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Geochemical exploration in secondary environments can be viewed as a particular manifestation of indirect geological observation. Geochemical anomalies in complex sample media reflect dispersion signatures, generally much disguised by secondary or higher-order mechanical and physico-chemical processes such as mixing, comminution, dilution, (re)transportation, weathering etc. Such complexities often make a thorough understanding of the origin of any particular sample type difficult ot obtain. The objective of data analysis in this context is to convert the geochemical data into a meaningful “signal”, particularly useful for prospecting, and other, in this case irrelevant, variability or “noise”. The experience of the last decades of practical exploration has clearly shown that statistical as well as geographical geochemical anomaly patterns are multi-element signatures. Using suitable multivariate statistical procedures (in the present case principal components modelling), it is possible to simultaneously define both a background data model and to quantify multivariate geochemical anomalies. This type of data analysis is guided very strongly by geological interaction, in which the emphasis is on modelling the background population(s), coupled with geographic plotting facilities. This outlier-screening facility is critical for many types of geochemical data evaluation. An example of this approach is described below. Another application of indirect multivariate data analysis is represented by PLS (Partial Least Squares) regression, which is a supervised pattern recognition and regression technique. We use it here to predict modal scheelite occurrences from regional stream-sediment data.  相似文献   
Transport of ballast water is one major factor in the transmission of aquatic organisms, including pathogenic bacteria. The IMO-guidelines of the Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, states that ships are to discharge <1 CFU per 100 ml ballast water of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae, emphasizing the need to establish test methods. To our knowledge, there are no methods sensitive and rapid enough available for cholera surveillance of ballast water. In this study real-time PCR and NASBA methods have been evaluated to specifically detect 1 CFU/100ml of V. cholerae in ballast water. Ballast water samples spiked with V. cholerae cells were filtered and enriched in alkaline peptone water before PCR or NASBA detection. The entire method, including sample preparation and analysis was performed within 7 h, and has the potential to be used for analysis of ballast water for inspection and enforcement control.  相似文献   
Sm-Nd isotopic compositions were determined for the peralkaline Ilímaussaq Complex of the Gardar Province of southern Greenland. The majority of the samples in the agpaitic and augite syenitic units have near chondritic initial Nd(≈ 0), whereas a few samples trend towards Nd values as low as − 6 at the time of intrusion (1143 Ma). This latter value, from a sample taken from the margin of the complex, lying on the evolutionary trend for Ketilidian country-rock granitoids, suggests that large-scale contamination took place only at the margins of the complex. The similarity of the Nd isotopic compositions of the augite syenite and agpaitic units suggests that their parental magmas were derived from the same reservoir. A comparison of the Nd with existing Sr and Hf isotopic data for the complex suggests an origin by combined assimilation fractionation processes. Assimilation-fractional crystallization modeling of the isotopic compositions indicates that the Ilímaussaq magmas could have formed through fractional crystallization of a basaltic melt while assimilating granitic crust. The model requires initially higher assimilation rates from basalt to augite syenite composition with subsequent decreasing assimilation rates from augite syenite to agpaitic compositions. Alkali granites, which formed after the intrusion of the augite syenites, have isotopic compositions intermediate between those of the augite syenites and the surrounding Ketilidian basement. This implies even greater amounts of assimilation and is interpreted as evidence for an origin through fractionation of a basaltic or augite syenite magma with concurrent assimilation of Ketilidian crust.  相似文献   
A RbSr whole-rock isochron gives an age of 1168±21 m.y. for the agpaitic units of Ilímaussaq, showing that this complex belongs to the main phase of Gardar igneous activity in south Greenland and is not, as previously supposed, a significantly younger intrusion. Moreover, the agpaites must have intruded very soon after the earlier augite syenite phase of Ilímaussaq. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7096±0.0022 for the agpaites is in marked contrast to the low (~0.703) ratio obtained for the augite syenites and suggests that selective enrichment of 87Sr occurred by preferential leaching of radiogenic strontium from unstable positions in Rb lattice sites in older crustal material by the highly reactive agpaitic magma.  相似文献   
A reconnaissance exploration survey over 14 000 km2 of Precambrian terrain in South Greenland using stream-sediment and stream-water samples delineated a central uranium district of 2000 km2 with enhanced uranium levels and smaller anomalous zones in the south of the field area.The area is underlain by Archean and Proterozoic gneisses, granites and metasediments all of which have been intruded by late Proterozoic alkaline intrusions (Gardar Province). The terrain is mountainous and the streams are either steep torrents or impeded drainages typical of glaciated terrains with boggy organic rich sediments.The central uranium district was defined by a high uranium background in both stream sediments (5–20 ppm) and stream waters (0.5–1.0 ppb) and a markedly higher frequency of very anomalous values in the order of 50–100's ppm in the stream sediments and 1–10 ppb in the stream waters. An areal correlation of uranium, in this district, with high pH and conductivity in the stream water in addition to a higher organic content noted in the stream sediment raised the question of a possible enhancement of uranium values due to secondary environmental effects. On the other hand, an areal correlation of uranium with niobium and other trace elements characteristically associated with alkaline rocks, and the geographic proximity of this uraniferous district to the alkaline intrusions suggested a genetic relationship between uranium mineralization and the alkaline igneous activity.Limited follow-up work located 8 pitchblende occurrences in this extensive district. The pitchblende is in veins which contain quartz, calcite, iron oxide, fluorite and minor sulphides. The isotopic (U-Pb) age of the pitchblende, which ranges from 1180-1090 Ma, corresponds to the late stages of Gardar alkaline igneous activity. It is concluded, therefore, that the reconnaissance geochemistry reflects a district-wide hydrothermal event related to the late volatile differentiates derived from the highly fractionated alkaline magma. A combination of primary and secondary features have complemented each other in enhancing the geochemical reconnaissance data and emphasized its importance but has not materially altered the interpretation.The south of the field area also has a relatively high uranium background in both the sample media with some discrete anomalous zones, usually with a slightly lower order of magnitude than the central area, but still with a distinct contrast of 5–10 times. Fine-grained uraninite has been found in the area occurring as disseminated grains in pegmatitic elements as in the central district. Isotopic ratios (U-Pb) suggest an age of 1728 ± 30 Ma which probably reflects the long cooling of the granite.It is concluded that the geochemical reconnaissance data delineated two uranium metallogenic districts characterized by distinctly different types of uranium mineralization. It is suggested that South Greenland may be part of a much wider uranium geochemical province which includes parts of Labrador. To the present plate-tectonic models, which suggest such a connection (Le Pichon et al., 1977), must be added the comparable reconnaissance geochemical results (G.S.C. Open Files nos. 748 and 749), and the similar 1730 Ma age of the Kitts uranium mineral occurrence in Labrador (Gandhi, S.S , 1978) to that of the uraninite found in the south of the field area in Greenland.  相似文献   
An unusually iron-rich, strongly peralkaline dyke occurring near the Ilimaussaq intrusion, south Greenland, is described. The dyke has developed two facies characterised respectively by the mafic assemblages pyroxene+amphibole+aemigmatite, and pyroxene+magnetite. The differences can be explained as an effect of loss of up to 4% Na1O from the magnetite-bearing facies (relative to the magnetite-free facies). The effect is in accordance with the phase relations at 1 atm in the synthetic system Na2OAl2O2Fe2O2SiO2. Continued alkali loss and magnetic precipitation will change the differentiation trend from agpaitic with iron enrichment towards miaskitic with iron depletion. It is suggested that the extreme degree of iron enrichment in the dyke resulted from the coincidence of low oxygen fugacity and strong peralkalinity tending to stabilise both ferrous and ferric iron in the liquid.  相似文献   
A. Steenfelt  H. Bohse 《Lithos》1975,8(1):39-45
Uranium analyses by the fission-track method on eudialytes from the undersaturated rocks of the Ilímaussaq intrusion demonstrate that uranium enters eudialyte in isomorphous substitution. The content of uranium in the eudialytes varies with the crystallization of the magma in two ways.In the downwards-crystallizing roof rocks, eudialyte is interstitial and the content of uranium in eudialyte decreases with proceeding crystallization, whereas in the bottom rocks, formed by upwards accumulation of liquidus minerals including eudialyte, the uranium content in eudialyte increases with crystallization. The reason for the abnormal trend in the roof rocks is discussed and compared with similar trends elsewhere.  相似文献   
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