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宗统  翟世奎  于增慧 《地球科学》2016,41(6):1031-1040
冲绳海槽位于西太平洋活动大陆边缘,是一个目前正处于弧后扩张作用早期的、年轻的弧后盆地,张性断裂发育,火山活动强烈.岩石类型分布和岩石地球化学特征表明冲绳海槽中部和南部的岩浆作用存在明显差异,但迄今为止人们对于导致该差异的原因尚不清楚.对已有的冲绳海槽玄武岩的资料进行了综合对比分析,并依据冲绳海槽岩浆岩的Pb同位素组成特征,指出冲绳海槽及其所在的沟弧盆体系之下的地幔属于印度洋型地幔,相对于海槽中部的玄武岩岩浆,海槽南部的玄武岩岩浆来自地幔更高程度的熔融;冲绳海槽玄武岩岩浆受到了俯冲板块物质加入的影响,且南部玄武岩岩浆受影响的程度要高于中部,这可能受控于俯冲板块的深度(南部:100~150 km;中部:约200 km);冲绳海槽玄武岩部分属于MORB型,这应是冲绳海槽早期扩张的重要特征和证据之一.在上述分析工作的基础上,提出了今后对冲绳海槽岩浆作用的研究应主要集中在以下几个方面:冲绳海槽基底岩石类型的甄别与分布;岩浆源区地幔的类型及特征;板块俯冲对冲绳海槽岩浆作用的贡献及制约机制;冲绳海槽岩浆作用与海底热液活动的内在联系等.   相似文献   
挥发分(例如H2O、CO2、F、Cl和S)是地幔的重要组成部分,虽然它们在地幔中的含量很低,但是在地幔熔融和熔体演化、地幔不均一、地幔流变学、地幔地震特性和电导率等研究方面具有重要作用。对矿物熔体包裹体和玻璃挥发分的研究已经成为当前的研究热点。其中,熔体包裹体研究凭借其独特的优势成为研究地幔和岩浆挥发分组成的重要手段。熔体包裹体直接捕获了矿物形成时岩浆中的成分,且由于寄主矿物的存在使得熔体包裹体能够保持独立演化而不受外界环境影响,因此能够较为完整地保存岩浆中的挥发分信息。同时,研究熔体包裹体中的挥发分是恢复岩浆喷发前挥发分含量最直接的途径。如果通过现代分析方法(如扫描电镜、电子探针和离子探针等)对熔体包裹体进行详细的岩相学观察以及对后期可能影响熔体包裹体原始挥发组分的作用(地壳混染、岩浆去气、扩散和水化作用)进行评估,并结合实验研究熔体包裹体被捕获后发生的变化而对数据进行矫正,那熔体包裹体对研究岩浆体系中的挥发分将大有可为。基于此,本文系统介绍了熔体包裹体挥发分研究的现状及主要研究内容,主要包括熔体包裹体挥发分的测试方法、挥发分在岩浆中的溶解度、判断挥发分数据可靠性和挥发分研究的经典应用等4个方面。  相似文献   
A geochemical analysis of rare-earth elements(REEs) in 97 samples collected from the core of deep-water Well LS-A located at the Lingnan Low Uplift Area of the Qiongdongnan Basin is conducted, with the purpose of revealing the changes of sedimentary source and environment in the study region since Oligocene and evaluating the response of geochemical characteristics of REEs to the tectonic evolution. In the core samples, both ∑REE and ∑LREE(LREE is short for light-group REEs) fluctuate in a relatively wide range, while ∑HREE(HREE is short for heavy-group REEs) maintains a relatively stable level. With the stratigraphic chronology becoming newer, both ∑REE and ∑LREE show a gradually rising trend overall. The ∑REE of the core is relatively high from the bottom of Yacheng Formation(at a well depth of 4 207 m) to the top of Ledong Formation, and the REEs show partitioning characteristics of the enrichment of LREE, the stable content of HREE, and the negative anomaly of Eu to varying degrees. Overall the geochemical characteristics of REEs are relatively approximate to those of China's neritic sediments and loess, with significant "continental orientation". The ∑REE of the core is relatively low in the lower part of Yacheng Formation(at a well depth of 4 207–4 330 m), as shown by the REEs partitioning characteristics of the depletion of LREE, the relative enrichment of HREE, and the positive anomaly of Eu; the geochemical characteristics of REEs are approximate to those of oceanic crust and basalt overall, indicating that the provenance is primarily composed of volcanic eruption matters. As shown by the analyses based on sequence stratigraphy and mineralogy, the provenance in study region in the early Oligocene mainly resulted from the volcanic materials of the peripheral uplift areas; the continental margin materials from the north contributed only insignificantly; the provenance developed to a certain extent in the late Oligocene. Since the Miocene, the provenance has ceaselessly expanded from proximal to distal realm, embodying a characteristic of multi-source sedimentation. In the core strata with 31.5, 28.4, 25.5, 23, and 16 Ma from today, the geochemical parameters of REEs and Th/Sc ratio have significant saltation, embodying the tectonic movement events in the evolution of the Qiongdongnan Basin. In the tectonic evolution history of the South China Sea, the South China Sea Movement(34–25 Ma BP, early expansion of the South China Sea), Baiyun Movement(23 Ma BP), late expansion movement(23.5–16.5 Ma BP), expansion-settlement transition, and other important events are all clearly recorded by the geochemical characteristics of REEs in the core.  相似文献   
为了研究琼东南盆地深水区的沉积环境及物源,对琼东南盆地深水区LS33-1-1钻井岩心样品的微量元素地球化学特征进行了分析,结果表明:研究区自渐新世以来沉积环境多变,物源复杂;在崖三段沉积早期,物源主要为当地或附近的基性玄武质火山碎屑,可能来自南海扩张引起的岩浆喷发活动;自崖三段沉积晚期(早于31.5Ma)以来,物源以陆源和海洋自生沉积为主,其中火山岩风化产物占有相当的比例。LS33-1-1钻井岩心沉积物的微量元素地球化学特征在距今31.5、28.4、25.5、23、16、8.2、5.5、2.7Ma均发生明显突变,表明沉积环境及物源均发生了明显的变化,反映了构造运动的影响。各地球化学指标在崖三段底部4 207m左右的突变,反映了琼东南盆地发生了较大规模的构造运动,造成了沉积物源由以基性火山碎屑为主转变为以陆源碎屑为主。在渐新世-中新世界线(23MaBP)附近,各项指标均表现出明显的突变,表明在ODP1148站及珠江口盆地深水区发现的物源突变事件(白云运动)也影响到了琼东南盆地深水区。  相似文献   
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