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The Walter‐Outalpa shear zone in the southern Curnamona Province of NE South Australia is an example of a shear zone that has undergone intensely focused fluid flow and alteration at mid‐crustal depths. Results from this study have demonstrated that the intense deformation and ductile shear zone reactivation, at amphibolite facies conditions of 534 ± 20 °C and 500 ± 82 MPa, that overprint the Proterozoic Willyama Supergroup occurred during the Delamerian Orogeny (c. 500 Ma) (EPMA monazite ages of 501 ± 16 and 491 ± 19 Ma). This is in contrast to the general belief that the majority of basement deformation and alteration in the southern Curnamona Province occurred during the waning stages of the Olarian Orogeny (c. 1610–1580 Ma). These shear zones contain hydrous mineral assemblages that cut wall rocks that have experienced amphibolite facies metamorphism during the Olarian Orogeny. The shear zone rock volumes have much lower δ18O values (as low as 1‰) than their unsheared counterparts (7–9‰), and calculated fluid δ18O values (5–8‰) consistent with a surface‐derived fluid source. Hydrous minerals show a decrease in δD(H2O) from ?14 to ?22‰, for minerals outside the shear zones, to ?28 to ?40‰, for minerals within the shear zones consistent with a contribution from a meteoric source. It is unclear how near‐surface fluids initially under hydrostatic pressure penetrate into the middle crust where fluid pressures approach lithostatic, and where fluid flow is expected to be dominantly upward because of pressure gradients. We propose a mechanism whereby faulting during basin formation associated with the Adelaidean Rift Complex (c. 700 Ma) created broad hydrous zones containing mineral assemblages in equilibrium with surface waters. These panels of fault rock were subsequently buried to depths where the onset of metamorphism begins to dehydrate the fault rock volumes evolving a low δ18O fluid that is channelled through shear zones related to Delamerian Orogenic activity.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Balfour Formation has a pronounced lithological variation that is characterized by alternating sandstone- and mudstone-dominated members. The sandstone-dominated Oudeberg and Barberskrans Members are composed of lithofacies that range from intraformational conglomerates to fine-grained sediments, whereas the mudstone-dominated members (Daggaboersnek, Elandsberg, and Palingkloof) are dominated by the facies Fm and Fl. Petrography, geochemistry, and a paleocurrent analysis indicated that the source rock of the Balfour Formation was to south east and the rocks had a transitional/dissected magmatic arc signature. The sandstones-rich members were deposited by seasonal and ephemeral high-energy, low-sinuous streams, and the fine-grained-rich members were formed by ephemeral meandering streams. The paleoclimates have been equated to present temperate climates; they were semiarid becoming arid towards the top of the Balfour Formation. This has been determined by reconstructing the paleolatitude of the Karoo Basin, geochemistry, paleontology, sedimentary structures, and other rock properties, like color.  相似文献   
The isotopic composition of strontium in surface water in continental basins is determined primarily by the geology of the basin and to a lesser extent by climatic conditions. Consequently, the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of brines in such basins can change only as a result of changes in the geology or climate. This principle of isotope geology was studied by analysis of a suite of non-marine carbonate rocks from the Flagstaff Formation (Palaeocene-Eocene) of Utah. The samples were collected from a section in Fairview Canyon of Sanpete County. They include both limestone and dolomite and were selected to have low non-carbonate residues. The concentrations of strontium in calcites averages 383 ± 128 p.p.m., while those of dolomites increase from 354 ± 74 p.p.m. in the lower 43 m of section to a maximum of 2259 p.p.m. higher up. The increase in the strontium content of dolomite is interpreted as evidence for a change from steady-state to progressively more evaporitic conditions. Two dolomites have isotopic compositions of oxygen expressed as δ18O = -2.75‰ (relative to the PDB standard) and are enriched in 18O relative to two calcites whose average δ18O value is -9.9‰. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the carbonate minerals range from 0.70890 to 0.71260. These values are clearly greater than the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of marine carbonates of Early Eocene age which is 0.70744. The variation of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in this section of the Flagstaff Formation is real and reflects the occurrence of geological events which changed the isotopic composition of Sr entering Lake Flagstaff. The non-carbonate fractions of six carbonate rocks and one sandstone fit a straight line on the strontium mixing diagram in co-ordinates of initial 87Sr/86Sr and 1/Sr concentration. These results suggest that the isotopic composition of strontium in Lake Flagstaff may have been modulated by periodic input of volcanogenic detritus of felsic composition.  相似文献   
博罗霍努岩体是发育在新疆伊犁北部的一个大型海西期花岗岩体,总体沿近SE-NW向分布,出露面积逾2000km^2。该岩体主要包括三类花岗岩:灰黑色辉石闪长岩、浅色黑云母花岗岩和紫红色黑云母钾长花岗岩。锆石U-Pb La-ICP-MS定年表明,辉石闪长岩的年龄为301±7Ma.黑云母花岗岩的年龄范围为294±7~285±7Ma,而黑云母钾长花岗岩则形成于280±5~266±6Ma。岩石地球化学分析显示,黑云母花岗岩和钾长花岗岩以准铝或弱过铝I型花岗岩为主,个别属于弱过铝S型花岗岩。在微量元素方面,这些花岗岩均富集轻稀土而亏损重稀土,但来自两个剖面的花岗岩具有不同的稀土元素配分模式,可能代表它们的岩浆源区有所不同,因此需要进一步对这些花岗岩进行同位素地质学研究。相对于洋脊花岗岩而言,博罗霍努岩体的花岗岩明显富集K,Rb,Ba和Th,同时,显著亏损Nb,Ta,Y和Yb。以上地球化学特征及微量元素判别图表明,这些花岗岩类形成于俯冲有关的火山岛弧环境。结合伊犁及邻区岩浆岩的特征及其时代,可以认为博罗霍努岩体的形成与天山北部洋壳向南的俯冲造山作用有关。西天山北部俯冲造山作用最终在中二叠世结束,并在中—晚二叠世进入陆内造山和伸展拉张阶段。  相似文献   
The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and strontium concentrations for thirty-three samples of marine carbonate rocks of Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic age have been determined. The samples were collected from four measured sections in the areas of Val Camonica in northern Italy. The strontium concentrations vary from 40 to 7000 ppm. Most of the samples are calcitic limestones containing less than 10% of non-carbonate residues. Dolomitic samples and those containing appreciable non-carbonate residues have significantly diminished strontium concentrations. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the carbonate phases of these rocks appear to be unaffected by dolomitization and by the presence of non-carbonate minerals. The average 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the formations vary systematically in a stratigraphic sense. The ratio increased from Early Anisian to Early-Middle Ladinian, declined during Late Ladinian and Carnian, rose again during the Norian and then declined throughout the Late Norian (Rhaetian), Hettangian, Sinemurian and Pliens-bachian ages. The average 87Sr/86Sr ratios, relative to 0.7080 for the Eimer and Amend standard, are: Anisian: 0.70805 ± 00019; Early Ladinian: 0.7085 ± 0.00038; Late Ladinian: 0.70791 ± 0.00013; Carnian: 0.70776 ± 0.00015; Norian and Rhaetian: 0.70791 ± 0.00014; Hettangian: 0.70762 ± 0.00021; Sinemurian: 0.7070 ± 0.00038; Pliensbachian: 0.7070 ± 0.00015. These variations reflect changes in the isotopic composition of Sr entering the oceans in early Mesozoic time due to varying rates of weathering and erosion of young volcanic rocks (low 87Sr/86Sr) and old granitic rocks (high 87Sr/86Sr). The data presented in this report contribute to a growing body of information regarding the changes that have occurred in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the oceans in Phanerozoic time.  相似文献   
The Reynolds–Anmatjira Ranges, central Australia, form part of a high‐grade basement terrane dissected by intensely metasomatized transpressional shear zones active during the Ordovician–Carboniferous Alice Springs Orogeny. Unlike typical retrograde structures associated with discrete fluid flow, the mid‐crustal setting and intracontinental nature of these shear systems present significant problems for the source and ingress mechanism of the fluid involved in their rehydration. To address these issues, we describe two detailed traverses across deformed and metasomatized basement rocks in this region, and interrogate their record of fluid–rock interaction from various perspectives. Both traverses combine structural and petrological observations with Zr‐in‐rutile and Ti‐in‐quartz thermobarometry, oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope analysis, and major, trace and rare earth element mobility trends. Each technique is critically evaluated for its utility in this study and its more widespread applicability to alternative field areas, providing a strategic framework for the general investigation of fluid‐affected shear zones. Ultimately, the integrated data sets specify pressure–temperature conditions of ~530 °C and 4–5 kbar, implying average apparent thermal gradients of 29–36 °C km?1 and depths of 14–18 km. Other characteristic features to emerge include strongly variable element mobilities and pronounced isotopic depletion fronts consistent with the alteration effects of an externally derived, non‐equilibrium fluid. This is confirmed by calculated fluid compositions indicative of contributions from a fluid of meteoric origin, with estimated δ18O and δD values as low as 2.3‰ and ?59.8‰, respectively. We propose that these surficial fluid signatures are imposed on the mid‐crust by the prograde burial and dehydration of hydrothermally altered fault panels produced during pre‐orogenic basin formation. Progressive fluid release with continued subsidence then leads to the accumulation of increasing fluid volumes in the vicinity of the brittle–ductile transition, promoting extensive hydration, metasomatism and reaction softening at the locus of stress transmission from plate‐boundary sources. The sustained injection of externally derived fluids into refractory crustal material may thus stimulate a critical reduction in the long‐term strength of the lithosphere, providing strong impetus for the initiation and advancement of intracontinental orogenesis.  相似文献   
华南板块早中生代陆内造山过程——以雪峰山-九岭为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
褚杨  林伟  FAURE Michel  王清晨 《岩石学报》2015,31(8):2145-2155
雪峰山-九岭造山带位于华南板块的中心区域,是一条典型的陆内造山带。通过详细的野外地质观察,雪峰山在早中生代经历了3期构造变形:D1为上部指向NW的韧性剪切,D2代表了一期反向褶皱-逆冲构造事件,以及D3期的水平挤压形成的直立的褶皱、劈理和线理。而在九岭,早中生代大规模脆-韧性域构造变形叠加在早古生代韧性变形之上,形成了一系列极性NW逆冲断层和不对称褶皱。雪峰山-九岭陆内造山带形成于早中生代,造山作用可以分为两个阶段,即245~225Ma的挤压变形阶段和225~215Ma的垮塌-岩浆侵位阶段。雪峰山-九岭造山带的构造特点表明,华南板块东南缘古太平洋板块向北西方向的俯冲可能引发了早中生代的陆内造山过程。  相似文献   
越南东北部早中生代构造事件的年代学约束   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
越南东北部-海南岛-粤西南构造带整体上呈NW-SE走向展布于华南板块的南缘,是理解华南构造演化的关键地区.作为印支运动代表性地区的越南东北部地区Song Chay构造带上,下古生界浅变质沉积岩、上古生界至早-中三叠世未变质的沉积盖层中都发育向北东逆冲推覆,韧性变形域表现为NE-SW向的矿物拉伸线理和上部指NE的剪切变形,而脆性变形域则记录了大量NE极性的褶皱和冲断构造.两广交界的云开地体和海南岛地区存在着相同样式的构造变形.关于这期变形的时间,本文通过对野外地层以及所出露不同时期岩体变形特征的综合研究,并结合高质量的锆石U-Pb年代学数据,在越南的东北部厘定为237 ~ 228Ma.这期广泛分布于华南板块南缘构造事件的动力学机制同Day Nui Con Voi(大象山)微陆块与华南板块在早中生代的构造拼合事件相关.本文认为华南板块在早三叠世开始沿着越南东北部的Song Chay缝合带俯冲拼合于Day Nui Con Voi微陆块之下,因此在早-中三叠世时期,在作为俯冲盘的华南板块南缘发育一系列的褶皱和逆冲推覆构造,晚三叠世印支造山作用结束.因此,华南板块南缘的越南东北部-海南岛-粤西南构造带被一同卷入早-中三叠世同印支板块的碰撞造山体系之中.  相似文献   
天山造山带是古生代多期碰撞增生作用的产物,其确切的造山时代是当前争议较多的热点问题.分布在西南天山的科克苏-穹库什太剖面经历了复杂的构造变形,最明显的两期变形事件分别为朝北的推覆作用和NE-SW韧性走滑作用.本剖面可分为伊犁岩浆岛弧、伊犁结晶基底、高压变质杂岩三个岩石-构造单元.野外可见黑云母花岗闪长岩侵入到绿片岩相变质岩中,岩脉切穿绿片岩中面理构造.通过锆石U-Pb LA-ICPMS测年,科克苏剖面钾长花岗岩的年龄为341±6Ma和338±8Ma,穹库什太黑云母花岗闪长岩的年龄为313±4Ma.其中,花岗闪长岩发生了黑云母定向排列,通过对黑云母进行^40 Ar/^39 Ar测年,获得坪年龄为263.4士0.6Ma,表明该花岗闪长岩受过后期热事件的干扰.地球化学分析表明,黑云母花岗闪长岩属于钙碱性系列,Nb和Ta含量低而Rb,Ba和TH含量很高,与俯冲作用有关的岛弧岩浆岩地球化学组成非常相似.结合前人对该地区高压变质岩、花岗岩和火山岩的研究成果,本文提出,西南天山俯冲-碰撞造山作用发生在晚石炭世之前,研究区后碰撞区域走滑作用标志着西南天山碰撞造山作用在二叠纪之前全部结束.  相似文献   
The isotopic compositions of strontium in 25 basalts and relatedvolcanic rocks from both oceanic and continental localitieshave been determined. The isotopic abundance of Sr87, convenientlyexpressed as the Sr87/Sr86 ratio, was found to vary from 0?7047to 0?7101. The range of variation is outside experimental errorsand is considered to be significant. No consistent differencein the value of the Sr87/Sr86 ratio was observed for basaltsfrom continental and oceanic localities. The average Sr87/Sr86ratio for eleven oceanic basalts was found to be 0?7072?0?0003,whereas fourteen continental basalts and related volcanic rocksaveraged Sr87/Sr86=0?7082?0?0003. The errors are the standarddeviations of the mean. The average Sr87/Sr86 ratio for all25 basalts is 0?7078 with limits of variation of +0?002 and–0?003. The concentrations of rubidium and strontium in a representativenumber of the basalts were determined by isotope dilution. Fiveolivine basalts averaged Rb=17?6 p.p.m., Sr=390?55 p.p.m., Rb/Sr=0?044?0?018;whereas six tholeiitic basalts were found to contain 30?7 p.p.m.Rb, 504?167 p.p.m. Sr, Rb/Sr=0?060?0?024. On the basis of the most reliable rubidium and strontium analysesof igneous and sedimentary rocks available in the literaturethe Rb/Sr ratio of the near-surface part of the continentalcrust is estimated to be 0?25. If its average age is approximately2 billion years and its initial Sr87/Sr86 ratio was 0?704, thepresent average value would be 0?725. This estimate is compatiblewith results obtained for two composites of Palaeozoic shalewhich averaged Sr87/Sr86=0?7215?0?001. The hypothesis is advanced that there is sufficient enrichmentof Sr87 in crustal materials so that the value of the Sr87/Sr86ratio of igneous rocks at the time of crystallization can beused as a criterion for the origin of the material. The initialSr87/Sr86 ratio of an igneous rock formed by assimilation, remelting,or granitization of old crustal material enriched in rubidiumis expected to be measurably higher than that of igneous rockswhich are products of fractional crystallization of basalt magmaor were derived from undifferentiated basaltic material at depthin the crust. The initial Sr87/Sr86 ratio, time of crystallization, and possibleco-magmatic relationships of differentiated intrusive igneousrocks or series of lava flows of different compositions canbe indicated by the convergence of the whole-rock strontiumdevelopment lines. This method is illustrated by the intrusivealkaline rocks of the Monteregian hills, Quebec.  相似文献   
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