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Evidence on the Paleozoic granitoids of the eastern part of the Central Asian Fold Belt (CAFB) was analyzed. A tectonic chart of orogenic belts was compiled. Sketch maps were constructed for the geodynamic settings of the formation of Paleozoic granitoids and the extensiveness of their occurrence. Two types of deep controlling structures were distinguished: zones of lithospheric faults and plumes, including the newly recognized Jiamusi-Bureya plume. It was sown that the distribution of large and superlarge Paleozoic ore deposits is related to these structures, primarily to plumes. Sites promising for large and superlarge deposits related to the Paleozoic granitoid magmatism were determined in the Russian Far East.  相似文献   
The kinetics of metamorphism of the Staroe Boriskino C2 chondrite heated at 450°C in an inert atmosphere of helium flow was investigated. After being heated at 450°C during 160 minutes one specimen was moreover heated for 10 minutes at 500°C. The phase distribution was determined by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and electron probe microanalysis.The material changes rapidly (1–2 minutes). As a result of dehydration, the iron of the phyllosilicate is oxidized, the charge compensation being realized through the removal of iron and magnesium cations with the formation of magnetite and forsterite. Upon 10 minutes additional heating at 500°C iron appears in the olivine structure, the degree of iron oxidation declines, and magnetite disappears. Possible trends of change of C2 chondrite material are:
The Northern, Central, and Southern zones are distinguished by stratigraphic, lithologic, and structural features. The Northern Zone is characterized by Upper Silurian–Lower Devonian sedimentary rocks, which are not known in other zones. They have been deformed into near-meridional folds, which formed under settings of near-latitudinal shortening during the Ellesmere phase of deformation. In the Central Zone, mafic and felsic volcanic rocks that had been earlier referred to Carboniferous are actually Neoproterozoic and probably Early Cambrian in age. Together with folded Devonian–Lower Carboniferous rocks, they make up basement of the Central Zone, which is overlain with a angular unconformity by slightly deformed Lower (?) and Middle Carboniferous–Permian rocks. The Southern Zone comprises the Neoproterozoic metamorphic basement and the Devonian–Triassic sedimentary cover. North-vergent fold–thrust structures were formed at the end of the Early Cretaceous during the Chukchi (Late Kimmerian) deformation phase.  相似文献   
Geotectonics - Detailed lithological, stratigraphic, and structural studies of the fold-thrust structures were conducted on New Siberia Island. We have established that the jointly deformed...  相似文献   
Based on the study of the deep Amur Plate border structure, seismogravimetric (density) and geoelectric sections of the plate lithosphere crossing geologically and seismically defined plate boundaries are compiled to construct a three-dimensional model of its lithosphere. The model demonstrates the almost ring structure of the plate with its inner part dipping for 50 km and uplifted fringing. The plate boundary zone consists of orogenic belts (Mongol-Okhotsk, Selenga-Stanovoi, Transbaikal, and Sikhote-Alin) and margins of the Siberian and North China platforms. The plate boundaries are described by mantle diapirism models with a largely bilateral inclined dip of its bordering belts.  相似文献   
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The predictability of the rate of seismicity and strong earthquakes of North America is assessed based on the catalog of the U.S. Geological...  相似文献   
The article considers problems related to the geological structure and geodynamic history of sedimentary basins of the Barents Sea. We analyze new seismic survey data obtained in 2005–2016 to refine the geological structure model for the study area and to render it in more detail. Based on the data of geological surveys in adjacent land (Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land, and Kolguev Island), drilling, and seismic survey, we identified the following geodynamic stages of formation of the East Barents megabasin: Late Devonian rifting, the onset of postrift sinking and formation of the deep basin in Carboniferous–Permian, unique (in terms of extent) and very rapid sedimentation in the Early Triassic, continued thermal sinking with episodes of inversion vertical movements in the Middle Triassic–Early Cretaceous, folded pressure deformations that formed gently sloping anticlines in the Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic, and glacial erosion in the Quaternary. We performed paleoreconstructions for key episodes in evolution of the East Barents megabasin based on the 4-AR regional profile. From the geometric modeling results, we estimated the value of total crustal extension caused by Late Devonian rifting for the existing crustal model.  相似文献   
The penetration of fluid flow through cooling horizons resulted in the condensation of the gaseous phase in the course of chemical reactions of natural hydrocarbon synthesis (HS) owing to the occurrence of simple postmagmatic fluid compounds (H2, CO2, H2S). In practice it is possible to use aerospace infrared remote sensing to search for hydrocarbon deposits genetically associated with cooling horizons.  相似文献   
This paper describes a method for estimating the predictability of the seismicity rate for volcanic edifices. The mathematical model is a nonlinear second-order differential equation, with our own algorithms for optimization and for estimating predictability. The method is illustrated by the 1964 eruption on Shiveluch Volcano. Calculations showed that the seismicity rate can be predicted with success for a time interval ranging between a few days and a few tens of days during the active phase and between a few tens of days and a few hundreds of days during the decay phase. The level of predictability is rather high, with the prediction distance exceeding the mean error by two to four orders of magnitude. The nonlinear character of both the active phase of the process and of its decay phase is close to the law of an equilateral hyperbola. The method, as developed in this paper, allows a realistic approach to the prediction of that part of the volcanic process which involves brittle deformation and/or rapid displacements of material along the newly arisen cracks.  相似文献   
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