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The Sinai Peninsula constitutes an important district of the Egyptian lands where it forms a triangular portion in northeastern Egypt. The southern Sinai metamorphic complexes are the northern uppermost part of the Arabian–Nubian Shield revealing the upper and middle crust from the East African Orogeny, in which they tectonically evolved. The Feiran–Solaf metamorphic complex (FSMC) of Sinai, Egypt is one of the highest grades metamorphic complexes of a series of basement domes that trends NW and crops out throughout the Arabian–Nubian Shield. The main aim of the present study is to apply the geospatial technology and to represent the capability of the geospatial technology to estimate the combined influence of lithology and structure studies, and to construct the lithological and structural maps of FSMC. Furthermore, detailed structural analysis is carried out to reveal the different ductile and brittle deformational events and proposed the tectonic evolutionary model for the study area. Mainly geospatial technology and structural analysis software have been used to go well with the aim of the present study. Developing specific image processing of satellite images and structural analysis were succeeded to discriminate the various lithological rock units, and the geological structural features of the FSMC, using geographic information system tools to construct the different thematic maps, were extracted. The present detailed investigations of the enhanced satellite images, structural analysis, and field verification reveal that the FSMC reached its present tectonic setting through more than four deformational phases concluding that the Pan-African Najd Fault System continued in Sinai and was reactivated during Red Sea tectonics as indicated by the dextral shear zone (Rihba) bordering the northern side of the FSMC.  相似文献   
The frequent appearance of some hydro-environmental hazard features, such as waterlogging and soil salinization along the susceptible zones at Northwest Sinai area (NWSA), has put serious challenges and obstacles for a correct and efficient land use planning of this region, for several decades. Although previous studies have shown that the whole region of Northern Sinai is greatly affected by the tectonic movements associated with the Syrian Arc folding system (SAS), NWSA is barren of any obvious surficial structures. The current work aims to investigate the effect of subsurface tectonic features on the hydrogeologic regime of NWSA.Hydrogeological and remote sensing data were integrated with ground geophysical gravity and magnetic measurements, using the geographic information system. Data integration asserts the role played by buried tectonic features not only in governing the landforms of the upper water-bearing quaternary formations but also in controlling their flow regime.Two major subsurface structures were identified through interpreting the geophysical measurements. A buried dome-like structure, dominating the central part of the mapped area, coincides with the radial flow pattern observed on the water table map. At the southwestern corner of the study area, an elevated groundwater level, caused by continuous groundwater accumulation at the discharge boundary, is superimposing a subsurface block-faulted depression. The waterlogging features (saturation of the soil by groundwater and inundation of local depressions due to rising of water table) dominating the discharge lowlands of NWSA support the conclusion that a buried block-faulted structure exerts a strong influence on the thickness and groundwater flow regime of the shallow quaternary aquifer.  相似文献   
Ismailia Canal is the principle source of drinking water supply to Suez Canal and Sinai governorates. However, Ismailia Canal is endangered from unwise activities in the surrounding environment. Drinking water resources protection can be implemented using land-use monitoring system or through land-use controls based on hydrogeologic mapping to study the impacts of development on water quality. Our approach is to protect the direct and indirect catchment areas for surface water supply, especially the sensitive areas, those that are more vulnerable to contamination than other areas. Remote sensing and geographic information system techniques are applied to construct and integrate the hydrogeological data, inventory for potential sources of contamination and mapping the sensitive areas in order to construct the a protected buffer zone for Ismailia Canal, and to constrain the development activities in all the surrounding areas of surface water supply. The sensitive areas are delineated, where extra protection is required, based on soils properties, geology, and specific hydrogeological criteria. Industrial areas, drains, and septic tanks in the surrounding villages are the common potential sources of contamination. The hydrologic relation between Ismailia Canal and groundwater has great variations. Comprehensive plan for water protection were composed. It includes maintaining three natural protection zones of at least 300-m width along the main course of the Canal and delineating vulnerable zones depending on the aerial extension of the sensitive areas within 10 km on both sides of the Canal. Specific protection measures are recommended over the sensitive areas. The natural ecosystems of swamps around Ismailia Canal should be conserved and the processes of continuous burial prevented.  相似文献   
The abundance, size distribution, and bacterial colonization of Transparent Exopolymeric Particles (TEP) were examined in two consecutive years during the spring diatom development throughout the water column of the deep meromictic Lake Pavin, France. TEP concentrations ranged from 1.9 to 13.4 × 105 particles l−1 and their distribution and size spectra indicated that these particles are the main factor in governing the transport of diatoms to the deep hypolimnion of the lake. The majority of TEP was colonized by bacteria that constituted 0.4–8.9% of total DAPI-stained bacteria. The intensity of bacterial colonization was strongly related to temperature and decreased with particle size. A more important colonization of small particles in the hypolimnion during thermal stratification suggested that bacterial colonisation also increased with the age of the particle. The abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) was more significantly related to the density of particles than to the density of total bacteria and the intensity of bacterial colonization of TEP. Our results therefore suggest that TEP are a more important factor for HNF development than attached and free bacteria. We conclude that TEP are involved not only in sedimentation processes but also in the dynamics of bacteria and protozoa in freshwater pelagic environments.  相似文献   
With the development of economic activities in the world, the construction activities have also increased. A proper surface and subsurface investigation is made to assess the general suitability of the site and to prepare an adequate and economic safe design for the proposed work. The main purpose of the current study is to create a spatial model of the geotechnical conditions and considerations by using geographic information systems (GIS) techniques to develop and analyze a site model and to plan site activities at the new extension of Suez City (SC). In the geotechnical site evaluations, GIS can be used in four ways, data integration, data visualization and analysis, planning and summarizing site activities, and data presentation. The integrated data can be displayed; manipulated and analyzed using tools build into the GIS programs, thus creating the geotechnical site model of the study area. Decisions can be made for further site activities and the results of the site activities can be integrated into the GIS site model. Interpretation of geotechnical data frequently involves assimilating information from many sites each with a unique geographical location. Interpretation of these data requires the spatial location to incorporate into the analysis. Weights are assigned to different of mechanical, physical soil properties, geological, hydrogeological, and other ancillary data. Finally, the weighted maps are integrated using a GIS based on the construction purposes for the new extension of SC for significant cost savings in design, construction and longevity. The ideal and good zones’ highest regime has been observed towards central and western regions with sporadic pockets. The marginal zones to average zones are moderately suited for shallow foundation.  相似文献   
Groundwater is a very important resource across Ismailia area as it is used in domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes. This makes it absolutely necessary that the effects of land use change on groundwater resources are considered when making land use decisions. Careful monitoring of groundwater resource helps minimize the contamination of this resource. This study developed a GIS-based model to assess groundwater contamination in the West Ismailia area based on its hydrochemical characteristics. The model incorporated five different factors which are standardized to a common evaluation scale. The produced factor maps include the depth to the water table, the potential recharge, the soil type, the topography, and the thickness of saturation. These maps are combined in ERDAS Imagine, ARC INFO, and ARC GIS software using geostatistics and a weighted overlay process to produce the final groundwater potential risk map. The model output is then used to determine the vulnerability of groundwater to contamination by domestic, agricultural, and industrial sources. The produced risk maps are then combined with the groundwater contamination potentiality map using an arithmetic overlay in order to identify areas which were vulnerable to contamination. The results of this study revealed that the groundwater is highly vulnerable to contamination that may result from the inappropriate application of agrichemicals and domestic and industrial activities. The produced integrated potential contamination maps are very useful tools for a decision maker concerned with groundwater protection and development.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - A low-to medium-grade metamorphic belt of a volcano-sedimentary succession occurs in the eastern side of South Sinai as a part of the northernmost...  相似文献   
Um Bogma area is the most famous mineralized locality in Sinai, Egypt. It is characterized by the presence of manganese, iron, and copper deposits. Apart from the mill tailings and spoil heaps, the results indicated the decrease of soil contamination downstream. As a result of random manganese mining activity in Um Bogma area, many hazardous elements such as iron, copper, manganese, lead, and zinc as well as many others associating heavy metals such as arsenic, selenium, and sulfur are dispersed in the environment. This study assesses and monitors the environmental impacts of such mining activities in the west central Sinai, using multitemporal spectral remote-sensing sensors (MSS 1972, TM 1986, and ETM+7 2000). The results have shown the very high potential of temporal imagery in mining-related contamination either directly through mineral and rock mapping of the mining waste and residues and related contaminated areas.  相似文献   
Identifying a good site for groundwater exploitation in hard-rock terrains is a challenging task. In Sinai, Egypt, groundwater is the only source of water for local inhabitants. Interpretation of satellite data for delineation of lithological units and weathered zones, and for mapping of lineament density and their trends, provides a valuable aid for the location of groundwater promising areas. Complex deformational histories of the wide range of lithological formations add to the difficulty. Groundwater prospect mapping is a systematic approach that considers the major controlling factors which influence the aquifer and quality of groundwater. The presented study aims to delineate, identify, model and map groundwater potential zones in arid South Sinai using remote sensing data and a geographic information system (GIS) to prepare various hydromorphogeological thematic maps such as maps of slope, drainage density, lithology, landforms, structural lineaments, rainfall intensity and plan curvature. The controlling-factor thematic maps are each allocated a fixed score and weight, computed by using a linear equation approach. Furthermore, each weighted thematic map is statistically computed to yield a groundwater potential zone map of the study area. The groundwater potential zones thus obtained were divided into five categories (very poor, poor, moderate, good and very good) and were validated using the relation between the zone and the spatial distribution of productive wells and of previous geophysical investigations from a literature review. The results show the groundwater potential zones in the study area, and create awareness for better planning and management of groundwater resources.  相似文献   
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