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Aspects of the reproductive biology of the brown mussel Perna perna at the Iture rocky beach near Cape Coast, Ghana, were studied from September 2014 to August 2015. The current study was aimed at providing information useful for managing the mussel fishery in this locality and also that would form the basis for designing appropriate culture methods for the species. Microscopic examination of fresh smears of gonadal material, as well as histological preparations of the gonad, were used to study the sexuality and breeding pattern of the species. Monthly gonadal and condition indices were also determined. Perna perna exhibited gonochoristic sexuality with a sex ratio of approximately 1:1 throughout the study period. Sexes were identifiable at shell lengths of 15.0–19.9 mm. Five stages of gonadal development were identified in both sexes. Gametogenic activity was continuous throughout the year, with two major spawning activities, from April to June and from August to December. These periods coincided with the major and minor rainy seasons, respectively, as well as the major upwelling period in August. Condition indices suggest that the mussels were in better condition for harvesting in March and August prior to the major spawning events.  相似文献   
The inhibition of marine nitrification by ocean disposal of carbon dioxide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an attempt to reduce the threat of global warming, it has been proposed that the rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations be reduced by the ocean disposal of CO2 from the flue gases of fossil fuel-fired power plants. The release of large amounts of CO2 into mid or deep ocean waters will result in large plumes of acidified seawater with pH values ranging from 6 to 8. In an effort to determine whether these CO2-induced pH changes have any effect on marine nitrification processes, surficial (euphotic zone) and deep (aphotic zone) seawater samples were sparged with CO2 for varying time durations to achieve a specified pH reduction, and the rate of microbial ammonia oxidation was measured spectrophotometrically as a function of pH using an inhibitor technique. For both seawater samples taken from either the euphotic or aphotic zone, the nitrification rates dropped drastically with decreasing pH. Relative to nitrification rates in the original seawater at pH 8, nitrification rates were reduced by ca. 50% at pH 7 and more than 90% at pH 6.5. Nitrification was essentially completely inhibited at pH 6. These findings suggest that the disposal of CO2 into mid or deep oceans will most likely result in a drastic reduction of ammonia oxidation rates within the pH plume and the concomitant accumulation of ammonia instead of nitrate. It is unlikely that ammonia will reach the high concentration levels at which marine aquatic organisms are known to be negatively affected. However, if the ammonia-rich seawater from inside the pH plume is upwelled into the euphotic zone, it is likely that changes in phytoplankton abundance and community structure will occur. Finally, the large-scale inhibition of nitrification and the subsequent reduction of nitrite and nitrate concentrations could also result in a decrease of denitrification rates which, in turn, could lead to the buildup of nitrogen and unpredictable eutrophication phenomena. Clearly, more research on the environmental effects of ocean disposal of CO2 is needed to determine whether the potential costs related to marine ecosystem disturbance and disruption can be justified in terms of the perceived benefits that may be achieved by temporarily delaying global warming.  相似文献   
Sea-surface microlayer samples were collected from six nearshore areas receiving different amounts of anthropogenic inputs. The samples were analyzed for selected trace metals, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The relative toxicities of the samples were determined with fish embryo bioassays.Contaminant concentrations generally increased from offshore to the inshore stations. Contaminant concentrations were several orders of magnitude higher in microlayer samples from the highly industrialized Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors compared to samples from a site 15km offshore. Microlayer samples from the inshore stations were significantly more toxic, and induced significantly more developmental abnormalities and chromosome aberrations, than samples from the offshore stations.  相似文献   
Hypoxia has been observed in Hood Canal, Puget Sound, WA, USA since the 1970s. Four long sediment cores were collected in 2005 and age-dated to resolve natural and post-urbanization signatures of hypoxia and organic matter (OM) sources in two contrasting basins of Puget Sound: Main Basin and Hood Canal. Paleoecological indicators used for sediment reconstructions included pollen, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (??13C and ??15N), biomarkers of terrestrial OM (TOM), biogenic silica (BSi), and redox-sensitive metals (RSM). The sedimentary reconstructions illustrated a gradient in RSM enrichment factors as Hood Canal > Main Basin, southern > northern cores, and pre-1900s > 1900?C2005. The urbanization of Puget Sound watersheds during the 1900s was reflected as shifts in all the paleoecological signatures. Pollen distributions shifted from predominantly old growth conifer to successional alder, dominant OM signatures recorded a decrease in the proportion of marine OM (MOM) concomitant with an increase in the proportion of TOM, and the weight % of BSi decreased. However, these shifts were not coincidental with an overall increase in the enrichment of RSM or ??15N signatures indicative of cultural eutrophication. The increased percentage of TOM was independently verified by both the elemental ratios and lignin yields. In addition, isotopic signatures, BSi, and RSMs all suggest that OM shifts may be due to a reduction in primary productivity rather than an increase in OM regeneration in the water column or at the sediment/water interface. Therefore, the reconstructions suggested the Hood Canal has been under a more oxygenated ??stance?? during the twentieth century compared to prior periods. However, these 2005 cores and their resolutions do not encompass the period of high resolution water column measurements that showed short-lived hypoxia events and fish kills in Hood Canal during the early twenty-first century. The decoupling between the increased watershed-scale anthropogenic alterations recorded in the OM signatures and the relatively depleted RSM during the twentieth century suggests that physical processes, such as deep-water ventilation, may be responsible for the historical variation in oxygen levels. Specifically, climate oscillations may influence the ventilation and/or productivity of deep water in Puget Sound and particularly their least mixed regions.  相似文献   
Aquatic surface microlayer contamination in chesapeake bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aquatic surface microlayer (SMIC), 50 μm thick, serves as a concentration point for metal and organic contaminants that have low water solubility or are associated with floatable particles. Also, the eggs and larvae of many fish and shellfish species float on, or come in contact with, the water surface throughout their early development. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the present degree of aquatic surface microlayer pollution at selected sites in Chesapeake Bay, and (2) to provide a preliminary evaluation of sources contributing to any observed contamination.Twelve stations located in urban bays, major rivers, and the north central bay were sampled three times, each at 5-day intervals during May 1986. Samples of 1.4–4.1 each were collected from the upper 30–60-μm water surface (surface microlayer, SMIC) using a Teflon-coated rotating drum microlayer sampler. One sample of subsurface water was collected in the central bay.At all stations, concentrations of metals, alkanes, and aromatic hydrocarbons in the SMIC were high compared with one bulk-water sample and with typical concentrations in water of Chesapeake Bay and elsewhere. SMIC contamination varied greatly among the three sampling times, but high mean contaminant levels (total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1.9–6.2 μg 1−1; Pb, 4.9–24 μg 1−1; Cu, 4–16 μg 1−1; and Zn, 34–59 μg 1−1) were found at the upper Potomac and northern bay sites. Three separate areas were identified on the basis of relative concentrations of different aromatic hydrocarbons in SMIC samples - the northern bay, the Potomac River, and the cleaner southern and eastern portions of the sampling area.Suspected sources of surface contamination include gasoline and diesel fuel combustion, coal combustion, and petroleum product releases. Concentrations of metals and hydrocarbons, at approximately half the stations sampled, are sufficient to pose a threat to the reproductive stages of some fish and shellfish. Sampling and analysis of the surface microlayer provides a sensitive tool for source identification and monitoring of potentially harmful aquatic pollution.  相似文献   
The solubility of natural 7Be from air particulate matter in seawater was determined as a function of time. Adsorption of the thus solubilized 7Be on a variety of substrates was investigated. 7Be appears to be strongly adsorbed on suspended matter and inorganic materials at high suspended loads (> 20 mg 1−1), but at natural levels (1 mg 1−1) is only partially adsorbed. Further, at natural concentrations of suspended matter, adsorption of 7Be appears to be directly proportional to suspended load. Because a non-steady-state flux of 7Be to the bottom could be expected over its 53-day half-life, 7Be may be a poor tracer of sedimentation rates and sediment redistribution processes.  相似文献   
Mortality of larval coon-stripe shrimp, Pandalus danae, was related to labile copper and the copper complexing capacity of sea water, as measured by differential pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV). In nominal treatments of control, 5 and 10μg/litre Cu which contained less than 1·0μg/litre ASV labile Cu, zoeal development was usually complete. In treatments of 20 and 50μg/litre Cu which contained more than 7·0μg/litre ASV labile Cu, most larvae died while in the first zoeal stage. ASV labile Cu was related to the copper complexing capacity of sea water. Copper toxicity at less than 1·0 μg/litre ASV labile Cu is indicated by moulting delay and apparent Cu accumulation in zoea of the 5 and 10μg/litre Cu nominal treatments.  相似文献   
Exposure of the crab Cancer productus to chlorinated seawater resulted in alterations in haemolymph sodium and magnesium concentrations. At the highest chlorination levels, which approached the 96-h LC50, regulation of both ions was essentially abolished. Reciprocal changes in the sodium and magnesium levels suggested an effect on the activity of the bladder wall, which has been implicated in the regulation of haemolymph magnesium in crustaceans.Additionally, exposure to 1·19 μg/ml applied Cl (0·68 μg/ml TRO) for 96 h resulted in a fourfold increase in the ammonia excretion rate. Crabs also contributed considerable chlorine demand to the exposure seawater. Measurements of TRO in the inhalant seawater and water exiting the crabs' branchial chambers indicated a reduction in TRO equivalent to 57% of that initially present in the inhalant water (0·51 μg/ml TRO).Measurements of ammonia concentrations in the exposure water indicated that ammonia in seawater was consumed in reactions with oxidants. This was especially evident at higher levels of chlorination. At 0·58 μg/ml applied Cl and above, chlorination resulted in near disappearance of ammonia from the water.  相似文献   
The elemental solubilities of three coal fly ash samples and two coastal marine-aerosol samples in seawater are different. The coal fly ash samples were collected from the electrostatic precipitators on coal-fired power plants. The air particulates were collected by a high-volume air sampler located near the Washington coast. Samples were neutron-activated then contacted with seawater for several hours. The elements that were partially solubilized from both fly ash and aerosols included As, Sb, Se, Br and Cr. Zinc and Co were more soluble in aerosols then fly ash.  相似文献   
Increased development and changing climate have enhanced global interest in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas. Using a large, 3-yr data base, we have determined the distribution of trace metals in sediments from the inner shelf of the western Beaufort Sea. Metal concentrations in these sediments reflect pristine conditions, consistent with those for most coastal areas in the Arctic and with predictions based on average continental crust. Geographic variations in metal values are primarily related to sediment grainsize distribution. However, grain-size patterns are a complex function of several variables including source areas, ice and water movement, as well as physical and chemical weathering. Future identification of any metal contamination in Beaufort Sea sediments will be simplified by understanding the predictable natural patterns.  相似文献   
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