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由于OSSMO 2004版地面测报业务软件中抄录报表风向不太方便,故长治县气象局自行设计了自动风向角度和方位的转换程序。本程序用OBJECT PASCAL语言编写,在DELPHI中实现,采用Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0数据库引擎及ADO的方式操作数据库。  相似文献   
北秦岭灰池子花岗岩基成岩物质来源探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要通过Nd,Sr和O同位素示踪研究,分析了灰池子花岗岩基的成岩物质来源,初步查明该岩体的岩浆源区由69%的地幔物质和31%的陆壳物质混合而成,属壳幔型花岗岩。  相似文献   
山东招远大尹格庄金矿成矿流体特征   总被引:18,自引:13,他引:18  
大尹格庄金矿位于中国胶北地体西北部招平断裂带下盘的蚀变花岗质碎裂岩 (绢英岩 )带中 ,断裂上盘为胶东群变质岩系。金主要产于黄铁绢英岩和黄铁矿±多金属硫化物 石英±碳酸盐脉 -细网脉中 ,构成细脉 -浸染状矿石。对蚀变围岩和金矿石中流体包裹体的研究表明钾长石化岩 (钾长石 -石英脉 )和绢英岩 (第 I和第 II阶段 )的石英中含有丰富的 CO2 -H2 O包裹体 ,而金 -硫化物矿石和石英 -碳酸盐脉 (第 III和第 IV阶段 )中 CO2 - H2 O包裹体数量逐渐减少。显微测温指示 ,钾长石化岩和绢英岩石英中的 CO2 - H2 O包裹体的均一温度范围为 2 80~ 36 0℃ ;而金 -黄铜矿和金 -方铅矿 -闪锌矿矿石中包裹体的均一温度分别为 2 40~ 2 75℃和 180~ 2 5 0℃。显微测温和激光拉曼探针分析表明 ,第 I和第 II阶段的成矿流体含 10~ 2 5mol% CO2 ;而第 III和第 IV阶段的含 <5~ 10 mol% CO2 ,并含少量至可观数量 CH4,H2 S和 SO2 等。广泛的黄铁矿化、碳酸盐化蚀变以及缺乏较高盐度的水包裹体说明金很可能是以硫络合物和碳络合物形式被搬运。金的沉淀与温度下降、由裂隙的(重复 )开放引起明显的压力降低和原始流体的不混溶作用有关 ,具多阶段成矿特点  相似文献   
木里地区地处青藏高原的高寒地区,属于生态缺水区。运用综合污染指数法对该地区的地表水环境质量做出了初步评价,结果表明:该区挥发酚的污染指数为0.40,污染分担率为57.2%,远高于其它指标,但其含量〈0.002mg/L,基本无污染;其它污染物污染等级均属于清洁级;水质基本达到地表水环境质量Ⅲ级标准。随着木里煤田煤炭资源的开发利用,该地区的水环境质量和水体生态环境有污染的趋势。提出了建设小型调蓄、引水工程,加强点源和面源污染管理的防治对策及建议。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONRecentgeologicalstudiesshowthattheErlangpingophi-olitefragmentwasformedinback-arcbasin(Sunetal.,1996;Wangetal.,19...  相似文献   
南岭东段龙源坝复式岩体La-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
龙源坝岩体是南岭花岗岩体群的一个重要组成部分,位于南岭东段,研究程度十分薄弱,至今未见可靠的同位素年龄报道。本文在运用阴极发光技术对岩体中的锆石进行细致的内部结构分析的基础上,利用La-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb原位定年方法进行了同位素年龄测定。结果表明,龙源坝岩体是一个印支期—燕山期多期次岩浆侵入形成的复式岩体,其中主体形成于印支期,尤其是印支早期。印支早期花岗岩的单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄为241.0±5.9Ma和241.0±1.3Ma(两个样品),印支晚期花岗岩为210.9±3.8Ma,燕山期正长岩为149.4±1.2Ma。龙源坝岩体在时代和成因上不同于其东侧的陂头岩体,但相同于北侧的诸广山岩体有亲缘关系,因此在探讨该区的铀成矿前景时,应把诸广山与龙源坝两岩体整合起来考虑,并加强对龙源坝岩体的铀矿找矿工作。  相似文献   
对扬子克拉通北缘新元古代岛弧花岗岩类成分极性的地球化学研究表明,在SiO_2含量相近的条件下,由北向南岩石中K_2O、K_2O+Na_2O、K_2O/Na_2O逐渐增加,而CaO逐渐降低;从北向南,微量元素Rb、Ba、Th、Zr、Nb、Ta、 ∑REE及Rb/Th、Rb/Nb、∑LREE/∑HREE、(La/Yb)_N 逐渐增加或具增加趋势,而 Sr、Co、Ni和Sr/Ba具逐渐降低或具降低趋势;同位素组成由北向南δ~18O、εs_r(t)系统增高,而ε_(Nd)(t)逐渐降低。这些组分的空间变化规律与环太平洋带位于俯冲带上盘向陆一侧的岛弧或大陆边缘岩浆中出现的成分极性规律相一致.分析认为,大陆壳物质以不同比例的加入是影响俯冲带岛弧花岗质岩浆成分极性的一个重要因素,向陆一侧岩浆中陆壳物质所占的比例逐渐增高,而幔源物质所占比例逐渐降低。  相似文献   
Scientific research and productive practice for earth history are inseparable from the accurate stratigraphic framework and time framework. Establishing the globally unified, precise and reliable chronostratigraphic series and geological time series is the major goal of the International Commission on Stratigraphy(ICS). Under the leadership of the ICS, the countries around the world have carried out research on the Global Standard Stratotype-section and Points(GSSPs) for the boundaries of chronostratigraphic systems. In the current International Chronostratigraphic Chart(ICC), 65 GSSPs have been erected in the Phanerozoic Eonothem, and one has yet been erected in the Precambrian Eonothem. Based on the progress of research on stratigraphy especially that from its subcommissions, the ICS is constantly revising the ICC, and will publish a new International Stratigraphic Guide in 2020. After continual efforts and broad international cooperation of Chinese stratigraphers, 10 GSSPs within the Phanerozoic Eonothem have been approved and ratified to erect in China by the ICS and IUGS. To establish the standards for stratigraphic division and correlation of China, with the support from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the China Geological Survey, Chinese stratigraphers have carried out research on the establishment of Stages in China. A total of 102 stages have been defined in the "Regional Chronostratigraphic Chart of China(geologic time)", in which 59 stages were studied in depth. In 2014, the "Stratigraphic Chart of China" was compiled, with the essential contents as follows: the correlation between international chronostratigraphy and regional chronostratigraphy of China(geologic time), the distributive status of lithostratigraphy, the characteristics of geological ages, the biostratigraphic sequence, the magnetostratigraphy, the geological events and eustatic sea-level change during every geological stage. The "Stratigraphical Guide of China and its Explanation(2014)" was also published. Chinese stratigraphers have paid much attention to stratigraphic research in south China, northeast China, north China and northwest China and they have made great achievements in special research on stratigraphy, based on the 1:1000000, 1:250000, 1:200000 and 1:50000 regional geological survey projects. Manifold new stratigraphic units were discovered and established by the regional geological surveys, which are helpful to improve the regional chronostratigraphic series of China. On the strength of the investigation in coastal and offshore areas, the status of marine strata in China has been expounded. According to the developing situation of international stratigraphy and the characteristics of Chinese stratigraphic work, the contrast relation between regional stratigraphic units of China and GSSPs will be established in the future, which will improve the application value of GSSPs and the standard of regional stratigraphic division and correlation. In addition, the study of stratigraphy of the Precambrian, terrestrial basins and orogenic belts will be strengthened, the Stratigraphic Chart of China will be improved, the typical stratigraphic sections in China will be protected and the applied study of stratigraphy in the fields of oil and gas, solid minerals, etc. will be promoted. On the ground of these actions, stratigraphic research will continue to play a great role in the social and economic development of China.  相似文献   
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