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The recently developed method of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) allows the determination of 207Pb/206Pb ages of single zircon grains. The main advantages of the method are minimal sample preparation, low cost, and high throughput. In this work we present an analytical routine for geochronological analyses of zircon and monazite by LA-ICPMS and its application to the Ribeira Belt of the Brazilian Orogen in southeastern Brazil. The 207Pb/206Pb ages of one hundred and thirty-seven detrital zircons from amphibolite facies quartzites from three lithotectonic domains in the central Ribeira Belt indicate that they are derived mainly from Paleoproterozoic crust of Transamazonian age (2.0−2.3 Ga). A small number of zircons originated in 2.6−2.9 Ga Archean crust. These results are coherent with 2.1−2.2 Ga and 2.6−3.0 Ga U---Pb ages previously obtained for basement gneisses. The viability of the method to date monazite is also assessed. Monazites from the same quartzite samples yield ages between 2.1 Ga and 0.57 Ga. indicating variable resetting of the U---Pb system during amphibolite facies metamorphism. In contrast, monazite from a basement migmatite and syn-metamorphic granitoids yields ages in the 500–700 Ma range, in general agreement with U-Pb ages of 590-565 Ma for the main metamorphic event.

The LA-ICPMS 207Pb/206Pb ages are coherent and agree with expected results based on previous U---Pb geochronology, and show that the method has immediate applicability. At present, the most significant limitations of the method are the inability to yield reliable U/Pb values, analytical precision in the 1–10% range, and the requirement of grains larger than 80 gmm The method may be advantageous for provenance studies of Precambrian detrital sequences.  相似文献   

Satellite-data allows the magnetic field produced by the dynamo within the Earth’s core to be imaged with much more accuracy than previously possible with only ground-based data. Changes in this magnetic field can in turn be used to make some inferences about the core surface flow responsible for them. In this paper, we investigate the improvement brought to core flow computation by new satellite-data based core magnetic field models. It is shown that the main limitation now encountered is no longer the (now high) accuracy of those models, but the “non-modelled secular variation” produced by interaction of the non-resolvable small scales of the core flow with the core field, and by interaction of the (partly) resolvable large scales of the core flow with the small scales of the core field unfortunately masked by the crustal field. We show how this non-modelled secular variation can be taken into account to recover the largest scales of the core flow in a consistent way. We also investigate the uncertainties this introduces in core flows computed with the help of the frozen-flux and tangentially geostrophic assumptions. It turns out that flows with much more medium and small scales than previously thought are needed to explain the satellite-data-based core magnetic field models. It also turns out that a significant fraction of this flow unfortunately happens to be non-recoverable (being either “non-resolvable” because too small-scale, or “invisible”, because in the kernel of the inverse method) even though it produces the detectable “non-modelled secular variation”. Applying this to the Magsat (1980) to Ørsted (2000) field changes leads us to conclude that a flow involving at least strong retrograde vortices below the Atlantic Hemisphere, some less-resolved prograde vortices below the Pacific Hemisphere, and some poorly resolved (and partly non-resolvable) polar vortices, is needed to explain the 1980-2000 satellite-era average secular variation. The characteristics of the fraction of the secular variation left unexplained by this flow are also discussed.  相似文献   
This study aimed at establishing the trophic significance of the kelp Laminaria digitata for consumers inhabiting two rocky shores of Northern Brittany (France), displaying contrasted ecological conditions. The general trophic structure did not vary between these two sites, with a wide diversity of filter-feeders and predators, and only 14% of the species sampled belonging to the grazers' trophic group. The diversity of food sources fueling the food web appeared also similar. The food webs comprised four trophic levels and the prevalence of omnivory appeared relatively low compared to previous studies in the same area. Conversely, to the food web structure, which did not differ, the biochemical composition of L. digitata differed between the two sites, and was correlated to a larger diversity of grazers feeding on this kelp in sheltered conditions. This indicated that the spatial variability occurring in the nutritive value of L. digitata is likely to deeply affect the functioning of kelp-associated food webs. The contribution of L. digitata-derived organic matter to the diet of filter-feeders inhabiting these two environments was assessed using the mixing model Isosource, which showed the higher contribution of kelp matter in sheltered conditions. These results highlight the spatial variability that may occur in the functioning of kelp-associated food webs. Moreover, this suggests that hydrodynamics is likely to control the availability of kelp-derived organic matter to local filter-feeders, probably through an increase of detritus export in exposed areas.  相似文献   
Résumé Des chromitites contenant du platine, du palladium et du rhodium viennent d'être mises à jour dans les Appalaches du sud du Québec. Les complexes ophiolitiques hôtes de ces minéralisations sont d'âge Ordovicien inférieur et d'affinité boninitique. De plus, ils sont étroitement liés à un arc insulaire. Les chromitites à Pt-Pd-Rh se situent dans les dunites de la séquence à cumulat à leur passage aux pyroxénites. Le platine, le palladium et le rhodium sont exprimés soit sous forme d'alliages et de sulfures complexes automorphes ou soit sous forme d'alliages à Pt-Pd et d'arséniures rhodifères xénomorphes. Cette dernière paragenèse accompagne la serpentinisation des cumulats ultramafiques.
PGE-bearing (Pt-Pd-Rh) chromitites have been found recently in the Appalachians of southern Québec. They are hosted by Ordovician boninitic ophiolites associated with an island-arc complex. Pt-Pd-Rh-bearing chromitites occur in dunite of the cumulates sequence. PGM occur both as euhedral alloys and sulfides or anhedral Pt-Pd alloys and Rh-arsenides. The Rh-arsenide paragenesis is associated with serpentinized ultramafic cumulates.
For many years, high-grade metamorphism and multiphase deformation have discouraged mineral exploration in the Grenville terrain of the Canadian Shield. However, detailed studies of known zinc occurrences in the Grenville Supergroup metasediments of Quebec now reveal that mineralization is stratigraphically controlled and consistently limited to mapable lithologic units. Within the vast regions composed predominantly of calcitic marbles, zinc mineralization is found to be confined to the much more limited areas of dolomitic marble, and more precisely, to the lithologic transition from metaclastic beds to meta-dolomites. Massive sphalerite mineralization of the Balmat-type is very closely restricted to this contact zone, while disseminated sphalerite with sparse amounts of galena are commonly observed in the adjacent dolomite. With these guidelines, and with evidence that mineralization is fundamentally stratiform in nature, it has now been demonstrated that mineralized stratigraphic horizons can be located beyond the areas of previously known sphalerite showings, and consequently the potential for important discoveries of zinc mineralization in the Grenville Supergroup has become very attractive to the present-day mining industry.  相似文献   
Lead metallurgical slags are partially vitrified materials containing residual amounts of Zn, Pb, Cr, Cd and As. These hazardous materials are generally buried on heaps exposed to weathering. In this study, leaching behavior of lead blast furnace slags has been tested using pure water and open flow experiments. It appears that in such far from equilibrium and slightly acidic conditions, the main phase to be altered is the vitreous phase. As for lunar, basaltic and nuclear glasses, alkalis/proton exchanges prevail and lead to the formation of a non-protective altered layer enriched in Si, Fe and Al. The composition of the altered layer is quite constant except for Si whose concentration decreases towards the leachate interface. Owing to their sizes, micrometric Pb droplets are not always totally dissolved at the slag surface. Nevertheless, nanometric Pb droplets are instantaneously dissolved while a surrounding altered layer is formed. This leads to high Pb releases in open flow systems. Leachate chemistry and dissolution rates of the vitreous phase are closely comparable to previous leaching tests with basaltic and nuclear glasses in conditions far from equilibrium. Moreover, this study confirms that Fe is a stable element in such conditions.  相似文献   
The Alleret maar (Massif Central, France) provides a long lacustrine sequence (40.6 m) attributed to the early Middle Pleistocene. Sediment, pollen and diatoms analysis of its upper part (AL2 core, 14.6 m) indicates two temperate phases marked by high lake levels, forest development and vegetation expansion. They are separated by a cold period during which lake level drops, coarse sediment input increases and steppic and xerophilous plants develop. Pollen data suggests that this sequence belongs to the upper part of the Cromerian complex. These results are in agreement with the 557 ± 3 ka (±12 ka, including all errors) 40Ar/39Ar age obtained from an interbedded tephra layer emitted by the Mont-Dore/Sancy strato-volcano and establish that this sequence probably covers the MIS 15 substages.  相似文献   
This is the first integrated multiproxy study to investigate climate, catchment evolution and lake ecology in South Greenland. A 4-m-long sedimentary sequence from Lake Igaliku (61o 00?? N, 45o 26?? W, 15?m asl) documents major environmental and climatic changes in south Greenland during the last 10?ka. The chronology is based on a 210Pb and 137Cs profile and 28 radiocarbon dates. The paleoenvironmental history is interpreted on the basis of magnetic susceptibility, grain size, total organic carbon, total nitrogen and sulphur, sedimentation rates, pollen, and diatom assemblages. The basal radiocarbon date at ca. 10?cal?ka BP provides a minimum age for the deglaciation of the basin, which is followed by ~500?years of high sedimentation rates in a glacio-marine environment. After the glacio-isostatic emergence of the basin ca. 9.5?cal?ka BP, limnological and terrestrial proxies suggests early warmth, which may have been interrupted by a cold, dry and windy period between 8.6 and 8.1?cal?ka BP. A dry and windy event ~5.3?C4.8?cal?ka BP preceded the Neoglacial transition at Lake Igaliku, which is characterized by a shift toward moister and perhaps cooler conditions ~4.8?cal?ka BP, causing major changes in terrestrial and aquatic ecological conditions. Significant cooling is documented after ~3?cal?ka BP. Since ~1?cal?ka BP the climatic-driven changes were overprinted by the human influence of Norse and recent agriculture.  相似文献   
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