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Metasomatism accompanying kimberlite emplacement is a worldwide phenomenon, although infrequently described or recognised. At the Cambrian-aged Murowa and Sese kimberlite clusters located within the Archean Zimbabwe Craton just north of the boundary with the Limpopo Mobile Zone in southern central Zimbabwe, the metasomatism is intense and well exposed and the processes can be readily studied. Dykes, sills and the root zones of pipes are exposed at the current erosion level. Kimberlite lithologies present are hypabyssal macrocrystic kimberlite (“HMK”), HMK breccia, and tuffisitic kimberlite breccia (“TKB”) including minor lithic tuffisitic kimberlite breccia (“LTKB”). Country rocks are 2.6 Ga Chibi and Zimbabwe granite batholiths emplaced into 2.6–2.9 Ga or earlier Archean tonalitic gneiss and greenstones. During initial metasomatism, the granites become spotted with green chlorite, needles of alkaline amphiboles (winchite, riebeckite, arfvedsonite) and pyroxenes (aegirine–augite) with minor carbonate and felts of talc. Oligoclase feldspar becomes converted to albite, extensively altered, dusted and reddened with hematite, whereas K-feldspar remains unaffected. The granites become converted to syenite through removal of quartz. More intense metasomatism at Murowa and Sese results in veins of green metasomatite which cut and disrupt the granite. Progressive disruption entrains granite blocks, breaking down the granite still further, spalling off needle-like granite slivers, and so giving rise to LTKB. This process of disruption and entrainment appears to be the manner of initial development of the pipe structure. The chemistry of the metasomatite is intermediate between granite and kimberlite. Compared to granite country rock it has markedly higher Mg, Cr, Ni, CO2 and H2O+, higher Ca, Mn, Nb, Sr, P, Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio, U, Co, and Cu, approximately equal TiO2, K2O, Na2O, La, Ta, Rb, Zr, Zn and resultant lower SiO2, Al2O3, Ga and Y. The metasomatite Na2O/K2O ratio is slightly higher than that of the granite. The metasomatic process is broadly analogous to fenitisation of granitic wall rock accompanying carbonatite complex emplacement. The metasomatism at Murowa and Sese was caused by fluids from the rising but confined proto-kimberlite melt penetrating into cracks and matrix of granite country rock and reacting with it. These fluids were CO2-rich, hydrous, oxidising, enhanced in ultramafic elements and carried low levels of Na.  相似文献   

Volume Contents

Contents of Volume 46  相似文献   
Lavas from Klyuchevskoy and Bezymianny volcanoes, Kamchatka, appear to show a link between the extent of partial melting in their mantle source region and the subsequent degree of fractionation suffered by the magmas during passage through the crust. This fractionation may have occurred on timescales significantly less than 1000 years if observed 226Ra excesses largely reflect variable residual porosity in the source melting region. Unlike most arc lavas, those with the highest MgO contents and Ba/Th ratios have the lowest 226Ra excess. Forward models suggest that those portions of the source which had undergone the greatest addition of U by fluids from the subducting plate also underwent the greatest extents of partial melting at the highest residual porosity. At Kluchevskoy, a change from eruption of high-MgO to high-Al2O3 basaltic andesites around 1945 is reflected in an increase in size of 226Ra excess which seems to require a simultaneous decrease in residual porosity and suggests a rapid changes in the melting regime. The eruption of andesites at Bezyminanny, simultaneous with the eruption of basaltic andesites at Klyuchevskoy, further suggests that different degree melts produced at differing residual porosity can be formed and extracted from the melt region at the same time. Thus, the melting processes beneath Klyuchevskoy and Bezyminanny are demonstrably complex. They have clearly been influenced by both fluid addition from the subducting plate and extension and decompression beneath the Central Kamchatka Depression. Finally, the 210Pb data are, with one or two exceptions, in equilibrium with 226Ra, suggesting that there was restricted relative magma-gas movement in this highly productive magmatic system.  相似文献   
Updated aeromagnetic maps of New Mexico together with current knowledge of the basement geology in the northern part of the state (Sangre de Cristo and Sandia–Manzano Mountains)—where basement rocks were exposed in Precambrian-cored uplifts—indicate that the northeast-trending Proterozoic shear zones that controlled localization of ore deposits in the Colorado mineral belt extend laterally into New Mexico. The shear zones in New Mexico coincide spatially with known epigenetic precious- and base-metal ore deposits; thus, the mineralized belts in the two states share a common inherited basement tectonic setting. Reactivation of the basement structures in Late Cretaceous–Eocene and Mid-Tertiary times provided zones of weakness for emplacement of magmas and conduits for ore-forming solutions. Ore deposits in the Colorado mineral belt are of both Late Cretaceous–Eocene and Mid-Tertiary age; those in New Mexico are predominantly Mid-Tertiary in age, but include Late Cretaceous porphyry-copper deposits in southwestern New Mexico.The mineralized belt in New Mexico, named the New Mexico structural zone, is 250-km wide. The northwest boundary is the Jemez subzone (or the approximately equivalent Globe belt), and the southeastern boundary was approximately marked by the Santa Rita belt. Three groups (subzones) of mineral deposits characterize the structural zone: (1) Mid-Tertiary porphyry molybdenite and alkaline-precious-metal deposits, in the northeast segment of the Jemez zone; (2) Mid-Tertiary epithermal precious-metal deposits in the Tijeras (intermediate) zone; and (3) Late Cretaceous porphyry-copper deposits in the Santa Rita zone. The structural zone was inferred to extend from New Mexico into adjacent Arizona. The structural zone provides favorable sites for exploration, particularly those parts of the Jemez subzone covered by Neogene volcanic and sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   
The reaction kinetics of the butadinyl radical, C4H, with various hydrocarbons detected in the atmosphere of Titan (methane, ethane, propane, acetylene, ethene and methylacetylene) are studied over the temperature range of 39-298 K using the Rennes CRESU (Cinétique de Réaction en Ecoulement Supersonique Uniforme) apparatus. Kinetic measurements were made using the pulsed laser photolysis—laser induced fluorescence technique. The rate coefficients, except for the reaction with methane, all show a negative temperature dependence and can be fitted with the following expressions over the temperature range of this study: ; ; , , . These expressions are not intended to be physically meaningful but rather to provide an easy way to introduce experimental results in photochemical models. They are only valid over the temperature range of the experiments. Possible channels of these reactions are discussed as well as possible consequences of these results for the production of large molecules and hazes in the atmosphere of Titan. These results should also be considered for the photochemistry of Giant Planets.  相似文献   
Magmas erupted at mid-ocean ridges (MORB) result from decompression melting of upwelling mantle. However, the mechanism of melt transport from the source region to the surface is poorly understood. It is debated whether melt is transported through melt-filled conduits or cracks on short time scales (<∼ 103 yrs), or whether there is a significant component of slow, equilibrium porous flow on much longer time scales (>∼ 103-104 yrs). Radiogenic excess 226Ra in MORB indicates that melt is transported from the melting region on time scales less than the half life of 226Ra (∼1600 yrs), and has been used to argue for fast melt transport from the base of the melting column. However, excess 226Ra can be generated at the bottom of the melt column, during the onset of melting, and at the top of the melt column by reactive porous flow. Determining the depth at which 226Ra is generated is critical to interpreting the rate and mechanism of magma migration. A recent compilation of high quality U-series isotope data show that in many young basalts, 226Ra excess in MORB is negatively correlated with 230Th excess. The data suggest that 226Ra excess is generated independently of 230Th excess, and cannot be explained by “dynamic” or fractional melting, where observed radiogenic excesses are all generated at the base of the melt column. One explanation is that the negative correlation of activity ratios is a result of mixing of slow moving melt that has travelled through reactive, low-porosity pathways and relatively fast moving melt that has been transported in unreactive high-porosity channels. We investigate this possibility by calculating U-series disequilibria in a melting column in which high-porosity, unreactive channels form within a low-porosity matrix that is undergoing melting. The results show that the negative correlation of 226Ra and 230Th excesses observed in MORB can be produced if ∼60% of the total melt flux travels through the low-porosity matrix. This melt maintains 226Ra excesses via chromatographic fractionation of Ra and Th during equilibrium transport. Melt that travels through the unreactive, high-porosity channels is not able to maintain significant 226Ra excesses because Ra and Th are not fractionated from each other during transport and the transport time for melt in the channels to reach the top of the melt column is longer than the time scale for 226Ra excesses to decay. Mixing of melt from the high porosity channels with melt from the low-porosity matrix at the top of the melting column can produce a negative correlation of 226Ra and 230Th excesses with the slope and magnitude observed in MORB. This transport process can also account for other aspects of the geochemistry of MORB, such as correlations between La/Yb, αSm/Nd, and Th/U and 226Ra and 230Th excess.  相似文献   
The remains of scales of Hysterocarpus traski Gibbons (Tule perch) were found throughout a 27.44-m core from Clear Lake. Most scales occurred between the mud surface and deposits approximately 11,000 years old. Changes in growth rates of the animals were examined by measuring scale annuli and applying an empirically established regression of fish length on scale radius. The data indicate a pattern of accelerating growth rates, reaching a peak between ?4000 and 2800 BP. After ?2800 BP, growth rates decline markedly. Because the growth rates of these animals are essentially dependent on temperature, the changes observed in the patterns of growth probably reflect changes in climate in the northern Coast Range. The general pattern of inferred temperature increase during the early and middle Holocene, ending between ?4000 and 2800 BP, is consistent with evidence from tree-line studies and palynology indicating higher temperatures in parts of the western United States during this period.  相似文献   
西准噶尔包古图地区地层火山岩锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学研究   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:13  
包古图地区位于西准噶尔东南部,区内出露地层主要为石炭系太勒古拉组、包古图组和希贝库拉斯组,为一套巨厚的半深海相-大陆坡相火山-火山碎屑沉积建造。这套地层的时代归属和地层层序长期以来一直存在争议。本文报导了包古图地区实测地层剖面,并从太勒古拉组玄武岩和包古图组及希贝库拉斯组凝灰岩中分别选出锆石,进行了LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学研究,获得206Pb/238U加权平均年龄分别为357.5±5.4Ma、332.1±3.0Ma和336.3±2.5Ma。由此确定这套地层属于早石炭世的杜内阶到维宪阶,由下到上依次为太勒古拉组、包古图组和希贝库拉斯组。  相似文献   
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