal. In addition, inorganic elements, the phosphorus content is the highest. This project was aided financially by the Guangdong Science and Technology Office (No. 2KM06002S).  相似文献   
利用MC-ICPMS对水样中硼同位素比值的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Amberlite IRA-743硼特效树脂进行水溶液中硼的分离,对洗脱液温度、体积以及树脂动态交换容量等进行了实验.它的动态交换容量为4.2 mg/g,在室温条件下,用5 mL 2%HNO3可定量从树脂柱上洗脱被吸附的硼.采用Neptune型MC-ICPMS进行硼同位素组成的测定,1 μg/g浓度的硼标准溶液获得放大的信号强度约为0.7V,硼的化学分离过程有效避免了质量歧视效应.实验结果表明,MC-ICPMS对硼存在严重的记忆效应,通过采用5%HNO3-(1%HNO3 0.1%HF)-H2O-20%NH3H2O-H2O的交替清洗方法,可在约1 h内消除硼的记忆效应.在最佳仪器条件下,对含有250 ng硼的水样,可以快速测定硼的同位素组成,占δ11B测定的绝对偏差为0.4‰-0.5‰(SD).  相似文献   
首次使用266nm激光脉冲对泥鳅受精卵进行辐照,引起畸变。辐照分别对全卵、只对胚盘、只对卵黄三种方式进行。对实验结果的分析说明266nm激光对泥鳅受精卵的作用是光化学作用,而不是光致热效应,可能引起DNA分子结构—碱基的变化。核质关系实验证明了细胞质对细脆发育过程有控制作用。  相似文献   
近二十年来,随着海洋环境科学的发展,河口污染和生态问题日益受到重视。关于污水排放对河口内湾浮游植物生态的影响,近年Ketchum, B. H. (1967); McCormick, J.M. 等(1975); Rice, T. R. (1975); Jenkins, S. H. (1978); Thompson, G. B. 等(1981 ); Meyers, V. B. 等(1983)和Joint, I. R.(1984)都做过调查研究和评论。但迄今国内有关这方面的研究报道甚少。 海河口是一个有污染源的生态环境特殊的感潮河口,受自然因素和人类活动的影响很大。由于其地理位置得天独厚,水质肥沃,饵料丰富,历来是许多经济鱼虾类优良的天然产卵、索饵和肥育的场所,在渤海渔业上占有重要位置。但近十多年,由于入海径流量锐减和城市污水排海总量的增加1),其水质逐渐恶化,环境正由半咸水向海洋化方向演变,对河口渔业构成严重威胁。对此,我所曾于1978-1981年对渤海湾的污染状况及影响进行过多学科的综合调查,在渤海湾污染的浮游植物生态效应、海湾富营养化及其与赤潮的关系等方面,也做过初步研究(邹景忠等,1983; 1984; 1985 )。当时由于受调查范围和项目的限制,对河口有机污染及生态效应的研究还很不够,所获得的一些资料尚不足以作出定量的科学论断。 本文着重探讨海河口区浮游植物的生态变化及其与有机污染的关系,旨在为综合分析和评价海河口区目前的生态质量及演变趋势,为河口环境的综合整治提供科学依据。  相似文献   
安平 《海洋信息》2001,(2):10-11
2月26日,在北京展览馆举办的由科技部、解放军总装备部主办,科技部高技术研究发展中心承办的“863”计划15年成就展览,展示了我国实施这一计划15周年取得的丰硕成果。海洋高技术是国家高技术研究开发计划的重要组成部分。展览会上,参观者们饶有兴趣地参观了令人瞩目的海洋高技术。 发展海洋高技术,是揭示海洋奥秘、维护海  相似文献   
I~IOW~ne nelnatode is a ban gIOup of benthic OrgAnsrns. Abbot 5 000 spotes Of free-livingnelnatedes have ben dedbo so far, and it has ho estimated that abbot 20 (XX) are as yetunknoWn. Chinese bothologist has Paid attention to marine nelnatodes in China seas in yare. The spatial distribution and shoes commotion of marine nelnatedes in the HUanghe EstUary, Qinhuangdao waters, QingdaO Bay and Xiamen ~ have ho reported (Zhang etal., 1990, 1991, 1993; ac and Li, 1998). ~ new shoes in the…  相似文献   
黄河三角洲地貌环境体系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄河三角洲是由三角洲上部冲积平原一下部冲积海积平原(超潮滩)─周边潮滩三个区带的地貌系列构成.它们之间形成三条地貌环境岸线,是一个复杂而统一的陆上─潮滩堆积地貌体系.该体系研究对三角洲发育.环境及其开发利用有一定理论和实践意义.  相似文献   
南海波高熵和风速熵   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据风速的统计分布,给出了有因次风速熵和无因次风速熵的定义及其计算方法,使用GEOSAT高度计1986年11月-1989年2月的有效波高和风速的资料,计算,分析了南海海域上的波高熵,风速熵,给出它们的时间变化特征和空间变化特征,并对不同随机量的无因次熵,即随机度进行了比较。  相似文献   
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