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Mitigating Agricultural Emissions of Methane   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Agricultural crop and animal production systems are important sources and sinks for atmospheric methane (CH4). The major CH4 sources from this sector are ruminant animals, flooded rice fields, animal waste and biomass burning which total about one third of all global emissions. This paper discusses the factors that influence CH4 production and emission from these sources and the aerobic soil sink for atmospheric CH4 and assesses the magnitude of each source. Potential methods of mitigating CH4 emissions from the major sources could lead to improved crop and animal productivity. The global impact of using the mitigation options suggested could potentially decrease agricultural CH4 emissions by about 30%.  相似文献   
Thomas C. Duxbury 《Icarus》1974,23(2):290-299
Initial analysis of the Mariner 9 high resolution pictures of Phobos surface features has been completed. A control network of 38 landmarks has been established and used to determine the physical size, shape, orientation, libration, and topography properties of Phobos. The results verified the synchronous rotation of Phobos and revealed a libration of approximately 5° in the orbit plane of Phobos. A preliminary map of Phobos, based on the control network analysis, is given.  相似文献   
This paper contains a complete set of the best enhancements of Mariner 9 high resolution television pictures of Phobos and Deimos, consisting of 27 different views of Phobos, and 9 of Deimos. Pertinent data about the pictures are arranged in convenient tabular and graphical form.  相似文献   
Results of processing seven mutual occultation lightcurves are presented. The lightcurves were obtained using the 60-inch telescope (152 cm) at Mt. Wilson to observe six J1 occulting J2 events and one J3 occulting J2 event. Using a uniformly illuminated disk model, local satellite Jovicentric longitude corrections of 675 ± 150 km, 275 ± 240 km, and 1175 ± 350 km for J1, J2, and J3, respectively, were determined. These corrections enabled the event midpoint times to be computed to ±5sec of the observed midpoint times for all seven events. These longitude corrections have been verified by Pioneer 10 and recent (1973 and 1974) conventional Jovian eclipse observations. A relative J1:J2 out-of-plane error of less than a few hundred kilometers has been indicated; however, it appears that the relative J3:J2 out-of-plane error is larger than 600 km. Deficiencies in both the uniformly illuminated disk model and Sampson's theory of the Galilean satellite motions for the reduction of mutual event data are described.  相似文献   
J. Goguen  J. Veverka  T. Duxbury 《Icarus》1979,37(2):377-388
The Viking Orbiters have obtained several images of Phobos at large phase angles in which the portion of the satellite not directly illuminated by the Sun is faintly visible. A photometric analysis of one such image is presented to prove that the phenomenon is real and can be explained by Marsshine (i.e., the illumination of Phobos by sunlight reflected from Mars). Such images provide cross sections of Phobos and are useful in determining the true shape and size of the satellite. The cross section observed in Picture 111A03 agrees closely with that predicted by triaxial ellipsoid model of Phobos developed by Duxbury (1974).  相似文献   
The origin of the Martian satellites presents a puzzle of long standing. Addressing the composition of Phobos will help constrain theories of its formation. Visible and near-infrared spectra of Phobos lack deep absorption features, making the compositional interpretation a tricky task. PFS/MEx and TES/MGS observations in the thermal infrared show several spectral features that can be used to investigate the composition of the surface. Our results show that the majority of the spectra are consistent with the presence of phyllosilicates, particularly in the area northeast of Stickney. This area corresponds to the “blue” region as defined by Murchie et al. (1999). Analysis of PFS and TES observations in the “red” region defined by Murchie et al. (1999) are consistent with tectosilicates, especially feldspars/feldspathoids. We discuss several physical and chemical mechanisms that can act to eliminate or reduce the strength of bands in the VIS/NIR spectra, with possibly little or no effect in the mid-IR. Comparison of the TES and PFS data to the meteorites shows that no class of chondritic meteorites provide significant agreement with the spectral features observed. The lack of consistency of the PFS and TES spectra to analogs of ultraprimitive materials (organic residues) suggests that an origin via capture of a transneptunian object is not supported by these observations, although it cannot be completely ruled out. Derived surface temperatures from PFS and TES data are in very good agreement with brightness temperatures derived from Viking orbiter measurements, Earth-based observations, and values predicted by numerical models. Our results show that the surface temperature of Phobos varies with solar incidence angle and heliocentric distance, reconciling the different results.We collect and summarize the compositional clues for the origin of Phobos discussed in this paper, including our results. Currently, the most likely scenario is the in-situ formation of Phobos, although a capture of achrondrite-like meteorites is not ruled out.  相似文献   
This report continues the practice where the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements revises recommendations regarding those topics for the planets, satellites, minor planets, and comets approximately every 3 years. The Working Group has now become a “functional working group” of the IAU, and its membership is open to anyone interested in participating. We describe the procedure for submitting questions about the recommendations given here or the application of these recommendations for creating a new or updated coordinate system for a given body. Regarding body orientation, the following bodies have been updated: Mercury, based on MESSENGER results; Mars, along with a refined longitude definition; Phobos; Deimos; (1) Ceres; (52) Europa; (243) Ida; (2867) ?teins; Neptune; (134340) Pluto and its satellite Charon; comets 9P/Tempel 1, 19P/Borrelly, 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, and 103P/Hartley 2, noting that such information is valid only between specific epochs. The special challenges related to mapping 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko are also discussed. Approximate expressions for the Earth have been removed in order to avoid confusion, and the low precision series expression for the Moon’s orientation has been removed. The previously online only recommended orientation model for (4) Vesta is repeated with an explanation of how it was updated. Regarding body shape, text has been included to explain the expected uses of such information, and the relevance of the cited uncertainty information. The size of the Sun has been updated, and notation added that the size and the ellipsoidal axes for the Earth and Jupiter have been recommended by an IAU Resolution. The distinction of a reference radius for a body (here, the Moon and Titan) is made between cartographic uses, and for orthoprojection and geophysical uses. The recommended radius for Mercury has been updated based on MESSENGER results. The recommended radius for Titan is returned to its previous value. Size information has been updated for 13 other Saturnian satellites and added for Aegaeon. The sizes of Pluto and Charon have been updated. Size information has been updated for (1) Ceres and given for (16) Psyche and (52) Europa. The size of (25143) Itokawa has been corrected. In addition, the discussion of terminology for the poles (hemispheres) of small bodies has been modified and a discussion on cardinal directions added. Although they continue to be used for planets and their satellites, it is assumed that the planetographic and planetocentric coordinate system definitions do not apply to small bodies. However, planetocentric and planetodetic latitudes and longitudes may be used on such bodies, following the right-hand rule. We repeat our previous recommendations that planning and efforts be made to make controlled cartographic products; newly recommend that common formulations should be used for orientation and size; continue to recommend that a community consensus be developed for the orientation models of Jupiter and Saturn; newly recommend that historical summaries of the coordinate systems for given bodies should be developed, and point out that for planets and satellites planetographic systems have generally been historically preferred over planetocentric systems, and that in cases when planetographic coordinates have been widely used in the past, there is no obvious advantage to switching to the use of planetocentric coordinates. The Working Group also requests community input on the question submitting process, posting of updates to the Working Group website, and on whether recommendations should be made regarding exoplanet coordinate systems.  相似文献   
Small-scale spatial events are situations in which elements or objects vary in such a way that temporal dynamics are intrinsic to their representation and explanation. Some of the clearest examples involve local movement, from conventional traffic modeling to disaster evacuation where congestion, crowding, panic, and related safety issues are key features. We propose that such events can be simulated using new variants of pedestrian model, which embody ideas about how behavior emerges from the accumulated interactions between small-scale objects. We present a model in which the event space is first explored by agents using ‘swarm intelligence’. Armed with information about the space, agents then move in unobstructed fashion to the event. Congestion and problems over safety are then resolved through introducing controls in an iterative fashion, rerunning the model until a ‘safe solution’ is reached. The model has been developed to simulate the effect of changing the route of the Notting Hill Carnival, an annual event held in west central London over 2 days in August each year. One of the key issues in using such simulation is how the process of modeling interacts with those who manage and control the event. As such, this changes the nature of the modeling problem from one where control and optimization is external to the model to one where it is intrinsic to the simulation.  相似文献   
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy - Orbit elements for the two Martian satellites Phobos and Deimos have been determined from 80 television photographs of the satellites taken by the...  相似文献   
Many well-established and strong marine programs are offered at institutions which have preserved the concept that such studies are to be conducted only at the graduate level, while others have broken from this heritage and are offering undergraduate programs. This article discusses the difficulties that arise as a result of this dual approach for a student who graduates from one program and wishes to advance his education at another institution.  相似文献   
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