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Agglomeration areas in the GDR are those regions, which are characterized by an above average level of regional concentration of productive forces and their conditions of reproduction. The economic potential concentrated in these regions represents a large part of the national economy. It is possible to describe the territorial structure of these agglomeration areas by general indices (agglomeration core — agglomeration field — agglometation fringe; polycentric node-band-structure), but also the individual features of each one of these regions are to be attended. They are expressed for the first time by several forms of localization of plants and by the structure of settlements and settlement networks. The present main tendencies in the development of the agglomeration regions are:
  • They succeeded in minimizing the regional disparities of productivity between different agglomeration regions and within them, and in stabilizing the economic position of these regions by systematic measures for investment and rationalization and the hereby influenced structural changes.
  • At present and up to 1990 the completion of housing programme is of foremost importance by which the main activities will shift from the urban fringe to the centres of the cities; provincial towns and smaller settlements will also participate in this programme.
  • The main target of these activities is to remove imperfect structures and other burning problems of the agglomeration regions step by step. Geographical Institutes are dealing with the management of these tasks too.  相似文献   
    The rates of Sb(III) oxidation by O2 and H2O2 were determined in homogeneous aqueous solutions. Above pH 10, the oxidation reaction of Sb(III) with O2 was first order with respect to the Sb(III) concentration and inversely proportional to the H+ concentrations at a constant O2 content of 0.22 × 10−3 M. Pseudo-first-order rate coefficients, kobs, ranged from 3.5 × 10−8 s−1 to 2.5 × 10−6 s−1 at pH values between 10.9 and 12.9. The relationship between kobs and pH was:
    The Sb speciation in soil samples from Swiss shooting ranges was determined using Sb K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and advanced statistical data analysis methods (iterative transformation factor analysis, ITFA). The XAS analysis was supported by a spectral data set of 13 Sb minerals and 4 sorption complexes. In spite of a high variability in geology, soil pH (3.1-7.5), Sb concentrations (1000-17,000 mg/kg) and shooting-range history, only two Sb species were identified. In the first species, Sb is surrounded solely by other Sb atoms at radial distances of 2.90, 3.35, 4.30 and 4.51 Å, indicative of metallic Sb(0). While part of this Sb(0) may be hosted by unweathered bullet fragments consisting of PbSb alloy, Pb LIII-edge XAS of the soil with the highest fraction (0.75) of Sb(0) showed no metallic Pb, but only Pb2+ bound to soil organic matter. This suggests a preferential oxidation of Pb in the alloy, driven by the higher standard reduction potential of Sb. In the second species, Sb is coordinated to 6 O-atoms at a distance of 1.98 Å, indicative of Sb(V). This oxidation state is further supported by an edge energy of 30,496-30,497 eV for the soil samples with <10% Sb(0). Iron atoms at radial distances of 3.10 and 3.56 Å from Sb atoms are in line with edge-sharing and bidentate corner-sharing linkages between Sb(O,OH)6 and Fe(O,OH)6 octahedra. While similar structural units exist in tripuhyite, the absence of Sb neighbors contradicts formation of this Fe antimonate. Hence the second species most likely consists of inner-sphere sorption complexes on Fe oxides, with edge and corner-sharing configuration occurring simultaneously. This pentavalent Sb species was present in all samples, suggesting that it is the prevailing species after weathering of metallic Sb(0) in oxic soils. No indication of Sb(III) was found.  相似文献   
    As a contribution to a project on the role of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in the organic matter turnover within cyanobacterial mats, we investigated selected lipid classes of five morphologically different microbial mats from the intertidal area of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The mats thrive under extreme environmental conditions as they are exposed to salinity up to 200 and shadowless sunshine for nearly 12 h per day. The total extractable organic matter is characterised by heavy δ13C values of −17‰ to −10‰, suggesting CO2 limitation. The lipids reflect the biomass of the principal mat-building phototrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms. Moderate amounts of hydrocarbons, mainly cyanobacterial n-heptadecane, short chain monomethyl alkanes and diploptene were detected in all the mats. The ubiquitous n-hexadecanoic acid is dominant amongst the free and ester-bound phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), whereas the overall acid composition varies due to differences in the extreme environmental conditions. Additionally, the top layers of two of the five mats were analysed separately to compare their lipid compositions with those of the whole mats. As would be expected, the concentrations of cyanobacterial biomarkers exceed those found in the total mats. Noteworthy is the presence of n-heneicosadiene as predominant hydrocarbon in the top layer of the so called gelatinous mat, which thrives under the locally most extreme conditions. As the n-alkadiene was present to a much lesser extent in the intact mat, it may provide a new biomarker for a so far unknown important aerobic organism.  相似文献   
    If no correction is performed, the inertia of the sensors for temperature and humidity in research aircraft leads to an error in the calculation of turbulent fluxes. Simple considerations give an estimation of the order of magnitude of these errors. A simple method for the in-situ estimation of temperature sensor inertia is given.  相似文献   
    We review the origin and evolution of the atmospheres of Earth, Venus and Mars from the time when their accreting bodies were released from the protoplanetary disk a few million years after the origin of the Sun. If the accreting planetary cores reached masses \(\ge 0.5 M_\mathrm{Earth}\) before the gas in the disk disappeared, primordial atmospheres consisting mainly of H\(_2\) form around the young planetary body, contrary to late-stage planet formation, where terrestrial planets accrete material after the nebula phase of the disk. The differences between these two scenarios are explored by investigating non-radiogenic atmospheric noble gas isotope anomalies observed on the three terrestrial planets. The role of the young Sun’s more efficient EUV radiation and of the plasma environment into the escape of early atmospheres is also addressed. We discuss the catastrophic outgassing of volatiles and the formation and cooling of steam atmospheres after the solidification of magma oceans and we describe the geochemical evidence for additional delivery of volatile-rich chondritic materials during the main stages of terrestrial planet formation. The evolution scenario of early Earth is then compared with the atmospheric evolution of planets where no active plate tectonics emerged like on Venus and Mars. We look at the diversity between early Earth, Venus and Mars, which is found to be related to their differing geochemical, geodynamical and geophysical conditions, including plate tectonics, crust and mantle oxidation processes and their involvement in degassing processes of secondary \(\hbox {N}_2\) atmospheres. The buildup of atmospheric \(\hbox {N}_2\), \(\hbox {O}_2\), and the role of greenhouse gases such as \(\hbox {CO}_2\) and \(\hbox {CH}_4\) to counter the Faint Young Sun Paradox (FYSP), when the earliest life forms on Earth originated until the Great Oxidation Event \(\approx \) 2.3 Gyr ago, are addressed. This review concludes with a discussion on the implications of understanding Earth’s geophysical and related atmospheric evolution in relation to the discovery of potential habitable terrestrial exoplanets.  相似文献   
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