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Ocean Science Journal - Recently, there have been recorded findings of the pleustonic siphonophore Physalia physalis Linnæus, 1758, in different regions of Algeria. Several colonies washed...  相似文献   
The main objective of the research work isthe homogenisation of the two recentAlgerian earthquake catalogues for thecommon covered period of time, from 1900 to1990, for the region under considerationlimited by [33°N–38°N,4°E-9.5°E] and the updatingof the catalogue for the twentieth century(1900–2000). To mitigate the deficiencyof the incompleteness of catalogue, aneffort was made to establish a correlationbetween surface-wave magnitude Ms andbody-wave magnitude mb in the form ofMs = a + b (mb). A complete, exact andhomogeneous earthquake catalogue as much aspossible, comprising 870 seismic events,has been compiled. Seismicity analysis ofthe region shows a strong concentration ofseismicity along a band of no more than400 km width oriented mainly in theeast-west direction parallel to the coast.Moreover, earthquakes in this zone arerather associated to strike-slip mechanism.The focal mechanism show a regional stressregime that corresponds to horizontalcompression in NW-SE to N-S direction. As aresult of the review of the seismicity ofnorth-eastern Algeria from the compilationof checked and corrected data and itscorrelation with other geologic andgeophysical investigations based ondocumentary sources, it was possible toconstruct a most complete seismotectonicmap. It leads also to delineate fourseismogenic zones in the Tellian Atlas, aless important zone in the Saharan Atlas, asixth zone at the boundary of both Atlasand finally, a seventh one along thecoastal zone. The seismicity-active faultscorrelation of some of these defined zonesis examined in details with a specialattention to the Saharan Atlas zone, theHodna and Biban zone as well as Soummam andBabor zone where further research workallowed to find some neotectonic featuresconsidered as a significant sign of recenttectonic activity.  相似文献   
An earthquake catalogue covering the period1716–2000, comprising 2430 events, has beencompiled for the region lying between3°W-9°E and 31°N-38°N. It results fromraw data of IGN, ISC, USGS and Algeriansources, enabling an input consisting oforigin time H, geographical coordinates(longitude and latitude) and at least one of thefollowing parameters: surface wavemagnitude Ms, body wave magnitude Mb,epicentral intensities Io. Empiricalrelations permit transformations of Mb andMs into Io. The output consists in H,, , Ms, Mb, Io, and focal depth h whichis fixed to 10 km. The number ofevents falls to 1458 characterised by Ms 3.3 and Mb 3.6, or Io III. The fixed depth is suggested by thebest documented Algerian macroseismic mapsthat also lead to an empirical intensityattenuation law. A first application ofthis catalogue allows the drawing up of anupdated Seismicity and a MaximalCalculated Intensities (MCI) Maps ofAlgeria. The MCI map is obtained by usingthe empirical attenuation law: theintensities inferred by the whole eventsconstituting the catalogue are computed atnodes of a 5×5-km grid covering the area ofstudy. The corresponding maximum value isassigned to each node. The MCI map producedthat way gives precise spatial informationin comparison with Maximum ObservedIntensities (MOI) maps obtained in previousmacroseismic studies. This document may beuseful in mapping the seismic hazard inNorthern Algeria, without attachingprobabilities to ground-motionparameters.  相似文献   
This paper presents an improved model for mapping both hourly and daily values of the global radiation reaching the earth’s surface from satellite data over Algeria. An empirical model with a large spectral band using Linke atmospheric turbidity was chosen to modeling the clear-sky global radiation. The extinction of the solar radiation (absorption plus scattering) is described by an exponential decay function of the cloud albedo and cloud index. To compute these two parameter, we resolve the sun-pixel-satellite radiative model equation using the following hypothesizes. The first one supposes the total transmittance of the atmospheric in the pixel-satellite direction as the ratio of the direct radiation in real sky to the same quantity in case of a very clean sky. The second one estimates that the noise energy reflected back towards the radiometer by molecules of gases in the upper levels of the atmosphere represents about 5 % of the energy measured by the radiometer. The model performance was validated for five radiometric stations across the country for three selected months in 2013 and satisfactory results were obtained and discussed.  相似文献   
Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr and Co pollution of El Melah lagoon waters near the city of Slimane in northwestern Tunisia was evaluated relative to identified human activity and waste repositories in the neighborhood. These metals were measured in lagoon waters and sediments, and in the potential pollutants, during two consecutive years for evaluation of their impact on the lagoon waters. A sequential extraction of the metals from sediments was designed to distinguish those potentially anthropogenic from those naturally scavenged by the sediments. This procedure allowed identification and quantification of the metals that are temporarily trapped, therefore contributing directly to the ecotoxicity of the lagoon waters, from those incorporated in the sediments. The highest supplies of Cr and Co to the lagoon waters come from El-Bey creek waters, while the wastewater treatment plant contributes for most of the Zn, and the urban garbage deposit for most of the Ni. Alternatively, the impact of the cultivated soils is minimal for the studied metals. In fact, Zn and Ni contents of the sediments amount 100 to 20 times less than in the present water, which is negligible. Cr is potentially the most polluting with contents up to ten times more in the sediments of the eastern lagoon pool and next to the outlet of the wastewater plant than in the waters. Potentially, contents of the anthropogenic Cu of the sediments amount 3–15 times less than in the lagoon waters.  相似文献   
The structure and the trophic interactions of the planktonic food web were investigated during summer 2004 in a coastal lagoon of south-western Mediterranean Sea. Biomasses of planktonic components as well as bacterial and phytoplankton production and grazing by microzooplankton were quantified at four stations (MA, MB, MJ and R) inside the lagoon. Station MA was impacted by urban discharge, station MB was influenced by industrial activity, station MJ was located in a shellfish farming sector, while station R represented the lagoon central area. Biomasses and production rates of bacteria (7–33 mg C m−3; 17.5–35 mg C m−3 d−1) and phytoplankton (80–299 mg C m−3; 34–210 mg C m−3 d−1) showed high values at station MJ, where substantial concentrations of nutrients (NO3 and Si(OH)4) were found. Microphytoplankton, which dominated the total algal biomass and production (>82%), were characterized by the proliferation of several chain-forming diatoms. Microzooplankton was mainly composed of dinoflagellates (Torodinium, Protoperidinium and Dinophysis) and aloricate (Lohmaniellea and Strombidium) and tintinnid (Tintinnopsis, Tintinnus, Favella and Eutintinnus) ciliates. Higher biomass of these protozoa (359 mg C m−3) was observed at station MB, where large tintinnids were encountered. Mesozooplankton mainly represented by Calanoida (Acartia, Temora, Calanus, Eucalanus, Paracalanus and Centropages) and Cyclopoida (Oithona) copepods, exhibited higher and lower biomasses at stations MA/MJ and MB, respectively. Bacterivory represented only 35% of bacterial production at stations MB and R, but higher fractions (65–70%) were observed at stations MA and MJ. Small heterotrophic flagellates and aloricate ciliates seemed to be the main controllers of bacteria. Pico- and nanophytoplankton represented a significant alternative carbon pool for micrograzers, which grazing represented 67–90% of pico- and nano-algal production in all stations. Microzooplankton has, however, a relatively low impact on microphytoplankton, as ≤45% of microalgal production was consumed in all stations. This implies that an important fraction of diatom production would be channelled by herbivorous meso-grazers to higher consumers at stations MA and MJ where copepods were numerous. Most of the microalgal production would, however, sink particularly at station MB where copepods were scare. These different trophic interactions suggest different food web structures between stations. A multivorous food web seemed to prevail in stations MJ and MA, whereas microbial web was dominant in the other stations.  相似文献   
Hydrochemical and isotopic data of waters from the Zéroud aquifer have been used to potentially provide a means for locating occurrences and to trace movements of a variety of natural and anthropogenic recharge waters in the Zéroud Basin, Central Tunisia. Geochemical data have been measured during the dam water release, from May to September 2005, with a sampling time step of 15 days. An implication of dam water has been demonstrated that is noticeable up along the main flow path to a distance of 10 km far from the injection site. Environmental isotopes 2H, 18O and 3H of water molecule were studied to investigate the effect of dam water on the hydrological system, and an isotope balance was established to compute the contribution of water storage component in groundwater. Based on isotopic mass balance, we assess that an average of 13% of total groundwater in the upper aquifer came from dam water storage. Three distinctive recharge waters in the aquifer can be determined. Water from local rainfall (pre-dam Zéroud River) that infiltrated into the boundaries of the Draa Affane Mountain was easily distinguished from the water influenced by anthropogenic recharge located in the Zéroud right rivulet. Distinguishable isotopic signatures of native wadi Zéroud recharge due to “recent lineal recharge” through the riverbed were also identified.  相似文献   
We use a combination of seismicity. tectonic features, focal mechanisms, seismic strain and postseismic movement to study the western part of North Algeria, the El Asnam region and its surrounding area in particular. A seismotectonic map of this part of Algeria, delimited by the Mediterranean Sea in the north and the Tellian mountains in the south, was built from available geological and seismological data. An examination of this map shows that the most significant earthquakes are concentrated along tectonic features and quaternary basins elongated in an east-west direction, suggesting NNW-SSE compressional movements. During the large El Asnam earthquake of 1980 October 10, M w= 7.1, vertical movement was measured along a 40 km northeast-southwest thrust fault. These movements were determined geodetically in 1981 with reference to a basic network previously measured in 1976. In order to control postseismic movement and to ensure the monitoring of the seismic area, a dense geodetic network has been regularly measured since 1986, both in planemetry and altimetry. The results of the altimetric remeasurements show significant vertical movements. The elevation changes of the benchmarks have been deduced from precise levelling measurements: a remarkable uplift (5.1 ± 1.9 mm yr−1) of the northwestern block, during the 1986-91 period has been observed, whereas the southeastern block is seen to be relatively stable. The Sar El Marouf anticline, situated along the central segment of the El Asnam surface breaks, appears to be growing with a maximum postseismic slip rate of (9.6 ± 1.4 mm yr−1). The mean uplift rates computed for the northwestern block support the view that the 1954 earthquake did not occur on the same reverse fault as the 1980 event.  相似文献   
Seismic events that occurred during the past half century in the Tellian Atlas, North Africa, are used to establish fundamental seismic empirical relations, tying earthquake magnitude to source parameters (seismic moment, fault plane area, maximal displacement along the fault, and fault plane length). Those empirical relations applied to the overall seismicity from 1716 to present are used to transform the magnitude (or intensity) versus time distribution into (1) cumulative seismic moment versus time, and (2) cumulative displacements versus time. Both of those parameters as well as the computed seismic moment rate, the strain rate along the Tellian Atlas strike, and various other geological observations are consistent with the existence, in the Tellian Atlas, of three distinct active tectonic blocks. These blocks are seismically decoupled from each other, thus allowing consideration of the seismicity as occurring in three different distinct seismotectonic blocks. The cumulative displacement versus time from 1900 to present for each of these tectonic blocks presents a remarkable pattern of recurrence time intervals and precursors associated with major earthquakes. Indeed, most major earthquakes that occurred in these three blocks might have been predicted in time. The Tellian Atlas historical seismicity from the year 881 to the present more substantially confirms these observations, in particular for the western block of the Tellian Atlas. Theoretical determination of recurrence time intervals for the Tellian Atlas large earthquakes using Molnar and Kostrov formalisms is also consistent with these observations. Substantial observations support the fact that the western and central Tellian Atlas are currently at very high seismic risk, in particular the central part. Indeed, most of the accumulated seismic energy in the central Tellian Atlas crust has yet to be released, despite the occurrence of the recent destructive May 2003 Boumerdes earthquake (M w = 6.8). The accumulated seismic energy is equivalent to a magnitude 7.6 earthquake. In situ stress and geodetic measurements, as well as other geophysical field data measurements, are now required to practically check the validity of those observations.  相似文献   
The plate dynamics in the central western Mediterranean region is characterised by a collision between the Eurasian and African plates. In response to this dynamics, many systems of faults and folds having a NE-SW and E-W trending have been generated along the Tellian Atlas of Algeria. The Oranie region (north western Algeria) has experienced some significant earthquakes in the last centuries, the most important one is that of Oran city on February 9th 1790, Io = XI which destroyed the town completely and caused the loss of many lives. Since 1790 no other event was so disastrous except that of August 18th 1994, Mw = 5.7, which struck Mascara province (Algeria) at 01 h 13 mn GMT. Since the beginning of this century the region has been dominated by a seismic quietness. Thus, no event with magnitude larger than 5.5 have occurred in this area. In relation with this recent event, a seismotectonic framework summarising the tectonic, seismicity and focal solution results is presented. The Maximum Observed Intensities Map (MOI) made for Algeria (Bezzeghoud et al., 1996) is also used to show that the Mascara region is located in an VIII-X intensity zone, which explain partially the casualties caused by the 18/08/1994 (Mw = 5.7) earthquake. This earthquake is not anomalous compared to historical records but is unusual compared to recorded seismicity of this century. The seismotectonic map made in this study and also the review of the focal solutions given by the EMSC, Harvard, and other authors shows that our event is probably associated with a source belonging to a system of faults located in the vicinity of the village of Hacine where the maximum damage was observed.  相似文献   
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