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Quasi-electrostatic electron and ion-cyclotron instabilities are studied. The result indicates that the higher harmonic ion cyclotron instabilities (ICI) can be excited while the fast ions produced from reconnection are injected into a coronal loop. Part of the energetic ions can be dragged out of the magnetic mirror turning points and a negative plasma potential is generated. The plasma potential may directly accelerate the electrons up to the relativistic velocity within a short time. This acceleration is similar to the processes occurring in the magnetic mirror devices of controlled thermonuclear fusion. The spectrum and flux of accelerated electrons have also been obtained. Some observational results during the solar flare might be explained by this acceleration mechanism.  相似文献   
The paper is devoted to the conditions under which opacite rims developed around hornblende grains in andesite of the catastrophic eruption (March 30, 1956) of Bezymyannyi volcano, Kamchatka. The opacite rims were produced by a bimetasomatic reaction between hornblende and melt with the development of the following zoning: hornblende → Px + Pl + Ti-MagPx + PlPx → melt. Biometasomatic reaction was accompanied by the active removal of CaO from the rim, addition of SiO2, and more complicated behavior of other components. The hornblende also shows reactions of its volumetric decomposition under near-isochemical conditions. The opacite rims developed under isobaric conditions, at a pressure of approximately 6 kbar. The main reason for the instability of the hornblende was the heating of the magma chamber from 890 to 1005°C due to new hot magma portion injection. The time interval between the injection and the start of eruption was estimated from the thickness of the opacite rims and did not exceed 37 days. Hence, the March 30, 1956, eruption was not related to the volcanic activity in November of 1955 but to the injection of a fresh magma portion in February–March of 1956.  相似文献   
This paper presents a method to statistically predict the magnitude of impact pressure (including extreme values) produced by deep water waves breaking on a circular cylinder representing a column of an ocean structure. Breaking waves defined here are not those whose tops are blown off by the wind but those whose breaking is associated with steepness. The probability density function of wave period associated with breaking waves is derived for a specified wave spectrum, and then converted to the probability density function of impact pressure. Impacts caused by two different breaking conditions are considered; one is the impact associated with waves breaking in close proximity to the column, the other is an impact caused by waves approaching the column after they have broken. As an example of the application of the present method, numerical computations are carried out for a wave spectrum obtained from measured data in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   
Except the commonly selected pressure transfer function derived from the linear wave theory, a previous study on the pressure transfer function for recovering surface wave from underwater pressure transducer suggested that the pressure transfer function is a function of frequency parameter only. With careful analysis, this study showed that the pressure transfer function should include a transducer submergence parameter as that given by the linear theory. It was found that the previously suggested empirical formula should be restricted to measurements with the pressure transducer close to the surface; otherwise overestimation of wave height would result. Field measurements were carried out with an acoustic wave gauge and a synchronized pressure transducer located at various depths with submergence parameter close to 1 (near the sea floor). It was shown that the previous one-parameter empirical formula might overestimate the significant wave height by more than 30%. This study found that with deep-water wave bursts excluded, the transfer function based on the linear wave theory provided a fairly good estimation on the significant wave heights, with an average deviation of 3.6%.  相似文献   
Estimation of the wave height transformation of shoaling and breaking is essential for the nearshore hydrodynamics and the design of coastal structures. Many empirical formulas have been well recognized to the wave height transformation, but most of them were only applicable for gentle slopes. This paper reports the experimental results of wave shoaling and breaking over the steep slopes to examine the applicability of the previous empirical formulas. Two steep bottom slopes of 1/3 and 1/5, and one gentle slope of 1/10 were conducted in the present experiments. Experimental results show that the shoaling distance of steep slopes become short and the surface waves may be partially reflected from the steep bottom, thus the estimation of wave shoaling using the well-known previous formula did not conform completely to the experimental results. The previous empirical formulas for the wave breaking criteria were also examined, and the modified equations to the steep beaches were proposed in this work. A numerical model was finally adopted to calculate the wave height transformation in the surf zone by introducing the modified breaking index.  相似文献   
Modeling of rainfall-triggered shallow landslide   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
By integrating hydrological modeling with the infinite slope stability analysis, a rainfall-triggered shallow landslide model was developed by Iverson (Water Resour Res 36:1897-1910, 2000). In Iverson’s model, the infiltration capacity is assumed to be equivalent to the saturated hydraulic conductivity for finding pressure heads analytically. However, for general infiltration process, the infiltration capacity should vary with time during the period of rain, and the infiltration rate is significantly related to the variable infiltration capacity. To avoid the unrealistically high pressure heads, Iverson employed the beta-line correction by specifying that the simulated pressure heads cannot exceed those given by the beta line. In this study, the suitability of constant infiltration capacity together with the beta-line correction for hydrological modeling and landslide modeling of hillslope subjected to a rainfall is examined. By amending the boundary condition at ground surface of hillslope in Iverson’s model, the modified Iverson’s model with considering general infiltration process is developed to conduct this examination. The results show that the unrealistically high pressure heads from Iverson’s model occur due to the overestimation of infiltration rate induced from the assumption that the infiltration capacity is identical to the saturated hydraulic conductivity. Considering with the general infiltration process, the modified Iverson’s model gives acceptable results. In addition, even though the beta-line correction is applied, the Iverson’s model still produces greater simulated pressure heads and overestimates soil failure potential as compared with the modified Iverson’s model. Therefore, for assessing rainfall-triggered shallow landslide, the use of constant infiltration capacity together with the beta-line correction needs to be replaced by the consideration of general infiltration process.  相似文献   
Precise measurements of neutron star(NS) velocities provide critical clues in regard to the supernova physics and evolution of binary systems. Based on Gaia Data Release 2(DR2), we selected a sample of 24 young( 3 Myr) pulsars with precise parallax measurements and measured the velocity of their local standard of rest(LSR) and the velocity dispersion among their respective local stellar groups. The median velocity difference between thus calculated LSRs and the Galactic rotation model is ~ 7.6 km s~(-1),small compared to the typical velocity dispersion of ~ 27.5 km s~(-1). For pulsars off the Galactic plane,such differences grow significantly to as large as ~ 40 km s~(-1). More importantly, the velocity dispersion of stars in the local group of low-velocity pulsars can be comparable to their transverse velocities, suggesting that the intrinsic velocities of NS progenitors should be taken into account when we consider their natal kicks and binary evolution. We also examined the double NS system J0737-3039 A/B, and measured its transverse velocity to be 26_(-13)~(+18) km s~(-1) assuming nearby Gaia sources are representative of their birth environment. This work demonstrated the feasibility and importance of using Gaia data to study the velocity of individual systems and velocity distribution of NSs.  相似文献   
Multi‐step ahead inflow forecasting has a critical role to play in reservoir operation and management in Taiwan during typhoons as statutory legislation requires a minimum of 3‐h warning to be issued before any reservoir releases are made. However, the complex spatial and temporal heterogeneity of typhoon rainfall, coupled with a remote and mountainous physiographic context, makes the development of real‐time rainfall‐runoff models that can accurately predict reservoir inflow several hours ahead of time challenging. Consequently, there is an urgent, operational requirement for models that can enhance reservoir inflow prediction at forecast horizons of more than 3 h. In this paper, we develop a novel semi‐distributed, data‐driven, rainfall‐runoff model for the Shihmen catchment, north Taiwan. A suite of Adaptive Network‐based Fuzzy Inference System solutions is created using various combinations of autoregressive, spatially lumped radar and point‐based rain gauge predictors. Different levels of spatially aggregated radar‐derived rainfall data are used to generate 4, 8 and 12 sub‐catchment input drivers. In general, the semi‐distributed radar rainfall models outperform their less complex counterparts in predictions of reservoir inflow at lead times greater than 3 h. Performance is found to be optimal when spatial aggregation is restricted to four sub‐catchments, with up to 30% improvements in the performance over lumped and point‐based models being evident at 5‐h lead times. The potential benefits of applying semi‐distributed, data‐driven models in reservoir inflow modelling specifically, and hydrological modelling more generally, are thus demonstrated. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
New pseudosection modelling was applied to better constrain the P–T conditions and evolution of glaucophane‐bearing rocks in the Tamayen block of the Yuli belt, recognized as the world's youngest known blueschist complex. Based on the predominant clinoamphibole, textural relationships, and mineral compositions, these glaucophane‐bearing high‐P rocks can be divided into four types. We focused on the three containing garnet. The chief phase assemblages are (in decreasing mode): amphibole + quartz + epidote + garnet + chlorite + rutile/titanite (Type‐I), phengite + amphibole + quartz + garnet + chlorite + epidote + titanite + biotite + magnetite (Type‐II), and amphibole + quartz + albite + epidote + garnet + rutile + hematite + titanite (Type‐III). Amphibole exhibits compositional zoning from core to rim as follows: glaucophane → pargasitic amphibole → actinolite (Type‐I), barroisite → Mg‐katophorite/taramite → Fe‐glaucophane (Type‐II), glaucophane → winchite (Type‐III). Using petrographic data, mineral compositions and Perple_X modelling (pseudosections and superimposed isopleths), peak P–T conditions were determined as 13 ± 1 kbar and 550 ± 40 °C for Type‐I, 10.5 ± 0.5 kbar and 560 ± 30 °C for Type‐II (thermal peak) and 11 ± 1 kbar and 530 ± 30 °C for Type‐III. The calculations yield higher pressures and temperatures than previously thought; the difference is ~1–6 kbar and 50–200 °C. The three rock types record similar P–T retrograde paths with clockwise trajectories; all rocks followed trajectories with substantial pressure decrease under near‐isothermal conditions (Type‐I and Type‐III), with the probable exception of Type‐II where decompression followed colder geotherms. The P–T paths suggest a tectonic environment in which the rocks were exhumed from maximum depths of ~45 km within a subduction channel along a relative cold geothermal gradient of ~11–14 °C km?1.  相似文献   
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