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 The yearly nutrient supply from land and atmosphere to the study area in SW Kattegat is 10 900 tons of N and 365 tons of P. This is only few percent of the supply from adjacent marine areas, as the yearly transport through the study area is 218 000 tons of N and 18 250 tons of P. Yearly net deposition makes up 1340 tons of N (on average 2.5 g m–2 yr–1) and 477 ton of P (on average 0.9 g m–2 yr–1). Shallow-water parts of the study area have no net deposition because of frequent (>35% of the year) resuspension. Resuspension frequency in deep water is <1% of the year. Resuspension rates, as averages for the study area, are 10–17 times higher than net deposition rates. Because of resuspension, shallow-water sediments are coarse lag deposits with small amounts of organic matter (1.1%) and nutrients (0.04% N and 0.02% P). Deep-water sediments, in contrast, are fine grained with high levels of organic matter (11.7%) and nutrients (0.43% N and 0.15% P). Laboratory studies showed that resuspension changes the diffusive sediment water fluxes of nutrients, oxygen consumption, and penetration into the sediment. Fluxes of dissolved reactive phosphate from sediment to water after resuspension were negative in organic-rich sediments (13.2% organic matter) with low porosity (56) and close to zero in coarse sediments with a low organic matter content (2.3%) and high porosity (73). Fluxes of inorganic N after resuspension were reduced to 70% and 0–20% in relation to the rates before resuspension, respectively. Received: 10 July 1995 · Accepted: 19 January 1996  相似文献   
The stochastic properties of the drag force maxima on a circular cylinder subjected to nonlinear random waves are investigated. Unseparated laminar high Reynolds number flow is considered. A simplified approach based on second order Stokes waves is presented, including the sum-frequency effect only. It is demonstrated how a drag force formula valid for regular linear waves can be used to find the cumulative distribution function of individual drag force maxima for nonlinear irregular waves. Here the [Wang, 1968] drag force coefficient is used.  相似文献   
We present new high-precision CA-ID-TIMS and in situ U–Pb ages together with Hf and O isotopic analyses (analyses performed all on the same grains) from four tuffs from the 15?10 Ma Bruneau–Jarbidge center of the Snake River Plain and from three rhyolitic units from the Kimberly borehole in the neighboring 10?6 Ma Twin Falls volcanic center. We find significant intrasample diversity in zircon ages (ranges of up to 3 Myr) and in δ18O (ranges of up to 6‰) and εHf (ranges of up to 24 ε units) values. Zircon rims are also more homogeneous than the associated cores, and we show that zircon rim growth occurs faster than the resolution of in situ dating techniques. CA-ID-TIMS dating of a subset of zircon grains from the Twin Falls samples reveals complex crystallization histories spanning 104–106 years prior to some eruptions, suggesting that magma genesis was characterized by the cyclic remelting of buried volcanic rocks and intrusions associated with previous magmatic episodes. Age-dependent trends in zircon isotopic compositions show that rhyolite production in the Yellowstone hotspot track is driven by the mixing of mantle-derived melts (normal δ18O and εHf) and a combination of Precambrian basement rock (normal δ18O and εHf down to ??60) and shallow Mesozoic and Cenozoic age rocks, some of which are hydrothermally altered (to low δ18O values) by earlier stages of Snake River Plain magmatism. These crustal melts hybridize with juvenile basalts and rhyolites to produce the erupted rhyolites. We also observe that the Precambrian basement rock is only an important component in the erupted magmas in the first eruption at each caldera center, suggesting that the accumulation of new intrusions quickly builds an upper crustal intrusive body which is isolated from the Precambrian basement and evolves towards more isotopically juvenile and lower-δ18O compositions over time.  相似文献   
The processes acting on a longitudinal dune are inferred from the response in the area size-sorting characteristics of the sediment of the active layer. The sediment size distributions are determined by settling and are best described by a log-hyperbolic model which provides the most information on size-sorting processes. Size-sorting characteristics are markedly different across the low round-crested part of the dune from cross-sections of the high more sharp-crested part. This results in changes in textural parameters along the lee-side consistent with changes in the lee-side separation vortex. This is the first time that the effect of wind speed up on the lee-side is observed to be reflected in the sediment; it can only be detected with the very sensitive log-hyperbolic parameters.  相似文献   
Harzburgite and dunite from the Oman ophiolite display a strong olivine fabric and microstructures typical for high temperature mantle deformation. The syntectonic, magmatically formed, chromitites occurring throughout the mantle sequence vary from almost undeformed (resembling chromitite from stratiform complexes) to highly deformed. Usually the interstitial silicates in the deformed ore possess a fabric similar to those of the host rocks, whereas a weak or poikilitic fabric is observed on relatively undeformed deposits. Chromite grains are elongated and flattened, defining strong foliations and lineations, in disseminated ore, and pull-apart-like structures perpendicular to the lineation form in the coarser massive ore. No preferred crystallographic orientation of chromite has been detected with the X-ray-texture goniometer, and it is proposed that chromite mainly deforms by passive rotation in the weaker silicate matrix, cataclasis and diffusion creep.
Zusammenfassung Die Dunite und Harzburgite, die im Ophiolit des Oman auftreten, zeigen ein Olivingefüge und Mikrostrukturen, die typisch sind für Manteldeformationen bei hohen Temperaturen. Die syntektonischen, magmatisch gebildeten Chromitite sind über die gesamte Abfolge der Mantelgesteine zu finden. Das Ausmaß der Deformation der Chromitite reicht von gering bis stark. Fast undeformierte Chromitite gleichen denen stratiformer Komplexe. Im deformierten Erz zeigen die in Zwickeln auftretenden Silikatminerale im allgemeinen ein ähnliches Gefüge wie das Wirtsgestein; in relativ undeformierten Vorkommen zeigen sie ein schwaches oder poikilitisches Gefüge. Die Chromitkörner haben einen plattigen Habitus und bilden im Sprenkelerz ein deutliches Flächen- und Lineargefüge. Im grobkörnigen Derberz entstehen hingegen Dehnungsstrukturen (pull-apart textures) senkrecht zur Lineation. Röntgentexturgoniometrische Untersuchungen ergaben keine Regelung des Chromits, und es wird daher angenommen, daß der Chromit aufgrund passiver Rotation in der schwächeren Silikatmatrix deformiert wurde, weiterhin kommen auch Kataklase und Diffusionsmechanismen in Frage.

Résumé Les dunites et harzburgites du complexe ophiolitique d'Oman présentent une forte fabrique de l'olivine et des microstructures typiques de déformations mantelliques de haute température. Les chromitites, d'origine magmatique syntectomque, qui se trouvent le long de la séquence mantellique varient entre des termes presque non déformés (ressemblant aux chromitites des complexes stratiformes) jusqu'à des termes très déformés. Les silicates interstitiels du minerai déformé présentent fréquemment une fabrique semblable à celle des minéraux de la roche hôte alors que l'on observe une fabrique peu développée ou bien une texture poecilitique dans les minerais des gisements relativement peu déformés. Les cristaux de chromite sont allongés et aplatis, définissant une foliation et une linéation très marquées dans les minerais disséminés; des structures d'étirement (pull-apart) perpendiculaires à la linéation apparaissent dans les minerais plus massifs. Aucune orientation cristallographique préferentielle n'a pu être mise en évidence au goniomètre de texture; on propose donc que la chromite se déforme principalement par rotation passive dans une matrice silicatée plus fragile, par cataclase et par fluage-diffusion.

, , , . , . . . , , , -: , . , (pull apart textures), . . , ; , , .
Dense profile-oriented resistivity data allows for 2D and 3D inversions. However, huge amounts of data make it practically impossible to do full 2D or 3D inversions on a routine basis. Therefore, a number of approximations have been suggested over the years to speed up computations. We suggest using a combination of Broyden's update on the Jacobian matrix with derivatives calculated using a 1D formulation on a parameterized 2D model of locally 1D layered models. The approximations bring down the effective number of 2D forward responses to a minimum, which again gives us the ability to invert very large sections. Broyden's update is not as useful with a parameterized problem as is the case with a smooth minimum structure problem that has been the usual application. 1D derivatives, however, seem to be very effective when initiating a full 2D solution with Broyden's update. We compare the different methods using two different kinds of data on two synthetic models and on two field examples. The most effective and reliable optimization combines 1D derivatives with a full 2D solution and Broyden's update. When using Broyden's update the Jacobian matrix needs to be reset every once in a while. We do this whenever the difference in data residual from the previous iteration is less than 5%. This combined inversion method reduces the computation time approximately a factor of 3 without losing model resolution.  相似文献   
A geochemically and mineralogically diverse group of granitoids is present within an area of 900 km2 in the southern Snake Range of eastern Nevada. The granitoids exposed range in age from Jurassic through Cretaceous to Oligocene and include two calcic intrusions, two different types of two-mica granites, and aplites. The younger intrusions appear to have been emplaced at progressively more shallow depths. All of these granitoid types are represented elsewhere in the eastern Great Basin, but the southern Snake Range is distinguished by the grouping of all these types within a relatively small area. The Jurassic calcic pluton of the Snake Creek-Williams Canyon area displays large and systematic chemical and mineralogical zonation over a horizontal distance of five km. Although major element variations in the pluton compare closely with Daly's average andesite-dacite-rhyolite over an SiO2 range of 63 to 76 percent, trace element (Rb, Sr, Ba) variations show that the zonation is the result of in situ fractional crystallization, with the formation of relatively mafic cumulates on at least one wall of the magma chamber. Models of trace element and isotopic data indicate that relatively little assimilation took place at the level of crystallization. Nonetheless, an initial 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.7071 and δ 18O values of 10.2 to 12.2 permil suggest a lower crustal magma that was contaminated by upper crustal clastic sedimentary rocks before crystallization. The involvement of mantle-derived magmas in its genesis is difficult to rule out. Two other Jurassic plutons show isotopic and chemical similarities to the Snake Creek-Williams Canyon pluton. Cretaceous granites from eastern Nevada that contain phenocrystic muscovite are strongly peraluminous, and have high initial Sr-isotope ratios and other features characteristic of S-type granitoids. They were probably derived from Proterozoic metasediments and granite gneisses that comprise the middle crust of this region. Another group of granitoids (including the Tertiary aplites) show chemical, mineralogic, and isotopic characteristics intermediate between the first two groups and may have been derived by contamination of magmas from the lower crust by the midcrustal metasediments.  相似文献   
Characteristics of Danish estuaries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We review various aspects of the structure and functioning of Danish estuaries from data collected by the National Monitoring Program and from information in published sources. We present data on the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of estuaries in Denmark, we evaluate the functioning of these systems as filters and transformers of nutrients and we evaluate the outlook for Danish estuaries in the future. Danish estuarine systems are for the most part shallow (<3 m deep), have short residence times, and tend to be heavily loaded with nutrients primarily from agricultural sources. Total average loads from land per unit watershed area are 112 kg P km?2 yr?1 and 2,400 kg N km?2 yr?1 during the period 1989–1995. The total phosphorus (TP) load in estuaries has been significantly reduced over the last decade, following implementation of the 1987 Action Plan for the Aquatic Environment (Vandmiljøplan in Danish) that prescribed that nitrogen loads to the total aquatic environment should be reduced by 50% and phosphorus loads by 80%. Reductions in the total nitrogen (TN) load have been more modest. Nutrient loading is one of the primary determinants of estuarine nutrient concentration with 70% of the annual variation in TN concentration and 55% of the annual variation in TP concentration explained by variation in the load. Many Danish estuaries have rich communities of macrophytes and benthic filter feeders, such asMytlis edulis andCiona intestinalis, that can control water column chlorophyll concentrations by their filter feeding activities. Many of the estuaries experience hypoxia and anoxia, especially during warm and calm summer months. Further reductions in nutrient loading are expected following implementation of the Action Plan for the Aquatic Environment II, with predicted improvements in oxygen concentrations and in the functioning of these shallow, dynamic estuarine systems.  相似文献   
Land reclamation in Egypt: A study of life in the new lands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For decades, Egypt has tried to increase its agricultural area through reclamation of desert land. The significance of land reclamation goes beyond the size of the reclaimed area and number of new settlers and has been important to Egyptian agricultural policies since the 1952-revolution. This paper examines from a micro-perspective, the life of Egyptians resettled in the new lands. The first part of the paper provides an introduction to the discourses of land reclamation, to the policies of reclaimed land distribution, and to the background of the settlers. The second part is based on fieldwork in a village in the new lands; it is inhabited by graduates who have received land under the Mubarak Project. The analysis shows that they move there in hope of making a better life especially for their children. Nevertheless, the settlers have difficulties building a sense of belonging to the new villages, and lack of good schools and other public services may cause families to split up. For some, however, resettlement in the new lands entails new social and economic possibilities. The paper concludes that while land reclamation may not be ecologically or economic sustainable, the new lands provide settlers with new opportunities.  相似文献   
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