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Abstract— We report the elemental and isotopic composition of the noble gases as well as the chemical abundances in pyroxene, maskelynite/mesostasis glass, and bulk material of Shergotty and of bulk samples from Chassigny and Yamato 793605. The 40K-40Ar isochron for the Shergotty minerals yields a gas retention age of 196 Ma, which is, within errors, in agreement with previously determined Rb-Sr internal isochron ages. Argon that was trapped at this time has a 40Ar/36Ar ratio of 1100. For Chassigny and Y-793605, we obtain trapped 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 1380 and 950, respectively. Using these results and literature data, we show that the three shergottites, Shergotty, Zagami, and QUE 94001; the lherzolites ALH 77005, LEW 88516, and Y-793605; as well as Chassigny and ALH 84001 contain a mixture of Martian mantle and atmospheric Ar; whereas, the trapped 40Ar/36Ar ratio of the nakhlites, Nakhla, Lafayette, and Governador Valadares cannot be determined with the present data. We show that Martian atmospheric trapped Ar in Martian meteorites is correlated with the shock pressure that they experienced. Hence, we conclude that the Martian atmospheric gases were introduced by shock into the meteoritic material. For the Shergotty minerals, we obtain 3He-, 21Ne-, and 38Ar-based cosmic-ray exposure ages of 3.0 Ma, and for the lherzolite Y-793605, 4.0 Ma, which confirms our earlier conclusion that the lherzolites were ejected from Mars ~1 Ma before the shergottites. Chassigny yields the previously known ejection age of 11.6 Ma.  相似文献   
Abstract— We measured the noble gas isotopic abundances in lunar meteorite QUE 94269 and in bulk-, glass-, and crystal-phases of lunar meteorite QUE 94281. Our results confirm that QUE 94269 originated from the same meteorite fall as QUE 93069: both specimens yield the same signature of solar-particle irradiation and also the cosmogenic noble gases are in agreement within their uncertainities. Queen Alexandra Range 93069/94269 was exposed to cosmic rays in the lunar regolith for ~1000 Ma, and it trapped 3.5 × 10?4 cm3STP/g solar 36Ar, the other solar noble gases being present in proportions typical for the solar-particle irradiation. The bulk material of QUE 94281 contains about three times less cosmogenic and trapped noble gases than QUE 93069/94269 and the lunar regolith residence time corresponds to 400 ± 60 Ma. We show that in lunar meteorites the trapped solar 20Ne/22Ne ratio is correlated with the trapped ratio 40Ar/36Ar, that is, trapped 20Ne/22Ne may also serve as an antiquity indicator. The upper limits of the breccia compaction ages, as derived from the trapped ratio 40Ar/36Ar for QUE 93069/94269 and QUE 94281 are ~400 Ma and 800 Ma, respectively. We found very different regolith histories for the glass phase and the crystals separated from QUE 94281. The glass phase contains much less cosmogenic and solar noble gases than the crystals, in contrast to the glasses of lunar meteorite EET 87521, that were enriched in noble gases relative to the crystalline material. The QUE 94281 phases yield a 40K-40Ar gas retention age of 3770 Ma, which is in the range of that for lunar mare rocks.  相似文献   
Abstract— Richfield is a moderately shocked (shock stage S4) LL3.7 genomict breccia find consisting mainly of light-colored recrystallized clasts and dark clasts exhibiting significant silicate darkening; a few impact-melt-rock clasts and LL5 chondrite clasts also occur. The cosmic-ray exposure age of 14.5 Ma is indistinguishable from the main exposure peak for LL chondrites (15 Ma). Although the exposure ages indicate little He loss, the gas-retention ages indicate high gas losses that must have occurred prior to or during ejection from the LL parent body.  相似文献   
Abstract— The recently discovered Jiddat al Harasis (JaH) 073 strewn field is the largest found so far in the Sultanate of Oman, covering an area of 19 × 6 km. The 3463 single stones collected range in weight from 52.2 kg down to <1 g (total weight 600.8 kg) and show a pronounced mass sorting. The strewn field shape can be approximated by a NW‐SE‐oriented ellipsoid, indicating an atmospheric entry from SE at a low angle relative to the surface. The meteorite belongs to the L6 ordinary chondrite group and shows S4 average shock grade. Smaller stones generally show a higher weathering grade resulting in a spread from W2 and W4. Enhanced weathering of the stones causing fragmentation after the fall is observed in sandy depressions. Five 14C measurements on stones of variable size and weathering grade yielded 14C from 3.8 to 49.9 dpm/kg. Three samples give a 14C/ 10Be age consistent with about 14.4 ka. For two samples the cosmogenic, trapped, and radiogenic noble gases were measured. The ratio of the 4He and 40Ar gas retention ages of 0.29 ± 0.10 and that of the 3He and 21Ne cosmic ray exposure ages of 0.36 ± 0.08 Ma indicate that JaH 073 experienced a complex exposure history and lost 4He and 40Ar due to a major collision. Fragmentation statistics indicate a single major atmospheric disruption and an originally relatively spherical shape of the object. Assuming the material collected represents the majority of fallen mass, and 90–99% of the original weight was lost by ablation, the pre‐atmospheric minimum radius of the meteoroid with density 3.4 g cm?3would have been at least 75 cm.  相似文献   

The water balance during a period of one year (15 October 1990–15 October 1991) was determined at an experimental site in the Areuse River delta (Switzerland). The groundwater recharge rates were found to be 36 and 33% of total precipitation according to evapotranspiration estimates based on the Primault (1962) and the Penman-Monteith methods, respectively. Variations in the water storage were obtained by weekly measurements with a neutron probe. Observed hydraulic gradients indicated a zero-flux plane between depths of 0.55 and 1.02 m that separated the infiltration zone from the zone of evapotranspiration in all seasons.  相似文献   
Abstract— We derived the cosmic‐ray and solar particle exposure history for the two lunar meteorites Elephant Moraine (EET) 96008 and Dar al Gani (DaG) 262 on the basis of the noble gas isotopic abundances including the radionuclide 81Kr. For EET 96008, we propose a model for the exposure to cosmic rays and solar particles in three stages on the Moon: an early stage ~500 Ma ago, lasting less than 9 Ma at a shallow shielding depth of 20 g/cm2, followed by a stage when the material was buried, without exposure, until it was exposed in a recent stage. This recent stage, at a shielding depth in a range of 200–600 g/cm2, lasted for ~26 Ma until ejection. This model is essentially the same as that previously found for lunar meteorite EET 87521; thus, pairing of the two Elephant Moraine lunar meteorites that were recovered on the same icefield in Antarctica is confirmed by our data. The cosmic‐ray‐produced isotopes, the trapped solar and lunar atmospheric noble gases, as well as the radionuclide 81Kr observed for the DaG 262 lunar meteorite are consistent with a one‐stage lunar exposure history. The average burial depth of the Dar al Gani material before ejection was within a range of 50–80 g/cm2. The exposure to cosmic rays at this depth lasted 500–1000 Ma. This long residence time for Dar al Gani at relatively shallow depth explains the high concentrations of implanted solar noble gases.  相似文献   
Mineral Equilibria in the Searles Lake Evaporites, California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Searles Lake evaporites (late Quaternary) consist of salineand mud layers permeated by brines. Two mineral pairs (gaylussite-pirssonite,mirabilite-thenardite) are used as indicators of relative aH2othroughout the stratigraphic column. Variations are attributedmostly to changes in brine salinity and partly to temperature. These aH2o-sensitive minerals locally coexist with trona, nahcolite,burkeite, northupite, tychite, hanksite, and aphthitalite, whichare sensitive to both aH2o and aco. Such assemblages permitconstruction of schematic isothermal aH2o-aco, diagrams. Fieldboundary sequences are derived from both theoretical considerationsand observed assemblages; their slopes are determined by thestoichiometry of possible reactions. Predicted assemblages invariablyagree with observed assemblages. By means of these diagrams, present-day lateral and stratigraphicvariations in relative aH2o and aco2 in the deposit are reconstructed.They show that aH2o and aco2 vary independently. Many of thepresent activities reflect depositional conditions; some indicatepost-depositional events.  相似文献   
Abstract— An impressive daylight fireball was observed from Spain, Portugal, and the south of France at 16h46m45s UTC on January 4, 2004. The meteoroid penetrated into the atmosphere, generating shock waves that reached the ground and produced audible booms. The associated airwave was recorded at a seismic station located 90 km north of the fireball trajectory in Spain, and at an infrasound station in France located 750 km north‐east of the fireball. The absolute magnitude of the bolide has been determined to be ?18 ± 1 from a casual video record. The energy released in the atmosphere determined from photometric, seismic, and infrasound data was about 0.02 kilotons (kt). A massive fragmentation occurred at a height of 28 ± 0.2 km, resulting in a meteorite strewn field of 20 × 6 km. The first meteorite specimen was found on January 11, 2004, near the village of Villalbeto de la Peña, in northern Palencia (Spain). To date, about 4.6 kg of meteorite mass have been recovered during several recovery campaigns. The meteorite is a moderately shocked (S4) L6 ordinary chondrite with a cosmic‐ray‐exposure age of 48 ± 5 Ma. Radioisotope analysis shows that the original body had a mass of 760 ± 150 kg, which is in agreement with the estimated mass obtained from photometric and seismic measurements.  相似文献   
Abstract— We report the noble gas isotopic abundances of five dimict breccias and one cataclastic anorthosite that were collected at the Apollo 16 landing site. Orbital and surface photographs indicate that rays from South Ray crater, an almost 1 km wide young crater in the Cayley plains, extend several kilometers from their source into the area that was sampled by the Apollo 16 mission. Previous studies have shown that South Ray crater formed 2 Ma ago and that a large number of rocks might originate from this cratering event. On the basis of cosmic-ray produced nuclei, we find that the six rocks investigated in this work yield the same lunar surface exposure age. Using literature data, we recalculate the exposure ages of additional 16 rocks with suspected South Ray crater origin and obtain an average exposure age of 2.01 ± 0.10 Ma. In particular, all nine dimict breccias (a type of rock essentially restricted to the Apollo 16 area consisting of anorthosite and breccia phases) dated until now yield an average ejection age of 2.06 ± 0.17 Ma. We conclude that they must originate from the Cayley formation or from bedrock underlying the Cayley plain. We determined the gas retention ages for the dimict breccias based on the 40K-40Ar and U,Th-136Xe dating methods: rock 64425 yields a 40K-40Ar age of 3.96 Ga and rock 61016 a U,Th-136Xe age of 3.97 Ga. These results, together with 39Ar-40Ar ages obtained by other workers for rocks 64535 (3.98 Ga) and 64536 (3.97 Ga), show that the dimict breccias formed 3.97 Ga ago.  相似文献   
Abstract— We investigated the characteristics and history of lunar meteorites Queen Alexandra Range 93069, Yamato 793169 and Asuka 881757 based on the abundances of all stable noble gas isotopes, the concentrations of the radionuclides 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, and 81Kr, and the abundances of Mg, Al, K, Ca, Fe, Cl, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, and La. Based on the solar wind and cosmic-ray irradiations, QUE 93069 is the most mature lunar meteorite studied up to now. The 40Ar/36Ar ratio of the trapped component is 1.87 ± 0.16. This ratio corresponds to a time when the material was exposed to solar and lunar atmospheric volatiles ~400 Ma ago. On the other hand, Yamato 793169 and Asuka 881757 contain very little or no solar noble gases, which indicates that these materials resided in the top layer of the lunar regolith only briefly or not at all. For all lunar meteorites, we observe a positive correlation of the concentrations of cosmic-ray produced with trapped solar noble gases. The duration of lunar regolith residence for the lunar meteorites was calculated based on cosmic-ray produced 21Ne, 38Ar, 78Kr, 83Kr, and 126Xe and appropriate production rates that were derived based on the target element abundances and the shielding indicator 131Xe/126Xe. For QUE 93069, Yamato 793169, and Asuka 881757, we obtained 1000 ± 400 Ma, 50 ± 10 Ma, and <1 Ma, respectively. Both Asuka 881757 and Yamato 793169 show losses of radiogenic 4He from U and Th decay and Yamato 793169 also 40Ar loss from K-decay. For Asuka 881757, we calculate a K-Ar gas retention age of 3100 ± 600 Ma and a 244Pu-136Xe fission age of 4240 ± 170 Ma. This age is one of the oldest formation ages ever observed for a lunar basalt. The exposure history of QUE 93069 after ejection from the Moon was derived from the radionuclide concentrations: ejection 0.16 ± 0.03 Ma ago, duration of Moon-Earth transit 0.15 ± 0.02 Ma and fall on Earth <0.015 Ma ago. This ejection event is distinguished temporally from those which produced the other lunar meteorites. We conclude that six to eight events are necessary to eject all the known lunar meteorites.  相似文献   
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