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Primary productivity in the East China Sea and its adjacent area was measured by the13C tracer method during winter, summer and fall in 1993 and 1994. The depth-integrated primary productivity in the Kuroshio Current ranged from 220 to 350 mgC m−2d−1, and showed little seasonal variability. High primary productivity (above 570 mgC m−2d−1) was measured at the center of the continental shelf throughout the observation period. The productivity at the station nearest to the Changjiang estuary exhibited a distinctive seasonal change from 68 to 1,500 mgC m−2d−1. Depth-integrated primary productivity was 2.7 times higher in the shelf area than the rates at the Kuroshio Current. High chlorophyll-a specific productivity (mgC mgChl.-a−2d−1) throughout the euphotic zone was mainly found in the shelf area rather than off-shelf area, probably due to higher nutrient availability and higher activity of phytoplankton at the subsurface layer in the shelf area.  相似文献   
Photo-protective functions were investigated in phytoplankton assemblages at Kongsfjorden, Svalbard in spring, using their UV-absorbing compounds (mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs)), xanthophyll pigments (diadinoxanthin (DD) and diatoxanthin (DT)) and < beta >- dimethylsulphoniopropionate (< beta >-DMSP). The dominant phytoplankton species in the inner bay were dominated by Phaeocystis spp. and nanoflagellates, while the offshore waters were dominated by Thalassiosira spp. In the inner bay, UVabsorbing compounds and xanthophyll pigments exhibited higher ratios of MAA to chlorophyll a (MAA:chl a ratio), and both DD and DT to chlorophyll a (DD:chl a ratio and DT:chl a ratio), respectively. Thus, the photoprotective-pigments such as DD and DT appear to complement MAAs in the natural phytoplankton assemblage. However, the ratio of < beta >-DMSP to chlorophyll a (< beta >-DMSP:chl a ratio) did not show a distinct spatial distribution according to environmental factors or interspecies differences. In this study, we found that photoprotective compounds occurred in a manner dependent on the phytoplankton species composition in Kongsfjorden Bay, where Phaeocystis is the dominant species.  相似文献   
We examine the physical processes of radiatively driven mass accretion on to galactic nuclei, owing to intensive radiation from circumnuclear starbursts. The radiation from a starburst not only causes the inner gas disc to contract via radition flux force, but also extracts angular momentum owing to relativistic radiation drag, thereby inducing an avalanche of the surface layer of the disc. To analyse such a mechanism, the radiation–hydrodynamical equations are solved, including the effects of the radiation drag force as well as the radiation flux force. As a result, it is found that the mass accretion rate owing to the radiative avalanche is given by M ˙ ( r )= η ( L */ c 2)( r / R )2 (Δ R / R )(1 −  e −τ) at radius r , where the efficiency η ranges from 0.2 up to 1, L * and R are respectively the bolometric luminosity and the radius of the starburst ring, Δ R is the extent of the emission regions, and τ is the face-on optical depth of the disc. In an optically thick regime, the rate depends upon neither the optical depth nor the surface mass density distribution of the disc. The present radiatively driven mass accretion may provide a physical mechanism which enables mass accretion from 100-pc scales down to ∼ parsec scales, and it may eventually be linked to advection-dominated viscous accretion on to a massive black hole. The radiation–hydrodynamical and self-gravitational instabilities of the disc are briefly discussed. In particular, the radiative acceleration possibly builds up a dusty wall, which 'shades' the nucleus in edge-on views. This provides another version of the model for the formation of an obscuring torus.  相似文献   
The early Cambrian pentamerous microfossil Olivooides/Punctatus in South China, which is characterized by a diagnostic stellate tubular apex, has been well-known for its almost complete development sequence that can be confidently traced from embryos and hatched juveniles, to conical adults. However, its zoological affinity remains highly controversial. Here we describe the internal microanatomic structures of the soft-body inside the peridermal theca of Olivooides multisulcatus Qian, 1977, including interradial pairs of tentacles, adradial and perradial frenula, perradial oral marginal lappets and twins of perradial gastric saccule-like humps as well as a circular velarium with striated coronal muscles. Particularly, one specimen shows bifurcated velarial canals along the bell aperture. Both the components of the soft-body and the external theca (or cyst) are arranged in perfect pentaradial symmetry. These characteristics are more compatible with those of living cubomedusans and co-occurring Cambrian athecate embryonic cubozoans. Concerning the presence of peridermal theca, Olivooides most likely represents an extinct thecate stem-group cubomedusae but devoid of both perradial eyes and specialized pedalia. The well-grown soft body inside the peridermal tube displays a set of mixed features of both polyp and medusa.  相似文献   
The summer distributions of planktonic microbial communities (heterotrophic and phtosynthetic bacteria, phtosynthetic and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliate plankton, and microphytoplankton) were compared between inner and outer areas of Lake Sihwa, divided by an artificial breakwater, located on the western coast of Korea, in September 2003. The semienclosed, inner area was characterized by hyposaline surface water (<17 psu), and by low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (avg. 0.4 mg L1) and high concentrations of inorganic nutrients (nitrogenous nutrients >36 μM, phosphate <4 μM) in the bottom layer. Higher densities of heterotrophic bacteria and nanoflagellates also occurred in the inner area than did in the outer area, while microphytoplankton (mainly diatoms) occurred abundantly in the outer area. A tiny tintinnid ciliate, Tintinnopsis nana, bloomed into more than 106 cells L1 at the surface layer of the inner area, while its abundance was much lower (103-104 cells L1) in the outer area of the breakwater. Ciliate abundance was highly correlated with heterotrophic bacteria (r = 0.886, p < 0.001) and heterotrophic flagellates (r = 0.962, p < 0.001), indicating that rich food availability may have led to theT. nana bloom. These results suggest that the breakwater causes the eutrophic environment in artificial lakes with limited flushing of enriched water and develops into abundant bacteria, nanoflagellates, and ciliates.  相似文献   
One possible approach to estimating the time interval between large-scale Tōnankai (Tōkai) and Nankai earthquakes on the Japan arc is sequential assimilation of crustal deformation data. We conducted numerical modeling of sequential assimilation using surface deformation calculated from earthquake generation cycle simulations along the Nankai Trough. To account for observation noise, we used measured ocean bottom pressure gauge data, excluding tidal modulation, from a station on the ocean bottom cable network Dense Oceanfloor Network System for Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Kumano basin. We used sequential importance sampling as our data assimilation method. We found that as the amount of data increased, the estimated time interval between the Tōnankai and Nankai earthquakes approached the “true” observed interval. In addition, the noise in the pressure gauge data was sufficiently small that simulated crustal deformation patterns could be distinguished for different time intervals.  相似文献   
We investigated the molecular composition (methane, ethane, and propane) and stable isotope composition (methane and ethane) of hydrate-bound gas in sediments of Lake Baikal. Hydrate-bearing sediment cores were retrieved from eight gas seep sites, located in the southern and central Baikal basins. Empirical classification of the methane stable isotopes (δ13C and δD) for all the seep sites indicated the dominant microbial origin of methane via methyl-type fermentation; however, a mixture of thermogenic and microbial gases resulted in relatively high methane δ13C signatures at two sites where ethane δ13C indicated a typical thermogenic origin. At one of the sites in the southern Baikal basin, we found gas hydrates of enclathrated microbial ethane in which 13C and deuterium were both highly depleted (mean δ13C and δD of –61.6‰ V-PDB and –285.4‰ V-SMOW, respectively). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of C2 δ13C–δD classification for hydrate-bound gas in either freshwater or marine environments.  相似文献   
Abstract– Planar deformation features (PDFs) and planar fractures (PFs) have been found and confirmed by optical microscope observations and microRaman spectroscopy in quartz grains from Mt. Oikeyama (Akaishi Mountains, Central Japan), for which the semicircular topographic feature of the ridge suggests a crater formed by an impact event. According to the optical microscope observations, a low shock pressure (8–10 GPa) is estimated by the occurrence of basal or ω PDFs leading to lack of multiple sets of PDFs. In addition, a new type of planar microstructure was found in several quartz grains. The microRaman characteristics of PDFs in quartz from Mt. Oikeyama show the amorphous state indicating the presence of weak broad bands at 400 and 800 cm?1 peak positions. These characteristics are indicative of PDFs that are limited to shocked quartz. This indicates an impact origin for distinct planar microstructures in quartz from Mt. Oikeyama.  相似文献   
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