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This paper evaluated the impacts of mounds created by the plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) on the vege- tation composition, structure, and species diversity of an alpine Kobresia steppe meadow in Nagqu County, Tibet Autonomous Region, China. Based on mound height or the depth of erosion pit, we defined five stages of erosion and compared the floristic features of communities at these stages with those in undisturbed sites. In the study area, the mounds and pits covered up to 7% of the total area. Lancea tibetica, Lamiophlomis rotata, and Potentilla bifurca were the dominant species in erosion pits, and Kobresia pygmaea, the dominant species in undisturbed sites, became a com- panion species in eroded areas. In the process of erosion, the original vegetation was covered by soil ejected by the pika, then the mounds were gradually eroded by wind and rain, and finally erosion pits formed. The vegetation coverage in- creased with increasing erosion stages but remained significantly lower than that in undisturbed sites. Improved coverage eventually reduced soil erosion, and pit depth eventually stabilized at around 20cm. Aboveground biomass increased with increasing erosion stage, but the proportion of low-quality forage reached more than 94%. The richness index and Shannon-Wiener index increased significantly with increasing erosion stage, but the richness index in mound and pit areas was significantly lower than that in undisturbed sites.  相似文献   
Six species of more than 20-year-old desert woody plants in the oasis-desert ecotone were selected for study. The results showed that: (1) in different growing seasons δ13C values of assimilating organ varied between -14%. and -16%. for Haloxylon ammodendron (HA),-14%. - -15%. for Calligonum mongolicum (CM) and -25%. - -28%. for Caragana korshinskii (CK), Nitraria sphaerocarpa (NS) and Hedysarum scoparium (HS). (2) The net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of HA and CM was significantly higher than those of the other species. With the decrease in Pn for the six species, their intercellular CO2 concentration increased, but stomatal limitation value decreased under the intensive light. At the same time, the photochemical efficiency of PS II dropped to different degrees. (3) The CO2 enrichment experiment demonstrated that, Pn of HA and CM increased to different extent under 450 μmol/mol, but their Pn reduced or approximated to the current condition under 650 μmol/mol. Under 450 μmol/mol the efficiency for solar energy utilization of CK and HS significantly reduced and under 650 μmol/mol their respiration rate exceeded photosynthesis rate. It can be concluded that HA and CM have some function of pathway for C4 but the other three species have the function for C3. The decline in their Pn is mainly caused by non-stomatal factors. HA, CM, CK and HS exhibited photoinhibition, which disappeared in a short time. This is a kind of positive readjustment to adapting to the desert environment. HA and CM can adapt to the high CO2 environment, but CK and HS cannot. With the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate warming, the latter two species in the oasis-desert ecotone may be gradually degraded or even disappear.  相似文献   
为了深入了解和探讨西藏沙化土地治理区的植物群落的结构类型、组织水平和稳定程度,根据西藏雅鲁藏布江河谷沙地山南市全国防沙治沙综合示范区20个样地的调查资料,分析了西藏山南市全国防沙治沙综合示范区植物群落物种多样性特征。结果表明:西藏山南市全国防沙治沙综合示范区的植物有34种,藏沙蒿(Artemisia wellbyi)、花棒(Hedysarum scoparium)、桑(Morus alba)、沙打旺(Astragalus adsurgens)和沙蒿(Artemisia desertorum)占优势地位。综合示范区固沙植被平均盖度为31.6%±13.1%;平均生长高度为41.2±19.9 cm;平均生长密度为4.6±4.7株·m-2。植物群落物种多样性H指数平均为0.99±0.54;物种多样性D指数平均为2.55±1.37;物种均匀度平均为1.76±0.75。  相似文献   

Six species of more than 20-year-old desert woody plants in the oasis-desert ecotone were selected for study. The results showed that: (1) in different growing seasons δ13C values of assimilating organ varied between -14%. and -16%. for Haloxylon ammodendron (HA),-14%. - -15%. for Calligonum mongolicum (CM) and -25%. - -28%. for Caragana korshinskii (CK), Nitraria sphaerocarpa (NS) and Hedysarum scoparium (HS). (2) The net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of HA and CM was significantly higher than those of the other species. With the decrease in Pn for the six species, their intercellular CO2 concentration increased, but stomatal limitation value decreased under the intensive light. At the same time, the photochemical efficiency of PS II dropped to different degrees. (3) The CO2 enrichment experiment demonstrated that, Pn of HA and CM increased to different extent under 450 μmol/mol, but their Pn reduced or approximated to the current condition under 650 μmol/mol. Under 450 μmol/mol the efficiency for solar energy utilization of CK and HS significantly reduced and under 650 μmol/mol their respiration rate exceeded photosynthesis rate. It can be concluded that HA and CM have some function of pathway for C4 but the other three species have the function for C3. The decline in their Pn is mainly caused by non-stomatal factors. HA, CM, CK and HS exhibited photoinhibition, which disappeared in a short time. This is a kind of positive readjustment to adapting to the desert environment. HA and CM can adapt to the high CO2 environment, but CK and HS cannot. With the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate warming, the latter two species in the oasis-desert ecotone may be gradually degraded or even disappear.

Six species of more than 20-year-old desert woody plants in the oasis-desert ecotone were selected for study. The results showed that: (1) in different growing seasons δ13 C values of assimilating organ varied between -14‰ and -16‰ for Haloxylon ammodendron (HA),-14‰ - -15‰ for Calligonum mongolicum (CM) and -25‰ - -28‰ for Caragana korshinskii (CK), Nitraria sphaerocarpa (NS) and Hedysarum scoparium (HS). (2) The net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of HA and CM was significantly higher than those of the other species. With the decrease in Pn for the six species, their intercellular CO2 concentration increased, but stomatal limitation value decreased under the intensive light. At the same time, the photochemical efficiency of PS Ⅱ dropped to different degrees. (3) The CO2 enrichment experiment demonstrated that, Pn of HA and CM increased to different extent under 450 μmol/mol, but their Pn reduced or approximated to the current condition under 650 μmol/mol. Under 450 μmol/mol the efficiency for solar energy utilization of CK and HS significantly reduced and under 650 μmol/mol their respiration rate exceeded photosynthesis rate. It can be concluded that HA and CM have some function of pathway for C4, but the other three species have the function for C3. The decline in their Pn is mainly caused by non-stomatal factors. HA, CM, CK and HS exhibited photoinhibition, which disappeared in a short time. This is a kind of positive readjustment to adapting to the desert environment. HA and CM can adapt to the high CO2 environment, but CKand HS cannot. With the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate warming, the latter two species in the oasis-desert ecotone may be gradually degraded or even disappear.  相似文献   
文蛤、青蛤和四角蛤蜊的随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)的比较分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术,对吕四海区的三种重要的水产贝类:文蛤、青蛤和四角蛤蜊的遗传多样性进行了分析和比较。用60个随机引物对三种贝类共24个样品进行随机扩增,从中选取了45个扩增效果比较稳定的引物用于群体分析,共得到了250个位点。根据Nei氏公式计算出3种贝类种间和种内的遗传相似性指数和相对遗传距离,并进行聚类分析。通过比较分析,3种贝类之间的遗传距离差异不大。相对与青蛤和四角蛤蜊,文蛤种内的遗传距离要小。  相似文献   
条斑紫菜丝状孢子体cDNA文库构建及抗病相关基因鉴定   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
经过微量总 RNA抽提、c DNA合成、c DNA扩增和克隆等步骤 ,构建了微量条斑紫菜丝状孢子体 c DNA文库 ,并进行了小规模表达序列标签分析。从 1 70条标签序列中鉴定出 6条抗病相关基因序列。这些序列可用于研制抗病单核苷酸多态性标记 ,辅助紫菜抗性遗传改良。  相似文献   
西藏日喀则江当及其毗邻地区植被组成特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西藏河谷风沙地貌最为发育的日喀则宽谷段及其毗邻山地植被的植物区系组成表现为日益旱化和寒化过程中发生的温性中旱生、旱中生植物为主,带有北温带区系成份性质。由于区系发展的时间短,属的分化显得微弱,形成许多寡种、属的科。其植被受基质及水热条件再分配的影响表现为明显的垂直性分异。以上述分析为基础,砂生槐等为主的河谷沙地植被的特点得以重点讨论。  相似文献   
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