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Initial isotopic ratios of strontium have been determined in some calc-alkali rocks of Sardinia. The values of these ratios are from 0.7044 and 0.7047 in two basalts, and from 0.7063 to 0.7081 in five andesites. A dacite and a rhyolite have intermediate values of 0.7056 and 0.7058.It is suggested that increase of radiogenic strontium in andesite is most likely related to a contamination process involving water expelled from an underthrusting plate. This water also contributes to the increase in the potassium and related trace element contents in andesites.In spite of the87Sr86Sr difference between basalt and andesite, a cogenetic relationship between these two kinds of rocks cannot be precluded  相似文献   
Petrographic and geochemical data are given for some basaltic rocks from the Koynaghat, Ambaghat and Panvel sections of the western Deccan volcanic province. This study confirms geochemical features established earlier for the Deccan basalts but brings out minor additional characters. Mineralogical and major-element compositions of the basaltic flows from the Koyna and Panvel sections indicate tholeiitic affinity; the Ambaghat flows exhibit a slight affinity towards alkali basalt. Rare earth element (REE) distribution patterns and trace-element abundances suggest minor fractionation of olivine and plagioclase during the evolution of the flows. The general similarity of chemical and mineralogical features over a wide area and the lack of conspicuous inter-element relationships suggest that the flows reflect the combined effects of partial melting, minor mineral fractionation and selective crustal contamination.  相似文献   
We report the following new40Ar/39Ar ages: 130–150 and 90–100 Ma from monzodiorite and tremolite-actinolite schist of the Kohistan Complex; 44±0.5, 39.7±0.2 Ma from dikes cutting the Ladakh-Deosai Batholith Complex; 130–145 Ma from a diorite in the Shyok melange; and 7.8±0.1 Ma from a late stage monzogranite of the Kärakorum Batholith. A 261±13 Ma age from gneiss of the Karakorum Batholith is of uncertain significance. These dates, previously published ones which we summarize here, and some Sr isotope data suggest the following, (due to subduction switching between the Indian and Asian margins during closing of the Tethys ocean): Late Cretaceous emplacement of the Dras-Kohistan Cretaceous Island arc, followed by rapid cooling between abut 85 and 45 Ma. A quiet phase tectonically on the northern Indian plate during the Palaeocene to early Eocene, when subduction was occurring on the Asian margin. Further southward thrusting of the Indian continental margin associated with the development of an Andean-type arc (the Ladakh-Desosai Batholiths) on the northern Indian margin during the Eocene. An Oligocene Andean arc (the Karakorum Batholiths) on the Asian margin, followed by Miocene collision of the two continents and intrusion of ‘true’ granites derived from partial melting of continental crust.  相似文献   
Magnetic field and plasma data from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft on the outbound portions of the first (M1) and second (M2) flybys of Mercury reveal a region of depressed magnetic field magnitude and enhanced proton fluxes adjacent to but within the magnetopause, which we denote as a dayside boundary layer. The layer was present during both encounters despite the contrasting dayside magnetic reconnection, which was minimal during M1 and strong during M2. The overall width of the layer is estimated to be between 1000 and 1400 km, spanning most of the distance from the dayside planetary surface to the magnetopause in the mid-morning. During both flybys the magnetic pressure decrease was ∼1.6 nPa, and the width of the inner edge was comparable to proton gyro-kinetic scales. The maximum variance in the magnetic field across the inner edge was aligned with the magnetic field vector, and the magnetic field direction did not change markedly, indicating that the change in field intensity was consistent with an outward plasma-pressure gradient perpendicular to the magnetic field. Proton pressures in the layer inferred from reduced distribution observations were 0.4 nPa during M1 and 1.0 nPa during M2, indicating either that the proton pressure estimates are low or that heavy ions contribute substantially to the boundary-layer plasma pressure. If the layer is formed by protons drifting westward from the cusp, there should be a strong morning–afternoon asymmetry that is independent of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) direction. Conversely, if heavy ions play a major role, the layer should be strong in the morning (afternoon) for northward (southward) IMF. Future MESSENGER observations from orbit about Mercury should distinguish between these two possibilities.  相似文献   
We report here the results of a near-bottom geophysical survey of the Reykjanes Ridge, a mid-ocean ridge that is oriented obliquely to the perpendicular spreading direction. From a combination of the bathymetric profiles, side-scan sonar data, and regional bathymetric maps we infer that the present center of spreading is made up of a number of N15°E-trending en echelon ridge segments in the southern half of our survey area. Insufficient data prevent the identification of the spreading pattern in the northern half. The side-scan records show that the ridge flanks are highly fractured by inward-facing faults displaced 40 m or less and trending in a N21°E direction. The lack of side-scan features parallel to the spreading direction except in the southernmost portion of the survey area suggests that the ridge segments are not connected by transform faults in the usual sense. Although the mechanism by which en echelon ridge segments can be maintained during sea-floor spreading over time is unclear, similar patterns of crustal accretion have been reported on Iceland. It appears that the accretionary processes along the Reykjanes Ridge are more related to those of Iceland than to those of typical mid-ocean ridges.  相似文献   
We present a narrative of the eruptive events culminating in the cataclysmic January 15, 2022 eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano by synthesizing diverse preliminary seismic, volcanological, sound wave, and lightning data available within the first few weeks after the eruption occurred. The first hour of eruptive activity produced fast-propagating tsunami waves, long-period seismic waves, loud audible sound waves, infrasonic waves, exceptionally intense volcanic lightning and an unsteady volcanic plume that transiently reached—at 58 ?km—the Earth's mesosphere. Energetic seismic signals were recorded worldwide and the globally stacked seismogram showed episodic seismic events within the most intense periods of phreatoplinian activity, and they correlated well with the infrasound pressure waveform recorded in Fiji. Gravity wave signals were strong enough to be observed over the entire planet in just the first few hours, with some circling the Earth multiple times subsequently. These large-amplitude, long-wavelength atmospheric disturbances come from the Earth's atmosphere being forced by the magmatic mixture of tephra, melt and gasses emitted by the unsteady but quasi-continuous eruption from 0402±1–1800 UTC on January 15, 2022. Atmospheric forcing lasted much longer than rupturing from large earthquakes recorded on modern instruments, producing a type of shock wave that originated from the interaction between compressed air and ambient (wavy) sea surface. This scenario differs from conventional ideas of earthquake slip, landslides, or caldera collapse-generated tsunami waves because of the enormous (~1000x) volumetric change due to the supercritical nature of volatiles associated with the hot, volatile-rich phreatoplinian plume. The time series of plume altitude can be translated to volumetric discharge and mass flow rate. For an eruption duration of ~12 ?h, the eruptive volume and mass are estimated at 1.9 ?km3 and ~2 900 ?Tg, respectively, corresponding to a VEI of 5–6 for this event. The high frequency and intensity of lightning was enhanced by the production of fine ash due to magma—seawater interaction with concomitant high charge per unit mass and the high pre-eruptive concentration of dissolved volatiles. Analysis of lightning flash frequencies provides a rapid metric for plume activity and eruption magnitude. Many aspects of this eruption await further investigation by multidisciplinary teams. It represents a unique opportunity for fundamental research regarding the complex, non-linear behavior of high energetic volcanic eruptions and attendant phenomena, with critical implications for hazard mitigation, volcano forecasting, and first-response efforts in future disasters.  相似文献   
We present results of study of the best-documented eruptions of Pavlof volcano in historic time. The 1986 eruptions were mostly Strombolian in character; a strong initial phase may have been Vulcanian. The 1986 activity erupted at least 8×106 m3 of feldspar-phyric basaltic andesite lava (SiO2=53–54%), and a comparable volume of wind-borne tephra. During the course of the eruption, 5300 explosion earthquakes occurred, the largest of which was equivalent to an M L =2.5 earthquake. Volcanic tremor was recorded for 2600 hours, and the strongest tremor was recorded out to a distance of 160 km and had an amplitude of at least 54 cm2 reduced displacement. The 1986 eruptions modified the structure of the vent area for the first time in over two decades. A possible pyroclastic flow was observed on 19 June 1986, the first time such a phenomenon has been observed at the volcano. Overall, the 1986 eruptions were the strongest and longest duration eruptions in historic time, and changed a temporal pattern of activity that had persisted from 1973–1984.  相似文献   
Geophysical observations demonstrate that the archipelagic apron surrounding the Marquesan hot-spot volcanoes is derived almost entirely from mass wasting processes. Seismic reflection and refraction data constrain the volume of the apron sediments to approximately 200,000 km3, with thicknesses reaching over 2 km in the deep portions of the moat near the edge of the volcanic edifice. Seismic velocities average 4 to 5 km s–1 in the sediments, and 6 km s–1 at the top of the underlying basement. Single channel seismic profiles show acoustically chaotic cores in the sediments of the apron, which are interpreted as debris flows from mass wasting events. We deduce that the apron is formed by catastrophic collapses that may involve volumes over 100 km3 tens to hundreds of times during the lifetime of a volcano. Comparison with similar data from the Hawaiian Islands yields the result that the total volume of volcanics and their derived sediments along the strike of the chains is only slightly smaller for the Marquesas, implying comparable eruption rates. However, the ratio of sediment to surface volcanic load is much larger for the latter, leading to an overfilled moat in the Marquesas and an underfilled moat at Hawaii. The much larger size of the Hawaiian islands can be explained as the combined effects of a higher thermal swell, loading a stiffer elastic plate, and proportionately less mass wasting.  相似文献   
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