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A simple rock model is presented which reproduces the measured hydraulic and electric transport properties of sedimentary rocks and connects these properties with each other, as well as with the acoustic propagation velocities and elastic moduli. The model has four geometric parameters (average coordination number Z of the pores, average pore radius r, average distance between nearest pores d, and average throat radius δ) which can be directly determined from the measured porosity Φ, hydraulic permeability k, and cementation exponent m of the rock via simple analytic expressions. Inversion examples are presented for published sandstone data, and for cores taken from Saudi Arabian, Upper Jurassic and Permian carbonate reservoirs. For sandstone, the inversion works perfectly; for carbonates, the derived rock model shows order-of-magnitude agreement with the structure seen in thin sections. Inverting the equations, we express the transfer properties Φ, k, and m as functions of r, d, δ, and Z. Formulae are derived for the bulk density D b, formation factor F, and P-wave velocity in terms of the proposed geometrical parameters.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the Late Ordovician glaciofluvial deposits of the Sarah Formation and equivalent outcroppings in north, central, and southwestern Saudi Arabia. The Sarah Formation also covers a wide area in the subsurface and is considered as an important target for unconventional tight gas reservoir. Defining the fracture types, nature, and distribution in outcrop scale might help to establish a successful fracture simulation model and behavior for the Sarah tight gas reservoir in the subsurface. This study investigates fracture characteristics for the Sarah Formation at Sarah paleochannel outcrops. The study revealed three sets of fractures, which have EW, NS, and SE-NW directions, and these fractures vary from open, resistive, and filled to resistive fractures. The closed fractures are filled with ferruginated iron oxides and gypsum. The filled fractures (the thrust boundary) are found in the study area at the SE-NW strike fracture set, while open and resistive fractures are found mainly at S-N and E-W fracture sets, respectively. The syn-depositional filled fractures (iron oxides) are considered as the younger fracture sets while the open and resistive fractures are post-depositional fractures which may have resulted from uplift or tectonic movement. A general model representing the fracture pattern and the thrusting boundaries due to glacial movement was constructed. It has been noticed that the systematic occurrence of filled fractures (thrust boundaries) described the boundaries between different glacial events, which act as a fluid barrier (filled fractures) and decrease the reservoir quality. The finding of this study might be utilized as a guide and lead for exploration in the subsurface Sarah glacial deposits. It will also help to understand and speculate the nature pattern and distribution of fractures with the Sarah Formation.  相似文献   
The Hämeenkyrö batholith is a round-shaped plutonic body of an areal size of 147 km2. It is composed of calc-alkaline to alkaline rocks that intruded previously metamorphosed Svecofennian volcanogenic and sedimentary schists 1860 Ma ago. The Cu-W bearing tourmaline breccia of the Ylörvi deposit occurs in metavolcanic rocks close to the eastern contact of the batholith.The average sampling density in the batholith was 1 sample per km2, and 175 samples were analyzed for Cu, Au, Ag, Ni, Pb, Co, Zn, S by AAS for SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, FeO, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, As, Sn and P by X-ray fluorescence. Mo and W were determined colorimetrically. Barth mesonorms were calculated for each sample and the rock type was determined according to Streckeisen's classification. Element distributions are displayed on contour maps.The rock types of the batholith exhibit an asymmetric concentric arrangement, the order from the center towards the margin being alkali-feldspar granite, syenogranite, monzogranite, quartz monzonite, quartz syenite, alkali-feldspar, quartz syenite, syenite and alkali-feldspar syenite. Anomalously high Cu, As, Sn, S, K2O and Na2O contents have been found at the eastern margin of the batholith in a N—S-trending zone, which is characterized by hydrothermal alteration phenomena, propylitization, tourmalinization and scapolitization. Three anomalous areas have been defined within this zone, one of them is associated with the Ylöjärvi deposit and the other two are regarded as exploration targets.  相似文献   
The contribution of areal precipitation of the catchment from Cuntan to Yichang (Three Gorges area) to eight flood peaks of the Upper Yangtze River (the upper reaches of the Yangtze River) is diagnosed for 1998 flood season. A rainfall-runoff model is employed to simulate runoffs of-this catchment. Comparison of observed and simulated runoffs shows that the rainfall-runoff model has a good capability to simulate the runoff over a large-scale river and the results describe the eight flood peaks very well. Forecast results are closely associated with the sensitivity of the model to rainfall and the calibration processes. Other reasons leading to simulation errors are further discussed.  相似文献   
The continental crust of the Central Baltic Shield evolved by accretion towards the west during the Svecokarelian orogeny 1700–2200 Ma ago. The following features are consistent with a plate tectonic mechanism involving subduction of oceanic crust below an Archean craton in the east: flysch-sediments with serpentinite masses and pillow lavas, linear high-grade metamorphic zones, island-arc type volcanic belts and late tectonic batholiths with porphyry type Cu-Mo deposits.Semi-consolidated new crust was affected by late Svecokarelian deformation (Dn) after 1850 Ma; NNE-trending folds with crenulation cleavage were overprinted on older structures together with associated NW trending ductile transcurrent shear zones that curve the Fn folds into gentle S and Z shapes. The late tectonic batholiths intruded partly at the same time as and partly after the Dn deformation.
Zusammenfassung Die kontinentale Kruste des zentralen Baltischen Schildes entwickelte sich durch nach Westen gerichtetes Anwachsen während der Svecokarelischen Orogenese vor 1700 bis 2200 Ma. Die folgenden Erscheinungsformen lassen sich mit einem plattentektonischen Mechanismus in Einklang bringen, der Subduktion von ozeanischer Kruste unter einen Archaischen Kraton im Osten einschließt: Flysch-Sedimente mit Serpentinit-Massen und Kissenlaven, lineare hochmetamorphe Zonen, vulkanische Gürtel vom Inselbogen-Typ und spättektonische Batholithe mit porphyrischen Cu-Mo-Lagerstätten.Die halbkonsolidierte neue Kruste wurde durch späte Svecokarelische Deformation (Dn) nach 1850 Ma erfaßt; NNE-orientierte Falten mit Krenulationsschieferung wurden älteren Strukturen aufgeprägt in Verbindung mit NW-streichenden, plastischen Transcurrent-Scherzonen, die die Fn-Falten in sanfte S- und Z-Formen verbiegen. Die spättektonischen Batholithe intrudierten teils während, teils nach der Dn-Deformation.

Résumé La croûte continentale du Boucher baltique central a évolué par voie d'accrétion vers l'ouest durant l'orogénie svécocarélienne 1700–2200 Ma. Les événements suivants sont en accord avec un mécanisme de tectonique de plaques impliquant la subduction d'une croûte océanique sous un craton archéen à l'est: sédiments flyschoïdes avec masses de serpentinite et de laves en coussins, zones linéaires à haut degré de métamorphisme, ceintures volcaniques du type guirlande d'îles et batholithes tectoniques tardifs avec gisements porphyriques de type Cu-Mo.La nouvelle croûte à semi-consolidée fut affectée par une déformation svécocarélienne tardive (Dn) postérieure à 1850 Ma. Des plis de direction NNE avec clivage de crénulation ont été superposés sur des structures plus anciennes, associés à des zones de cisaillement transcurrentes de direction NW qui ont incurvé les plis Fn suivant des formes en S et Z. Le batholithe tectonique tardif s'est mis en place en partie au même moment que, et en partie après, la déformation Dn.

, , 1500–2200 . , , : ; ; - . , 1850 ; NNE- , , NW , , Fn S Z. , .
The new mining act that becarne effective in Hungary in 1993 instituted the payment of royalties for the minerals produced and sold annually. To arrive at the amount of mineral production, the Hungarian Geological Survey (HGS) conducts the National Inventory, which is used by the Mining Bureau of Hungary (MBH) to verify the mining royalty payment obligations. This paper explains the major legal requirements for the mining royalties and how the values of the minerals are calculated. It also describes the first experience with the declaration and payment of the mining royalties and provides the declared and paid 1995 royalties. The Mining Bureau of Hungary reports on the introduction of the mining royalty system that became effective with the Mining Act in 1993. This article is sponsored by the U.S. Hungarian Science and Technology Joint Fund under Project Joint Fund Number 539.  相似文献   
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